CDZ What do American Muslims want?

The chart/poll is fairly inconclusive on any issue. Almost equal number of strong religious affliation between Muslims and Christians. I suppose if you asked Christians whether they supported abortion bombers, you'd get even fewer supporters. Who admits to supporting terrorists?

I think one of the most basic things Americans consider about their government is the concept of equality. This makes how a religion looks at women a far better indicator than homosexuality. The poll was also taken in 2011, since then ISIS has come into being.

Also, wouldn't more recent immigrants be MORE new nation first? Not sure what the curve on that looks like, but normally folks came here with highly idealized views of America.

How is it "inconclusive" on "any issue"? Do you think opinions have drastically changed in 5 years and if so, how?

I mentioned ISIS correct? The terrorize in place grew out of that.
"there are several verses in this book (koran) which give the green light to rape and other sexual crimes against women."

Rape in Islam - WikiIslam

It goes on to give a list of verses.
I am struggling with this assertion that only Muslims do bad things and that we never hear of Christians doing bad things.

Bosnian genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The evidence is that Christians are more than capable of savage behaviour and it doesnt help the debate to continually deny the fact.
Your mental struggles are documented on this site every day...Limey.

No one stated Christians never do bad things nor did anyone state only Muslims do bad things.

Just another example of your mental retardation....Limey.
Well there are several examples of this on this thread. Its basically a dishonest debate to suggest that Christians have a moral superiority to other religions.
I think you might want to consider that you are posting in the CDZ as well.

2. To realize the difference, watch the news for a week and then compare atrocities. There will be no reports of Christians for example, slaughtering children at their school desks, or beheading, or lowering people in vats of acid, etc. by militant Christians. Or any other religious group that I know of, except Muslims.

You compare Today's actions with today's religion. You don't reach into the ancient past and point and say, see they did it too. What matters is what are they still doing. Muslims are still using violence against non-muslims for being non-muslims.

piss on a Quran and see what they think of your freedom.
Put a Shit covered Quran in a NY museum and see if it gets the same response as the shit covered cross did.

What does that have to do with providing any evidence to indicate that American Muslims do not support freedom of belief?

Remember Piss Christ? That provoked a lot of outrage and some violence.
How many people got beheaded or raped? How many got thrown off a damn building for being gay?
Christians don't do that shit, Muslims do.
Which would you prefer...that Limeyland be an Islamic republic or a Christian republic? No other choices. Pick one.

Your argument is logically fallacious because it is based on a fallacy known as a false dichotomy, which posits only two choices when there are many more possible options.

I'd prefer that all nations be places where people can worship according to the dictates of their conscience, or not at all.
Agreed. However when faced with only those two choices, should one choose Islamic republic, we then then know that person is nuts.

Consider it a test of one's mental state.
The OP carefully presented the facts, which are that American Muslims have different views than Muslims elsewhere. American Muslims are more similar to other Americans than different. The majority do not support principles embedded in Sharia law.
How do you continue to repeat the same hate filled propaganda with no consideration for the truth?

In that case there must be two different Qurans. One must have replaced the creed that peace is achieved by killing the infidels, with live and let live.
So where are these Muslims that want to be just like the great Satan? Why is there even a discussion of banning Sharia Law in America, since the majority don't support it, and where did you dream up this great divide between Muslims that want to remain true to their faith, and those reject it for apple pie and mom?
1) The "unscientific" but undeniable reality that the millions of Muslims living in this country are living here peaceably and 2) the Pew poll referenced by the OP. That is where I 'dreamed up' what Muslims in America really think--by seeing how they behave and asking them (the Muslims, not you) what they think.
Since we devolve into Christian v. Muslim comparisons, how many Muslim hospitals do we have in the US v. Christian sponsored ones. How many soup kitchens/food pantries? Orphanages? Medical clinics? Homeless shelters?

As far as spreading the word in an offensive way, those loudspeakers calling to prayer five times a day are pretty annoying. Your smart phone works for that.
The OP carefully presented the facts, which are that American Muslims have different views than Muslims elsewhere. American Muslims are more similar to other Americans than different. The majority do not support principles embedded in Sharia law.
How do you continue to repeat the same hate filled propaganda with no consideration for the truth?

In that case there must be two different Qurans. One must have replaced the creed that peace is achieved by killing the infidels, with live and let live.
So where are these Muslims that want to be just like the great Satan? Why is there even a discussion of banning Sharia Law in America, since the majority don't support it, and where did you dream up this great divide between Muslims that want to remain true to their faith, and those reject it for apple pie and mom?

What does "being true to their faith" mean exactly? The Quran is full of passages that extol violence and full of passages that extol peace and tolerance. The Bible is is full of passages that extol violence and full of passages that extol peace and tolerance. Both are the religious books for a major world faith.

Given that, why is a different standard being applied to Muslims, the Quran, and Islam then is applied to Christians, the Bible, and Christianity or Jews, the OT and Judaism?

Is a Christian, that refuses to follow the biblical mandates calling for killing, stoning or exterminating unbelievers untrue to their faith?

Of course not.

What you are saying is American Muslims (only) can't possibly be true to their faith if they embrace a more peaceful understanding of it?
Since we devolve into Christian v. Muslim comparisons, how many Muslim hospitals do we have in the US v. Christian sponsored ones. How many soup kitchens/food pantries? Orphanages? Medical clinics? Homeless shelters?

As far as spreading the word in an offensive way, those loudspeakers calling to prayer five times a day are pretty annoying. Your smart phone works for that.

Excellent idea.
Please convey that to my neighbor up the street who insists on pacing back and forth on her porch preaching to the rest of the street from her perch at the top of a natural ampitheater.
The reason there is an appearance of Muslims living anywhere in peace has a direct correlation to the % of Muslims. We can still pretend that our culture is just so wonderful that the Muslims are compelled to turn their back on their culture in favor of ours and live happily ever after in the great Satan.
Instead, let's look at percentages and see if any of what is below is an accurate depiction to the countries listed.

As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone. < (does that sound familiar? Can you find that mindset in this very thread?)
In fact, they may be featured in articles and films, stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness:
United States — Muslim 1.0%
Australia — Muslim 1.5%
Canada — Muslim 1.9%
China — Muslim 1%-2%
Italy — Muslim 1.5%
Norway — Muslim 1.8%

At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs:
Denmark — Muslim 2%
Germany — Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom — Muslim 2.7%
Spain — Muslim 4%
Thailand — Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population.
They will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves — along with threats for failure to comply. (United States ).
France — Muslim 8%
Philippines — Muslim 5%
Sweden — Muslim 5%
Switzerland — Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands — Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad &Tobago — Muslim 5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions ( Paris –car-burnings) . Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats ( Amsterdam – Mohammed cartoons).
Guyana — Muslim 10%
India — Muslim 13.4%
Israel — Muslim 16%
Kenya — Muslim 10%
Russia — Muslim 10-15%

After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning:
Ethiopia — Muslim 32.8%

At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare:
Bosnia — Muslim 40%
Chad — Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon — Muslim 59.7%

From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels:
Albania — Muslim 70%
Malaysia — Muslim 60.4%
Qatar — Muslim 77.5%
Sudan — Muslim 70%

After 80% expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide:
Bangladesh — Muslim 83%
Egypt — Muslim 90%
Gaza — Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia — Muslim 86.1%
Iran — Muslim 98%
Iraq — Muslim 97%
Jordan — Muslim 92%
Morocco — Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan — Muslim 97%
Palestine — Muslim 99%
Syria — Muslim 90%
Tajikistan — Muslim 90%
Turkey — Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates — Muslim 96%

100% will usher in the peace of ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ — the Islamic House of Peace — there’s supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim:
Afghanistan — Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia — Muslim 100%
Somalia — Muslim 100%
Yemen — Muslim 99.9%
Since we devolve into Christian v. Muslim comparisons, how many Muslim hospitals do we have in the US v. Christian sponsored ones. How many soup kitchens/food pantries? Orphanages? Medical clinics? Homeless shelters?

Comparatively speaking, Christians have some catching up to do, considering they comprise over 70% of the U.S. population. Muslims, at less than 1% of the U.S. population, offer the following:

Your next question will undoubtedly be "But do you have to be Muslim to take advantage of these?" and I'm sure your curiosity will compel you to research that for yourself.

I'm just trying to remember whether it was a Muslim nonprofit or an ad hoc group that sent tens of thousands of bottles of water to Flint, Michigan (Muslim population 2.9%) during their water crisis...I can look that up.

In addition, nearly 5% of American physicians are Muslim. Not sure of the numbers of nurses, PAs, and other medical staff.

As far as spreading the word in an offensive way, those loudspeakers calling to prayer five times a day are pretty annoying. Your smart phone works for that.

If only it worked for the church bells in my former neighborhood - also recordings, some of them old enough to hear the scratches on the vinyl. Might have made it a little less ironic that they were playing the Angelus the day I got "excessed" from my job on five minutes' notice (I found out later it was because the CEO's wife was filing for divorce and he was trying to hide his assets from her lawyers, so he told his office manager to fire one person in three; the office manager literally went through the office going "Eeny, meanie, miney - yer out!").
What does "being true to their faith" mean exactly? The Quran is full of passages that extol violence and full of passages that extol peace and tolerance. The Bible is is full of passages that extol violence and full of passages that extol peace and tolerance. Both are the religious books for a major world faith.

If that were the case, then we should expect the same behavior from the followers of both books.
The truth is that one book tells us that peace is achieved through love for one another. The other believes that the only way to peace is to kill everyone that does not follow that religion. THERE IS NO COMPARISON no matter how hard you try.
Again, nightly news will verify that fact.

I am struggling with this assertion that only Muslims do bad things and that we never hear of Christians doing bad things.

Bosnian genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The evidence is that Christians are more than capable of savage behaviour and it doesnt help the debate to continually deny the fact.
Christians stopped killing in the name of Jesus and god a long, long time ago. Your one example in Bosnia is bogus because they weren't doing it for god or Jesus, and it was one isolated case, not part of mainstream Christianity like jihad is in the Muslim community.
So christian murderers arent christian but muslim murderers are muslim ?
OK, if you say so.

Stop with the garbage comparison between Christian and Muslim. If the Muslims weren't destroying everything in their path, there would have been no Crusades. Skip to the reality of our times. Christians are murdering 0 children in Nigeria, killing 0 in France, downing 0 buildings, downing 0 planes. Here is how we can prove wrong the utter gall of pretending there IS a comparison.
You start listing all of the murder victims at the hands of Muslims in this time that we live in, and I'll list the murders you are seeing at the hands of the Christians around the world, then lets compare lists.

There is no comparison. And you know it. Start your list.

Tommy and Irish Ram - let's stick to the American Muslim community, not what is going on in other countries - cultures are completely different and we can get way sidetracked.

Sorry Coyote but let's not. The question is, what do American Muslims want? Let's instead be frank about what they want. They want the same here that they want everywhere else, and peace and unity with those willing to give them a chance in a new land isn't it.
Where do you think our American Muslims are coming from?
When the numbers are sufficient, you'll see the Muslim attitudes change, just like they have in other countries. When there are enough you will see the same mob mentality that we are seeing everywhere else. American Muslims are just getting started. Wait till Obama reaches his goal of 10 million of them here in the next ten years. We won't be able to make silly comments like American Muslims are culturally different than their Polish counterparts or the Greek Muslims, or those wacky French ones. The more that they pour into these once peaceful countries, the more their culture is apparent.
We have to stop pretending that these "immigrants" are just like all the other immigrants that came here. They are not.
This UN disbursement of Muslims worldwide is creating havoc worldwide because they are the same no matter what soil their feet land on. For proof of that. Watch the nightly news.

Let's stick to the topic please - there are other threads that talk about Islam in other parts of the world - this one was framed specifically to talk about the American Muslim population - if you can relate it to American Muslims, then fine - but otherwise lets not derail the thread.

Let's take this statement: When the numbers are sufficient, you'll see the Muslim attitudes change, just like they have in other countries. When there are enough you will see the same mob mentality that we are seeing everywhere else. American Muslims are just getting started.

That's a common meme, but how true it is? The reliance on numbers alone ignores the many factors that affect assimilation of immigrants and assumes Muslims are all the same.

Comparing Immigrant Assimilation in North America and Europe | Manhattan Institute

International comparisons make use of data on rates of assimilation of immigrants to the following countries: Austria, Canada, France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Comparison of nine of these countries (excluding the Netherlands and the U.K., which lack critical data elements) in an international version of the assimilation index reveals a number of important findings:

  • On the whole, immigrants in the United States are more assimilated than those in most European countries, except Portugal, where a large proportion of immigrants originated in former Portuguese-speaking colonies.
  • Immigrants from Canada rank first in terms of overall assimilation, largely as a consequence of their high rate of naturalization.
  • Easing the path to naturalization does not guarantee full integration into society. Immigrants in the Netherlands naturalize much more often than those in the United States but have significantly lower employment rates.
Breaking assimilation down still further, by both origin and destination, shows the United States to be ahead of most of Europe but behind Canada in a wide variety of categories.

  • Muslim immigrants, identified by data on religion in some nations and by country of birth in others, are most integrated in Canada, followed closely by the United States.
  • Muslim immigrants in Italy and Switzerland are much less assimilated than Mexican and Central American immigrants are in the United States. Muslim immigrants' standing in Spain is roughly equal to the standing of Mexicans and Central Americans in the United States.
  • The United States' ranking behind Canada but ahead of European nations also holds for immigrants from China and Southeast Asia. Assimilation in the United States is ahead of all but one European country for immigrants from India and Eastern Europe.
Another interesting article: Why Do American Muslims Fare Better Than Their French Counterparts?

Some 5 million Muslims live in France -- about 7.5 percent of the country’s population -- one of the largest Muslim populations in Western Europe. After the horror of the coordinated terrorist attacks on six sites in Paris last Friday, a climate of suspicion once again engulfs Muslims living in the Western world -- and French citizens and politicians alike are grappling with how to respond to homegrown threats. But experts say that the conditions of Muslims in some European countries can create fertile breeding grounds for extremism, whereas societies with more-integrated Muslim populations like the United States are less susceptible.

“In a very broad sense, you have the same communities in Europe and America. Both are Muslims living in the West. But in fact, there are huge sociological differences between the two groups. Most importantly, the relationship between Europe and its Muslims is one rooted in colonialism, whereas the U.S. has no previous history with its Muslim populations. So [in Europe] there is some of the residue of racial and cultural prejudices of the colonial era,” says Akbar Ahmed, chair of Islamic Studies at American University’s School of International Service and the author of several renowned field projects on Muslims, including “Journey Into Europe: Islam, Immigration and Empire.”

The result is two very different communities: One in America that is hopeful, affluent and better assimilated, versus one in Europe, particularly in countries like France, that exists on the periphery of society, both economically and socially. It’s that marginalization of European Muslim communities that can leave certain members vulnerable to recruitment attempts from groups like ISIS.

One of the main differences stems from the makeup of Muslim groups in European countries compared with those in the United States. Estimates vary, but Muslims in the United States account for 1 to 2 percent of the total population -- yet there is no one ethnic group that dominates: Muslims hail from 77 different countries in the Middle East, South Asia, Africa and Europe. That’s a stark contrast from Europe, where the Muslim populations are more homogenous and typically made up of residents of former colonies. For example, the Muslim community in the U.K. is dominated by Muslims of South Asian descent, while three-quarters of French Muslims are mostly of Morocco, Algeria or other North African origin, according to the Brookings Institution.

“In Europe, pockets of Muslims are isolated by country of origin, which hampers integration. That keeps Islamic identity tied to a home country and so the community is more insular. The umbilical cord is still there,” says Shahed Amanullah, who has worked as a senior adviser at the U.S. Department of State on issues surrounding Muslim youth around the world. “In America, no one group that dominates. It’s not an affinity-based community but a value-based community.”

This article makes strong points outlining the differences between America/Canada and Europe in terms of assimilation, how they are integrated into society, and affluence and prospects for the future - all of this plays into the potential for radicalization far more than "percentages".
What does "being true to their faith" mean exactly? The Quran is full of passages that extol violence and full of passages that extol peace and tolerance. The Bible is is full of passages that extol violence and full of passages that extol peace and tolerance. Both are the religious books for a major world faith.

If that were the case, then we should expect the same behavior from the followers of both books.
The truth is that one book tells us that peace is achieved through love for one another. The other believes that the only way to peace is to kill everyone that does not follow that religion. THERE IS NO COMPARISON no matter how hard you try.
Again, nightly news will verify that fact.

That doesn't make sense. What you are saying is that Muslims who follow violence are "true to their faith" (regardless of what the Quran says) and Christians who abhor violence are "true to their faith" (regardless of what the bible says). You're saying, the American Muslim community, which opposes violence (according to one poll, in higher percentages than do Christians) can only be true to their faith if they are violent.

In the Quran, there are plenty of passages related to extolling peace and tolerance and not forcing religion on anyone. The Quran will verify that fact.
Since we devolve into Christian v. Muslim comparisons, how many Muslim hospitals do we have in the US v. Christian sponsored ones. How many soup kitchens/food pantries? Orphanages? Medical clinics? Homeless shelters?

As far as spreading the word in an offensive way, those loudspeakers calling to prayer five times a day are pretty annoying. Your smart phone works for that.

Muslim's represent 0.8 % of the population, while Christians represent over 80%, and historically an even larger number. That might have a lot to do with relative numbers of hospitals etc in the US ;)

The Muslim community is involved in much the same things as the Christian community - both faiths place a large emphasis on charity, helping the vulnerable, etc.

UMMAH (United Muslim Movement Against Homelessness)
ICNA Relief USA - Transitional Housing
Muslim Women's Shelters and Crisis Support, USA/Canada
Muslims Don't Contribute to America? Think Again
Since we devolve into Christian v. Muslim comparisons, how many Muslim hospitals do we have in the US v. Christian sponsored ones. How many soup kitchens/food pantries? Orphanages? Medical clinics? Homeless shelters?

Comparatively speaking, Christians have some catching up to do, considering they comprise over 70% of the U.S. population. Muslims, at less than 1% of the U.S. population, offer the following:

Your next question will undoubtedly be "But do you have to be Muslim to take advantage of these?" and I'm sure your curiosity will compel you to research that for yourself.

I'm just trying to remember whether it was a Muslim nonprofit or an ad hoc group that sent tens of thousands of bottles of water to Flint, Michigan (Muslim population 2.9%) during their water crisis...I can look that up.

In addition, nearly 5% of American physicians are Muslim. Not sure of the numbers of nurses, PAs, and other medical staff.

As far as spreading the word in an offensive way, those loudspeakers calling to prayer five times a day are pretty annoying. Your smart phone works for that.

If only it worked for the church bells in my former neighborhood - also recordings, some of them old enough to hear the scratches on the vinyl. Might have made it a little less ironic that they were playing the Angelus the day I got "excessed" from my job on five minutes' notice (I found out later it was because the CEO's wife was filing for divorce and he was trying to hide his assets from her lawyers, so he told his office manager to fire one person in three; the office manager literally went through the office going "Eeny, meanie, miney - yer out!").

Wise up:
More revealing of the peculiarly Islamic nature of zakat is the fact that Muslims are actually forbidden from bestowing this "charity" onto non-Muslims (e.g., the vast majority of American infidels). "Charitable" Muslim organizations operating on American soil are therefore no mere equivalents to, say, the Salvation Army, a Christian charity organization whose "ministry extends to all, regardless of ages, sex, color, or creed." In Islam, creed is a major criterion for receiving "charity" — not to mention for receiving social equality.
The Dark Side of Zakat: Muslim "Charity" in Context
Since we devolve into Christian v. Muslim comparisons, how many Muslim hospitals do we have in the US v. Christian sponsored ones. How many soup kitchens/food pantries? Orphanages? Medical clinics? Homeless shelters?

Comparatively speaking, Christians have some catching up to do, considering they comprise over 70% of the U.S. population. Muslims, at less than 1% of the U.S. population, offer the following:

Your next question will undoubtedly be "But do you have to be Muslim to take advantage of these?" and I'm sure your curiosity will compel you to research that for yourself.

I'm just trying to remember whether it was a Muslim nonprofit or an ad hoc group that sent tens of thousands of bottles of water to Flint, Michigan (Muslim population 2.9%) during their water crisis...I can look that up.

In addition, nearly 5% of American physicians are Muslim. Not sure of the numbers of nurses, PAs, and other medical staff.

As far as spreading the word in an offensive way, those loudspeakers calling to prayer five times a day are pretty annoying. Your smart phone works for that.

If only it worked for the church bells in my former neighborhood - also recordings, some of them old enough to hear the scratches on the vinyl. Might have made it a little less ironic that they were playing the Angelus the day I got "excessed" from my job on five minutes' notice (I found out later it was because the CEO's wife was filing for divorce and he was trying to hide his assets from her lawyers, so he told his office manager to fire one person in three; the office manager literally went through the office going "Eeny, meanie, miney - yer out!").

Buddhist have 500 more, Muslims represent less than 1% of those in your list. You were saying?

I see you carefully avoided all the other categories.
Since we devolve into Christian v. Muslim comparisons, how many Muslim hospitals do we have in the US v. Christian sponsored ones. How many soup kitchens/food pantries? Orphanages? Medical clinics? Homeless shelters?

As far as spreading the word in an offensive way, those loudspeakers calling to prayer five times a day are pretty annoying. Your smart phone works for that.

Muslim's represent 0.8 % of the population, while Christians represent over 80%, and historically an even larger number. That might have a lot to do with relative numbers of hospitals etc in the US ;)

The Muslim community is involved in much the same things as the Christian community - both faiths place a large emphasis on charity, helping the vulnerable, etc.

UMMAH (United Muslim Movement Against Homelessness)
ICNA Relief USA - Transitional Housing
Muslim Women's Shelters and Crisis Support, USA/Canada
Muslims Don't Contribute to America? Think Again

About 62% of those polled claim to be members of a church congregation.

Christianity in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So...if we are going by percentages of religious good. What percentage of religious based terrorists attacks are Muslim?

Percentage wise, they seem more interested in one more than the other,
Since we devolve into Christian v. Muslim comparisons, how many Muslim hospitals do we have in the US v. Christian sponsored ones. How many soup kitchens/food pantries? Orphanages? Medical clinics? Homeless shelters?

As far as spreading the word in an offensive way, those loudspeakers calling to prayer five times a day are pretty annoying. Your smart phone works for that.

Muslim's represent 0.8 % of the population, while Christians represent over 80%, and historically an even larger number. That might have a lot to do with relative numbers of hospitals etc in the US ;)

The Muslim community is involved in much the same things as the Christian community - both faiths place a large emphasis on charity, helping the vulnerable, etc.

UMMAH (United Muslim Movement Against Homelessness)
ICNA Relief USA - Transitional Housing
Muslim Women's Shelters and Crisis Support, USA/Canada
Muslims Don't Contribute to America? Think Again

About 62% of those polled claim to be members of a church congregation.

Christianity in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not sure of the relevance here?
So...if we are going by percentages of religious good. What percentage of religious based terrorists attacks are Muslim?

Percentage wise, they seem more interested in one more than the other,

Well, first of all you are looking at a very rare incident to begin with (in the US) - so "percentages", taken out of that context, would be misleading wouldn't it?

But let's look at it...according to this source (I don't much like Newsmax, but for the sake of an example it will do) - there have been 13 Islamic terror attacks on US soil since 9/11 - that is 13 in 15 years, or less then 1 per year.

There is no conceivable way to research or even figure out a way to meaningfully measure all the charitable activities of Islamic groups, Mosques and individuals but I imagine it is far far greater than one event a year.

Do you really think, percentagewise, American Muslims are more interested in one than in the other? Really?
Wise up:
More revealing of the peculiarly Islamic nature of zakat is the fact that Muslims are actually forbidden from bestowing this "charity" onto non-Muslims (e.g., the vast majority of American infidels). "Charitable" Muslim organizations operating on American soil are therefore no mere equivalents to, say, the Salvation Army, a Christian charity organization whose "ministry extends to all, regardless of ages, sex, color, or creed." In Islam, creed is a major criterion for receiving "charity" — not to mention for receiving social equality.
The Dark Side of Zakat: Muslim "Charity" in Context

Trust me, I'm wise to sources that feed into confirmation bias.

Since we devolve into Christian v. Muslim comparisons, how many Muslim hospitals do we have in the US v. Christian sponsored ones. How many soup kitchens/food pantries? Orphanages? Medical clinics? Homeless shelters?

Comparatively speaking, Christians have some catching up to do, considering they comprise over 70% of the U.S. population. Muslims, at less than 1% of the U.S. population, offer the following:

Your next question will undoubtedly be "But do you have to be Muslim to take advantage of these?" and I'm sure your curiosity will compel you to research that for yourself.

I'm just trying to remember whether it was a Muslim nonprofit or an ad hoc group that sent tens of thousands of bottles of water to Flint, Michigan (Muslim population 2.9%) during their water crisis...I can look that up.

In addition, nearly 5% of American physicians are Muslim. Not sure of the numbers of nurses, PAs, and other medical staff.

As far as spreading the word in an offensive way, those loudspeakers calling to prayer five times a day are pretty annoying. Your smart phone works for that.

If only it worked for the church bells in my former neighborhood - also recordings, some of them old enough to hear the scratches on the vinyl. Might have made it a little less ironic that they were playing the Angelus the day I got "excessed" from my job on five minutes' notice (I found out later it was because the CEO's wife was filing for divorce and he was trying to hide his assets from her lawyers, so he told his office manager to fire one person in three; the office manager literally went through the office going "Eeny, meanie, miney - yer out!").

Buddhist have 500 more, Muslims represent less than 1% of those in your list. You were saying?

Five hundred more what?
I am struggling with this assertion that only Muslims do bad things and that we never hear of Christians doing bad things.

Bosnian genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The evidence is that Christians are more than capable of savage behaviour and it doesnt help the debate to continually deny the fact.
Your mental struggles are documented on this site every day...Limey.

No one stated Christians never do bad things nor did anyone state only Muslims do bad things.

Just another example of your mental retardation....Limey.
Well there are several examples of this on this thread. Its basically a dishonest debate to suggest that Christians have a moral superiority to other religions.
I think you might want to consider that you are posting in the CDZ as well.

2. To realize the difference, watch the news for a week and then compare atrocities. There will be no reports of Christians for example, slaughtering children at their school desks, or beheading, or lowering people in vats of acid, etc. by militant Christians. Or any other religious group that I know of, except Muslims.

You compare Today's actions with today's religion. You don't reach into the ancient past and point and say, see they did it too. What matters is what are they still doing. Muslims are still using violence against non-muslims for being non-muslims.

What does that have to do with providing any evidence to indicate that American Muslims do not support freedom of belief?

Remember Piss Christ? That provoked a lot of outrage and some violence.
How many people got beheaded or raped? How many got thrown off a damn building for being gay?
Christians don't do that shit, Muslims do.
Which would you prefer...that Limeyland be an Islamic republic or a Christian republic? No other choices. Pick one.

Your argument is logically fallacious because it is based on a fallacy known as a false dichotomy, which posits only two choices when there are many more possible options.

I'd prefer that all nations be places where people can worship according to the dictates of their conscience, or not at all.
Agreed. However when faced with only those two choices, should one choose Islamic republic, we then then know that person is nuts.

Consider it a test of one's mental state.

That's like being asked to choose if you'd rather be blind or deaf. Theocracies are inherently unjust forms of government and a Christian/biblical theocracy would not be much different than an Islamic one.

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