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What do liberals think about Trump's statement he was spied on now?

"just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!"



You can lead a horse to water but not make it drink and you can lead a libtard to facts but not make it think .... here's 3 for you libtard ...

US government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman - CNNPolitics

Obama White House Wiretapped Trump, Then Lied About It: CNN | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD


Still waiting for that quote showing that Trump was ever wire tapped.

Or an actual member of his campaign.

Oh wait- still no evidence of either.

Back pedaling while picking at straws ... give it up knuckle head you lost the point now #STFU

LOL- Lets remember the lies that started this all:

I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017

Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017

Both are lies.

Trump was never 'wire-tapped'

But good attempt at peddling the Trumpster lies.
Sorry- the onus is on you to prove that they are all Democrats- and that they are all 'partisan Democrats'.

Of course you are just parroting what Trump says- so I shouldn't ask you for evidence of your claims- that is like asking a blind man to tell me the color of a house.

But the facts show you are of course- lying

At least 4 of the team are not Democrats. 8 of the team have made no campaign contributions to anyone. 1 made campaign contributions to both Democrats and Republicans.

The president is ignoring one important fact: Robert S. Mueller III, who heads the team, is a longtime registered Republican. He was appointed by another Republican, Rod J. Rosenstein, whom Trump nominated as deputy attorney general. But publicly available voter registration information shows that 13 of the 17 members of Mueller's team have previously registered as Democrats, while four had no affiliation or their affiliation could not be found.

Nine of the 17 made political donations to Democrats, their contributions totaling more than $57,000. The majority came from one person, who also contributed to Republicans.

they noted that Justice Department policies prohibit discrimination in hiring for career positions on the basis of politics.

1) Brian M. Richardson, a former Supreme Court clerk and clerk for a judge serving on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit in New York City.

No donations.

Voter registration: No affiliation.

2) Ryan Dickey, a lawyer on detail from the Justice Department Criminal Division’s Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section.

No donations.

Voter registration: Democrat.

3) Kyle Freeny, a lawyer from the Justice Department Criminal Division’s Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section.

Freeny donated $250 to Barack Obama’s presidential campaign in 2008, another $250 to Obama’s reelection campaign in 2012 and $250 to Clinton’s campaign in 2016.

Voter registration: Democrat.

4) Scott Meisler, an appellate lawyer from the Justice Department Criminal Division.

No donations.

Voter registration: No affiliation.

5) Zainab Ahmad, a lawyer from the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New York.

No donations.

Voter registration: No affiliation.

6) Greg Andres, a former partner at Davis Polk, a former deputy assistant attorney general in the Justice Department Criminal Division and a former assistant U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York

He donated $2,700 to the campaign of Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) this year and $1,000 to the U.S. Senate campaign of David Hoffman (D) in 2009 when he ran unsuccessfully in Illinois.

Voter registration: Democrat.

7) Rush Atkinson, a lawyer from the Justice Department Criminal Division Fraud Section.

He donated $200 to Clinton’s campaign in 2016.

Voter registration: Democrat.

8) Michael Dreeben, an appellate lawyer from the Office of the Solicitor General.

No donations.

Voter registration: Democrat.

9) Andrew Goldstein, a lawyer from the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York.

Goldstein donated $3,300 to Obama's campaigns in 2008 and 2012.

Voter registration: Democrat.

10) Adam Jed, an appellate lawyer from the Civil Division.

No donations.

Voter registration: Democrat.

11) Elizabeth Prelogar, an appellate lawyer on detail from the Office of the Solicitor General.

She donated $250 each to Clinton’s campaign in 2016 and the Obama Victory Fund in 2012.

Voter registration: Democrat.

12) James Quarles, a former partner at WilmerHale and a former assistant special prosecutor for the Watergate Special Prosecution Force.

He donated more than $30,000 to various Democratic campaigns in 2016, including $2,700 to Clinton, although his giving spans two decades. Quarles also gave $2,500 in 2015 to Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) and $250 to Sen. George Allen (R-Va.) in 2005.

Voter registration: Democrat.

13) Jeannie Rhee, a former partner at WilmerHale who has served in the Office of Legal Counsel and as an assistant U.S. attorney in Washington.

Rhee donated a total of $5,400 to Clinton’s campaign in 2015 and 2016, and a total of $4,800 to the Obama Victory Fund in 2008 and 2011. She also made smaller donations totaling $1,750 to the Democratic National Committee and to various Democrats running for Senate seats.

Voter registration: Democrat.

14) Brandon Van Grack, a lawyer on detail from the Justice Department's National Security Division.

He donated $286.77 to Obama’s campaign in 2008.

Voter registration: Democrat.

15) Andrew Weissmann, a lawyer who headed the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section. He has served as general counsel at the FBI and as an assistant U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York.

Weissmann donated $2,300 to the Obama Victory Fund in 2008, $2,000 to the DNC in 2006 and $2,300 to the Clinton campaign in 2007.

Voter registration: Democrat.

16) Aaron Zebley, a former partner at WilmerHale who has previously served with Mueller at the FBI and as an assistant U.S. attorney in the Eastern District of Virginia.

No donations.

Voter registration: No affiliation.

17) Aaron Zelinsky, a lawyer on detail from the U.S. attorney's office in the District of Maryland.
No donations.

Voter registration: Democrat.
You failed to list a Republican.

Zainab Ahmad is a member of CAIR, a 100% Obama man
LOL- you don't even know her gender!

Because she dares be on the team investigating Herr Trump you of course feel a need to slander her. Yet she has been on the forefront of fighting terrorism in the United States and has a reputation as a superb prosecutor.

Zainab Ahmad ’05

Mueller recruited Ahmad from the U.S. Attorney’s office for the Eastern District of New York, where she has prosecuted 13 people for terrorism since 2009 and not lost a case.

In a New Yorker profile of Ahmad this past May, a former supervisor said she has likely amassed more time talking with “legitimate Al Qaeda members, hardened terrorist killers,” than any other prosecutor in America. Last year, former U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch recruited Ahmad to work at the Justice Department in Washington.

Judge Reena Raggi of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit, for whom Ahmad clerked, praised her “ability to analogize. Her aptitude for solving problems. She has a deep critical mind.”

Taking Down Terrorists in Court | The New Yorker
Ahmad’s specialty is counterterrorism, her subspecialty “extraterritorial” cases, which means that she spends a great deal of time overseas, negotiating with foreign officials, interviewing witnesses, often in prison, and combing the ground for evidence in terror-related crimes against Americans. She spends time in American prisons as well, typically with convicted jihadists. A former supervisor of Ahmad’s told me that she has probably logged more hours talking to “legitimate Al Qaeda members, hardened terrorist killers,” than any other prosecutor in America.

Knowledge is everything in counterterrorism. “Coöperators are the unsung heroes of this business,” Ahmad said. One of her former supervisors at E.D.N.Y., David Bitkower, told me, “You coöperate some kid from Minneapolis in 2009, and a couple of years later he’s going to help you prosecute an Al Shabaab commander, who is going to help you pursue defendants farther up the chain.” Ahmad considers all her time with ex-jihadists well spent. “They always know more than they think they know,” she told me. “Everything they remember helps fill in the picture.”

When the F.B.I. has a promising investigation, it becomes like a client shopping for a lawyer. Which U.S. Attorney’s office would be most effective on this case? As Ahmad began travelling in the Middle East, Africa, and Europe, and began winning significant convictions, her stock at the F.B.I. rose. Judge Margo Brodie, of the Eastern District, who was formerly the deputy chief of the Criminal Division at E.D.N.Y., told me, “Agents were bringing their cases to the office, begging to have her take them. It never dawned on her that the reason she had so much work was that she’s so good.”

Muslims vote Democrat. End of story.
Bigots vote Republican. End of story.

Terrorists, mass shooters, child molesters and communists vote Democrat.

There's nothing bigoted about pointing out the irrefutable fact that most Muslims vote Democrat, moron. Turds like you never fail to point out that most blacks vote Democrat. Why isn't that bigoted?
"just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!"



You can lead a horse to water but not make it drink and you can lead a libtard to facts but not make it think .... here's 3 for you libtard ...

US government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman - CNNPolitics

Obama White House Wiretapped Trump, Then Lied About It: CNN | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD


Still waiting for that quote showing that Trump was ever wire tapped.

Or an actual member of his campaign.

Oh wait- still no evidence of either.

Back pedaling while picking at straws ... give it up knuckle head you lost the point now #STFU

LOL- Lets remember the lies that started this all:

I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017

Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017

Both are lies.

Trump was never 'wire-tapped'

But good attempt at peddling the Trumpster lies.

They're both true, douchebag. You're hanging your claim on the use of the word "wiretap." That's antiquainted terminology for what the NSA does when it wants to spy on you, but what Trump said is a fact.
"just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!"



You can lead a horse to water but not make it drink and you can lead a libtard to facts but not make it think .... here's 3 for you libtard ...

US government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman - CNNPolitics

Obama White House Wiretapped Trump, Then Lied About It: CNN | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD


Still waiting for that quote showing that Trump was ever wire tapped.

Or an actual member of his campaign.

Oh wait- still no evidence of either.

Back pedaling while picking at straws ... give it up knuckle head you lost the point now #STFU
He's mad because I exploded his bullshit with three words.
Uncensored2008, post: 19648393
He specifically has NO AUTHORITY to prosecute 13 year old SEC violations nor to entrap Generals using illegally obtained wire taps.

When Joe diGenova says the FISA order was illegal we can all rest assured that it was perfectly legal. That schmuck is never right. He is full of so much hate his brain has rotted.

Mueller was specifically authorized to go after Manafort's serious lies and crimes connected to Russians in Ukraine.

Collusion can go back decades with Trumpsters and Trumpo finagling deals with Putin friendly oligarchs.

Again, the Witch Hunt has a single task, investigate collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, which the Grand Inquisitor has now admitted (through leaks to the Amazon Washington Times) is not there.

Instead the witch hunt is "investigating" utterly unrelated matters that are the domain of the attorney general.

Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada is getting extremely close to treason, with his attempt to stage a coup d'etat.

That is a line McCabe and Comey already crossed. Now this Mormon prosecutor that Sessions hired to go after the conspirators in the FSB, Strzok, McCabe, Comey, has a reputation for putting dirty cops in prison. Torquemada best watch his step, lest he wind up with his minions.
Gator: Obama did not tap Trump. Sure, Obama's people trapped Trump's people, but Obama didn't tap Trump ...

let me type this really slowly for you...NOBODY TAPPED TRUMP'S LINES. NOBODY

You were the same people saying there was no way Hillary’s rogue government email server was not hacked.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Calm down Comrade and go back to sucking off Kim Jong Un.

The FSB is proven to have tapped Trump tower on behalf of the Clinton campaign they were working for.

That isn't a question, you drooling commie - it's already answered.

Grassley Graham Memo Affirms Nunes Memo on FISA & Steele Dossier | National Review

According to Trumpo Carter Page was no longer a part of the Trump Campaign. And Trump lied that Obama had his Tower phone's tapped.

That was a lie. A bold faced Trump lie and still is a lie.

It is an established fact that Strzok wiretapped the Trump campaign including in Trump tower.

The FSB traitor wrote

{Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016, about prepping Comey because "potus wants to know everything we're doing." According to a newly released Senate report, this text raises questions about Obama's personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation.}

FBI lovers' latest text messages: Obama 'wants to know everything'

Sounds like Obama was up to his neck in treason, including bugging Trump tower.
Gator: Obama did not tap Trump. Sure, Obama's people trapped Trump's people, but Obama didn't tap Trump ...

let me type this really slowly for you...NOBODY TAPPED TRUMP'S LINES. NOBODY

You were the same people saying there was no way Hillary’s rogue government email server was not hacked.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Calm down Comrade and go back to sucking off Kim Jong Un.

The FSB is proven to have tapped Trump tower on behalf of the Clinton campaign they were working for.

That isn't a question, you drooling commie - it's already answered.

Grassley Graham Memo Affirms Nunes Memo on FISA & Steele Dossier | National Review


Comrade, are you lying that the Trump campaign was NOT under surveillance by the FSB on orders from Bureau Chief Peter Strzok, who appears to have been taking orders directly from Obama?

Is that what you're lying?
You remember all the rhetoric as liberals laughed at Trump for suggesting the White House was spying on Trump. Yeah, so funny, what a dope right? Oh sure, "Obama wasn't spying on Trump". That's right, he was just involved.

Once again Trump gets the last laugh. Are liberals prepared to concede they were wrong again?
Uh, same thing any rational person bieves? That this is laughable bullshit?
Actually I have proven he lied- and now you are showing you are lying to support your lie.

He claimed that they were all 'partisan Democrats'

At least 4 of the team are not Democrats. So that makes his- and your claim- a lie.

Yer lying, and stupidly so.

The list you got from a leftist hate site claims 2, not 4 but 2, of the thugs working for the Inquisition are supposed "independents."

One of the two is a CAIR lawyer, a radical Muslim. The other is the former law clerk of Marxist SCOTUS member Sonya Sotomayor.

The Witch Hunt is staffed with 100% leftist thugs.
Uncensored2008, post: 19648393
He specifically has NO AUTHORITY to prosecute 13 year old SEC violations nor to entrap Generals using illegally obtained wire taps.

When Joe diGenova says the FISA order was illegal we can all rest assured that it was perfectly legal. That schmuck is never right. He is full of so much hate his brain has rotted.

Mueller was specifically authorized to go after Manafort's serious lies and crimes connected to Russians in Ukraine.

Collusion can go back decades with Trumpsters and Trumpo finagling deals with Putin friendly oligarchs.
When Joe diGenova says the FISA order was illegal we can all rest assured that he's right.

Joe DiGenova is a hired gun for Trump. He will say whatever he thinks will benefit his client.

When a judge agree with Joe- then we can 'rest assured he is right'- until then we can just rest assured that he is just another Trump hired gun.
DiGenova hasn't received a dime from Trump, dumbass. Judges aren't the arbiters of absolute truth.
Judges aren't the arbiters of absolute truth.
This coming from a guy who just said a paid lawyer IS...haha, wow man...do you mean for these thoughts to leak out one after the other, or do they fall out randomly?
Where did I say DiGenova is the arbiter of absolute truth?
Where did he say the judge was?

"When a judge agree with Joe- then we can 'rest assured he is right'- until then we can just rest assured that he is just another Trump hired gun."
Gator: Obama did not tap Trump. Sure, Obama's people trapped Trump's people, but Obama didn't tap Trump ...

let me type this really slowly for you...NOBODY TAPPED TRUMP'S LINES. NOBODY

You were the same people saying there was no way Hillary’s rogue government email server was not hacked.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Calm down Comrade and go back to sucking off Kim Jong Un.

The FSB is proven to have tapped Trump tower on behalf of the Clinton campaign they were working for.

That isn't a question, you drooling commie - it's already answered.

Grassley Graham Memo Affirms Nunes Memo on FISA & Steele Dossier | National Review

LOL- you Trumpsters and your lies.

But hey- you learned your lying from Herr Trump- so what else can we expect?

...... yet somehow, Clinton-Obama-Clinton never lied? You mantra that Trump lies yet provide no empirical data to back it up. That makes you, a liar.
Judges aren't the arbiters of absolute truth.
This coming from a guy who just said a paid lawyer IS...haha, wow man...do you mean for these thoughts to leak out one after the other, or do they fall out randomly?
Where did I say DiGenova is the arbiter of absolute truth?
Where did he say the judge was?

"When a judge agree with Joe- then we can 'rest assured he is right'- until then we can just rest assured that he is just another Trump hired gun."
In other words, exactly what you said about the lawyer.

Well that is the Manafort Party line. Just another Trumpster lie of course.

Manafort has a party, Comrade?

Is it the same party as his unidicted and uninvestigated partner in these crimes, John Podesta? You know, the chief of staff for Mafia Don Hillary Clinton?

Oddly, while the Grand Inquisitor seeks to crucify Manafort over SEC violations, which by all indications he is flat out guilty of; Mewler-Torquemada seems entirely uninterested in the two Podesta brothers who were 100% as involved in the deal as their equal partner Manafort.

Why is that? Why is this corrupt fucking shit Mewler applying different standards of law for the identical act?

Could it be that this corrupt pile of shit is nothing other than a hack attempting to stage a coup against the government of the United States?

Fascinating that you don't care about Generals illegally lying during an investigation.

Is it that you Trumpsters think that anyone associated with Trump just is above the law?

You're damned right that I don't care about Flynn lying to corrupt traitor Peter Strzok.

Strzok should be lined up in front of a wall and shot.

We'll have to be satisfied with the scumbag spending the rest of his life in prison, but he should be shot for his attempted coup.

Now tell me how it is "illegal" to lie to FSB scum who are conspiring with the Kremlin to rig the presidential election the way Strzok and McCabe did?

Wasn't McCabe fired because the IG found he had repeatedly lied to the FSB and had engaged in perjury on multiple occasions?
Last edited:

Well that is the Manafort Party line. Just another Trumpster lie of course.

Manafort has a party, Comrade?

Is it the same party as his unidicted and uninvestigated partner in these crimes, John Podesta? You know, the chief of staff for Mafia Don Hillary Clinton?

Oddly, while the Grand Inquisitor seeks to crucify Manafort over SEC violations, which by all indications he is flat out guilty of; Mewler-Torquemada seems entirely uninterested in the two Podesta brothers who were 100% as involved in the deal as their equal partner Manafort.

Why is that? Why is this corrupt fucking shit Mewler applying different standards of law for the identical act?

Could it be that this corrupt pile of shit is nothing other than a hack attempting to stage a coup against the government of the United States>

Fascinating that you don't care about Generals illegally lying during an investigation.

Is it that you Trumpsters think that anyone associated with Trump just is above the law?

You're damed right that I don't care about Flynn lying to corrupt traitor Peter Strzok.

Strzok should be lined up in front of a wall and shot.

We'll have to be satisfied with the scumbag spending the rest of his life in prison, but he should be shot for his attempted coup.

Now tell me how it is "illegal" to lie to FSB scum who are conspiring with the Kremlin to rig the presidential election the way Strzok and McCabe did?

Wasn't McCabe fired because the IG found he had repeatedly lied to the FSB and had engaged in perjury on multiple occasions?
Do you ever pause to wonder why you are ALWAYS wrong about this stuff? Let me guess:it's a vast conspiracy.

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