What do we do with Poor People?

What do we do with Poor People?

What do we do with Poor People? If they receive Public Assistance, I think 9-5 cleaning up the streets is a good start... Might as well get something for our Tax dollars. Oh... And that does include people receiving Unemployment benefits.
Sure I did and that's why you were so specific with your post!

My post was factually correct. And you called me stupid.

I doubt I get an apology.

It's all vague for you, like you're walking through a thick fog, isn't it?

Obviously you're the one roaming aroung in a fog. I made a factual statement backed it up with supporting evidence and you still do not have the decency to admit you rushed to judgement.
What do we do with Poor People? If they receive Public Assistance, I think 9-5 cleaning up the streets is a good start... Might as well get something for our Tax dollars. Oh... And that does include people receiving Unemployment benefits.

Cool. tjvh would like to establish a new WPA. I am with you, brother.
What do we do with Poor People? If they receive Public Assistance, I think 9-5 cleaning up the streets is a good start... Might as well get something for our Tax dollars. Oh... And that does include people receiving Unemployment benefits.

They would have trouble being assigned to street trash cleanup jobs in Baltimore. Those jobs currently go to people performing court ordered community service imposed on them as a consequence of them getting in trouble with the law. Better doing court ordered community service than going to jail, I suppose.
What do we do with Poor People? If they receive Public Assistance, I think 9-5 cleaning up the streets is a good start... Might as well get something for our Tax dollars. Oh... And that does include people receiving Unemployment benefits.

When Republicans destroy an economy, the government puts money in for unemployment benefits, but when the economy is good, the money comes from employers.
What do we do with Poor People? If they receive Public Assistance, I think 9-5 cleaning up the streets is a good start... Might as well get something for our Tax dollars. Oh... And that does include people receiving Unemployment benefits.

When Republicans destroy an economy, the government puts money in for unemployment benefits, but when the economy is good, the money comes from employers.

Now that is a rather creative and simplistic way of putting it, however, just where do you think the government will get this money? Who will eventually pay the bill? From the progressive perspective it is best to kick the can down the road and ignore the full picture.

As for the destruction of the economy, when one fails to comprehend the full complexity of the issue one is bound to adopt a narrow perspective, which your statement discloses.
It sounds like these welfare programs keep people lazy, with no desire to work, so by the same token those nations with no welfare programs have no lazy people and full employment.
The people who comment the most on the idea of making the poor 'rise up' by cutting off all handouts.....have spent very little actual time in ghetto shitholes to see the reality of it.

The reality is we give handouts not to make them comfortable, but to contain and control that segment of population so that the rest of us can go shopping at Old Navy and watch movies and live in communities with an HOA where the biggest worry is grass length.

A mass end to handouts would create mass violence. Anyone who thinks otherwise is ignorant of the real world. I hate laziness and moochers as much as anyone. But thats the reality. What we'd save in handouts, we'd still spend on extra cops and jails. But hey, at least the cops and jail staff would be working for that money, so fuck it, lets do it.
What do we do with Poor People? If they receive Public Assistance, I think 9-5 cleaning up the streets is a good start... Might as well get something for our Tax dollars. Oh... And that does include people receiving Unemployment benefits.

When Republicans destroy an economy, the government puts money in for unemployment benefits, but when the economy is good, the money comes from employers.

Now that is a rather creative and simplistic way of putting it, however, just where do you think the government will get this money? Who will eventually pay the bill? From the progressive perspective it is best to kick the can down the road and ignore the full picture.

As for the destruction of the economy, when one fails to comprehend the full complexity of the issue one is bound to adopt a narrow perspective, which your statement discloses.

You have the narrow perspective of voodoo economics, which never works.

From a perspective of economics, when the economy has a downturn and consumer spending falls, it can be revitalized quickly if the government increases spending in ways that instantly increase consumer spending and extending unemployment benefits is one of the best ways to do it. The increase in government spending causes the economy to quickly recover and revenues increase. The time to cut government spending is when the economy is heating up, not when it's cooling down and people are unemployed. When a government is following a counter-cyclical policy in it's spending, it allows the Fed to keep interest rates lower, which also stimulates the economy. Cutting spending and paying off debt during times of high revenue during the good economic times keeps the economy from overheating and prevents the Fed from intervening.

If the nation has debt, it has to grow it's way out of it.
I believe in personal responsibility. But to answer your question, I would want him to rise up. Why keep him happy where he is at and never better himself? There would be no point in helping otherwise. Hence, the 2nd 3rd etc generations of families still on welfare. Ridiculous

Excellent point; that's exactly the problem I see with most liberals today.

They would rather make the poor comfortable in their poverty than to actually help them rise up and be able to provide for themselves.

There's nothing noble about keeping someone in misery.

What do you know about liberals? What do you know about the War on Poverty? What were it's goals and what were it's methods?
Hey any of you rethug business owners hire a welfare recipient yesterday? You know, get em off the dole. Give them a job. YOU rethugs helping with that? Or do you just want to bitch about something?
I believe in personal responsibility. But to answer your question, I would want him to rise up. Why keep him happy where he is at and never better himself? There would be no point in helping otherwise. Hence, the 2nd 3rd etc generations of families still on welfare. Ridiculous

Excellent point; that's exactly the problem I see with most liberals today.

They would rather make the poor comfortable in their poverty than to actually help them rise up and be able to provide for themselves.

There's nothing noble about keeping someone in misery.

My mother grew up poor. She was the youngest in a Catholic family of 9 children. Her dad worked two jobs, one in a steel mill, but he was killed by a car when she was still a young girl, though some of her older siblings were adults by then. Obviously losing the bread winner in a family can make a family poor. The reason I bring it up is to put a face on someone who was poor. I get the impression some people think of them as a category and not flesh and blood.

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