What do we agree upon?

I would like for anyone who is religious explain to me WHY we should have the Bible in our public schools and if you DO support that would you support putting the Koran the Torah or any number of other religious texts?

Because it would seem to me that if you DON'T then you really don't support the CONSTITUTION.

I don't think The Bible can be found in every classroom. And probably the Koran and Torah are included in the school's library.

Other than that, it's a subject I won't touch, like abortion, because I completely understand both "sides" of the argument.
Immie, I would agree with you here in principle but for that very fine line between education and indoctrination. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and even well-meaning people have their own subtle (or not so subtle) prejudices. Not only would some if not many teachers cross that line (intentionally or otherwise), but the overwhelming cost of the resulting lawsuits to already burdened schools wouldn't be worth the result in my opinion. Human nature being what it is, I feel it's better to avoid going there at all.

I agree with you on that Gold. I said I believe that public schools SHOULD teach about faith. The problem is as you said, that the teachers would bring their own biases into the classroom. So, you might have a fundamentalist Christian teaching about Islam and I can't see how that could work out for the good.

In a perfect world, the teacher would come to class teach the curriculum and the students would learn about the different faiths and there would be a hell of a lot more peace in this world... unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world.

Imm......Has it occured to you that if we give equall time(which would be required by the Constitution) to ALL religions we would have very little time to teach ANYTHING else? Would you want your kids to be taught about Paganism or Satanism? Please don't lie because I don't think you would be happy with that ONE LITTLE BIT!

Cold, I'm not going to lie, because I am not afraid of what I have to say here. I would have no problem with teaching paganism. After all, paganism is nothing more than a religion. However, maybe we should define paganism, because paganism is different things to different people:

From dictionary.com

1. one of a people or community observing a polytheistic religion, as the ancient Romans and Greeks.
2. a person who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim.
3. an irreligious or hedonistic person.

1. pagan spirit or attitude in religious or moral questions.
2. the beliefs or practices of pagans.
3. the state of being a pagan.

To me paganism includes witchcraft and belief in spiritualism as well, but not everyone agrees with that.

Again, I have no problem with teaching the beliefs associated with paganism. I loved Greek Mythology in school.

Satanism?! A little harder for me to answer that question as I do believe in Satan and demons. In fact, I am convinced I have encountered demons before, but that is a story, I care not to share at the moment.

If the beliefs of Satanism are taught as the beliefs of Satanism, I am okay with that. If Satanism is taught as something that is good and helpful to society, I have a problem with that. If students are indoctrinated into Satanism, I have a major problem with that.

And about "equal time", it doesn't take a whole year to teach how faith has intertwined itself throughout our history. In fact, simply discussing history... let's say a discussion of the Middle Ages would simply include the discussion of the crusades, what was the underlying reasons for the crusades and how faith played a part in those times. Rather than completely ignoring the role that faith played in the times.

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Religiosity, in all of its glory and in all of its sordidness, is a part of American history.

A teacher using critical thinking skills and professionally stating and miminizing his/her bias can teach religiosity as a historical force without any problem. Otherwise, how do students learn the inculcation of American evangelical and traditional Protestantism of the 19th century that went to war with immigrant Roman Catholicism in American culture?
Again Raven if all you want to do is parrot RNC talking points you have come to the WRONG PLACE. If their are issues in which you DIFFER from your conservative views I would like to hear them. I don't think ANYBODY agrees with EVERY talking point of EITHER party. Give it a try if you would please you may find it fun to see who you agree with on some points.

Again I will demonstrate..........I don't think attacking smokers because they are an easy target is right. They see the taxes for their chosen vice go up whenever there is a budget shortfall and small business owners(restaurants) are being told that their patrons can not smoke in a privately owned business.

I'm sorry you don't approve of what I support and don't support, but they are my beliefs. There are others and I would be happy to share those also.
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Raven I don't think you are getting my point. I am not trying to insult you about your beleifs because you have a right to feel that way. I was just trying to find out if you have ANY views that are not "conservative" in nature. I am not trying to play gotcha I just think we ALL have an issue where we agree with other people that we normally don't.

Please view this thread for what it is a place to discuss issues in an open and non judgemental fashion.....The last bit is VERY hard to do but I ask people to try as hard as they can to respect my desire to not make this into a nasty thread.......We already have FAR TOO MANY of those types of threads.
I'm sorry you don't approve of what I support and don't support, but they are my beliefs. There are others and I would be happy to share those also.

Please forgive me for interfering, but I think what CF has been trying to do with this thread is to point out that although you are a conservative, there are probably things that you agree with that are "liberal" in nature and he (I think CF is a he although I am not sure) is asking for those kinds of things. CF is not knocking your conservative beliefs, just looking for "common ground" so to speak.

I'm sorry you don't approve of what I support and don't support, but they are my beliefs. There are others and I would be happy to share those also.

Please forgive me for interfering, but I think what CF has been trying to do with this thread is to point out that although you are a conservative, there are probably things that you agree with that are "liberal" in nature and he (I think CF is a he although I am not sure) is asking for those kinds of things. CF is not knocking your conservative beliefs, just looking for "common ground" so to speak.


IMM you are correct on all points. Thank you for helping to clarify.
Not much. There are people here that would argue that the sky is not blue and water is not wet.

Well, the Native Americans learned that lesson the hard way, if it is in economic self interest the grass won't grow, the water won't flow, and the sky won't be blue.
I mean you and I may agree on one or two topics and you may agree with someone else on another topic and that person may agree with me on yet another topic.

Well sure. Everyone on here can find at least one other person that agrees with them. I mean, look at all the kooks we actually have on here. I think if someone posted that the moon landing was faked at least one other person would step up to the plate to defend the assertion.

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