What do we have to look forward to following Trump's certain reelection?

Funny, I live in a deep red part of the state. And guess what, MOST of those heavily on Welfare will vote republican. You and a Christmas Turkey have a lot in common.
That's great.

It's a fantastic thing when people on welfare really want to work.

Hopefully Trump will be reelected and economic expansion will continue.
No, just more RICO criminal activity at tax payer expense, while the American people get nothing.
Let's be honest, not only has Trump proven himself but the Democrats have proved to be absurd. Logic dictates Trump will clean-up despite 24/7 progressive propaganda via web & TV.

So what do you expect during Trump's second term? Will he continue his assault on neglect and left-narrative? Will the left finally accept his status and shut-up for the sake of their sanity, or do you expect them to invent new causes for impeachment?

It's not a sure thing. If the economy goes down the tube, and it could, Trump might lose.
Trump has been riding on the Obama stimulus which is running out. Couple that with his tax cuts don't pay for themselves, while services and goods go up, and wages stay flat as a result of those tax cuts, the economy going south is a given.

You're certainly hoping for an economic disaster that causes millions to suffer.
No, just stating the facts. Do you have an intelligent rebuttal to those claims? Of course you don't, because you're too uninformed to mount an argument.

The economy was basically stagnant for Obama's 2nd term.

Trump's election added stimulus and got the economy growing again.
Funny, I live in a deep red part of the state. And guess what, MOST of those heavily on Welfare will vote republican. You and a Christmas Turkey have a lot in common.
That's great.

It's a fantastic thing when people on welfare really want to work.

Hopefully Trump will be reelected and economic expansion will continue.

Do you ever listen to yourself? MOST, let me repeat that MOST people on welfare have jobs. Or they may be on some kind of disability and can't work. I bet I can count the ones that you think every welfare recipient is on in this area on just my toes and fingers without having to drop drawers for the long count.

You complain about Welfare Recipients have cell phones. Newsflash: A pay as you go cell phone is a fraction of the cost of a landline. And the cell phone includes long distance while the land line doesn't in it's basic form. They used to just use the payphones for what little they had to use a phone for. Guess what, no pay phones. And if they are out of work actively looking for work while on welfare, the need a phone to get the new job. I am going to use a term you won't understand but old style Factory workers will. "Riding the Rail" can't be done anymore. Today, you need a phone or an internet presence to get that job. Call back is the phrase. And some really down on their luck Welfare Recipients have cell phones with no account because 911 still works.

Are you aware that, per capita, there are more Republicans on welfare than Democrats in any given area? The Blue states are taxed by the Feds at a higher rate because they make money than the Red States who lose money. That means that as much as you despise California, that state, alone, is bankrolling much of the Welfare in at least half the southeastern states which are all red states. It's not that there is a lot of money in those southeastern states but it goes to a very elite few. So in order to keep the wolf from the front door, most will have to accept some form of Welfare.

The real problem isn't welfare or the not willing to work. It's the problem of the average person not making a living wage to raise a family on. But the average income stays the same and even goes up because the elites are making even more money and that affects the average. Meanwhile, Joe Average sinks a little deeper towards poverty.

You want to end Welfare? Well, you can't. But you can get get people that are willing to work off off it by insisting that they get a dollar for a dollars amount of work instead of 67 cents.
Funny, I live in a deep red part of the state. And guess what, MOST of those heavily on Welfare will vote republican. You and a Christmas Turkey have a lot in common.
That's great.

It's a fantastic thing when people on welfare really want to work.

Hopefully Trump will be reelected and economic expansion will continue.

Do you ever listen to yourself? MOST, let me repeat that MOST people on welfare have jobs. Or they may be on some kind of disability and can't work. I bet I can count the ones that you think every welfare recipient is on in this area on just my toes and fingers without having to drop drawers for the long count.

You complain about Welfare Recipients have cell phones. Newsflash: A pay as you go cell phone is a fraction of the cost of a landline. And the cell phone includes long distance while the land line doesn't in it's basic form. They used to just use the payphones for what little they had to use a phone for. Guess what, no pay phones. And if they are out of work actively looking for work while on welfare, the need a phone to get the new job. I am going to use a term you won't understand but old style Factory workers will. "Riding the Rail" can't be done anymore. Today, you need a phone or an internet presence to get that job. Call back is the phrase. And some really down on their luck Welfare Recipients have cell phones with no account because 911 still works.

Are you aware that, per capita, there are more Republicans on welfare than Democrats in any given area? The Blue states are taxed by the Feds at a higher rate because they make money than the Red States who lose money. That means that as much as you despise California, that state, alone, is bankrolling much of the Welfare in at least half the southeastern states which are all red states. It's not that there is a lot of money in those southeastern states but it goes to a very elite few. So in order to keep the wolf from the front door, most will have to accept some form of Welfare.

The real problem isn't welfare or the not willing to work. It's the problem of the average person not making a living wage to raise a family on. But the average income stays the same and even goes up because the elites are making even more money and that affects the average. Meanwhile, Joe Average sinks a little deeper towards poverty.

You want to end Welfare? Well, you can't. But you can get get people that are willing to work off off it by insisting that they get a dollar for a dollars amount of work instead of 67 cents.
We are obviously debating one of these guys;
Let's be honest, not only has Trump proven himself but the Democrats have proved to be absurd. Logic dictates Trump will clean-up despite 24/7 progressive propaganda via web & TV.

So what do you expect during Trump's second term? Will he continue his assault on neglect and left-narrative? Will the left finally accept his status and shut-up for the sake of their sanity, or do you expect them to invent new causes for impeachment?

It's not a sure thing. If the economy goes down the tube, and it could, Trump might lose.
Trump has been riding on the Obama stimulus which is running out. Couple that with his tax cuts don't pay for themselves, while services and goods go up, and wages stay flat as a result of those tax cuts, the economy going south is a given.

You're certainly hoping for an economic disaster that causes millions to suffer.
No, just stating the facts. Do you have an intelligent rebuttal to those claims? Of course you don't, because you're too uninformed to mount an argument.

The economy was basically stagnant for Obama's 2nd term.
View attachment 292261
Trump's election added stimulus and got the economy growing again.
Then, if you go by that, then so has Trump's because Trump's economy has been the same as Obama. Therefore, there is no booming economy with Trump. You can't have it both ways. New data challenges Trump's economic narrative

So much for the Trump economic miracle
Funny, I live in a deep red part of the state. And guess what, MOST of those heavily on Welfare will vote republican. You and a Christmas Turkey have a lot in common.
That's great.

It's a fantastic thing when people on welfare really want to work.

Hopefully Trump will be reelected and economic expansion will continue.
Except it hasn't; So much for the Trump economic miracle

Let's be honest, not only has Trump proven himself but the Democrats have proved to be absurd. Logic dictates Trump will clean-up despite 24/7 progressive propaganda via web & TV.

So what do you expect during Trump's second term? Will he continue his assault on neglect and left-narrative? Will the left finally accept his status and shut-up for the sake of their sanity, or do you expect them to invent new causes for impeachment?

For sure he will keep putting up more wall. Maybe some trade deals. Who knows.
He didn't do any of those things before. Now you want to lie to yourself twice.:auiqs.jpg: What a bunch of Sheep walking idiots.
That's enough of your bullshit! Permanent Ignore........ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Republicans always run and hide. Lol! They are so weak and unprepared.
Funny, I live in a deep red part of the state. And guess what, MOST of those heavily on Welfare will vote republican. You and a Christmas Turkey have a lot in common.
That's great.

It's a fantastic thing when people on welfare really want to work.

Hopefully Trump will be reelected and economic expansion will continue.
Except it hasn't; So much for the Trump economic miracle

Here are 15 charts that compare the Trump vs. Obama economy

Did you even bother to read that? You didn't disprove anything. That and you're logically challenged. Rapid growth follows recessions, always has, so of course Obama saw growth, because it hit rock bottom. The same would have happened under any POTUS.

The deeper a ball bounces the more rapid the rise, velocity decreases as it rises. Obama was an underachiever, Trump made us a champion.
Funny, I live in a deep red part of the state. And guess what, MOST of those heavily on Welfare will vote republican. You and a Christmas Turkey have a lot in common.
That's great.

It's a fantastic thing when people on welfare really want to work.

Hopefully Trump will be reelected and economic expansion will continue.

Do you ever listen to yourself? MOST, let me repeat that MOST people on welfare have jobs. Or they may be on some kind of disability and can't work. I bet I can count the ones that you think every welfare recipient is on in this area on just my toes and fingers without having to drop drawers for the long count.

You complain about Welfare Recipients have cell phones. Newsflash: A pay as you go cell phone is a fraction of the cost of a landline. And the cell phone includes long distance while the land line doesn't in it's basic form. They used to just use the payphones for what little they had to use a phone for. Guess what, no pay phones. And if they are out of work actively looking for work while on welfare, the need a phone to get the new job. I am going to use a term you won't understand but old style Factory workers will. "Riding the Rail" can't be done anymore. Today, you need a phone or an internet presence to get that job. Call back is the phrase. And some really down on their luck Welfare Recipients have cell phones with no account because 911 still works.

Are you aware that, per capita, there are more Republicans on welfare than Democrats in any given area? The Blue states are taxed by the Feds at a higher rate because they make money than the Red States who lose money. That means that as much as you despise California, that state, alone, is bankrolling much of the Welfare in at least half the southeastern states which are all red states. It's not that there is a lot of money in those southeastern states but it goes to a very elite few. So in order to keep the wolf from the front door, most will have to accept some form of Welfare.

The real problem isn't welfare or the not willing to work. It's the problem of the average person not making a living wage to raise a family on. But the average income stays the same and even goes up because the elites are making even more money and that affects the average. Meanwhile, Joe Average sinks a little deeper towards poverty.

You want to end Welfare? Well, you can't. But you can get get people that are willing to work off off it by insisting that they get a dollar for a dollars amount of work instead of 67 cents.
You aren't being honest. That is the problem. There is overwhelming evidence of criminality. Rudy Giuliani: The precipitous fall of America's mayor - CNNPolitics He won't be re-elected, and he is going to jail.
He's ALREADY re-elected. By pushing an impeachment joke that they know can't succeed, they have given up entirely on 2020. All their efforts are toward solidifying their base for their own re-elections.
If he's not impeached, it will because of a corrupt Republican party that shit on their oaths of office, the Constitution, the rule of law and put party over country, while a hord of Sheep stood by and cheer leaded for such behavior. Have you no shame or self respect?
Funny, I live in a deep red part of the state. And guess what, MOST of those heavily on Welfare will vote republican. You and a Christmas Turkey have a lot in common.
That's great.

It's a fantastic thing when people on welfare really want to work.

Hopefully Trump will be reelected and economic expansion will continue.
Except it hasn't; So much for the Trump economic miracle

Here are 15 charts that compare the Trump vs. Obama economy

Did you even bother to read that? You didn't disprove anything. That and you're logically challenged. Rapid growth follows recessions, always has, so of course Obama saw growth, because it hit rock bottom. The same would have happened under any POTUS.

The deeper a ball bounces the more rapid the rise, velocity decreases as it rises. Obama was an underachiever, Trump made us a champion.
Well if that's the case, then what is so great about Trump then? Trump didn't inherit the Great recession, Obama did. By comparison, Obama did way better by getting us out of it while Trump has been riding the Obama stimulus. Trump hasn't done anything.

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