What do ‘Independents’ and swing voters think about the Trump indictment?

We have had a two tiered justice system forever. Trump has benefitted from it many times in the past.

Steal $60 from the 7-11 and its prison. Steal millions through a fraudulent scheme and you have to just pay some of it back.
Here's the topic I started about this:

I ask because Independents tend to sell themselves as the most intelligent, most logical, most reasonable, most sensible of all voters. That said, their opinion on the matter might be the difference maker come general election time.
Your thoughts?
I am a Conservative Independent. Quit the RINO Party many years ago, and wouldn't even consider joining the Marxist Party (sometimes called the Democrat Party). I liked some things about Trump and disliked other things. I wasn't a fan of his Covid vaccine push. I wasn't a fan of his support of the LGBTQ+Pedo activists. I didn't like it when he banned bump stocks. I did like the idea of building a wall at the southern border. I did like the idea of becoming energy independent. I did like the prospect of bringing industry (and jobs) back to America. I wasn't a fan of his verbosity and boastful nature, but I did like the idea that he didn't fear the Swamp (establishment Democrats and RINOs).

But what I'm witnessing is an absolute witch hunt. There are Democrat politicians who are WAY more guilty of various crimes than Trump is yet all of them get away scot-free. None of them have been raided by the FBI in the middle of the night nor investigated for 8 years, straight. So even though I don't worship Trump or agree with him on several issues ... it's clear that he's being politically persecuted.
Biden is an idiot, and I detest Hillary with the fire of 1000 suns. You don't know what you're talking about, as usual. Sit down and stifle.
I am a Conservative Independent. Quit the RINO Party many years ago, and wouldn't even consider joining the Marxist Party (sometimes called the Democrat Party).
Sure you are.
I liked some things about Trump and disliked other things. I wasn't a fan of his Covid vaccine push.
The only thing the Orange sack of shit actually did.
I wasn't a fan of his support of the LGBTQ+Pedo activists.
I wasn't aware he supported LGBTQ+pedo activists. Examples?
I didn't like it when he banned bump stocks.
I did like the idea of building a wall at the southern border.
Which he didn't actually do. And Mexico didn't pay for it.
I did like the idea of becoming energy independent.
Which he didn't actually do.
I did like the prospect of bringing industry (and jobs) back to America.
Which he didn't actually do.
I wasn't a fan of his verbosity and boastful nature, but I did like the idea that he didn't fear the Swamp (establishment Democrats and RINOs).
So, you love superficial shit. Not everyone does. :dunno:
I think time will tell if it is legit or not.

The next hearing is Dec 4th.

Much will happen between now and then.
Just more evidence that this is purely politically motivated and what should be an unconstitutional misuse of the law and legal proceedings. They don't care what the outcome of a trial might be. Their aim is to drag this out forever until the next election. It is wrong. It is malicious. It is evil.
Gfy. I grew up in the heartland.

You're probably the result of some blue city shithole
Those statements are independent of where you grew up. Your area was all of that. Less safe. Less educated. Less Wealthy. Everything holds. You are just blind to it.
Just more evidence that this is purely politically motivated and what should be an unconstitutional misuse of the law and legal proceedings. They don't care what the outcome of a trial might be. Their aim is to drag this out forever until the next election. It is wrong. It is malicious. It is evil.

The Trump legal team wanted it to be in Jan, so it seems they are the reasons behind it being so far away.

Though I do agree they did it for pure political reasons.
Sure you are.

The only thing the Orange sack of shit actually did.

I wasn't aware he supported LGBTQ+pedo activists. Examples?


Which he didn't actually do. And Mexico didn't pay for it.

Which he didn't actually do.

Which he didn't actually do.

So, you love superficial shit. Not everyone does. :dunno:
If I'm not a Conservative Indepedent then please tell me where I stand. I always thought I knew myself better than you do but perhaps I'm wrong. I'm waiting.

If I'm not a Conservative Indepedent then please tell me where I stand. I always thought I knew myself better than you do but perhaps I'm wrong. I'm waiting.

You sound to me like a typical right leaning populist that admires the superficial, authoritarian strongman type of candidate. But that's just the first pass. :dunno:

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