What do Trump supporters think of Steve Bannon’s exposé of Trump’s plot to steal the election?

No, you're wrong...

A large number of narratives were offered by numerous witnesses.

Your problem is that they were consistent.

Grifty was invited to tell his side, under oath.....but you know how that goes - the buffoon would have been spitroasted.

You don't know what you are spewing about.
You never do.
If they were honest, they would just say "I don't care if this is all a lie".

They're at war. They don't give two shits about what's true.
OK....So, this reputed "bombshell" story has been out there for years....Numerous Trump and Bannon hating media outlets have had every opportunity to wave this around in everyone's faces ad nauseum, yet it was only the hard-boiled, gumshoe, terrier-like 'journalists" at Mother Jones who brought the world this jaw-dropping exposé!

Yes, you really are this fucking stoopit.
OK....So, this reputed "bombshell" story has been out there for years....Numerous Trump and Bannon hating media outlets have had every opportunity to wave this around in everyone's faces ad nauseum, yet it was only the hard-boiled, gumshoe, terrier-like 'journalists" at Mother Jones who brought the world this jaw-dropping exposé!

Yes, you really are this fucking stoopit.
You have been fooled by a con man, and you don't even care.
OK....So, this reputed "bombshell" story has been out there for years....Numerous Trump and Bannon hating media outlets have had every opportunity to wave this around in everyone's faces ad nauseum, yet it was only the hard-boiled, gumshoe, terrier-like 'journalists" at Mother Jones who brought the world this jaw-dropping exposé!

Yes, you really are this fucking stoopit.
More "analysis", from a libertarian savant.

No one gives a shit about your feelings, loser.
And we all know that serially dishonest leftoids would never ever doctor a recording to try and make some sort of point or another....

And we all know that serially dishonest leftoids would never ever doctor a recording to try and make some sort of point or another....

Blah, blah, blah....
And we all know that serially dishonest leftoids would never ever doctor a recording to try and make some sort of point or another....

I think that the recording is real.

As the administration was watching the fraud play out, I hope that they were game planning for multiple senarios.

Biden bragged that they had built the best voter fraud machine in history.
We need to pay attention when people tell us who they are.
I myself was wondering why the new D.C. indictments do not include Bannon as a co-conspirator in Trump’s attempted theft of the elections. The answer is Bannon, already pardoned once by Trump, was no longer officially a Trump White House employee in 2020. Bannon was however still closely connected to Giuliani and others. Bannon is still to face a state trial scheduled for May, 2024 for his grifting theft of funds contributed by thousands of ordinary working-class Trump supporters for “Building the Wall.” An old but good thread and link here on all that: Steve Bannon’s ‘We Build the Wall’ scheme trial set for May 2024

There apparently were plenty of FBI and CIA investigators watching Bannon’s wheeling and dealing with the the notorious “double spy” Guo Wengui, but it seems there also is now embarrassment within these agencies — possibly because they themselves originally were fooled by Guo.

So besides possible ongoing but unannounced tax and business fraud investigations of this Trump-loving foreign billionaire, they seem just to be relying on private lawsuits against Guo (from his many cheated “investors” and “business partners” in a host of enterprises including crypto-currencies) to run their inevitable course.

This may also be why Bannon’s ties to this extreme pro-Trump Chinese-intelligence-connected money “bag man” and one-time multi-billionaire provocateur and disruptor of America’s democracy … has received little coverage in the media recently.

Of course this case is also far too confusing and embarrassing on many levels for typical Trump cultists to follow, or for their media to cover. I have followed the case more closely than most because of my particular interest in the Chinese-American diaspora, and I bring it up here for your delectation and edification.

For those interested in details of Guo’s adventurous life as the “born with nothing” gangster who became rich serving a corrupt Communist intelligence chief, and who was “reborn” as a pro-Trump “provocateur extraordinary” in the U.S., there is always Wikipedia & its links, or this mostly excellent New Yorker article from October 2022:

How a Tycoon Linked to Chinese Intelligence Became a Darling of Trump Republicans
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I think that the recording is real.

As the administration was watching the fraud play out, I hope that they were game planning for multiple senarios.

Biden bragged that they had built the best voter fraud machine in history.
We need to pay attention when people tell us who they are.
Maybe, maybe not.

Regardless, this reputed recording has been out there for this long, and is now only coming to light because the hack-a-rama at Mother Jones dug it up?

Stinks like spook shit all day long.

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