CDZ What do American Muslims want?

Just you being an asshole to Muslims.

As opposed to you who thinks if you just hug them more, they'll want to be just like you. Good luck with that to you and France......

I note that you have yet to post any evidence of your claims, preferring instead to post inflammatory hyperbole.

You have facts confused with inflammatory hyperbole. Again, nightly news is evidentiary. Don't know how this whole muslim mess has escaped your attention:

German Chancellor Angela Merkel stood by her Interior Minister, Thomas de Maizière, on Friday after he decided to reapply a regulation requiring refugees to apply for asylum in the first European Union country they arrive in. The decision by de Maizière to strengthen border controls three weeks ago without informing Merkel had caused a great deal of tension within the government.

The move also cast doubt on Merkel's reputation for strong leadership.

Despite this, Merkel defended de Maizière and his reimplementation of the so-called Dublin rule on Friday, stepping away from the open-door policy that had characterized her approach to the refugee crisis.
Speaking at a press conference, the German leader said that "unfortunately," most refugees were flouting the Dublin rules.

Even Mommy Merkel has come to realize that regardless of the culture you expose Muslims to, the results are unfortunate.
Like the sexual assault crisis created by Muslims for instance:
A German train operator has announced a new women and children-only car amid outcry over ‘Muslim migrant sexual attacks’ on young girls and women in Cologne and Berlin.

The reason German citizenry thought opening their doors to masses of muslims was ok, was because at 5% of their population, Muslims seemed friendly and seemed to fit right in.

In 2016 alone, a million of them have migrated to Germany so far. At 5 million, Muslims have created havoc for the citizens of Germany. Obama wants 10 million here.
Now the citizenry is arming itself. Gun sales are soaring. Not because Germany is full of gun nuts, but because it is full of Muslims.

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You said Sharia is the law of a foreign land- and haven't proven anything.

You then ignore the fact that Americans choose to follow many other laws in addition to the Constitution- including Kosher dietary laws, and Biblical laws.

Claiming once that the Constitution was based upon Biblical law- now upon English Common law- which makes whatever point you thought you were making about the Constitution rather moot.

Americans following kosher law- okay or not okay?
How about quoting me, instead of making wild assertions.

Kosher laws? Biblical laws? What is a biblical law, thou shall not steal? All men are created equal? Certainly one can see how our Constitution has a basis in biblical principles, or laws, on tenets, whatever you wish to call them.

But you ask about Jewish Dietary rules as if they are the equivalent of Sharia Law?

Sharia Law, and what Moslems want, if it is Sharia Law, then they have no business being in the USA, We are governed by the Constitution, period.
Well that would depend on your definition of "Sharia Law" then.

Would you care if a devout Muslim decides to live by Sharia law in his private life, so long as it didn't conflict with American law? Or even if two Muslims agree between themselves to use Sharia law as the basis to decide disputes between them?
Yes, I have a problem with Moslem Men living by Sharia Law in their private life.

There can be only one law in the USA, that of the Constitution. should be illegal?
You said Sharia is the law of a foreign land- and haven't proven anything.

You then ignore the fact that Americans choose to follow many other laws in addition to the Constitution- including Kosher dietary laws, and Biblical laws.

Claiming once that the Constitution was based upon Biblical law- now upon English Common law- which makes whatever point you thought you were making about the Constitution rather moot.

Americans following kosher law- okay or not okay?
How about quoting me, instead of making wild assertions.

Kosher laws? Biblical laws? What is a biblical law, thou shall not steal? All men are created equal? Certainly one can see how our Constitution has a basis in biblical principles, or laws, on tenets, whatever you wish to call them.

But you ask about Jewish Dietary rules as if they are the equivalent of Sharia Law?

Sharia Law, and what Moslems want, if it is Sharia Law, then they have no business being in the USA, We are governed by the Constitution, period.

Where in the Constitution does it say "thou shalt not steal"?
Well that would depend on your definition of "Sharia Law" then.

Would you care if a devout Muslim decides to live by Sharia law in his private life, so long as it didn't conflict with American law? Or even if two Muslims agree between themselves to use Sharia law as the basis to decide disputes between them?
Yes, I have a problem with Moslem Men living by Sharia Law in their private life.

There can be only one law in the USA, that of the Constitution. should be illegal?

Does Kosher advocate death to infidels? Are we being forced to accept Kosher at the risk of being labeled hater, or bigot? Are we removing sea salt for example, and replacing it with Kosher salt as the salt of peace? And is your post germane to what Muslims in America want? ;)
You said Sharia is the law of a foreign land- and haven't proven anything.

You then ignore the fact that Americans choose to follow many other laws in addition to the Constitution- including Kosher dietary laws, and Biblical laws.

Claiming once that the Constitution was based upon Biblical law- now upon English Common law- which makes whatever point you thought you were making about the Constitution rather moot.

Americans following kosher law- okay or not okay?
How about quoting me, instead of making wild assertions.

Kosher laws? Biblical laws? What is a biblical law, thou shall not steal? All men are created equal? Certainly one can see how our Constitution has a basis in biblical principles, or laws, on tenets, whatever you wish to call them.

But you ask about Jewish Dietary rules as if they are the equivalent of Sharia Law?

Sharia Law, and what Moslems want, if it is Sharia Law, then they have no business being in the USA, We are governed by the Constitution, period.
Kosher is part of halakah, Jewish religious law. Are you saying if Jews want to use religious law, like some muslims use sharia, to settle civil matters, they have no business being in the US?
Well that would depend on your definition of "Sharia Law" then.

Would you care if a devout Muslim decides to live by Sharia law in his private life, so long as it didn't conflict with American law? Or even if two Muslims agree between themselves to use Sharia law as the basis to decide disputes between them?
Yes, I have a problem with Moslem Men living by Sharia Law in their private life.

There can be only one law in the USA, that of the Constitution. should be illegal?

Does Kosher advocate death to infidels? Are we being forced to accept Kosher at the risk of being labeled hater, or bigot? Are we removing sea salt for example, and replacing it with Kosher salt as the salt of peace? And is your post germane to what Muslims in America want? ;)
I don't think you know much about Jewish religious law or Sharia.
Kosher is part of halakah, Jewish religious law. Are you saying if Jews want to use religious law, like some muslims use sharia, to settle civil matters, they have no business being in the US?
My statement was pretty clear, was it not?

State a specific civil matter, and we can discuss it.
Where in the Constitution does it say "thou shalt not steal"?

You'll find what you are searching for not in the Constitution, but at the Highest Court in this land. The one that upholds our laws, our Constitution:
As you walk up the steps to the building which houses the U.S. Supreme Court you can see near the top of the building a row of the world’s law givers and each one is facing one in the middle who is facing forward with a full frontal view – it is Moses and he is holding the Ten Commandments.

A Constitution isn't a piece of paper. It is this:
Constitution-a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.

All in all, the fundamental principles we have chosen to be governed by seem to be pretty upstanding, even if they were given to Moses, and not George Washington first. As a nation we would do well to embrace them again, rather than vilify them.
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Well that would depend on your definition of "Sharia Law" then.

Would you care if a devout Muslim decides to live by Sharia law in his private life, so long as it didn't conflict with American law? Or even if two Muslims agree between themselves to use Sharia law as the basis to decide disputes between them?
Yes, I have a problem with Moslem Men living by Sharia Law in their private life.

There can be only one law in the USA, that of the Constitution. should be illegal?

Does Kosher advocate death to infidels? Are we being forced to accept Kosher at the risk of being labeled hater, or bigot? Are we removing sea salt for example, and replacing it with Kosher salt as the salt of peace? And is your post germane to what Muslims in America want? ;)
I don't think you know much about Jewish religious law or Sharia.

It was a tongue in cheek reminder to stay on topic. What does Jewish law have to do with what American muslims want, or immigration?
What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Try to stay on topic and not derail the thread...
What I find astonishing in this thread, is that a few people turned this into an attack on Americans. We are forced to defend ourselves, to defend our laws, to defend our Constitution, as if we have something to be ashamed of, as if we are guilty.

We can not discuss Moslems, everything is about how bad Americans are.

I state unequivocally that Sharia Law should not be practiced is the USA. Further, it should not be practiced in foreign countries.

Islam and Sharia law seem to have no place on Earth, period.

Are Woman equal, under Sharia Law and Islam? From what I see, the answer is no.

As long as we allow Sharia Law an Islam to exist, we are a tiny pathetic people.
She has no proof. :lol:

You made the claim, it is your responsibility to support it with proof. The "proof" you provided is clearly spurious.
I did, she simply dismissed it out of hand for some trivial reason.

I provided multiple sources indicating that your poll was poorly constructed. Perhaps you can find some evidence that the Pew poll I used as a source is similarly flawed?
I saw no pew poll.

It was linked to in post #2 of this thread, and, in an earlier question from you I stated that.
I have no idea what that means, why don't you just repost the link?
You said Sharia is the law of a foreign land- and haven't proven anything.

You then ignore the fact that Americans choose to follow many other laws in addition to the Constitution- including Kosher dietary laws, and Biblical laws.

Claiming once that the Constitution was based upon Biblical law- now upon English Common law- which makes whatever point you thought you were making about the Constitution rather moot.

Americans following kosher law- okay or not okay?
How about quoting me, instead of making wild assertions.

Kosher laws? Biblical laws? What is a biblical law, thou shall not steal? All men are created equal? Certainly one can see how our Constitution has a basis in biblical principles, or laws, on tenets, whatever you wish to call them.

But you ask about Jewish Dietary rules as if they are the equivalent of Sharia Law?

Sharia Law, and what Moslems want, if it is Sharia Law, then they have no business being in the USA, We are governed by the Constitution, period.
Kosher is part of halakah, Jewish religious law. Are you saying if Jews want to use religious law, like some muslims use sharia, to settle civil matters, they have no business being in the US?
Using sharia law screws the women out of everything. Is that what you want for American Muslim women?
Since we devolve into Christian v. Muslim comparisons, how many Muslim hospitals do we have in the US v. Christian sponsored ones. How many soup kitchens/food pantries? Orphanages? Medical clinics? Homeless shelters?

As far as spreading the word in an offensive way, those loudspeakers calling to prayer five times a day are pretty annoying. Your smart phone works for that.

Excellent idea.
Please convey that to my neighbor up the street who insists on pacing back and forth on her porch preaching to the rest of the street from her perch at the top of a natural ampitheater.
Poor you. There's a local woman who sometimes comes into the local diner and does her bible thumping Jesus saves thing in this loud voice that carries through the whole place. But she is actually speaking to the people at her table (supposedly) so the waitresses seldom intervene. She drives me NUTS.

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