What do conservative and liberal mean?

Ok...it is entertaining to watch our political system in action. It provides me with many laughs. It's better than any reality tv series. Clear enuff?
In this country the two are defined only by 2 or 3 social issues.

Abortion, gay people and gun control.

We have not had a fiscal Conservative in office since a president named Calvin.

But the the social conservatives in this country want to ban abortion, i.e. control women and families, ban gays from the workforce and sell guns to teenagers with psychological problems.
Liberals want women and families to be free from government controlling their choices, gays to be able to get a job so they won't have to game the system, and have thorough background checks for guns and gun sales. In fact, 90% of Americans want that, and those people are not all liberals, either.

BWAHAHAHA "Conservatives want to control women and families ban gays from the workforce sell guns to insane teenagers." Jeez Looeez what a pile of crap. Gimme a break dude.

The left lie, they have nothing else to say.
I don't agree with these terms
I am LOGICALLY against:
unchecked immigration
going CRAZY because men can't use little girls' bathrooms
I am AMERICAN--not conservative or liberal
Perhaps in todays world liberal means anything crazy goes and conservative means take care of the rich first. At least thatsthwhat we have going on.

what goes on is thanks to politicians who need votes from both sides so they are not that helpful in seeing what liberal and conservative mean. Do you understand?
Trump runs the show knowing he does not need votes
BWAHAHAHA "Conservatives want to control women and families

so? they are for limited government, not anarchy[/QUOTE]
How can anyone with common sense NOT want limited government? We have 2 million people on the Federal payro
BWAHAHAHA "Conservatives want to control women and families

so? they are for limited government, not anarchy[/QUOTE]
Anyone with common sense wants limited government. We have 2 million Federal employees and 12 million more on Federal pensions. What the hell do they all do?
Court appointments mean nothing to me...I couldnt give a rip less. I would never vote based on something so trivial.
I don't agree with these terms
I am LOGICALLY against:
unchecked immigration
going CRAZY because men can't use little girls' bathrooms
I am AMERICAN--not conservative or liberal
I agree conservatives should start calling themselves the real Americans.
Anyone with common sense wants limited government. We have 2 million Federal employees and 12 million more on Federal pensions. What the hell do they all do?

don't you know, govt always does good things and they are well worth the money.
What do conservative and liberal mean?

1) Those like our Founders who believed in and wanted personal freedom and thus a limited central government.

2) Those like our Founders who believed a central government was like a monopoly and thus would be mostly mistaken and inefficient at best, and genocidal at worst.

3) Those like our Founders who believed that personal freedom was not only most fulfilling ( pride in being self/family-supporting, etc.) but was best for humankind because it forced every individual to support himself (like a link in a chain) and thus strengthen the entire community rather than identify some as dependent (or weak links) on others and not contributors.

Liberal are the opposite-right?

In the context of the current political climate?
In this country the two are defined only by 2 or 3 social issues.

Abortion, gay people and gun control.

We have not had a fiscal Conservative in office since a president named Calvin.

you miss the point completely. Subject is conservative/liberal. A politican may not be either owing to the need to get votes from both sides. Do you understand?

our current conservatives and liberals are nothing like the founders, our founders didnt believe in government control of anything but knew some was needed and thats why they backed the constitution in its original form/intent

the cons and libs of today both are for not just control but control far outside the limits of that constitution,

there is a reason for the 10th amendment and simply put .... "the best government is that closest to the people",,,,

for those in California its a real pain in the ass to go to washington to address grievances but sacramento is really close in comparison

unless the constitution is both read and used by the feds nothing will change and the country will be divided,

did I rant???

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