What do furloughed workers think about their position in this battle?

What the fuck happened to "Mexico will pay for the wall, mark my words"?

Inconvenient question innit.

Not inconvenient in the least. Anyone who understands economics realizes that a secure border will pay for itself via no more funding of illegals needs and the boost to our economy when money is no longer sent to Mexico.

You cut the post short so you wouldn't have to answer the racketeering issue.

"Extortion" if you prefer.

That question isn't going away.

Trumps statement about Mexico paying for it was stupidly misworded. Makes it easy for morons to miss the point.
Your post is a prime example.

So you're saying words don't mean what they mean? Rump can say anything, and it doesn't count because you have your fingers crossed on his behalf ------ and yet everybody else has to pay for his ignorance?

Diga me Tonto, what am I supposed to infer words mean, if words don't mean what they mean? Hm?

"Mexico will pay for the wall" is an extremely simple statement. It means basically that "Mexico will pay for the wall". It cannot mean "I'd like a cheeseburger with fries".

Essplain to me why Rump gets off scot free from having any responsibility for anything. My planet doesn't work like that, and your ways are strange to us.
What I'm saying is YOU KNOW WHAT HE MENT but because he is a Republican right now you will pretend you don't get it.

Again, on my planet "Mexico will pay for the wall" means "Mexico will pay for the wall". There is no secret decoder ring where it means "you will give me what I want (waaaah) or I will shut down the government and stiff even more people's paychecks". There is no language where it means that.

Shall I buy the house up the hill and tell the realtor that "GMU will pay for this property"? And then stomp my feet when you refuse to pay for something you never intended to? Will that actually work?

And if I did that, and put some restriction on you --- your job, your property, whatever ---- I'd be guilty of extortion.

Whelp --- do the math.

Does he talk out of his ass? Absolutely! Too damn much honestly. But see here's the thing, when his accomplishments are in line with my perspectives then I am willing to look past the mouth and tweeting. When that shit starts to affect my life I will start to complain. Until then it is just pointless whining

Agreed on the talking source, certainly. Butt again, that's where responsibility comes in. If you're going to take on a position, then DEFEND it. Rump came along selling a bill of goods which went, and I quote, "We will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it", end quote. At no point did he say "we will build a wall and you taxpayers will pay for it" because that wouldn't have sold, would it. No, the package sold was with the condition "Mexico will pay for it". That was the exact deal that the second-place candidate's voters approved.

Now of course, granted the idea that a third party who wasn't even consulted and did not approve (Mexico) would be a willing party to an insane deal, is just as insane as the idea that a political party who wasn't consulted and didn't approve, and more to the point the voters who put them in there, would be held responsible for Rump talking out of his ass. But that was the deal as presented, so that's where the responsibility lies.

Mexico of course, being named arbitrarily without consultation or approval, bears no responsibility to pay for something it never advocated. The exact same is true for taxpayers, or if you prefer, "Democrats". You can't hold taxpayers responsible for Rump's failure to think things through any more than you can hold Mexico responsible for something it too never asked for.

This isn't exactly rocket surgery here. Rump crowed a pipe dream "FEELINGS" idea, and now the reality hits the fan ---- Mexico ain't paying for it. That leaves Rump holding the proverbial bag. In typical fashion he charged headlong into a scam scheme with no idea how it would work, and now that it DOESN'T work he wants to point the finger in every direction except his belovèd mirror.

You still haven't explained to us how it is he gets to do that. I don't get to do that. You don't get to do that. You and I are responsible for what we say and what we set up. Is painting one's face orange some kind of get-out-of-responsibility-free card now?

Essplain to the class how it is that everybody's responsible for their own stuff EXCEPT Rump. Again this may be a planetary thing but on my world you don't get to slither out of something just because you can't think your way out of it.

Tell us more about "pointless whining". :popcorn:

I have been waiting for the clip where Trump says that Mexico will pay for ALL of the wall. I have been inquiring about it, asking for it... no leftist has provided it.
Aren’t government workers not supposed to be politically biased? Shouldn’t they be fired if they take a party’s side?
What the fuck happened to "Mexico will pay for the wall, mark my words"?

Inconvenient question innit.

Not inconvenient in the least. Anyone who understands economics realizes that a secure border will pay for itself via no more funding of illegals needs and the boost to our economy when money is no longer sent to Mexico.

You cut the post short so you wouldn't have to answer the racketeering issue.

"Extortion" if you prefer.

That question isn't going away.

Trumps statement about Mexico paying for it was stupidly misworded. Makes it easy for morons to miss the point.
Your post is a prime example.

So you're saying words don't mean what they mean? Rump can say anything, and it doesn't count because you have your fingers crossed on his behalf ------ and yet everybody else has to pay for his ignorance?

Diga me Tonto, what am I supposed to infer words mean, if words don't mean what they mean? Hm?

"Mexico will pay for the wall" is an extremely simple statement. It means basically that "Mexico will pay for the wall". It cannot mean "I'd like a cheeseburger with fries".

Essplain to me why Rump gets off scot free from having any responsibility for anything. My planet doesn't work like that, and your ways are strange to us.
What I'm saying is YOU KNOW WHAT HE MENT but because he is a Republican right now you will pretend you don't get it.

Again, on my planet "Mexico will pay for the wall" means "Mexico will pay for the wall". There is no secret decoder ring where it means "you will give me what I want (waaaah) or I will shut down the government and stiff even more people's paychecks". There is no language where it means that.

Shall I buy the house up the hill and tell the realtor that "GMU will pay for this property"? And then stomp my feet when you refuse to pay for something you never intended to? Will that actually work?

And if I did that, and put some restriction on you --- your job, your property, whatever ---- I'd be guilty of extortion.

Whelp --- do the math.

Does he talk out of his ass? Absolutely! Too damn much honestly. But see here's the thing, when his accomplishments are in line with my perspectives then I am willing to look past the mouth and tweeting. When that shit starts to affect my life I will start to complain. Until then it is just pointless whining

Agreed on the talking source, certainly. Butt again, that's where responsibility comes in. If you're going to take on a position, then DEFEND it. Rump came along selling a bill of goods which went, and I quote, "We will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it", end quote. At no point did he say "we will build a wall and you taxpayers will pay for it" because that wouldn't have sold, would it. No, the package sold was with the condition "Mexico will pay for it". That was the exact deal that the second-place candidate's voters approved.

Now of course, granted the idea that a third party who wasn't even consulted and did not approve (Mexico) would be a willing party to an insane deal, is just as insane as the idea that a political party who wasn't consulted and didn't approve, and more to the point the voters who put them in there, would be held responsible for Rump talking out of his ass. But that was the deal as presented, so that's where the responsibility lies.

Mexico of course, being named arbitrarily without consultation or approval, bears no responsibility to pay for something it never advocated. The exact same is true for taxpayers, or if you prefer, "Democrats". You can't hold taxpayers responsible for Rump's failure to think things through any more than you can hold Mexico responsible for something it too never asked for.

This isn't exactly rocket surgery here. Rump crowed a pipe dream "FEELINGS" idea, and now the reality hits the fan ---- Mexico ain't paying for it. That leaves Rump holding the proverbial bag. In typical fashion he charged headlong into a scam scheme with no idea how it would work, and now that it DOESN'T work he wants to point the finger in every direction except his belovèd mirror.

You still haven't explained to us how it is he gets to do that. I don't get to do that. You don't get to do that. You and I are responsible for what we say and what we set up. Is painting one's face orange some kind of get-out-of-responsibility-free card now?

Essplain to the class how it is that everybody's responsible for their own stuff EXCEPT Rump. Again this may be a planetary thing but on my world you don't get to slither out of something just because you can't think your way out of it.

Tell us more about "pointless whining". :popcorn:

I have been waiting for the clip where Trump says that Mexico will pay for ALL of the wall. I have been inquiring about it, asking for it... no leftist has provided it.

Great, so the sentient among us will now start waiting for the explanation of why a "leftist" ---- or anyone at all ---- would need to. You haven't "provided" it.

Grow the fuck UP already.

Walk into a car dealer and buy a new car, and when it comes time to sign the contract tell them how you haven't seen any leftist "provide" any evidence you said you'd pay for ALL of the car.

Rotsa ruck wit dat, Hunior.
What the fuck happened to "Mexico will pay for the wall, mark my words"?

Inconvenient question innit.

Not inconvenient in the least. Anyone who understands economics realizes that a secure border will pay for itself via no more funding of illegals needs and the boost to our economy when money is no longer sent to Mexico.

You cut the post short so you wouldn't have to answer the racketeering issue.

"Extortion" if you prefer.

That question isn't going away.

Trumps statement about Mexico paying for it was stupidly misworded. Makes it easy for morons to miss the point.
Your post is a prime example.

So you're saying words don't mean what they mean? Rump can say anything, and it doesn't count because you have your fingers crossed on his behalf ------ and yet everybody else has to pay for his ignorance?

Diga me Tonto, what am I supposed to infer words mean, if words don't mean what they mean? Hm?

"Mexico will pay for the wall" is an extremely simple statement. It means basically that "Mexico will pay for the wall". It cannot mean "I'd like a cheeseburger with fries".

Essplain to me why Rump gets off scot free from having any responsibility for anything. My planet doesn't work like that, and your ways are strange to us.
What I'm saying is YOU KNOW WHAT HE MENT but because he is a Republican right now you will pretend you don't get it.

Again, on my planet "Mexico will pay for the wall" means "Mexico will pay for the wall". There is no secret decoder ring where it means "you will give me what I want (waaaah) or I will shut down the government and stiff even more people's paychecks". There is no language where it means that.

Shall I buy the house up the hill and tell the realtor that "GMU will pay for this property"? And then stomp my feet when you refuse to pay for something you never intended to? Will that actually work?

And if I did that, and put some restriction on you --- your job, your property, whatever ---- I'd be guilty of extortion.

Whelp --- do the math.

Does he talk out of his ass? Absolutely! Too damn much honestly. But see here's the thing, when his accomplishments are in line with my perspectives then I am willing to look past the mouth and tweeting. When that shit starts to affect my life I will start to complain. Until then it is just pointless whining

Agreed on the talking source, certainly. Butt again, that's where responsibility comes in. If you're going to take on a position, then DEFEND it. Rump came along selling a bill of goods which went, and I quote, "We will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it", end quote. At no point did he say "we will build a wall and you taxpayers will pay for it" because that wouldn't have sold, would it. No, the package sold was with the condition "Mexico will pay for it". That was the exact deal that the second-place candidate's voters approved.

Now of course, granted the idea that a third party who wasn't even consulted and did not approve (Mexico) would be a willing party to an insane deal, is just as insane as the idea that a political party who wasn't consulted and didn't approve, and more to the point the voters who put them in there, would be held responsible for Rump talking out of his ass. But that was the deal as presented, so that's where the responsibility lies.

Mexico of course, being named arbitrarily without consultation or approval, bears no responsibility to pay for something it never advocated. The exact same is true for taxpayers, or if you prefer, "Democrats". You can't hold taxpayers responsible for Rump's failure to think things through any more than you can hold Mexico responsible for something it too never asked for.

This isn't exactly rocket surgery here. Rump crowed a pipe dream "FEELINGS" idea, and now the reality hits the fan ---- Mexico ain't paying for it. That leaves Rump holding the proverbial bag. In typical fashion he charged headlong into a scam scheme with no idea how it would work, and now that it DOESN'T work he wants to point the finger in every direction except his belovèd mirror.

You still haven't explained to us how it is he gets to do that. I don't get to do that. You don't get to do that. You and I are responsible for what we say and what we set up. Is painting one's face orange some kind of get-out-of-responsibility-free card now?

Essplain to the class how it is that everybody's responsible for their own stuff EXCEPT Rump. Again this may be a planetary thing but on my world you don't get to slither out of something just because you can't think your way out of it.

Tell us more about "pointless whining". :popcorn:

I have been waiting for the clip where Trump says that Mexico will pay for ALL of the wall. I have been inquiring about it, asking for it... no leftist has provided it.
OMG! Are you really this stupid? Answer, yes! "Pay for the wall" is the same thing as "all the wall" you friggin idiot. If he meant part of a wall he would have said it. Damn you people are so stupid.
Democrats really should stop using them as pawns in their propaganda campaigns.

As many of you may remember my ex wife works for the GSA. She has been there 20+ years and she is one of the workers off without pay. Yesterday I asked how she felt about this situation and her position is simple. Build the wall, it is needed.

She is of course only one opinion of thousands but the point is the Democrats seem to think they speak for all federal workers.... THEY DON'T.

And let's not forget this is the FIRST check that they are missing which makes some of the media look foolish. Just yesterday CNN interviewed someone who claimed that they were facing foreclosure on their home because of this. Exactly how that is possible after one recent missed paycheck is a bit perplexing unless they were already in that position through financial mismanagement, which has nothing to do with Trump.

Or CNN is full of shit.
Democrats really should stop using them as pawns in their propaganda campaigns.

As many of you may remember my ex wife works for the GSA. She has been there 20+ years and she is one of the workers off without pay. Yesterday I asked how she felt about this situation and her position is simple. Build the wall, it is needed.

She is of course only one opinion of thousands but the point is the Democrats seem to think they speak for all federal workers.... THEY DON'T.

And let's not forget this is the FIRST check that they are missing which makes some of the media look foolish. Just yesterday CNN interviewed someone who claimed that they were facing foreclosure on their home because of this. Exactly how that is possible after one recent missed paycheck is a bit perplexing unless they were already in that position through financial mismanagement, which has nothing to do with Trump.

Or CNN is full of shit.

We'll never know, since the OP provided no evidence that CNN said anything. So it could be that the OP is full of shit.

Always consider the source. Especially when none is provided.
Last edited:
1) In December, the Senate passed a CR unanimously when McConnell got assurances that Trump would sign.

2) Freedom Caucus members and Trump were flooded with complaints from RW talkers.

3) House doesn’t vote on it and Trump renegs on his promise to sign. Trump says he owns any shutdown.

4) Govt. shut down.

5) Dem led house passes THE EXACT SAME CR that previously passed in GOP Senate.

6) McConnel refuses to put it on the floor again. Govt. remains shut down

7) Grampa Murked U blames the Dems for the shutdown.
Democrats really should stop using them as pawns in their propaganda campaigns.

As many of you may remember my ex wife works for the GSA. She has been there 20+ years and she is one of the workers off without pay. Yesterday I asked how she felt about this situation and her position is simple. Build the wall, it is needed.

She is of course only one opinion of thousands but the point is the Democrats seem to think they speak for all federal workers.... THEY DON'T.

And let's not forget this is the FIRST check that they are missing which makes some of the media look foolish. Just yesterday CNN interviewed someone who claimed that they were facing foreclosure on their home because of this. Exactly how that is possible after one recent missed paycheck is a bit perplexing unless they were already in that position through financial mismanagement, which has nothing to do with Trump.
It's all a distraction from his real problem; Napolitano on Collusion: Mueller Can Show Trump Campaign "Had A Connection To Russian Intelligence"
That is absurd and shows just how easily misled you are.
He has been talking about a wall since before he became president.

Pull your head out of your ass

He's been talking about shutting down the govt for quite a while as well.
Democrats really should stop using them as pawns in their propaganda campaigns.

As many of you may remember my ex wife works for the GSA. She has been there 20+ years and she is one of the workers off without pay. Yesterday I asked how she felt about this situation and her position is simple. Build the wall, it is needed.

She is of course only one opinion of thousands but the point is the Democrats seem to think they speak for all federal workers.... THEY DON'T.

And let's not forget this is the FIRST check that they are missing which makes some of the media look foolish. Just yesterday CNN interviewed someone who claimed that they were facing foreclosure on their home because of this. Exactly how that is possible after one recent missed paycheck is a bit perplexing unless they were already in that position through financial mismanagement, which has nothing to do with Trump.
It's all a distraction from his real problem; Napolitano on Collusion: Mueller Can Show Trump Campaign "Had A Connection To Russian Intelligence"
That is absurd and shows just how easily misled you are.
He has been talking about a wall since before he became president.

Pull your head out of your ass
Trump better pull his head out of his. And he doesn't have much time to do it either;

Napolitano on Collusion: Mueller Can Show Trump Campaign "Had A Connection To Russian Intelligence"

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