CDZ What do American Muslims want?

As far as do I want the Government in my bedroom, yes. A bedroom should not be sanctuary for crimes.

So you really want the Government monitoring how you have sex- to be sure that you only have sex that is approved by the government?
So you believe Moslem men should be allowed to rape 10 year old girls if it is in the privacy of the bedroom and under Sharia Law.
As far as do I want the Government in my bedroom, yes. A bedroom should not be sanctuary for crimes.

Would you want law enforcement to be able to break into anyone's house and search their bedrooms at will?

What crimes do you believe Americans habitually commit in their bedrooms?

This is fascinating. Do continue.
I have a problem with Moslem Men living by Sharia Law in their private life.

How would you know?
It was a question, asked. I answered, if you have no problem with Moslem men living by a law of a foreign land, you have no business being a citizen of the USA

ooooh how many times have I heard Christians exclaim with great piety that they are against homosexuality- because of what it says in the Bible.

Do you think that those Christians have no business being a citizen of the United States- because they quote biblical law?
As far as do I want the Government in my bedroom, yes. A bedroom should not be sanctuary for crimes.

So you really want the Government monitoring how you have sex- to be sure that you only have sex that is approved by the government?
So you believe Moslem men should be allowed to rape 10 year old girls if it is in the privacy of the bedroom and under Sharia Law.

So you believe that the government should tell you that you cannot have consensual oral sex with your wife in the privacy of your bedroom?
As far as do I want the Government in my bedroom, yes. A bedroom should not be sanctuary for crimes.

So you really want the Government monitoring how you have sex- to be sure that you only have sex that is approved by the government?
So you believe Moslem men should be allowed to rape 10 year old girls if it is in the privacy of the bedroom and under Sharia Law.

I don't believe anyone should be allowed to rape anyone. Whatever you think you read in any of my posts, it wasn't that. Are you deliberately trying to be inflammatory?
So- you also have a problem with anyone living their private lives according to biblical laws?

You have a problem with Orthodox Jews keeping to Kosher laws?
Our Constitution was built on Biblical Laws.

So let me get this straight(LOL)

So is the Constitution Biblical law?

Where is the Kosher part in the Constitution?

Because again- you object to people living by 'foreign laws'- and Kosher is certainly not in the Constitution.
That's a reach. Ockham's razor would suggest that a simpler explanation is that westernization leads to decreased religiosity, and that's true for Christianity, as well.

Christian disassociation is a more recent phenomena. There is a higher correlation to the spread of liberal thought and attacks on religion.

There is a direct cause and effect of the disassociation from Christianity. And it is common core and an anti Christian pall over our children. Christianity is forbidden. It is assaulted in public schools now. And this has nothing, no thing, to do with separation of church and state.
Religion is alive and well in school. They haven't quit teaching our children how to write. We are teaching them to read and write in Aramaic instead. We have not removed God from school. We have replaced the God that 70% of this country follows, with the God that less than 1% of this country follow. Our children learn the Allah is the one true God now. They wear burkas, and recite pillars, so stop with the "my tax dollars won't pay for religion in school" bullshit, libs. Your tax dollars are paying for a Saudi Arabia curriculum in American classrooms that has Allah written all over it.

LOL....I wonder what the hell school your kid goes to?

My kid goes to a San Francisco public school, with a Muslim minority- no burkas, no reciting pillars- religion is respected- including Christianity, Islam and Judaism- but bullying along religious lines is not- so you wouldn't like it much.

Aramaic? Really? LOL

Religion is doing fine in America.

Luckily the assholes who attack all Muslims don't represent Christianity in America.

Really. Under the guise of calligraphy. The pillars under the guise of history, burkas on trips to mosques. All at once, all over the world, not just in America. It is a global, UN organized effort that does not make the distinction between American Muslims and Muslims:



Your picture is from a school in the Netherlands. The entire story attached to it is completely made up.

FALSE: Photograph Shows U.S. Students Forced to Praise Allah
So- you also have a problem with anyone living their private lives according to biblical laws?

You have a problem with Orthodox Jews keeping to Kosher laws?
Our Constitution was built on Biblical Laws.


The Constitution was based upon Pagan Roman civil law.

If the Constitution had been based upon Biblical laws it would have looked much more like this:


Instead of this:
Sharia is not "a law of a foreign land." Let's start there.

Name it.
You made the assertion that Sharia in not the law, of a foreign land.

No, I did not, your extraneous comma notwithstanding. It is a religious law. Now, if you feel it's the law of a particular land, you need to name that land in order to give any credibility to your feeling.
Just you being an asshole to Muslims.

As opposed to you who thinks if you just hug them more, they'll want to be just like you. Good luck with that to you and Germany...

What happens when huggies don't work:

These people learned that too late. Let's learn from Europe's mistakes instead of destroying this country making our own.
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Just you being an asshole to Muslims.

As opposed to you who thinks if you just hug them more, they'll want to be just like you. Good luck with that to you and France......

Actually Muslim Americans I know are pretty much just like me other than they fast during Ramadan.

One of the reasons I love living in America, is that even though I personally am an atheist, in America we are taught respect Americans regardless of their religion

Well most of us.
Sharia is not "a law of a foreign land." Let's start there.

Name it.
You made the assertion that Sharia in not the law, of a foreign land.

No, I did not, your extraneous comma notwithstanding. It is a religious law. Now, if you feel it's the law of a particular land, you need to name that land in order to give any credibility to your feeling.
You said Sharia is not, a law of a foreign land.

Prove your opinion, it is not my burden to prove every assertion you make is false. So, follow your code, give your post credibility.
Sharia is not "a law of a foreign land." Let's start there.

Name it.
You made the assertion that Sharia in not the law, of a foreign land.

No, I did not, your extraneous comma notwithstanding. It is a religious law. Now, if you feel it's the law of a particular land, you need to name that land in order to give any credibility to your feeling.
You said Sharia is not, a law of a foreign land.

Prove your opinion, it is not my burden to prove every assertion you make is false. So, follow your code, give your post credibility.

You said Sharia is the law of a foreign land- and haven't proven anything.

You then ignore the fact that Americans choose to follow many other laws in addition to the Constitution- including Kosher dietary laws, and Biblical laws.

Claiming once that the Constitution was based upon Biblical law- now upon English Common law- which makes whatever point you thought you were making about the Constitution rather moot.

Americans following kosher law- okay or not okay?

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