What do people expect to find out about the man detained after a shooting incident today at a golf course in Florida?

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Law Enforcement held a joint news briefing. The Florida guy in charge at the podium said they would be sharing all they have. What they've shared so far is scant info. Why?

The obvious.

I remember the craziness after the Ohio shooting with Trump on a stage. The attacks on LE were off and running before LE even held a press briefing. It's been my opinion for quite some time that the USA has become nation of professional victims. And more and more people seek information that borders on crazed conspiracy theories.

I feel terrible for the younger generations. This is what the grown ups have left than -- a legacy, of paranoid bs, always while spouting nonsense about liberty, freedom, and patriotism.

Then again I remember to go back to the 1964 article by Richard Hofstadter, in the old Harper's Magazine:

The Paranoid Style in American Politics

The incident today? What do we actually know vs what is all over the place, web, tv, radio, print? The Paranoid Style is off and running.
Law Enforcement held a joint news briefing. The Florida guy in charge at the podium said they would be sharing all they have. What they've shared so far is scant info. Why?

The obvious.

I remember the craziness after the Ohio shooting with Trump on a stage. The attacks on LE were off and running before LE even held a press briefing. It's been my opinion for quite some time that the USA has become nation of professional victims. And more and more people seek information that borders on crazed conspiracy theories.

I feel terrible for the younger generations. This is what the grown ups have left than -- a legacy, of paranoid bs, always while spouting nonsense about liberty, freedom, and patriotism.

Then again I remember to go back to the 1964 article by Richard Hofstadter, in the old Harper's Magazine:

The Paranoid Style in American Politics

The incident today? What do we actually know vs what is all over the place, web, tv, radio, print? The Paranoid Style is off and running.
A faggot lefty who of course supports the dumb Ukraine war and believes all the “Russia Russia Russia” lies of the MSM.



Or this guy?

Law Enforcement held a joint news briefing. The Florida guy in charge at the podium said they would be sharing all they have. What they've shared so far is scant info. Why?

The obvious.

I remember the craziness after the Ohio shooting with Trump on a stage. The attacks on LE were off and running before LE even held a press briefing. It's been my opinion for quite some time that the USA has become nation of professional victims. And more and more people seek information that borders on crazed conspiracy theories.

I feel terrible for the younger generations. This is what the grown ups have left than -- a legacy, of paranoid bs, always while spouting nonsense about liberty, freedom, and patriotism.

Then again I remember to go back to the 1964 article by Richard Hofstadter, in the old Harper's Magazine:

The Paranoid Style in American Politics

The incident today? What do we actually know vs what is all over the place, web, tv, radio, print? The Paranoid Style is off and running.
A very sick individual.
I am guessing there were signs of his sickness and this could have been prevented if those around him had done something.
It is the case with so many mass shootings and assassination of famous people.
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So it turns out the actually greatest threat to democracy are radical leftwing lunatics that support our proxy war in Ukraine against Russia.

Lesh ?
Law Enforcement held a joint news briefing. The Florida guy in charge at the podium said they would be sharing all they have. What they've shared so far is scant info. Why?

The obvious.

I remember the craziness after the Ohio shooting with Trump on a stage. The attacks on LE were off and running before LE even held a press briefing. It's been my opinion for quite some time that the USA has become nation of professional victims. And more and more people seek information that borders on crazed conspiracy theories.

I feel terrible for the younger generations. This is what the grown ups have left than -- a legacy, of paranoid bs, always while spouting nonsense about liberty, freedom, and patriotism.

Then again I remember to go back to the 1964 article by Richard Hofstadter, in the old Harper's Magazine:

The Paranoid Style in American Politics

The incident today? What do we actually know vs what is all over the place, web, tv, radio, print? The Paranoid Style is off and running.

Far-left nutjob who will be painted with any other brush other than this reality.

People are complex, alot of grey with most people. However, the attacks on Trump over years have taken their toll. America is worse off for this fact.

Notice the guy said "democracy is on the ballot"

Propaganda is always repeated via lies and fear to convince people that the truth is so much worse than it really is.
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