What do you say in the end about McCain?

What say you about John McCain

  • McCain was a military hero and a patriot in the Senate

  • McCain was a military hero and an abomination of humanity in the Senate

  • McCain was a military coward but a great Senator

  • McCain was just an abysmal human being across the board

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You idiots speaking ill of John McCain really have no shame do you. You kick homeless dogs on the weekend?
Here’s what Republicans say about John McCain.

View attachment 193221

Republicans are against him, Democrats are for him. Just read the thread. What does that tell you?

Hmm, strike that. Let me rephrase it. What would it tell you if you had intellectual integrity???
Correction: Republicans are for trashing the military when it suits them politically. Democrats are never for trashing the military, just holding them accountable.
Demon-crats never trashing the military eh ? Who was Jane Fonda for $300 Alex...
She was trashing politicians not military.

You suck at this.
Oh yeah, well they didn't call her Hanoi Jane for nothing.
  • Thanks
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Here’s what Republicans say about John McCain.

View attachment 193221

Republicans are against him, Democrats are for him. Just read the thread. What does that tell you?

Hmm, strike that. Let me rephrase it. What would it tell you if you had intellectual integrity???
Correction: Republicans are for trashing the military when it suits them politically. Democrats are never for trashing the military, just holding them accountable.
Demon-crats never trashing the military eh ? Who was Jane Fonda for $300 Alex...
She was trashing politicians not military.

You suck at this.
Oh yeah, well they didn't call her Hanoi Jane for nothing.

Let's try to keep up....this isn't 1972....we are talking about an orange king selling the US to Putin.
Republicans are against him, Democrats are for him. Just read the thread. What does that tell you?

Hmm, strike that. Let me rephrase it. What would it tell you if you had intellectual integrity???
Correction: Republicans are for trashing the military when it suits them politically. Democrats are never for trashing the military, just holding them accountable.
Demon-crats never trashing the military eh ? Who was Jane Fonda for $300 Alex...
She was trashing politicians not military.

You suck at this.
Oh yeah, well they didn't call her Hanoi Jane for nothing.

Let's try to keep up....this isn't 1972....we are talking about an orange king selling the US to Putin.
Never happened, but go on keep kicking that dead horse. LOL.
How do you f-ing know Redfish posted by mistake and did not know what he posted was a lie? And who is making the rules you are barking out about what makes a lie? Also, why hasn't that lying punk Redfish answered for himself? Are you a Redfish puppet?
Lets put this in perspective. Redfish posted a lie on an internationally viewed message board for all the world to see and read. He is an American telling the world misinformation about an individual viewed by a huge number of Americans as a hero. He should have checked or kept his mouth shut, just like you. You should STFU and quit being such a jerk and defending the POS Redfish.

It's an Internet urban legend that is circulated. I jumped in right away and said that, moron. From there, it's your job to prove it was intentional
Urban legend your ass you fake lying scum. It is a lie promoted by liars and scum bags like you and your pal Redfish. The lie was debunked and called a lie as soon as it came out. You dishonest turds just fall back on that " :..but....but....it's and urban internet legend...." lie to make yourselves appear a little bit less slimy and smell a little less disgusting. Again, some perspective, a beloved American war hero to many is dying and you people are telling disgusting lies about him while he lies in his deathbed and spends his last times among us. Disparaging him and showing an ugly hatred to support your political opinions is who you are.
Weather in my area is getting warm. Reminds me to spread the slug poison. Hate it when those slimy little annoying pest crawl out from under the rocks and crawl around on my deck.
LOL, your talking about a politician who is still trying to conduct business from that death bed, and still holding grudges from that death bed.
So what, he fought and paid a price for his free speech. He has a right to express his feelings before he leaves the living. How does that give scumbag degenerate classless punks the right to promote blatant lies about him without responses from his fellow citizens?
Heck I don't know... Are they blatant lies (all of them) or does everyone have to just weed through all the bullcrap in order to get to the truth ? I guess people know the truth, and others not so much maybe, but everything ain't lies.
There is no debate in regards to how the accident on the USS Forrestal occurred. Redfish told a story that was a lie plain and simple. He was called out on the lie and has not returned and defended his malicious lie. There is no debate that the story he told about McCain was a blatant lie. None whatsoever. I have not offered an opinion as to whether he is a habitual and serial liar like trump. I have only offered an opinion about his lie about McCain.
He posted a lie. That makes him a liar. Now you are calling me a liar. So, what did I lie about. I quoted the lie Redfish told. I used his post to prove he lied. Now you do the same to prove I have lied. Otherwise, if you can not, you are the liar. Just a couple of liars hopelessly trying to defend each other.

Actually, you have to knowingly post a lie to be a liar. Idiot.

So when you got questions wrong on exams, you weren't wrong, you were lying? That's stupid, of course you weren't. Redfish believed it. He was wrong, he wasn't lying.

You know this, you're a liar
How do you f-ing know Redfish posted by mistake and did not know what he posted was a lie? And who is making the rules you are barking out about what makes a lie? Also, why hasn't that lying punk Redfish answered for himself? Are you a Redfish puppet?
Lets put this in perspective. Redfish posted a lie on an internationally viewed message board for all the world to see and read. He is an American telling the world misinformation about an individual viewed by a huge number of Americans as a hero. He should have checked or kept his mouth shut, just like you. You should STFU and quit being such a jerk and defending the POS Redfish.

It's an Internet urban legend that is circulated. I jumped in right away and said that, moron. From there, it's your job to prove it was intentional
Urban legend your ass you fake lying scum. It is a lie promoted by liars and scum bags like you and your pal Redfish. The lie was debunked and called a lie as soon as it came out. You dishonest turds just fall back on that " :..but....but....it's an urban internet legend...." lie to make yourselves appear a little bit less slimy and smell a little less disgusting. Again, some perspective, a beloved American war hero to many is dying and you people are telling disgusting lies about him while he lies in his deathbed and spends his last times among us. Disparaging him and showing an ugly hatred to support your political opinions is who you are.
Weather in my area is getting warm. Reminds me to spread the slug poison. Hate it when those slimy little annoying pest crawl out from under the rocks and crawl around on my deck.

Lame. What do you think McCain is saying on that minute and a half audio? Do you hear him saying anything different than what all the other POW's said? Did you hear him giving away secret information?
Actually, you have to knowingly post a lie to be a liar. Idiot.

So when you got questions wrong on exams, you weren't wrong, you were lying? That's stupid, of course you weren't. Redfish believed it. He was wrong, he wasn't lying.

You know this, you're a liar
How do you f-ing know Redfish posted by mistake and did not know what he posted was a lie? And who is making the rules you are barking out about what makes a lie? Also, why hasn't that lying punk Redfish answered for himself? Are you a Redfish puppet?
Lets put this in perspective. Redfish posted a lie on an internationally viewed message board for all the world to see and read. He is an American telling the world misinformation about an individual viewed by a huge number of Americans as a hero. He should have checked or kept his mouth shut, just like you. You should STFU and quit being such a jerk and defending the POS Redfish.

It's an Internet urban legend that is circulated. I jumped in right away and said that, moron. From there, it's your job to prove it was intentional
Urban legend your ass you fake lying scum. It is a lie promoted by liars and scum bags like you and your pal Redfish. The lie was debunked and called a lie as soon as it came out. You dishonest turds just fall back on that " :..but....but....it's an urban internet legend...." lie to make yourselves appear a little bit less slimy and smell a little less disgusting. Again, some perspective, a beloved American war hero to many is dying and you people are telling disgusting lies about him while he lies in his deathbed and spends his last times among us. Disparaging him and showing an ugly hatred to support your political opinions is who you are.
Weather in my area is getting warm. Reminds me to spread the slug poison. Hate it when those slimy little annoying pest crawl out from under the rocks and crawl around on my deck.

Lame. What do you think McCain is saying on that minute and a half audio? Do you hear him saying anything different than what all the other POW's said? Did you hear him giving away secret information?

It does not matter, hero’s don’t crack...
Just proving what cowardly piece of shit he is, There is a reason why his fellow soldiers call him songbird Mccain...
How do you f-ing know Redfish posted by mistake and did not know what he posted was a lie? And who is making the rules you are barking out about what makes a lie? Also, why hasn't that lying punk Redfish answered for himself? Are you a Redfish puppet?
Lets put this in perspective. Redfish posted a lie on an internationally viewed message board for all the world to see and read. He is an American telling the world misinformation about an individual viewed by a huge number of Americans as a hero. He should have checked or kept his mouth shut, just like you. You should STFU and quit being such a jerk and defending the POS Redfish.

It's an Internet urban legend that is circulated. I jumped in right away and said that, moron. From there, it's your job to prove it was intentional
Urban legend your ass you fake lying scum. It is a lie promoted by liars and scum bags like you and your pal Redfish. The lie was debunked and called a lie as soon as it came out. You dishonest turds just fall back on that " :..but....but....it's an urban internet legend...." lie to make yourselves appear a little bit less slimy and smell a little less disgusting. Again, some perspective, a beloved American war hero to many is dying and you people are telling disgusting lies about him while he lies in his deathbed and spends his last times among us. Disparaging him and showing an ugly hatred to support your political opinions is who you are.
Weather in my area is getting warm. Reminds me to spread the slug poison. Hate it when those slimy little annoying pest crawl out from under the rocks and crawl around on my deck.

Lame. What do you think McCain is saying on that minute and a half audio? Do you hear him saying anything different than what all the other POW's said? Did you hear him giving away secret information?

It does not matter, hero’s don’t crack...
Just proving what cowardly piece of shit he is, There is a reason why his fellow soldiers call him songbird Mccain...

To be truthful, if it was me, I would've sung like a bird. I hate pain.
But being shot out of the sky doesn't make you a hero.
Max Cleland
Jimmy Carter
Tammy Duckworth
Bob Kerry

All trashed by deplorables. I know there are many more examples.

So you're right, they are making pretty good choices who to trash. That while you keep pumping the lies that Trump is racist and was put in office by the Russians at the cost of your country

Max Cleland lost three limbs serving his country. Bob Kerry lost a leg. Tammy Duckworth lost both of her legs... John McCain was horrible mangled and tortured...

These are good choices of people to trash?

You know, we all know you are an awful human being, Kaz, you don't need to keep reminding us.

Moving the goalposts. Read the OP and notice who the OP again is. My God, you're an idiot. How stupid are you? The world may never know. It's because you hate black people, isn't it?

kaz: they were slimy politicians

JoeTheRacist: OMG, you're trashing their military records!!!!!

Fucking moron
Allowing pharmaceutical companies to invent drugs and sell them is giving them money. Gotcha, comrade. The people harmed as you get your way are future sufferers of diseases that won't be cured because you take away the right of companies to profit from their inventions. But you don't care about that as long as blacks don't get those better drugs, aren't you Grand Dragon?

Guy, we could create drugs just as easily with government labs focused on curing diseases...

And we'd end up maybe curing cancer instead of making erection medicine...

Seriously, you ever watch Big Pharma commercials? It's about marketing things that aren't life saving...

You're seriously arguing that pharmaceutical companies aren't actually inventing drugs that save lives? Wow, that's seriously moronic. You're striving for new heights in overt stupidity. Joe: Pharmaceuticals aren't inventing drugs to save lives, just making erections. So you'd be OK with pharmaceuticals inventing life saving drugs, but they save black people's lives too, and you can't have that.

So think about what you just argued Joe. Don't hurt yourself doing it, but let's analyze that. If what you say is true and drug companies aren't saving lives just creating erections, why do you care about drug prices???
Moving the goalposts. Read the OP and notice who the OP again is. My God, you're an idiot. How stupid are you? The world may never know. It's because you hate black people, isn't it?

kaz: they were slimy politicians

JoeTheRacist: OMG, you're trashing their military records!!!!!

Fucking moron

sorry, I'm kind of having a hard time seeing how any of these people were "Slimy politicians". They served their country in the military, and then they served as elected representatives.

So you think it's perfectly fine to slander heroes who lost limbs for this country because, gosh, you don't like their politics.

My guess... you never wore a uniform in your life.
It's an Internet urban legend that is circulated. I jumped in right away and said that, moron. From there, it's your job to prove it was intentional

This isn't a court of law.

Although that being said, it doesn't mean you're not guilty.

No one said anything about jail, Homer. In life, it's your job to prove your accusations. Try accusing people of things then telling them to prove you wrong and see how it goes for you

"Jail"? No one mentioned "jail". We don' need no steenking "jail". I don't even know what the accusation was, it's shaved off the nest and probably not worth looking up.

Not that not knowing what you were commenting on stopped you from commenting on it ... twice ...

I knew as much as I needed to. To wit, a reference to a courtroom fallacy that gave me a straight-man setup to cash in on. :rock:

Right, because in general life people don't expect you to prove your allegations. That isn't how life works, just courts.

You're seriously arguing that pharmaceutical companies aren't actually inventing drugs that save lives?

Most of that works is done at universities with research labs with government grants.

Come on, guy, I know you are butthurt that I've exposed your racism and general awfulness as a person, but you really need to come back iwth better argument or you just look silly.
Here’s what Republicans say about John McCain.

View attachment 193221

Republicans are against him, Democrats are for him. Just read the thread. What does that tell you?

Hmm, strike that. Let me rephrase it. What would it tell you if you had intellectual integrity???
Correction: Republicans are for trashing the military when it suits them politically. Democrats are never for trashing the military, just holding them accountable.

You live in a delusional bizarro world where up is down, black is white and Democrats are moral

That sure is heady advice coming from a world where political parties have personality traits. :clap2:

Be honest, you were drunk when you wrote this, weren't you?
How do you f-ing know Redfish posted by mistake and did not know what he posted was a lie? And who is making the rules you are barking out about what makes a lie? Also, why hasn't that lying punk Redfish answered for himself? Are you a Redfish puppet?
Lets put this in perspective. Redfish posted a lie on an internationally viewed message board for all the world to see and read. He is an American telling the world misinformation about an individual viewed by a huge number of Americans as a hero. He should have checked or kept his mouth shut, just like you. You should STFU and quit being such a jerk and defending the POS Redfish.

It's an Internet urban legend that is circulated. I jumped in right away and said that, moron. From there, it's your job to prove it was intentional
Urban legend your ass you fake lying scum. It is a lie promoted by liars and scum bags like you and your pal Redfish. The lie was debunked and called a lie as soon as it came out. You dishonest turds just fall back on that " :..but....but....it's and urban internet legend...." lie to make yourselves appear a little bit less slimy and smell a little less disgusting. Again, some perspective, a beloved American war hero to many is dying and you people are telling disgusting lies about him while he lies in his deathbed and spends his last times among us. Disparaging him and showing an ugly hatred to support your political opinions is who you are.
Weather in my area is getting warm. Reminds me to spread the slug poison. Hate it when those slimy little annoying pest crawl out from under the rocks and crawl around on my deck.
LOL, your talking about a politician who is still trying to conduct business from that death bed, and still holding grudges from that death bed.
So what, he fought and paid a price for his free speech. He has a right to express his feelings before he leaves the living. How does that give scumbag degenerate classless punks the right to promote blatant lies about him without responses from his fellow citizens?

Leftists are so stupid. No one said otherwise. No one said he doesn't have a "right to express" his communist ideology.

And you're such a flaming hypocrite as you criticize non-Democrats all the time and then "rights" are never involved. If this were really your standard, you would only criticize people for things you believe they don't have a right to say.

Obviously it isn't your standard. Which shifts based on whatever benefits the Democrat party
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