What do we agree upon?

How the hell do these rep point work? I just lost 200 rep for attacking Israel?

:confused: I don't really get how that's calculated either. I just gave you one, so if everyone follows suit, you'll soon be able to "start your own religion." :happy-1:
If I "had" to pick a label I lean more liberal than conservative. But I don't like being pigeonholed that way. Why in a nation we claim is built on individual liberty and the right to free political expression do we then try to shut he range of political thought up into one of two or three little neatly labeled boxes?

Over the last ten years or so, it's gotten more and more ridiculous. We should be considering (and voting) our best interests no matter which party makes the proposal. But now it's become a never-ending battle between "my club" and "your club" (especially among our elected legislators, from whom we take our cues. Even Supreme Court nominations have now become totally political, with the two parties in lockstep over a nominee.
You truly believe extreme poverty is a something new? The framers did expect us to take care of ourselves until we died, no where in the constitution does it say, when you get too old or are unable to work we (the govt.) will provide for you.
I thought that was my point, adding only that they had no idea how out of control poverty would become.

The constitution is not a crutch, it's what governs this country. This country would not be the country it is without it. I think it's people like you that want to interpret the constitution to fit your agenda. the general welfare clause is probably the most misinterpreted language in the constitution.
No, it should not be a crutch. But it seems these days anytime someone disagrees with some public policy they shout that IT'S NOT IN THE CONSTITUTION. Well lots of stuff isn't. This is reality, 200+ years later.

The General Welfare Clause is the Enemy not the Sixteenth Amendment By Robert Greenslade - Price of Liberty


You're assuming poverty can be controlled. It can't when you have a govt. program that's enabling people to sit on their ass and do nothing while the govt. provides for them. That does nothing to alleviate poverty, it only encourages the second generation to follow in the footsteps of the first...etc..

I think nodog touched on this in one of his post about "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime," the welfare program is giving people fish and not teaching them to fish for themselves.

Well I hope you live long enough to have all your quoted platitudes come to pass for 305 million people who will be relying on their respective "communities' to react the way you wish. But then, if it doesn't work out the way you predict, you can always just start shooting.
He's entitled to his opinion. But he didn't add that to the constitution....now did he?

I'm guessing you're pro-choice.

There you go again... Using the Constitution to bump your personal agenda. You might conclude that both Jefferson and Madison had extensive discussions over the practical application of many of the clauses in the Constitution AFTER it had been signed. And it remains to this day why there is a Supreme Court to decide upon the most contentious.

The constitution is the foundation of this country, to not use it the way it's intended is treasonous. I'm sorry, but I think you are utterly and completely misguided. Whatever discussion Jefferson and Madison had after the constitution was written had absolutely nothing to do with the formation of the supreme Court.

The US Supreme Court was mandated by Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution, which reads:

"The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behavior, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services a Compensation which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office."

My POINT, genius, is that within just a few years after signing the Constitution, the framers of it began arguing its merits. And it has continued, lo these many years. I was not implying that they were the ones who formed the Supreme Court!!! Simply that it exists to interpret the intent of the Constitution.
Just like Lone beleives that people motivated enough to accomplish ANYTHING we can bring this post back to its intended purpose..........To demonstrate that we can ALL find things to agree upon. With that in mind I ask that people from BOTH sides of the aisle give examples of issues where they differ from their own political party.

That's the problem, thinking you have to be either one party or the other. Why not be an individual thinker and vote your conscious and not a party line.

So who on earth would ever be nominated that someone like YOU would vote for? Nobody.
That's NOT what I've been called on these boards.

I have found so far, these boards to be even more hyper-partisan than the MSNBC ones. However, just because I stand behind our President and actually want to give him a chance to succeed, I am a "LibNut" here. Go figure.

Me too, together with a few choice adjectives preceding it.
I actually laugh at the flameouts. When you are reduced to hurling insults rather than trying to argue your point - it is clear evidence you just got your butt kicked.
What do expect from message boards that run ads for Newt Gingrich and Ann Coulter newsletters? I can only imagine that these hyper-right radicals are frothing at the mouth because some moderates have appeared and are now calling them on the BS after they have enjoyed unquestioned hypocricy for so long.

Occasionally you'll see some ad promoting the Democratic side. But I actually think it's amusing to see FREE NEWT and FREE ANN ad spots. I always think "Free them from WHAT?" Or, "Now they come without price tags?" Just what I've always wanted--a free stuffed Ann Coulter...
What do expect from message boards that run ads for Newt Gingrich and Ann Coulter newsletters? I can only imagine that these hyper-right radicals are frothing at the mouth because some moderates have appeared and are now calling them on the BS after they have enjoyed unquestioned hypocricy for so long.

Occasionally you'll see some ad promoting the Democratic side. But I actually think it's amusing to see FREE NEWT and FREE ANN ad spots. I always think "Free them from WHAT?" Or, "Now they come without price tags?" Just what I've always wanted--a free stuffed Ann Coulter...

I always assumed it meant that I could get Ann's writings for free, which I seem to get MORE than enough of as it is, so why would I want more?

However I am a supporter of rights for gays/lesbians....

I think Bush and his illegal war was the worst mistake in our nations history....

I believe we need to fund alternative energy to the largest extent possible.

Although I would not call the war illegal I would agree Bush should not have gone there. Better us of our troops post 9-11 was to secure our borders.

Secure our borders and concentrate on the assholes who really did attack us. Afghanistan, the Taliban and the hunt for OBL got shortchanged. The people we lost on 911 deserved justice and we failed to pursue it.

I agree that we failed to provide a measure of justice for those that died on 9/11. It is a national humiliation. The perpetrators did not enter this country illegally. There is no way to secure our borders. We had the intelligence to stop what happened on that bad day but through arrogance and hubris that Clintons staffs and the FBI intelligence warnings were not in need of a hard look the not so curious Bush was in my mind largely responsible for what happened.

If there was any country we needed to invade it would be Saudi Arabia. 15 of the vermin were saudis.

Cheney had already chopped up Iraq for the international oil companies in his secret energy conference.

The administration redirected the hate and fear and sent us on a clumbsy path of retribution. How convenient for Cheneys almost bankrupt ex company Halibuton that things went the way they did.
What do expect from message boards that run ads for Newt Gingrich and Ann Coulter newsletters? I can only imagine that these hyper-right radicals are frothing at the mouth because some moderates have appeared and are now calling them on the BS after they have enjoyed unquestioned hypocricy for so long.

Occasionally you'll see some ad promoting the Democratic side. But I actually think it's amusing to see FREE NEWT and FREE ANN ad spots. I always think "Free them from WHAT?" Or, "Now they come without price tags?" Just what I've always wanted--a free stuffed Ann Coulter...

I always assumed it meant that I could get Ann's writings for free, which I seem to get MORE than enough of as it is, so why would I want more?


I used to read her columns on Human Events Online, along with my favorite conservative Pat Buchanan, which I regularly got via email. But I posted a few comments on one of their segments that invited comments, and shortly thereafter got dropped as a subscriber. Imagine that. It could have been just a glitch, but it does make you wonder...
This is a thread to find things we agree upon and I hope it will be used in this fasion.......

I am pretty lib on most issues but I also have some strongly held conservative views....

I am for strong boarder control(all four of them).

I am opposed to gun control because I believe that law abiding citizens have the CONSTITUTIONAL right to bare arms.

I think there are many on this board thing this thread SUCKS:cuckoo: I agree with them:lol:
This is a thread to find things we agree upon and I hope it will be used in this fasion.......

I am pretty lib on most issues but I also have some strongly held conservative views....

I am for strong boarder control(all four of them).

I am opposed to gun control because I believe that law abiding citizens have the CONSTITUTIONAL right to bare arms.

I think there are many on this board thing this thread SUCKS:cuckoo: I agree with them:lol:

Did we ask you? :) j/k

This is a thread to find things we agree upon and I hope it will be used in this fasion.......

I am pretty lib on most issues but I also have some strongly held conservative views....

I am for strong boarder control(all four of them).

I am opposed to gun control because I believe that law abiding citizens have the CONSTITUTIONAL right to bare arms.

I think there are many on this board thing this thread SUCKS:cuckoo: I agree with them:lol:

Bye then. Rasmussen awaits you.
I believe the children are the future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside.
I would like for anyone who is religious explain to me WHY we should have the Bible in our public schools and if you DO support that would you support putting the Koran the Torah or any number of other religious texts?

Because it would seem to me that if you DON'T then you really don't support the CONSTITUTION.
I would like for anyone who is religious explain to me WHY we should have the Bible in our public schools and if you DO support that would you support putting the Koran the Torah or any number of other religious texts?

Because it would seem to me that if you DON'T then you really don't support the CONSTITUTION.

I am a believer and I do not believe we should have religion in public schools. Not only do the students need to be protected from government establishment, but religion needs to be protected from government corruption. The latter probably more than the former if history is any guide.

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