What do conservative and liberal mean?

For the last fifty years Republicans have pursued a southern strategy designed to minimize black electoral influence not that Democrat have performed much better.

liberal programs did something to blacks that slavery and Jim Crow didn't, namely, destroy their families and work ethic.
because I'd like to know the answer, the repubes think that blacks are smart enough to take care of themselves just like every other race in the country,,,its the dems that think blacks are to stupid to take care of themselves so they hand out freebies to get votes,,,,
You're ignoring the fact blacks, unlike every other race in the country had two big handicaps: a century of chattel slavery followed by another hundred years of Jim Crow.

For example, for most Americans their home represents their biggest store of wealth. For generations, blacks were denied federally insured mortgage opportunities the government provided to whites of equal credit worth.

For the last fifty years Republicans have pursued a southern strategy designed to minimize black electoral influence not that Democrat have performed much better.

tell me one way republicans have tried to stop or minimized black votes???
Interstate Voter Crosscheck is one of the best recent examples I've seen of minority voter suppression tactics:

Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program - Wikipedia

nterstate Voter Registration Crosscheck (commonly referred to as IVRC or Crosscheck) is a database software program designed which aggregates voter registration records from multiple states to identify voters who may have registered or voted in two or more states.

"Crosscheck was developed in 2005 by Kansas Secretary of State Ron Thornburgh in conjunction with Iowa, Missouri, and Nebraska.

"The program is currently under fire for its inaccuracy, poor data security, and potential for racial bias."

not sure how a law that makes sure the vote is secure and counts one man one vote suppress's anyones vote,,,if anything it protects the vote

now if people commit a crime then deal with that, dont make false claims

why are democrats so opposed to vote security
Republicans recognize Democrats outnumber them so they resort to fraudulent name matching standards in order to deny legitimate voters an opportunity to cast their ballots.

Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program - Wikipedia

"The loose matching standards used to identify "potential duplicate registrants" by the Kansas Secretary of State also raise significant concerns about the opportunity for racial bias in list maintenance.

"According to "Health of State Democracies", "50 percent of Communities of Color share a common surname, while only 30 percent of white people do," so that in the program's flagged lists, "white voters are underrepresented by 8 percent, African Americans are overrepresented by 45 percent; Hispanic voters are overrepresented by 24 percent; and Asian voters are overrepresented by 31 percent".[12]

"After examining "potential duplicate registrant" lists from some of the participating states, investigative reporter Greg Palast claimed the Crosscheck system "disproportionately threatens solid Democratic constituencies: young, black, Hispanic and Asian-American voters" with the intention of securing Republican victories.

"Palast concluded this was achieved by eliminating discrete individuals based on nothing more than similarity of name, a method with a "built-in racial bias" that especially eliminated voters from targeted minorities with a more limited pool of given names, for example, Hispanic voters named Jose Garcia.[14]"

if thats true prove it in court,,,and since most courts are packed with libs you should have no problem proving it
can you explain or just goofing?
Many conservatives refuse to accept contradictory information and many that do, become more intrenched in a particular untenable belief. Very few will revise their position on a particular subject when shown the truth of the matter. Whereas liberals will adjust coarse and re-process their opinion depending on the information given.

Ergo, liberals are not afraid to admit when we are wrong; many conservatives consider it tantamount to death.
In this country the two are defined only by 2 or 3 social issues.

Abortion, gay people and gun control.

We have not had a fiscal Conservative in office since a president named Calvin.

Today we have very few liberals and conservatives, today they are the left and the right, no principles, they just blindly follow their party.
can you explain or just goofing?
Many conservatives refuse to accept contradictory information and many that do, become more intrenched in a particular untenable belief. Very few will revise their position on a particular subject when shown the truth of the matter. Whereas liberals will adjust coarse and re-process their opinion depending on the information given.

Ergo, liberals are not afraid to admit when we are wrong; many conservatives consider it tantamount to death.

BS, both the left and the right are unprincipled. Real liberals and conservatives are best buds, the hate the left and the right.
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You're ignoring the fact blacks, unlike every other race in the country had two big handicaps: a century of chattel slavery followed by another hundred years of Jim Crow.

For example, for most Americans their home represents their biggest store of wealth. For generations, blacks were denied federally insured mortgage opportunities the government provided to whites of equal credit worth.

For the last fifty years Republicans have pursued a southern strategy designed to minimize black electoral influence not that Democrat have performed much better.

tell me one way republicans have tried to stop or minimized black votes???
Interstate Voter Crosscheck is one of the best recent examples I've seen of minority voter suppression tactics:

Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program - Wikipedia

nterstate Voter Registration Crosscheck (commonly referred to as IVRC or Crosscheck) is a database software program designed which aggregates voter registration records from multiple states to identify voters who may have registered or voted in two or more states.

"Crosscheck was developed in 2005 by Kansas Secretary of State Ron Thornburgh in conjunction with Iowa, Missouri, and Nebraska.

"The program is currently under fire for its inaccuracy, poor data security, and potential for racial bias."

not sure how a law that makes sure the vote is secure and counts one man one vote suppress's anyones vote,,,if anything it protects the vote

now if people commit a crime then deal with that, dont make false claims

why are democrats so opposed to vote security
Republicans recognize Democrats outnumber them so they resort to fraudulent name matching standards in order to deny legitimate voters an opportunity to cast their ballots.

Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program - Wikipedia

"The loose matching standards used to identify "potential duplicate registrants" by the Kansas Secretary of State also raise significant concerns about the opportunity for racial bias in list maintenance.

"According to "Health of State Democracies", "50 percent of Communities of Color share a common surname, while only 30 percent of white people do," so that in the program's flagged lists, "white voters are underrepresented by 8 percent, African Americans are overrepresented by 45 percent; Hispanic voters are overrepresented by 24 percent; and Asian voters are overrepresented by 31 percent".[12]

"After examining "potential duplicate registrant" lists from some of the participating states, investigative reporter Greg Palast claimed the Crosscheck system "disproportionately threatens solid Democratic constituencies: young, black, Hispanic and Asian-American voters" with the intention of securing Republican victories.

"Palast concluded this was achieved by eliminating discrete individuals based on nothing more than similarity of name, a method with a "built-in racial bias" that especially eliminated voters from targeted minorities with a more limited pool of given names, for example, Hispanic voters named Jose Garcia.[14]"

if thats true prove it in court,,,and since most courts are packed with libs you should have no problem proving it
Since US elections have been corrupt for generations, it seems unlikely either major party is willing to go to court very often over voter fraud.

Republicans try to discourage turnout, and Democrats respond by encouraging those not entitled to vote to cast a ballot anyway.

Occasionally, the theft is too blatant to ignore.

Reuters Exposes Voter Suppression In North Carolina While Right-Wing Media Prop Up False Claims Of Voter Fraud
What do conservative and liberal mean?

1) Those like our Founders who believed in and wanted personal freedom and thus a limited central government.

2) Those like our Founders who believed a central government was like a monopoly and thus would be mostly mistaken and inefficient at best, and genocidal at worst.

3) Those like our Founders who believed that personal freedom was not only most fulfilling ( pride in being self/family-supporting, etc.) but was best for humankind because it forced every individual to support himself (like a link in a chain) and thus strengthen the entire community rather than identify some as dependent (or weak links) on others and not contributors.

Liberal are the opposite-right?

I really don't know how either is to be defined with any certainty. However, it has been apparent for some time that the adjective "conservative" has been used extensively to describe areas and societies in which the rights of some group or another are curtailed or denied and individual liberties attacked, such as "Saudi Arabia is a conservative society, so all women have to have a male "guardian," who must give them permission even to leave the country, and were not allowed to drive until recently." Is the term "conservative" a synonym for "Beware"?

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