What Do You Make of This?

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Why now? This has always been the case here in the US.

New Jersey just raised its threat level for white supremacists to 'high,' well above ISIS and al Qaeda - CNN

"White supremacists are officially more of a threat to New Jersey than both ISIS and al Qaeda, according to state security officials.

In the state's annual Terrorism Threat Assessment report, released Friday, the state raised the threat level for white supremacist extremists to "high" -- the topmost category for threat levels for any extremist group in the state."
Is that where they had the synagogue shooting?

If they go by incidents, I'm guessing there have been more by white supremacists lately than ISIS--it seems the jihadists really did get their fannies kicked (knock wood). Most of the stuff I'm hearing about is antisemitism. New Jersey have a lot of Jews?
and wanking over pix of hitler

You do know the few Hitler worshippers who post here are SOCIALISTS and not capitalists dont you.

You do know it is the Crazy Bernie supporters who are talking about gulags and guillotines dont you Tammy
Only idiots believe that.

Poor tainty, yes, fascism and socialism are the same. They are both collectivist in nature. The opposite would be anarchy.

But that is called logic.
Why now? This has always been the case here in the US.

New Jersey just raised its threat level for white supremacists to 'high,' well above ISIS and al Qaeda - CNN

"White supremacists are officially more of a threat to New Jersey than both ISIS and al Qaeda, according to state security officials.

In the state's annual Terrorism Threat Assessment report, released Friday, the state raised the threat level for white supremacist extremists to "high" -- the topmost category for threat levels for any extremist group in the state."

A mexican and a black guy are in a car together who is driving?

The cop:10:
Spears? Raising goats? Nothing valuable EVER came out of Africa.
Science, philosophy, math, etc etc are very valuable. Gimme a break. Thats why you white boys invaded Africa.
Math? Greece and India. Science? Europe ,China ,and India. Philosophy? Greece and China. And Japan. Africa has ALWAYS been behind.In every aspect of learning.
Man you white people are stupid! All that came from Africa.
What is the average I.Q. of a black American vs. that of an average white American? I'll look it up and will be back shortly if I can find that info.
I dont know because I already know that the white invented IQ is a farce to make whites feel good. The way I see it is how is a white person going to tell me how smart I am when they are a dumb race to begin with? Besides even other whites have shot down the IQ theory. Whites arent smart enough to measure intelligence.
IQ is a measurement of how well a person will perform in academia. Period. I worked with a woman with a very high IQ and a Ph.D. who couldn't figure out for the life of her how to operate a 5 button business phone (remember them, with the lit buttons on the bottom?).

IQ doesn't measure determination, ingenuity or plain old common sense. It doesn't mean much unless you're in school and people really ought to stop acting as if it means something major.

I've read studies that IQ of blacks who leave the inner city rise, but in the second or third generation and they think it has more to do with parenting styles. It's still early days on those studies. IQ is certainly at least partly environmental. Not being exposed to lead is a help, as well.
Explain Einstein? Von Braun. Newton. Da Vinci. Fulton. Watt. Edison. Bell. Whitney. Oppenheimer. Teller. Name one Black who could match any of them.
Remember the first documented multi genius was a Black person named Imhotep.
Egyptians were caucasian.
When was this? :laughing0301:

If youre scientific you cant really believe that.
If youre religious you still cant believe that.
George Washington Carver, one of the most brilliant minds ever...........
Invented Peanut Butter? Big deal.
ARE YOU SERIOUS? YES that's a big deal.
Science, philosophy, math, etc etc are very valuable. Gimme a break. Thats why you white boys invaded Africa.
Math? Greece and India. Science? Europe ,China ,and India. Philosophy? Greece and China. And Japan. Africa has ALWAYS been behind.In every aspect of learning.
Man you white people are stupid! All that came from Africa.
What is the average I.Q. of a black American vs. that of an average white American? I'll look it up and will be back shortly if I can find that info.
I dont know because I already know that the white invented IQ is a farce to make whites feel good. The way I see it is how is a white person going to tell me how smart I am when they are a dumb race to begin with? Besides even other whites have shot down the IQ theory. Whites arent smart enough to measure intelligence.
IQ is a measurement of how well a person will perform in academia. Period. I worked with a woman with a very high IQ and a Ph.D. who couldn't figure out for the life of her how to operate a 5 button business phone (remember them, with the lit buttons on the bottom?).

IQ doesn't measure determination, ingenuity or plain old common sense. It doesn't mean much unless you're in school and people really ought to stop acting as if it means something major.

I've read studies that IQ of blacks who leave the inner city rise, but in the second or third generation and they think it has more to do with parenting styles. It's still early days on those studies. IQ is certainly at least partly environmental. Not being exposed to lead is a help, as well.

IQ is a maximum baseline at birth. Then environment, and nutrition play their part in lowering it.
No, you say "you white people". Patently racist.

Judge on character, integrity and worth and not skin color.

When you can do that you'll be taken seriously
I only do that with non whites. A white person is guilty until proven innocent.

As I observed and stated. You're a racist, and not to be taken seriously.

I'll ignore your comments from now on.

Yeah you said that before but somehow you keep responding to me in spite of all your claims.

Twice, now a third and last.

You're not a bright person.

Congratulations, you're my first ignore and I have patience except for racists.

Good bye
Peace out. Hopefully for real this time. Dont be a hypocrite ok?
I predict this one is going to fall off his/her high horse pretty quick and get hurt. Hope I don't have to sling him/her a donut.

I've missed ya, A.
Remember the first documented multi genius was a Black person named Imhotep.
Egyptians were caucasian.
When was this? :laughing0301:

If youre scientific you cant really believe that.
If youre religious you still cant believe that.
George Washington Carver, one of the most brilliant minds ever...........
Invented Peanut Butter? Big deal.
ARE YOU SERIOUS? YES that's a big deal.
White people invented peanutbutter

The earliest reference to peanut butter can be traced back to the Ancient Incas and the Aztecs who ground roasted peanuts into a paste. However, modern peanut butter, its process of production and the equipment used to make it, can be credited to at least three inventors.

In 1884 Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Canada patented peanut paste, the finished product from milling roasted peanuts between two heated surfaces. In 1895 Dr. John Harvey Kellogg (the creator of Kellogg’s cereal) patented a process for creating peanut butter from raw peanuts. He marketed it as a nutritious protein substitute for people who could hardly chew on solid food. In 1903, Dr. Ambrose Straub of St. Louis, Missouri, patented a peanut-butter-making machine.
Math? Greece and India. Science? Europe ,China ,and India. Philosophy? Greece and China. And Japan. Africa has ALWAYS been behind.In every aspect of learning.
Man you white people are stupid! All that came from Africa.
What is the average I.Q. of a black American vs. that of an average white American? I'll look it up and will be back shortly if I can find that info.
I dont know because I already know that the white invented IQ is a farce to make whites feel good. The way I see it is how is a white person going to tell me how smart I am when they are a dumb race to begin with? Besides even other whites have shot down the IQ theory. Whites arent smart enough to measure intelligence.
IQ is a measurement of how well a person will perform in academia. Period. I worked with a woman with a very high IQ and a Ph.D. who couldn't figure out for the life of her how to operate a 5 button business phone (remember them, with the lit buttons on the bottom?).

IQ doesn't measure determination, ingenuity or plain old common sense. It doesn't mean much unless you're in school and people really ought to stop acting as if it means something major.

I've read studies that IQ of blacks who leave the inner city rise, but in the second or third generation and they think it has more to do with parenting styles. It's still early days on those studies. IQ is certainly at least partly environmental. Not being exposed to lead is a help, as well.

IQ is a maximum baseline at birth. Then environment, and nutrition play their part in lowering it.
How on earth did they IQ test newborns to get that theory?
Egyptians were caucasian.
When was this? :laughing0301:

If youre scientific you cant really believe that.
If youre religious you still cant believe that.
George Washington Carver, one of the most brilliant minds ever...........
Invented Peanut Butter? Big deal.
ARE YOU SERIOUS? YES that's a big deal.
White people invented peanutbutter

The earliest reference to peanut butter can be traced back to the Ancient Incas and the Aztecs who ground roasted peanuts into a paste. However, modern peanut butter, its process of production and the equipment used to make it, can be credited to at least three inventors.

In 1884 Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Canada patented peanut paste, the finished product from milling roasted peanuts between two heated surfaces. In 1895 Dr. John Harvey Kellogg (the creator of Kellogg’s cereal) patented a process for creating peanut butter from raw peanuts. He marketed it as a nutritious protein substitute for people who could hardly chew on solid food. In 1903, Dr. Ambrose Straub of St. Louis, Missouri, patented a peanut-butter-making machine.
Well, whoever invented it, it is a major food group in my house. How sad that every single time A posts a new thread it ends up being an argument about who invented what. Did you ever notice that? I agree with Sparky (look back at his post) that every inventor stands on the shoulders of others before him/her. Carver certainly revolutionized peanut agriculture though, didn't he?
Man you white people are stupid! All that came from Africa.
What is the average I.Q. of a black American vs. that of an average white American? I'll look it up and will be back shortly if I can find that info.
I dont know because I already know that the white invented IQ is a farce to make whites feel good. The way I see it is how is a white person going to tell me how smart I am when they are a dumb race to begin with? Besides even other whites have shot down the IQ theory. Whites arent smart enough to measure intelligence.
IQ is a measurement of how well a person will perform in academia. Period. I worked with a woman with a very high IQ and a Ph.D. who couldn't figure out for the life of her how to operate a 5 button business phone (remember them, with the lit buttons on the bottom?).

IQ doesn't measure determination, ingenuity or plain old common sense. It doesn't mean much unless you're in school and people really ought to stop acting as if it means something major.

I've read studies that IQ of blacks who leave the inner city rise, but in the second or third generation and they think it has more to do with parenting styles. It's still early days on those studies. IQ is certainly at least partly environmental. Not being exposed to lead is a help, as well.

IQ is a maximum baseline at birth. Then environment, and nutrition play their part in lowering it.
How on earth did they IQ test newborns to get that theory?

They didn't. Genetics is going to give you your top level of intelligence. We KNOW that the older you get, the lower your IQ becomes.
Geniuses do their best work before they are 30. After that their creativity slows. We KNOW this.

Therefore, IQ is set at birth. Environmental conditions, family life, and nutrition all work to lower the IQ from that moment on.

That's why you can take a not smart person, move them to a first world country and their grand children are always smarter.

The last 150 years has seen IQ levels increase in the first world mainly thanks to nutrition.
What is the average I.Q. of a black American vs. that of an average white American? I'll look it up and will be back shortly if I can find that info.
I dont know because I already know that the white invented IQ is a farce to make whites feel good. The way I see it is how is a white person going to tell me how smart I am when they are a dumb race to begin with? Besides even other whites have shot down the IQ theory. Whites arent smart enough to measure intelligence.
IQ is a measurement of how well a person will perform in academia. Period. I worked with a woman with a very high IQ and a Ph.D. who couldn't figure out for the life of her how to operate a 5 button business phone (remember them, with the lit buttons on the bottom?).

IQ doesn't measure determination, ingenuity or plain old common sense. It doesn't mean much unless you're in school and people really ought to stop acting as if it means something major.

I've read studies that IQ of blacks who leave the inner city rise, but in the second or third generation and they think it has more to do with parenting styles. It's still early days on those studies. IQ is certainly at least partly environmental. Not being exposed to lead is a help, as well.

IQ is a maximum baseline at birth. Then environment, and nutrition play their part in lowering it.
How on earth did they IQ test newborns to get that theory?

They didn't. Genetics is going to give you your top level of intelligence. We KNOW that the older you get, the lower your IQ becomes.
Geniuses do their best work before they are 30. After that their creativity slows. We KNOW this.

Therefore, IQ is set at birth. Environmental conditions, family life, and nutrition all work to lower the IQ from that moment on.

That's why you can take a not smart person, move them to a first world country and their grand children are always smarter.

The last 150 years has seen IQ levels increase in the first world mainly thanks to nutrition.
Studies, please?
I dont know because I already know that the white invented IQ is a farce to make whites feel good. The way I see it is how is a white person going to tell me how smart I am when they are a dumb race to begin with? Besides even other whites have shot down the IQ theory. Whites arent smart enough to measure intelligence.
IQ is a measurement of how well a person will perform in academia. Period. I worked with a woman with a very high IQ and a Ph.D. who couldn't figure out for the life of her how to operate a 5 button business phone (remember them, with the lit buttons on the bottom?).

IQ doesn't measure determination, ingenuity or plain old common sense. It doesn't mean much unless you're in school and people really ought to stop acting as if it means something major.

I've read studies that IQ of blacks who leave the inner city rise, but in the second or third generation and they think it has more to do with parenting styles. It's still early days on those studies. IQ is certainly at least partly environmental. Not being exposed to lead is a help, as well.

IQ is a maximum baseline at birth. Then environment, and nutrition play their part in lowering it.
How on earth did they IQ test newborns to get that theory?

They didn't. Genetics is going to give you your top level of intelligence. We KNOW that the older you get, the lower your IQ becomes.
Geniuses do their best work before they are 30. After that their creativity slows. We KNOW this.

Therefore, IQ is set at birth. Environmental conditions, family life, and nutrition all work to lower the IQ from that moment on.

That's why you can take a not smart person, move them to a first world country and their grand children are always smarter.

The last 150 years has seen IQ levels increase in the first world mainly thanks to nutrition.
Studies, please?

When I get back to a regular computer in a week or so I will. Right now I'm on my phone.
I suppose this poster Asclepias is one of the Putin minions paid to sow dissension in the U.S. We're going to get them in spades all year.
Let us see. Airplanes? Telephones? Electricity? Printing Press? Mass Production? Africa has never produced ANYTHING. Except AIDS and Ebola.

The most killing example to me is that Africans never domesticated animals!! And they had so many large animals to work with! Wildebeests, zebras, elephants, etc., etc. Some cattle were domesticated in the north to suck their blood as a nutrient source (unique in the world, if disgusting), but aside from that vampirism, zilch. It was not a good sign that they couldn't domesticate animals or do much farming.

Or make clothes. To this day they wear American and European cast-offs bailed in huge bales by the Salvation Army and shipped over there. I'm watching the old King Solomon's Mines movie and even in 1937 when it was made, the Africans were quite naked: naked savages, dancing and jiggling and waving spears. Lots of National Geographic-style bare breasts -- it must have been a popular movie with repressed teenage boys!
Let us see. Airplanes? Telephones? Electricity? Printing Press? Mass Production? Africa has never produced ANYTHING. Except AIDS and Ebola.

The most killing example to me is that Africans never domesticated animals!! And they had so many large animals to work with! Wildebeests, zebras, elephants, etc., etc. Some cattle were domesticated in the north to suck their blood as a nutrient source (unique in the world, if disgusting), but aside from that vampirism, zilch. It was not a good sign that they couldn't domesticate animals or do much farming.

Or make clothes. To this day they wear American and European cast-offs bailed in huge bales by the Salvation Army and shipped over there. I'm watching the old King Solomon's Mines movie and even in 1937 when it was made, the Africans were quite naked: naked savages, dancing and jiggling and waving spears. Lots of National Geographic-style bare breasts -- it must have been a popular movie with repressed teenage boys!
Of course it would be a white person that was too dumb to understand the process of domestication and also assume Africans never domesticated anything You need look no further than the animals themselves. No one has been able to domesticate most of the wild life in Africa for the simple fact that most of them are genetically inclined to fight and survive the largest proliferation of apex predators on the planet. There is a reason white people cant try on a zebra what they do on a horse. Small cats, cattle, camels, sheep, goats, and elephants were domesticated. Hannibal took elephants into Rome. You sorry ass ignorant whites should be ashamed of yourself for making such a stupid claim. :laugh:
I only do that with non whites. A white person is guilty until proven innocent.

As I observed and stated. You're a racist, and not to be taken seriously.

I'll ignore your comments from now on.

Yeah you said that before but somehow you keep responding to me in spite of all your claims.

Twice, now a third and last.

You're not a bright person.

Congratulations, you're my first ignore and I have patience except for racists.

Good bye
Peace out. Hopefully for real this time. Dont be a hypocrite ok?
I predict this one is going to fall off his/her high horse pretty quick and get hurt. Hope I don't have to sling him/her a donut.

I've missed ya, A.
Hey OldLady. Miss you too.
Dems hate Whites. Or ,more likely ,they are follow the Alinski program. I will not apologize for being White. Just remember who made EVERY great invention.
No one asked you to apologize for being white. You cant help it that you were born recessive. Every great invention was created or inspired by African genius.
Let us see. Airplanes? Telephones? Electricity? Printing Press? Mass Production? Africa has never produced ANYTHING. Except AIDS and Ebola.
All which are African created or inspired. Africa was the birth place of civilization, steel production, math, etc etc. All of which you copy cat white boys used. You stand on the shoulders of giants.

Then what’s keeping ya here?

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