CDZ What do American Muslims want?

That is what I remembered. The passages in the Koran are making the same point. Neither condones rape.
"there are several verses in this book (koran) which give the green light to rape and other sexual crimes against women."

Rape in Islam - WikiIslam

It goes on to give a list of verses.
I am struggling with this assertion that only Muslims do bad things and that we never hear of Christians doing bad things.

Bosnian genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The evidence is that Christians are more than capable of savage behaviour and it doesnt help the debate to continually deny the fact.
Christians stopped killing in the name of Jesus and god a long, long time ago. Your one example in Bosnia is bogus because they weren't doing it for god or Jesus, and it was one isolated case, not part of mainstream Christianity like jihad is in the Muslim community.
That is what I remembered. The passages in the Koran are making the same point. Neither condones rape.
"there are several verses in this book (koran) which give the green light to rape and other sexual crimes against women."

Rape in Islam - WikiIslam

It goes on to give a list of verses.
I am struggling with this assertion that only Muslims do bad things and that we never hear of Christians doing bad things.

Bosnian genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The evidence is that Christians are more than capable of savage behaviour and it doesnt help the debate to continually deny the fact.
Your mental struggles are documented on this site every day...Limey.

No one stated Christians never do bad things nor did anyone state only Muslims do bad things.

Just another example of your mental retardation....Limey.
Well there are several examples of this on this thread. Its basically a dishonest debate to suggest that Christians have a moral superiority to other religions.
I think you might want to consider that you are posting in the CDZ as well.

2. To realize the difference, watch the news for a week and then compare atrocities. There will be no reports of Christians for example, slaughtering children at their school desks, or beheading, or lowering people in vats of acid, etc. by militant Christians. Or any other religious group that I know of, except Muslims.

You compare Today's actions with today's religion. You don't reach into the ancient past and point and say, see they did it too. What matters is what are they still doing. Muslims are still using violence against non-muslims for being non-muslims.

And not surprisingly, those errant, wrongheaded opinions are coming from those on right the with an unwarranted hostility toward Islam.

Why do you not believe in freedom of belief?

Most Muslims certainly do not, and when you characterize those who object to a belief system that SHOULD be voluntary by calling them the sort of names used for people who hate those for things that AREN'T voluntary, your name calling only indicates that you do not believe I should have the ability to criticize somebody for a choice they made because they didn't actually have that choice.

We're talking about Muslims in America. Do you have any evidence to indicate that American Muslims do not support freedom of belief?
piss on a Quran and see what they think of your freedom.
Put a Shit covered Quran in a NY museum and see if it gets the same response as the shit covered cross did.

What does that have to do with providing any evidence to indicate that American Muslims do not support freedom of belief?

Remember Piss Christ? That provoked a lot of outrage and some violence.
How many people got beheaded or raped? How many got thrown off a damn building for being gay?
Christians don't do that shit, Muslims do.
That is what I remembered. The passages in the Koran are making the same point. Neither condones rape.
"there are several verses in this book (koran) which give the green light to rape and other sexual crimes against women."

Rape in Islam - WikiIslam

It goes on to give a list of verses.
I am struggling with this assertion that only Muslims do bad things and that we never hear of Christians doing bad things.

Bosnian genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The evidence is that Christians are more than capable of savage behaviour and it doesnt help the debate to continually deny the fact.
Christians stopped killing in the name of Jesus and god a long, long time ago. Your one example in Bosnia is bogus because they weren't doing it for god or Jesus, and it was one isolated case, not part of mainstream Christianity like jihad is in the Muslim community.
So christian murderers arent christian but muslim murderers are muslim ?
OK, if you say so.
That is what I remembered. The passages in the Koran are making the same point. Neither condones rape.
"there are several verses in this book (koran) which give the green light to rape and other sexual crimes against women."

Rape in Islam - WikiIslam

It goes on to give a list of verses.
I am struggling with this assertion that only Muslims do bad things and that we never hear of Christians doing bad things.

Bosnian genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The evidence is that Christians are more than capable of savage behaviour and it doesnt help the debate to continually deny the fact.
Your mental struggles are documented on this site every day...Limey.

No one stated Christians never do bad things nor did anyone state only Muslims do bad things.

Just another example of your mental retardation....Limey.
Well there are several examples of this on this thread. Its basically a dishonest debate to suggest that Christians have a moral superiority to other religions.
I think you might want to consider that you are posting in the CDZ as well.

2. To realize the difference, watch the news for a week and then compare atrocities. There will be no reports of Christians for example, slaughtering children at their school desks, or beheading, or lowering people in vats of acid, etc. by militant Christians. Or any other religious group that I know of, except Muslims.

You compare Today's actions with today's religion. You don't reach into the ancient past and point and say, see they did it too. What matters is what are they still doing. Muslims are still using violence against non-muslims for being non-muslims.

Why do you not believe in freedom of belief?

Most Muslims certainly do not, and when you characterize those who object to a belief system that SHOULD be voluntary by calling them the sort of names used for people who hate those for things that AREN'T voluntary, your name calling only indicates that you do not believe I should have the ability to criticize somebody for a choice they made because they didn't actually have that choice.

We're talking about Muslims in America. Do you have any evidence to indicate that American Muslims do not support freedom of belief?
piss on a Quran and see what they think of your freedom.
Put a Shit covered Quran in a NY museum and see if it gets the same response as the shit covered cross did.

What does that have to do with providing any evidence to indicate that American Muslims do not support freedom of belief?

Remember Piss Christ? That provoked a lot of outrage and some violence.
How many people got beheaded or raped? How many got thrown off a damn building for being gay?
Christians don't do that shit, Muslims do.
Which would you prefer...that Limeyland be an Islamic republic or a Christian republic? No other choices. Pick one.
That is what I remembered. The passages in the Koran are making the same point. Neither condones rape.
"there are several verses in this book (koran) which give the green light to rape and other sexual crimes against women."

Rape in Islam - WikiIslam

It goes on to give a list of verses.
I am struggling with this assertion that only Muslims do bad things and that we never hear of Christians doing bad things.

Bosnian genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The evidence is that Christians are more than capable of savage behaviour and it doesnt help the debate to continually deny the fact.
Christians stopped killing in the name of Jesus and god a long, long time ago. Your one example in Bosnia is bogus because they weren't doing it for god or Jesus, and it was one isolated case, not part of mainstream Christianity like jihad is in the Muslim community.
So christian murderers arent christian but muslim murderers are muslim ?
OK, if you say so.
Christians aren't murdering for god or because it says so in their holy book. Muslims do that all the time. What's so hard for you to understand?
That is what I remembered. The passages in the Koran are making the same point. Neither condones rape.
"there are several verses in this book (koran) which give the green light to rape and other sexual crimes against women."

Rape in Islam - WikiIslam

It goes on to give a list of verses.
I am struggling with this assertion that only Muslims do bad things and that we never hear of Christians doing bad things.

Bosnian genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The evidence is that Christians are more than capable of savage behaviour and it doesnt help the debate to continually deny the fact.
Christians stopped killing in the name of Jesus and god a long, long time ago. Your one example in Bosnia is bogus because they weren't doing it for god or Jesus, and it was one isolated case, not part of mainstream Christianity like jihad is in the Muslim community.
So christian murderers arent christian but muslim murderers are muslim ?
OK, if you say so.
Christians aren't murdering for god or because it says so in their holy book. Muslims do that all the time. What's so hard for you to understand?
He doesn't believe that...he thinks Christians are just as murderous.
That is what I remembered. The passages in the Koran are making the same point. Neither condones rape.
"there are several verses in this book (koran) which give the green light to rape and other sexual crimes against women."

Rape in Islam - WikiIslam

It goes on to give a list of verses.
I am struggling with this assertion that only Muslims do bad things and that we never hear of Christians doing bad things.

Bosnian genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The evidence is that Christians are more than capable of savage behaviour and it doesnt help the debate to continually deny the fact.
Christians stopped killing in the name of Jesus and god a long, long time ago. Your one example in Bosnia is bogus because they weren't doing it for god or Jesus, and it was one isolated case, not part of mainstream Christianity like jihad is in the Muslim community.
So christian murderers arent christian but muslim murderers are muslim ?
OK, if you say so.
Christians aren't murdering for god or because it says so in their holy book. Muslims do that all the time. What's so hard for you to understand?
Well to go back to the original example I posted, Bosnia, people were kiled specifically because they were Muslim.That suggests there is an overwhelming religious basis to the violence.

Here is another example, and there are many others.

Tanzania: Mwanza city Muslims live in fear as 3 hacked to death in mosque - The Muslim News

The thing is that I do not believe the actions of a few radical extremists represent the Christian faith. That would be absurd.
"there are several verses in this book (koran) which give the green light to rape and other sexual crimes against women."

Rape in Islam - WikiIslam

It goes on to give a list of verses.
I am struggling with this assertion that only Muslims do bad things and that we never hear of Christians doing bad things.

Bosnian genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The evidence is that Christians are more than capable of savage behaviour and it doesnt help the debate to continually deny the fact.
Christians stopped killing in the name of Jesus and god a long, long time ago. Your one example in Bosnia is bogus because they weren't doing it for god or Jesus, and it was one isolated case, not part of mainstream Christianity like jihad is in the Muslim community.
So christian murderers arent christian but muslim murderers are muslim ?
OK, if you say so.
Christians aren't murdering for god or because it says so in their holy book. Muslims do that all the time. What's so hard for you to understand?
Well to go back to the original example I posted, Bosnia, people were kiled specifically because they were Muslim.That suggests there is an overwhelming religious basis to the violence.

Here is another example, and there are many others.

Tanzania: Mwanza city Muslims live in fear as 3 hacked to death in mosque - The Muslim News

The thing is that I do not believe the actions of a few radical extremists represent the Christian faith. That would be absurd.

You will need to provide proof Christians did it in the name of God. You can't, you're on a fool's errand
"there are several verses in this book (koran) which give the green light to rape and other sexual crimes against women."

Rape in Islam - WikiIslam

It goes on to give a list of verses.
I am struggling with this assertion that only Muslims do bad things and that we never hear of Christians doing bad things.

Bosnian genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The evidence is that Christians are more than capable of savage behaviour and it doesnt help the debate to continually deny the fact.
Christians stopped killing in the name of Jesus and god a long, long time ago. Your one example in Bosnia is bogus because they weren't doing it for god or Jesus, and it was one isolated case, not part of mainstream Christianity like jihad is in the Muslim community.
So christian murderers arent christian but muslim murderers are muslim ?
OK, if you say so.
Christians aren't murdering for god or because it says so in their holy book. Muslims do that all the time. What's so hard for you to understand?
Well to go back to the original example I posted, Bosnia, people were kiled specifically because they were Muslim.That suggests there is an overwhelming religious basis to the violence.

Here is another example, and there are many others.

Tanzania: Mwanza city Muslims live in fear as 3 hacked to death in mosque - The Muslim News

The thing is that I do not believe the actions of a few radical extremists represent the Christian faith. That would be absurd.
Nowhere did it say that the attackers were Christians, in fact, it said this :"Two survivors told Anadolu Agency at the crime scene that the attackers had displayed a black flag with Arabic inscription in white color." In other words, ISIL.

Your dishonesty is duly noted.
The points I'd like to look at are:

What do Muslims in AMERICA want?
Are they any different than other religious groups in America?
What does this say about Muslim immigration in America vs other countries?

1. Geography is not germane. Muslims in America want the same thing as Muslims elsewhere want. They read the same Quran. They want slow painful deaths to infidels.

2. To realize the difference, watch the news for a week and then compare atrocities. There will be no reports of Christians for example, slaughtering children at their school desks, or beheading, or lowering people in vats of acid, etc. by militant Christians. Or any other religious group that I know of, except Muslims.

3. It says that we will be thrown into the same state of insanity that is now Germany, France, Poland, Greece.....

It is a UN directive. A Muslim diaspora. And death. There is only one candidate that wants us out of the encroaching UN. Trump 2016
The OP carefully presented the facts, which are that American Muslims have different views than Muslims elsewhere. American Muslims are more similar to other Americans than different. The majority do not support principles embedded in Sharia law.
How do you continue to repeat the same hate filled propaganda with no consideration for the truth?
The points I'd like to look at are:

What do Muslims in AMERICA want?
Are they any different than other religious groups in America?
What does this say about Muslim immigration in America vs other countries?

1. Geography is not germane. Muslims in America want the same thing as Muslims elsewhere want. They read the same Quran. They want slow painful deaths to infidels.

2. To realize the difference, watch the news for a week and then compare atrocities. There will be no reports of Christians for example, slaughtering children at their school desks, or beheading, or lowering people in vats of acid, etc. by militant Christians. Or any other religious group that I know of, except Muslims.

3. It says that we will be thrown into the same state of insanity that is now Germany, France, Poland, Greece.....

It is a UN directive. A Muslim diaspora. And death. There is only one candidate that wants us out of the encroaching UN. Trump 2016
The OP carefully presented the facts, which are that American Muslims have different views than Muslims elsewhere. American Muslims are more similar to other Americans than different. The majority do not support principles embedded in Sharia law.
How do you continue to repeat the same hate filled propaganda with no consideration for the truth?
Agreed....generally. Let's not forget the many terrorist acts in the US by American Muslims.
I am struggling with this assertion that only Muslims do bad things and that we never hear of Christians doing bad things.

Bosnian genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The evidence is that Christians are more than capable of savage behaviour and it doesnt help the debate to continually deny the fact.
Christians stopped killing in the name of Jesus and god a long, long time ago. Your one example in Bosnia is bogus because they weren't doing it for god or Jesus, and it was one isolated case, not part of mainstream Christianity like jihad is in the Muslim community.
So christian murderers arent christian but muslim murderers are muslim ?
OK, if you say so.
Christians aren't murdering for god or because it says so in their holy book. Muslims do that all the time. What's so hard for you to understand?
Well to go back to the original example I posted, Bosnia, people were kiled specifically because they were Muslim.That suggests there is an overwhelming religious basis to the violence.

Here is another example, and there are many others.

Tanzania: Mwanza city Muslims live in fear as 3 hacked to death in mosque - The Muslim News

The thing is that I do not believe the actions of a few radical extremists represent the Christian faith. That would be absurd.

You will need to provide proof Christians did it in the name of God. You can't, you're on a fool's errand
I am a bit busy at the moment but this should keep you going for a little while.

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Christians stopped killing in the name of Jesus and god a long, long time ago. Your one example in Bosnia is bogus because they weren't doing it for god or Jesus, and it was one isolated case, not part of mainstream Christianity like jihad is in the Muslim community.
So christian murderers arent christian but muslim murderers are muslim ?
OK, if you say so.
Christians aren't murdering for god or because it says so in their holy book. Muslims do that all the time. What's so hard for you to understand?
Well to go back to the original example I posted, Bosnia, people were kiled specifically because they were Muslim.That suggests there is an overwhelming religious basis to the violence.

Here is another example, and there are many others.

Tanzania: Mwanza city Muslims live in fear as 3 hacked to death in mosque - The Muslim News

The thing is that I do not believe the actions of a few radical extremists represent the Christian faith. That would be absurd.

You will need to provide proof Christians did it in the name of God. You can't, you're on a fool's errand
I am a bit busy at the moment but this should keep you going for a little while.

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I am awaiting your answer...

Islamic republic or Christian republic...which would you prefer for Limeyland?

I assume you would you would pick Christian republic, since in an Islamic republic you likely get thrown off a building...but then some lefties have a death wish, so the question still stands.
The points I'd like to look at are:

What do Muslims in AMERICA want?
Are they any different than other religious groups in America?
What does this say about Muslim immigration in America vs other countries?

1. Geography is not germane. Muslims in America want the same thing as Muslims elsewhere want. They read the same Quran. They want slow painful deaths to infidels.

2. To realize the difference, watch the news for a week and then compare atrocities. There will be no reports of Christians for example, slaughtering children at their school desks, or beheading, or lowering people in vats of acid, etc. by militant Christians. Or any other religious group that I know of, except Muslims.

3. It says that we will be thrown into the same state of insanity that is now Germany, France, Poland, Greece.....

It is a UN directive. A Muslim diaspora. And death. There is only one candidate that wants us out of the encroaching UN. Trump 2016
The OP carefully presented the facts, which are that American Muslims have different views than Muslims elsewhere. American Muslims are more similar to other Americans than different. The majority do not support principles embedded in Sharia law.
How do you continue to repeat the same hate filled propaganda with no consideration for the truth?
51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S.

51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S.
Christians stopped killing in the name of Jesus and god a long, long time ago. Your one example in Bosnia is bogus because they weren't doing it for god or Jesus, and it was one isolated case, not part of mainstream Christianity like jihad is in the Muslim community.
So christian murderers arent christian but muslim murderers are muslim ?
OK, if you say so.
Christians aren't murdering for god or because it says so in their holy book. Muslims do that all the time. What's so hard for you to understand?
Well to go back to the original example I posted, Bosnia, people were kiled specifically because they were Muslim.That suggests there is an overwhelming religious basis to the violence.

Here is another example, and there are many others.

Tanzania: Mwanza city Muslims live in fear as 3 hacked to death in mosque - The Muslim News

The thing is that I do not believe the actions of a few radical extremists represent the Christian faith. That would be absurd.

You will need to provide proof Christians did it in the name of God. You can't, you're on a fool's errand
I am a bit busy at the moment but this should keep you going for a little while.

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's not what I asked for....and you know it. Stop your spin and deflection, it's tiresome
Christians stopped killing in the name of Jesus and god a long, long time ago. Your one example in Bosnia is bogus because they weren't doing it for god or Jesus, and it was one isolated case, not part of mainstream Christianity like jihad is in the Muslim community.
So christian murderers arent christian but muslim murderers are muslim ?
OK, if you say so.
Christians aren't murdering for god or because it says so in their holy book. Muslims do that all the time. What's so hard for you to understand?
Well to go back to the original example I posted, Bosnia, people were kiled specifically because they were Muslim.That suggests there is an overwhelming religious basis to the violence.

Here is another example, and there are many others.

Tanzania: Mwanza city Muslims live in fear as 3 hacked to death in mosque - The Muslim News

The thing is that I do not believe the actions of a few radical extremists represent the Christian faith. That would be absurd.

You will need to provide proof Christians did it in the name of God. You can't, you're on a fool's errand
I am a bit busy at the moment but this should keep you going for a little while.

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nobody ever said, except you, that we think that there has NEVER been any Christian killing for their god, but like I said, there's only a tiny minority, very tiny minority of Christians, and especially American Christians, who kill for god. Thanks for proving my point. :D
If any Muslim is working to replace our civilization with an Islamic one, they ARE part of a fifth column.

Since one of the most basic values of western liberalism involves the free exchange of ideas, that would extend to any who believe criticism of Islam should be forbidden.

All those display such an excessive deference to Islam to the point that they are working towards this same objective are most definitely part of the fifth column as well.

American Muslims practice the most basic values of Western liberalism, including the free exchange of ideas – again, American Muslims are no different than any other American.

Should an individual American Muslim advocate for laws and policies that conflict with the Constitution and its case law, then that individual alone should be subject to admonishment, not all Muslims or Islam as a religion, where he in fact is not ‘representative’ of all Muslims or Islam.

Moreover, ‘criticism’ of Islam as a religion is unwarranted, as individuals alone are responsible for their actions, not religions.

Indeed, when a Christian commits an act of terror, such as in the case of Scott Roeder, we correctly assign the blame to the terrorist alone, not ‘all Christians,’ and not Christianity as a religion; Muslims and Islam merit that same consideration.

And no one believes that criticism of Islam should be ‘forbidden,’ as hate speech is entitled to Constitutional protections, where bigots are at liberty to express their ignorance and hate with impunity.

Last, respecting the right of Muslims to practice their faith absent unwarranted interference and restrictions from government is not to show “excessive deference” to Islam, as all faiths are equally entitled to Establishment Clause protections, and all faiths will receive equal protection under the law.

Criticism of Islam as a religion is warranted - I don't have a problem there. But it's when it's held to different standards than other religions that I have a problem. A discussion in another thread on anti-semitism, made me realize a few things. When you hold the Jewish people to different standards than you hold those of other religions/cultures/nations - when you have to alter standards (move goal posts) in order to somehow make them unique in some evil - then that is anti-semitism. I think the same applies here - to anti-Islamism. You can argue that a religion has barbaric tenants, but if you use those to define that religion, and ignore similar tenants in others - then that is wrong. If you condemn an entire faith on it's extremists and then compare it to the most benign of others, then that seems wrong also. you point out, assigning blame to the individual vs all of the faith, or - even in other cases where the invidual is clearly mentally ill, if it's a Muslim, the religion is blamed - if he is anything else, it's a nutter.
Criticism of Islam as a religion is unwarranted because it exists only as practiced by its adherents, where the adherent's actions are justly criticized, not the religion as a whole.
I'm not a Christian.
I argue for anti-gay legislation in the U.S.
Boom as you say.
Specifically I argue against the Gay agenda. You don't have to be a follower of a fictional book to be anti-gay.

Your argument is non-sequitur. The fact that some non-Christians are anti-gay does not negate the fact that the Bible is anti-gay.

So, no boom in your argument. Thanks for playing, though.
How has it been debunked when we have video of them saying it. You lost all credibility with that statement. And Dearborn is trying to force Sharia law on non-muslims.

Not true. Sharia law is administered in an alternative dispute resolution system that must be voluntarily selected by all parties to be valid.

Speaking of losing credibility.

Sharia Law in Dearborn

Two weeks ago, Jerry Boykin, an anti-Muslim former U.S. army general, did it again. Boykin, now the executive vice president of something called the Family Research Council, went on a talk show to claim that radical Muslims were so firmly in control in Dearborn that Detroit police only enter the town in emergencies.

Well, part of that is true. Detroit cops don’t go there because Dearborn is a separate city and has its own police. But Dearborn’s mayor is named Jack O’Reilly, and the city is no more under Sharia law than Roswell is under space alien law.

I don’t know if Mayor O’Reilly gets sick of explaining all this. But I know that a delightful young man named Brian Stone came up with a great way to try to laugh this nonsense away.

Stone, a 28-year-old Dearborn native, Navy veteran, and college student, has been posting pictures of himself holding a sign saying “Dearborn Sharia Law!” in front of some decidedly un-sharia landmarks in his city.

They include a strip club, a Roman Catholic school, city hall and a Honeybaked Ham store.

“We would have done more, but my friend Adam, who took the pictures, said we needed to have a beer. He’d be up for invading the moon if there was beer,” Brian said.

Behind the theater-of-the-absurd humor, Stone has a serious message: “Muslims are Americans. They are just like everybody else,” he told me.
Maybe the reason it's so easy for everyone to confuse terrorism with Islam is that Islam is a theocratic faith. So anytime Islamic terrorists who are attempting to lead others start engaging in warfare, we blame it on the religion instead of on the politics and the leaders. Do we blame the North Korean dictator's actions on his religion? No. His religion is not in a 'ruling' position in North Korea.
What I'm trying to say is, it is the leaders and the politics that are causing the terrorism, for the exact same reasons that every group and nation has started wars--wish for resources, power, etc. It is not Islam which drives terrorism, although is is being justified as a 'holy war' by their leaders . As has been pointed out here, if you dig into the Koran, you will find places that justify violence and abhorrent practices, but the Old Testament has plenty of those, as well, if you hunt for them.

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