CDZ What do American Muslims want?

That is what I remembered. The passages in the Koran are making the same point. Neither condones rape.
"there are several verses in this book (koran) which give the green light to rape and other sexual crimes against women."

Rape in Islam - WikiIslam

It goes on to give a list of verses.
I am struggling with this assertion that only Muslims do bad things and that we never hear of Christians doing bad things.

Bosnian genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The evidence is that Christians are more than capable of savage behaviour and it doesnt help the debate to continually deny the fact.
Your mental struggles are documented on this site every day...Limey.

No one stated Christians never do bad things nor did anyone state only Muslims do bad things.

Just another example of your mental retardation....Limey.
Well there are several examples of this on this thread. Its basically a dishonest debate to suggest that Christians have a moral superiority to other religions.
I think you might want to consider that you are posting in the CDZ as well.

2. To realize the difference, watch the news for a week and then compare atrocities. There will be no reports of Christians for example, slaughtering children at their school desks, or beheading, or lowering people in vats of acid, etc. by militant Christians. Or any other religious group that I know of, except Muslims.

You compare Today's actions with today's religion. You don't reach into the ancient past and point and say, see they did it too. What matters is what are they still doing. Muslims are still using violence against non-muslims for being non-muslims.

We're talking about Muslims in America. Do you have any evidence to indicate that American Muslims do not support freedom of belief?
piss on a Quran and see what they think of your freedom.
Put a Shit covered Quran in a NY museum and see if it gets the same response as the shit covered cross did.

What does that have to do with providing any evidence to indicate that American Muslims do not support freedom of belief?

Remember Piss Christ? That provoked a lot of outrage and some violence.
How many people got beheaded or raped? How many got thrown off a damn building for being gay?
Christians don't do that shit, Muslims do.
Which would you prefer...that Limeyland be an Islamic republic or a Christian republic? No other choices. Pick one.

Your argument is logically fallacious because it is based on a fallacy known as a false dichotomy, which posits only two choices when there are many more possible options.

I'd prefer that all nations be places where people can worship according to the dictates of their conscience, or not at all.
Maybe the reason it's so easy for everyone to confuse terrorism with Islam is that Islam is a theocratic faith. So anytime Islamic terrorists who are attempting to lead others start engaging in warfare, we blame it on the religion instead of on the politics and the leaders. Do we blame the North Korean dictator's actions on his religion? No. His religion is not in a 'ruling' position in North Korea.
What I'm trying to say is, it is the leaders and the politics that are causing the terrorism, for the exact same reasons that every group and nation has started wars--wish for resources, power, etc. It is not Islam which drives terrorism, although is is being justified as a 'holy war' by their leaders . As has been pointed out here, if you dig into the Koran, you will find places that justify violence and abhorrent practices, but the Old Testament has plenty of those, as well, if you hunt for them.
You're wrong, it's not just the leader causing terrorism, as leaders never highjack the airplane, blow up their shoes or underwear, or attack Westerners, it's the regular Muslim Joe who does that.
The chart/poll is fairly inconclusive on any issue. Almost equal number of strong religious affliation between Muslims and Christians. I suppose if you asked Christians whether they supported abortion bombers, you'd get even fewer supporters. Who admits to supporting terrorists?

I think one of the most basic things Americans consider about their government is the concept of equality. This makes how a religion looks at women a far better indicator than homosexuality. The poll was also taken in 2011, since then ISIS has come into being.

Also, wouldn't more recent immigrants be MORE new nation first? Not sure what the curve on that looks like, but normally folks came here with highly idealized views of America.
Maybe the reason it's so easy for everyone to confuse terrorism with Islam is that Islam is a theocratic faith. So anytime Islamic terrorists who are attempting to lead others start engaging in warfare, we blame it on the religion instead of on the politics and the leaders. Do we blame the North Korean dictator's actions on his religion? No. His religion is not in a 'ruling' position in North Korea.
What I'm trying to say is, it is the leaders and the politics that are causing the terrorism, for the exact same reasons that every group and nation has started wars--wish for resources, power, etc. It is not Islam which drives terrorism, although is is being justified as a 'holy war' by their leaders . As has been pointed out here, if you dig into the Koran, you will find places that justify violence and abhorrent practices, but the Old Testament has plenty of those, as well, if you hunt for them.

If a person is motivated by an ideology to commit horrible acts geared towards spreading such an ideology, then the ideology, is, indeed the problem.

"Well, it wasn't the National Socialism that was the problem in Germany, you see, it was just individuals acting alone with barely any connection to the ideology".
A religion that runs nations literally, metes out justice through its own courts and influences society to the point of dress and who can drive a car? Yet there is this HUGE jump to say they do not influence terrorists?
Maybe the reason it's so easy for everyone to confuse terrorism with Islam is that Islam is a theocratic faith. So anytime Islamic terrorists who are attempting to lead others start engaging in warfare, we blame it on the religion instead of on the politics and the leaders. Do we blame the North Korean dictator's actions on his religion? No. His religion is not in a 'ruling' position in North Korea.
What I'm trying to say is, it is the leaders and the politics that are causing the terrorism, for the exact same reasons that every group and nation has started wars--wish for resources, power, etc. It is not Islam which drives terrorism, although is is being justified as a 'holy war' by their leaders . As has been pointed out here, if you dig into the Koran, you will find places that justify violence and abhorrent practices, but the Old Testament has plenty of those, as well, if you hunt for them.
You're wrong, it's not just the leader causing terrorism, as leaders never highjack the airplane, blow up their shoes or underwear, or attack Westerners, it's the regular Muslim Joe who does that.
You don't believe those Muslim Joes are acting as soldiers for their leaders who inspired them? I do.
There are a lot of conflicting claims made about the American Muslim community, and a lot of it, in my opinion, follows a conspiracy theory type logic - particularly those involving some groups hidden agenda to take over America/the world etc and destroy the Constitution. Often there is little solid evidence to support it, just fear-mongering and a certain intellectual lazyness that refuses to look at complex issues for what they are: complex.

The most disturbing of these views is the claim that a majority of American Muslims want Sharia to be the law of the land (overruling the Constitution) and that subsequently, American Muslims represent a "fifth column", an attitude similar to attitudes towards Japanese Americans during WW2. This attitude culminates in expressions such as Muslims can't be patriotic Americans, Muslims will socially explode once they reach a "critical mass" and start demanding Sharia, etc.

The points I'd like to look at are:
What do Muslims in AMERICA want?
Are they any different than other religious groups in America?
What does this say about Muslim immigration in America vs other countries?

What do most Muslim Americans want?

In my opinion:

The American Dream that includes freedom of religion, their children having a better life, and not worrying if the Dictator State they left behind will genocide their entire family because they do not belong to a certain part of the Muslim population...

Are there radicals here in the states that would love to turn America into the next Iran or Sharia State?

Yes, but they are the minority and would be put down quickly even by their own Muslim community.

The reality is this Country has had to have a group of people to hate and blame for the issues within this country.

The Native American, Irish, Italians, Blacks, Mexicans, Hispanics, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Jews, Catholics, Mormons and now the Muslims ( I am sure I forgot the Germans and some other group ) have all endure some sort of racism or prejudice and that is the sad fact of reality of this fine nation...
That is what I remembered. The passages in the Koran are making the same point. Neither condones rape.
"there are several verses in this book (koran) which give the green light to rape and other sexual crimes against women."

Rape in Islam - WikiIslam

It goes on to give a list of verses.
I am struggling with this assertion that only Muslims do bad things and that we never hear of Christians doing bad things.

Bosnian genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The evidence is that Christians are more than capable of savage behaviour and it doesnt help the debate to continually deny the fact.

A little testing question for you, Tommy.

How many terrorist groups are there in the world that are Christian ones ? That say they bomb, mutilate, murder, in the name of Christ ?

How many terrorist groups are there in the world that are MUSLIM ones ? That say they bomb, mutilate, murder, for Allah, to serve Islam ??

Show me a parity of numbers of groups, or parity of proven terrorist intent. An equivalent Christian, say, to Islam's Osama bin Laden, for example. The Christian equivalent to 9/11, or 7/7, etc etc etc ....

Give it all your best shot, Tommy, my son ....
Maybe the reason it's so easy for everyone to confuse terrorism with Islam is that Islam is a theocratic faith. So anytime Islamic terrorists who are attempting to lead others start engaging in warfare, we blame it on the religion instead of on the politics and the leaders. Do we blame the North Korean dictator's actions on his religion? No. His religion is not in a 'ruling' position in North Korea.
What I'm trying to say is, it is the leaders and the politics that are causing the terrorism, for the exact same reasons that every group and nation has started wars--wish for resources, power, etc. It is not Islam which drives terrorism, although is is being justified as a 'holy war' by their leaders . As has been pointed out here, if you dig into the Koran, you will find places that justify violence and abhorrent practices, but the Old Testament has plenty of those, as well, if you hunt for them.

If a person is motivated by an ideology to commit horrible acts geared towards spreading such an ideology, then the ideology, is, indeed the problem.

"Well, it wasn't the National Socialism that was the problem in Germany, you see, it was just individuals acting alone with barely any connection to the ideology".
Actually, I agree with the statement you chose. Socialism itself wasn't the problem; it was the leader, Hitler. He killed his opposition in the government and quickly took a despotic role, singling out Jews as the people's scapegoat and killing all who opposed him.
I understand what you are saying; I'm not explaining the difference very well, but the OP did a very good job of demonstrating that even Muslim theocracies are not, for the most part, participating as aggressors in this war. ISIS and AQ do not represent Islam. They represent terrorists who happen to be Muslim. The leaders may be saying "kill all infidels," because that furthers their wish for conquest, but it is not primarily the religion fueling that aggression. It is just plain human aggression in the same old form it has always taken. Ugly killing of others.
What strife?

Dearborn has no problems.

The so called "death to america" chant has been debunked.
How has it been debunked when we have video of them saying it.

The audio of the video is very unclear.

In addition to the video being nearly two years old, no portions appeared to include chants of "death to America." A description of the clip stated:

Protest in downtown Chicago. Palestinian supporters were protesting the bombings in Gaza.

You lost all credibility with that statement.
And Dearborn is trying to force Sharia law on non-muslims.

How is Dearborn trying to force Sharia law on non-muslims (or even muslims)?
By praying in the streets and clogging up traffic, are you dense?
Debunked hell xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
City in Michigan First to Fully Implement Sharia Law

Praying in the streets and clogging up traffic? How often does that ever happen?
Every Friday.
In some countries 3 times a day 7 days a week.

We're talking about the US, and even there it clearly doesn't happen every Friday. I've never seen it at our town's mosque nor at the one's where my mother lives when I'm down there.
"51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S."

51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S.

And don't forget to add all the liars to the 51%, and all the people too afraid to say it to a census person... And the question "would you mind if the US was sharia?" wasn't asked, which would have added a whole bunch of Islamists.

That's the same "poll" who's methodology has been widely descredited: Donald Trump’s call to ban Muslim immigrants is based on a very shoddy poll

Trump cites shaky survey in call to ban Muslims from entering US

That's why I tend to use Pew - they're reputable, and I haven't heard complaints from either the left or the right.
No, that isn't true - many countries have Muslim populations with no more strife then that caused by other groups. The U.S. for example.
Dearborn Michigan.
Strife is there you just have to open your eyes.
Muslims in Chicago Chant “Death to America”. Where Was the Mainstream Media on This?

What strife?

Dearborn has no problems.

The so called "death to america" chant has been debunked.
How has it been debunked when we have video of them saying it.

The audio of the video is very unclear.

In addition to the video being nearly two years old, no portions appeared to include chants of "death to America." A description of the clip stated:

Protest in downtown Chicago. Palestinian supporters were protesting the bombings in Gaza.

You lost all credibility with that statement.
And Dearborn is trying to force Sharia law on non-muslims.

How is Dearborn trying to force Sharia law on non-muslims (or even muslims)?
By praying in the streets and clogging up traffic, are you dense?
Debunked hell your just trying to see how many people will put you on ignore for such bullshit your spouting.
City in Michigan First to Fully Implement Sharia Law

Nobody is that fucking stupid.
In a surprise weekend vote, the city council of Dearborn, Michigan voted 4-3 to became the first US city to officially implement all aspects of Sharia Law. The tough new law, slated to go into effect January 1st, addresses secular law including crime, politics and economics as well as personal matters such as sexual intercourse, fasting, prayer, diet and hygiene.

The new law could see citizens stoned for adultery or having a limb amputated for theft. Lesser offenses, such as drinking alcohol or abortion, could result in flogging and/or caning. In addition, the law imposes harsh laws with regards to women and allows for child marriage.

- See more at: City in Michigan First to Fully Implement Sharia Law
I'm getting sick and tired of ignorant liberals.

Snopes search took 0.53 seconds:

>> By the following day links and excerpts referencing this article were being circulated via social media, with many of those who encountered the item mistaking it for a genuine news article. However, the article was just a bit of satire from the National Report, a web site that publishes outrageous fictional stories such as "IRS Plans to Target Leprechauns Next," "Boy Scouts Announce Boobs Merit Badge," and "New CDC Study Indicates Pets of Gay Couples Worse at Sports, Better at Fashion Than Pets of Straight Couples."

The National Report's disclaimer page notes:National Report is a news and political satire web publication, which may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. All news articles contained within National Report are fiction, and presumably fake news. Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental. <<
"51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S."

51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S.

And don't forget to add all the liars to the 51%, and all the people too afraid to say it to a census person... And the question "would you mind if the US was sharia?" wasn't asked, which would have added a whole bunch of Islamists.

That's the same "poll" who's methodology has been widely descredited: Donald Trump’s call to ban Muslim immigrants is based on a very shoddy poll

Trump cites shaky survey in call to ban Muslims from entering US

That's why I tend to use Pew - they're reputable, and I haven't heard complaints from either the left or the right.
I don't know why you're trying to associate me with that lunatic, maybe because that's all you have for a comeback is a smear?
60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam, and if you add in the ones who wouldn't say so because of a job...? That makes easily 2/3 of young Muslims who prefer sharia.
The points I'd like to look at are:

What do Muslims in AMERICA want?
Are they any different than other religious groups in America?
What does this say about Muslim immigration in America vs other countries?

1. Geography is not germane. Muslims in America want the same thing as Muslims elsewhere want. They read the same Quran. They want slow painful deaths to infidels.

2. To realize the difference, watch the news for a week and then compare atrocities. There will be no reports of Christians for example, slaughtering children at their school desks, or beheading, or lowering people in vats of acid, etc. by militant Christians. Or any other religious group that I know of, except Muslims.

3. It says that we will be thrown into the same state of insanity that is now Germany, France, Poland, Greece.....

It is a UN directive. A Muslim diaspora. And death. There is only one candidate that wants us out of the encroaching UN. Trump 2016
The OP carefully presented the facts, which are that American Muslims have different views than Muslims elsewhere. American Muslims are more similar to other Americans than different. The majority do not support principles embedded in Sharia law.
How do you continue to repeat the same hate filled propaganda with no consideration for the truth?
Agreed....generally. Let's not forget the many terrorist acts in the US by American Muslims.

What "many"? And, how does that compare with the many committed by non-Muslims in America?
That is what I remembered. The passages in the Koran are making the same point. Neither condones rape.
"there are several verses in this book (koran) which give the green light to rape and other sexual crimes against women."

Rape in Islam - WikiIslam

It goes on to give a list of verses.
I am struggling with this assertion that only Muslims do bad things and that we never hear of Christians doing bad things.

Bosnian genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The evidence is that Christians are more than capable of savage behaviour and it doesnt help the debate to continually deny the fact.
Christians stopped killing in the name of Jesus and god a long, long time ago. Your one example in Bosnia is bogus because they weren't doing it for god or Jesus, and it was one isolated case, not part of mainstream Christianity like jihad is in the Muslim community.
So christian murderers arent christian but muslim murderers are muslim ?
OK, if you say so.
Christians aren't murdering for god or because it says so in their holy book. Muslims do that all the time. What's so hard for you to understand?

What's so hard to understand about the phrase "having it both ways"?

When "we" does it they's jest outliers who ain't Kershchuns nohow, but when "they" does it, they's follerin' they holy book. That about it?
"51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S."

51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S.

And don't forget to add all the liars to the 51%, and all the people too afraid to say it to a census person... And the question "would you mind if the US was sharia?" wasn't asked, which would have added a whole bunch of Islamists.

That's the same "poll" who's methodology has been widely descredited: Donald Trump’s call to ban Muslim immigrants is based on a very shoddy poll

Trump cites shaky survey in call to ban Muslims from entering US

That's why I tend to use Pew - they're reputable, and I haven't heard complaints from either the left or the right.
I don't know why you're trying to associate me with that lunatic, maybe because that's all you have for a comeback is a smear?
60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam, and if you add in the ones who wouldn't say so because of a job...? That makes easily 2/3 of young Muslims who prefer sharia.

I'm not trying to associate you with him - it's just that that article discussed the poll's failings. Not all polls are equal - some are sloppy and inaccurate, others are reputable. When you have a poll that represents such an outlier, it's a good idea to examine it more closely.
The points I'd like to look at are:

What do Muslims in AMERICA want?
Are they any different than other religious groups in America?
What does this say about Muslim immigration in America vs other countries?

1. Geography is not germane. Muslims in America want the same thing as Muslims elsewhere want. They read the same Quran. They want slow painful deaths to infidels.

2. To realize the difference, watch the news for a week and then compare atrocities. There will be no reports of Christians for example, slaughtering children at their school desks, or beheading, or lowering people in vats of acid, etc. by militant Christians. Or any other religious group that I know of, except Muslims.

3. It says that we will be thrown into the same state of insanity that is now Germany, France, Poland, Greece.....

It is a UN directive. A Muslim diaspora. And death. There is only one candidate that wants us out of the encroaching UN. Trump 2016
The OP carefully presented the facts, which are that American Muslims have different views than Muslims elsewhere. American Muslims are more similar to other Americans than different. The majority do not support principles embedded in Sharia law.
How do you continue to repeat the same hate filled propaganda with no consideration for the truth?
Agreed....generally. Let's not forget the many terrorist acts in the US by American Muslims.

Yeah let's do exactly that.
"there are several verses in this book (koran) which give the green light to rape and other sexual crimes against women."

Rape in Islam - WikiIslam

It goes on to give a list of verses.
I am struggling with this assertion that only Muslims do bad things and that we never hear of Christians doing bad things.

Bosnian genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The evidence is that Christians are more than capable of savage behaviour and it doesnt help the debate to continually deny the fact.
Christians stopped killing in the name of Jesus and god a long, long time ago. Your one example in Bosnia is bogus because they weren't doing it for god or Jesus, and it was one isolated case, not part of mainstream Christianity like jihad is in the Muslim community.
So christian murderers arent christian but muslim murderers are muslim ?
OK, if you say so.
Christians aren't murdering for god or because it says so in their holy book. Muslims do that all the time. What's so hard for you to understand?

What's so hard to understand about the phrase "having it both ways"?

When "we" does it they's jest outliers who ain't Kershchuns nohow, but when "they" does it, they's follerin' they holy book. That about it?
If you're comparing Muslim terrorists to Christian terrorists as being equal, that's like arguing that the number 600 million is the same as the number 4. Good luck with that.
"51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S."

51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S.

And don't forget to add all the liars to the 51%, and all the people too afraid to say it to a census person... And the question "would you mind if the US was sharia?" wasn't asked, which would have added a whole bunch of Islamists.

That's the same "poll" who's methodology has been widely descredited: Donald Trump’s call to ban Muslim immigrants is based on a very shoddy poll

Trump cites shaky survey in call to ban Muslims from entering US

That's why I tend to use Pew - they're reputable, and I haven't heard complaints from either the left or the right.

Will it take more than 51 percent of America's Muslims to perpetrate any new '9/11' ?

Trump very rightly has the security of America in his thoughts. He knows that only a small percentage need be actively hostile for the US to be further threatened ... but, by your thinking, does that mean that Trump has no right to propose precautionary measures against increasing the chances of attack ?

Does he have no right - just because some 'PC' brand of thinking says so - to defend you .. and to do his job, as President, once elected ??

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