What do we have to look forward to following Trump's certain reelection?

I am more worried about his reelection....he has NOTHING let to lose...will he go balls to the wall and say fuck it and get the wall built no matter what? Will he pull out of Afghanistan and Syria for good? Or will he push gun control laws and neglect the wall? We DO KNOW his reelection will trigger the shit out of the left which is gonna be pure fucking entertainment even for people like me who don't get triggered by Trump I just think he is a bullshit artist.
Razor close elections means we have 2 sides keeping an eye on each other. Always a great thing. One side controlling everything never results in a good thing. Everyone believing the same ideals is a sign of weakness.
It matters not to me who wins the election. I think Trump will win in a close one. Razor close elections are the sign of a strong nation.
Razor thin elections when one candidate wants to implement Socialism and destroy our economy with open borders snd $50+Trillion GWA programs that outlaw 98% of our vehicles is a sign of American weakness and stupidity.

A big sign.
We have had tons of "Socialism" since the thirties, and there is zero evidence of perpetuating open borders. Based on that, you have no argument. It's all hot air, and you have no idea what "Socialism" is.
Your socialism has been completely funded by tax on capitalism. Socialism in Venezuela for example, is not.
Capitalism ended back in the late seventies. Try again.
No, in Venezuela I think it was about 1990 with Hugo Chavez, Then it became a shithole.
There is zero evidence Obama gave the Iranians back "THEIR" money, and used it for terrorism. You can't prove it either, therefore, you are a liar.
Even the Obama admin admitted Iran was the leading sponsor of terrorism.

If course there's no trail of how Iran used the money, Einstien. Why did you think Obama chose cash instead of an electronic transfer?
We had sanctions on Iran because they were the leading state sponsor of terrorism on the planet.

According to whom?
He can't answer. He's already gotten caught in too many lies already.
OP wanted to know what we can look forward to. I would say more top flight management such as failure to vet before hiring and then firing actually attempting the job or for not being able to stomach the day to day squirrel screw that has become hallmark of this administration, due to failure brief, failure to communicate a vision, and failure to utilize staff in the positions for which they were hired. Lets not forget continued nepotism for making the White House a family business. I would anticipate more jail time for more key associates as, emboldened with previous crime Trump would probably push the limits of unethical / illegal activity he asks his staff and friends(?) to do. After all he appears to key on personnel that will do anything for a buck I guess he will continue to support our enemies and degrade our allies. He doesn't seem to have learned from his mistakes. Why would he change?
There is zero evidence Obama gave the Iranians back "THEIR" money, and used it for terrorism. You can't prove it either, therefore, you are a liar.
Even the Obama admin admitted Iran was the leading sponsor of terrorism.

If course there's no trail of how Iran used the money, Einstien. Why did you think Obama chose cash instead of an electronic transfer?

So, since the Obama admin said it was so, that makes it true?
There is zero evidence Obama gave the Iranians back "THEIR" money, and used it for terrorism. You can't prove it either, therefore, you are a liar.
Even the Obama admin admitted Iran was the leading sponsor of terrorism.

If course there's no trail of how Iran used the money, Einstien. Why did you think Obama chose cash instead of an electronic transfer?

So, since the Obama admin said it was so, that makes it true?
The Bush, Obama, and Trump administration all agree Iran is the world's leading sponsor of terror.

Only Obama supported Iran.

Again I ask...

Why did you think Obama chose cash instead of an electronic transfer?

If you don't know, don't be afraid to ask for help.
The Bush, Obama, and Trump administration all agree Iran is the world's leading sponsor of terror.

Oh, so the government told you that Iran was the world's leading sponsor of terror.

And the government has never lied to us before.

Eight more years of prosperity and low unemployment.

Possibly the bankruptcy and collapse of The Democrat Party.

Absent the latter? 50/50 chance of depression and high unemployment, particularly among minorities being forced back to the planation where Democrats believe they belong.
Can't count?
Let's be honest, not only has Trump proven himself but the Democrats have proved to be absurd. Logic dictates Trump will clean-up despite 24/7 progressive propaganda via web & TV.

So what do you expect during Trump's second term? Will he continue his assault on neglect and left-narrative? Will the left finally accept his status and shut-up for the sake of their sanity, or do you expect them to invent new causes for impeachment?

I expect a lot of them will be busy with their defence and trying to say out of prison while the rest will be looking for a new job.
Let's be honest, not only has Trump proven himself but the Democrats have proved to be absurd. Logic dictates Trump will clean-up despite 24/7 progressive propaganda via web & TV.

So what do you expect during Trump's second term? Will he continue his assault on neglect and left-narrative? Will the left finally accept his status and shut-up for the sake of their sanity, or do you expect them to invent new causes for impeachment?
What happens if trump loses? What are you guys going to do? He lost the popular vote last time. And this is not 2016. trump has a record and it is not the record you get told by fox news. More and more people are supporting his removal.

And should trump win, I am going to laugh at all you trump cult members as the decline turns into a fall.
We had sanctions on Iran because they were the leading state sponsor of terrorism on the planet.

According to whom?
He can't answer. He's already gotten caught in too many lies already.
OP wanted to know what we can look forward to. I would say more top flight management such as failure to vet before hiring and then firing actually attempting the job or for not being able to stomach the day to day squirrel screw that has become hallmark of this administration, due to failure brief, failure to communicate a vision, and failure to utilize staff in the positions for which they were hired. Lets not forget continued nepotism for making the White House a family business. I would anticipate more jail time for more key associates as, emboldened with previous crime Trump would probably push the limits of unethical / illegal activity he asks his staff and friends(?) to do. After all he appears to key on personnel that will do anything for a buck I guess he will continue to support our enemies and degrade our allies. He doesn't seem to have learned from his mistakes. Why would he change?

You are a mere 19 posts into the message board and you have already achieved a level of stupid not approached except by veteran posters of many years experience.
Some great posts in this thread.

Hear the news only 35% of blacks support impeachment? Some swear the black majority have wised up to the "liberals" and Democrats. About time, and good fucking riddance man, makes me happy. What a switch if true. Trump wins BIGLY, it's what he does.

That brings a tear of joy to my eye every time I see it..

It was like a wooden stake right through the hearts of these liberals! Any time we can make leftist heads explode, it is always a great thing--- --- she says there was so much potential in the world, all this greatness missed--- right around the corner, all gone now, and all this terrible pain and loss in its place---- ---- because Hillary Clinton that stinking fat POS scum lying crooked vengeful bitch didn't get back into the White House again???????

What fucking shit has she been smoking??

I only BEG that Trump can win again next year to put all these assholes right over the edge. And just to add insult to injury, let him lose the "popular vote" again, too. :D

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