What Do We Do With All the Domestic Terrorist Jihadis Being Released 'Soon'?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
ā€˜Dozensā€™ Of US Jihadiā€™s Due For Release In Coming Decade

"Fifty convicted terrorists are due to be released from the U.S. federal prison system in the coming decade, a Congressional Research Service report says.

The average convicted terrorist only serves approximately 13 years in federal prison before being released, the Associated Press
explained Saturday. The majority of the terror inmates are held at the highest security facilities in the U.S. and enjoy some contact inside the prison system.

ā€œThereā€™s no net to catch them. There is no way to make sure they donā€™t re-engage in extremism,ā€ National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism researcher Patrick James declared to the AP.

The inmates coming release has sparked fear among experts that they will return to terrorist activity or attempt to travel to the field of jihad. Many terror inmates
released from Guantanamo bay have returned to the battlefield and once again engaged in terrorism.

Of the terrorists
released from Guantanamo bay, 121 have returned to the field of jihad, the U.S. intelligence community said in December. Each of the terrorists were ā€œconfirmedā€ to be re-engaged in terrorist activity. Ex-Guantanamo bay detainee Jamal al-Harith appeared in a recent ISIS propaganda video before blowing himself up in the battle for Mosul in Iraq."

'Chip' them, load them onto a C-130, strap a parachute on them, and push them out of the back of the plane over their country of origin during an over-flight of that country?


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