What do ‘Independents’ and swing voters think about the Trump indictment?

(white people)

(magaturds hate the poors)

(and we're racist pieces of shit to boot)

Yep….not so oddly, MOST of our best happen to be white…..(ouch, you hate those pesky facts)
Nope….many MAGA folks are good, poor, core Americans.
Yep….MAGA folks love and respect our right to sovereignty…and yes, it is racist to want to protect borders.
I ask because Independents tend to sell themselves as the most intelligent, most logical, most reasonable, most sensible of all voters. That said, their opinion on the matter might be the difference maker come general election time.
Your thoughts?
I am waiting until the judicial system plays out. If it proves to be an over reach it is a bad decision by a DA that is a Democrat not the Democratic party. There are DA's from all political leanings that are criticized for charges they bring are based on bias. Sometimes th bias can be based on race or religion. Our judicial system has checks to override an unjust indictment through appeals and a jury trial. Donald Trump is much more deserving of his charges than many who are indicted, in my opinion.

The only reason Trump is President is because of an inept Democrat party.

Independents and Republicans who see that Trump as a threat to our country will bring him down. We will not let a frivalous suit change that.
Remember when you, Adam Schiff, Catsnmeters and the rest of the hate America folks had all the facts on Russian Collusion long before the investigation even began?

So you are not going to back up what you said? I imagine you have tried and have read what I said and I have always said. The whole Russian thing was B.S.
So you are not going to back up what you said? I imagine you have tried and have read what I said and I have always said. The whole Russian thing was B.S.
Sorry….I’m stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic with a million of Unkotare ‘s prized illegals on the 405 freeway….I’ll look at your post history when I get behind my desk.

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