What do we call ppl who think jobs and scholarships should be handed out by race?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
That's right - they are RACISTS and it's time these liberals who support affirmative action admit what they are. White-hating racists.
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Could blacks compete on a level playing field with no special treatment for them?. I doubt it. The evidence is overwhelming that they truly are mentally inferior. But that's tough.
Return to a meritocracy? When were we ever there?

The glory of our nation is that we were the first to recognize that an equal chance for all would make a stronger nation. That was our ideal, as stated in the Declaration of Independence. Yet, after we became a independent nation, you could only vote if you were white, over 21, male, and a land owner. It has taken us almost 2 and 1/2 centuries to get where we are today. And we are still working on achieving a meritocracy, where a person's intellect and ambition will mean far more than his or her color, sex, or ethnic background. Our great nation is still a work in progress. There is no better time to look back to. We must look forward, and make this nation a better place for all.
That's right - they are RACISTS and it's time these liberals who support affirmative action admit what they are. White-hating racists.

They want you to fell guilty for being white.....tough shit. I am proud to be white and all people of color should be proud of their race
Could blacks compete on a level playing field with no special treatment for them?. I doubt it. The evidence is overwhelming that they truly are mentally inferior. But that's tough.
Ah yes, you are so evidently much smarter than Neil DeGrasse Tyson. LOL

Tyson is a very mediocre physicist. Still smart but no big brain. BTW - he appears to be about 70% white. THINK
That's right - they are RACISTS and it's time these liberals who support affirmative action admit what they are. White-hating racists.
--------------------------------------------------- and sorry to say it but its probably the FUTURE SSpeeders .
Time to make everything equal and color blind.

No - not everything. Opportunity should be equal but then results will likely not be. Blacks and whites are different physically and no doubt mentally as well.
Your analysis is flawed,You should read the book "The Big White Lie" if you can get hold of it......Unfortunately your summation only proves that in fact darker skinned people are far more intelligent,if you are a sample of a "White" person.....Hoss's picture above really says it all....You Speed are an anthema of all things sensible
Your analysis is flawed,You should read the book "The Big White Lie" if you can get hold of it......Unfortunately your summation only proves that in fact darker skinned people are far more intelligent,

So why is africa by far the poorest and most backward continent on the planet?.

And why are all black majority cities in america open sewers?

And why do blacks do so poorly on all standardized tests?. Don't blame it on biased tests unless you can explain why asians do great on the tests.

THINK , white-hater.
Stop the hate ; Separate. You owe your human exsistence to the fact that your parents practiced good racial hygeine. Only jews can benefit from miscegeny and sodomy. No groidz ; know peace.

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