What do you say in the end about McCain?

What say you about John McCain

  • McCain was a military hero and a patriot in the Senate

  • McCain was a military hero and an abomination of humanity in the Senate

  • McCain was a military coward but a great Senator

  • McCain was just an abysmal human being across the board

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A staff person makes a heartless and cruel comment about a dying hero. The WH silence speaks columns and to further the decay in dignity....Sarah Huckleberry Sanders defends the so called presidents lack of ethics and morals.

And yet....the trump cult members turn their backs and grovel at the feet of their orange dear leader.....SICKENING!
They are not good people.

The understatement of the decade..

you libs live to generalize and denigrate entire groups of people because you disagree with them. you are a sick ideology, full of nothing but hate. YOU and HILLRY lost, accept that reality and move on. Its fine if you don't like Trump personally, but its just plain stupid to pretend that he is not doing great things for our country.
He forgets Republicans rejected Holy Joe, too.

Joe was a traitor to Democrats,holding up the ACA. So Democrats rejected him. Then,surprise, Republicans did not want him either.

So he became a Health Care Lobbyist, just like his wife was all along.

He is now on No Labels, a site I rejected,as soon as I found he was there.

The problem with Joe Leiberman is that he thought he was the Senator from Israel instead of Connecticut. He kept insisting that the Iraq War was a great idea even after everyone else knew it wasn't.
LOL, your talking about a politician who is still trying to conduct business from that death bed, and still holding grudges from that death bed.
So what, he fought and paid a price for his free speech. He has a right to express his feelings before he leaves the living. How does that give scumbag degenerate classless punks the right to promote blatant lies about him without responses from his fellow citizens?
Heck I don't know... Are they blatant lies (all of them) or does everyone have to just weed through all the bullcrap in order to get to the truth ? I guess people know the truth, and others not so much maybe, but everything ain't lies.
There is no debate in regards to how the accident on the USS Forrestal occurred. Redfish told a story that was a lie plain and simple. He was called out on the lie and has not returned and defended his malicious lie. There is no debate that the story he told about McCain was a blatant lie. None whatsoever. I have not offered an opinion as to whether he is a habitual and serial liar like trump. I have only offered an opinion about his lie about McCain.

So just to be clear, any time you say something that turns out to be wrong, you lied. You weren't wrong, you were lying. That's your standard
Listen wacko, yesterday or maybe the day before yesterday you called me a liar and I challenged you to provide an example of a lie you allege that I told or posted. Not only have you failed to provide a link to your allegation, you seem on an obsessive mission to defend yourself and drag the issue out, without providing the evidence to support your malicious claim, which without such evidence (link) is a lie in itself. In short, you are using the lame tactic of accusing someone of lying by telling a lie about the person.
You seem obsessed on defining the difference between promoting misinformation and fraudulent data and facts vs. outright lying. The difference of course is whether the culprit knew the truth before promoting the misinformation or lie, and how the culprit responded after being made aware of the actual facts.

I did provide an example of a lie that you posted. You are lying when you say that you believe to say something that turns out to be incorrect is a lie. You lied, you know that's not what a lie is. A lie is INTENTIONALLY telling something that isn't true. You're a complete liar, liar, pants on fire.

You also lie constantly about Trump being a racist. You lie about being afraid of the Russians because you prove you're not by not caring about the Russians bribing Hillary to sell them 20% of our uranium reserves and you've been defending the Russians all your life.

You lie constantly. Your only possible defense is you lie so much you don't even know what you're saying anymore
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
So long crash

I don't know what that means

John McCain was a menace to the US Navy, and too dumb to read this post or send an email

You people need to Google stories like that before you post them. It didn't happen, it's an urban legend.

If you think I'm biased towards McCain, re-read the OP and note the red letters by my name. I'm still not for stories that aren't true. He actually did plenty to despise what he's done to America in the Senate
I think he is a good man. He spoke his mind, and he is an independent thinker. He valued the institutions he represented, the Constitution, and common decency. I didn't always...or often agree with him (I"m a fucking liberal after all)...but I truly respect him.

Both parties need folks like him, to remind them that party doesn't trump everything. IMO.
So you like your career politicians spineless... because that is what career politicians are

Lyin Ted is now kissing Trump's ass... That is spineless...

Look at the GOP cowtow to the Orange Jesus... That is spineless...

This is thing abort the Trump nuts, they accuse everyone of the exact stuff the are doing... Fake News being the best example, he tells 5 lies a day and accuses everyone else of Fake News...
So what, he fought and paid a price for his free speech. He has a right to express his feelings before he leaves the living. How does that give scumbag degenerate classless punks the right to promote blatant lies about him without responses from his fellow citizens?
Heck I don't know... Are they blatant lies (all of them) or does everyone have to just weed through all the bullcrap in order to get to the truth ? I guess people know the truth, and others not so much maybe, but everything ain't lies.
There is no debate in regards to how the accident on the USS Forrestal occurred. Redfish told a story that was a lie plain and simple. He was called out on the lie and has not returned and defended his malicious lie. There is no debate that the story he told about McCain was a blatant lie. None whatsoever. I have not offered an opinion as to whether he is a habitual and serial liar like trump. I have only offered an opinion about his lie about McCain.

So just to be clear, any time you say something that turns out to be wrong, you lied. You weren't wrong, you were lying. That's your standard
Listen wacko, yesterday or maybe the day before yesterday you called me a liar and I challenged you to provide an example of a lie you allege that I told or posted. Not only have you failed to provide a link to your allegation, you seem on an obsessive mission to defend yourself and drag the issue out, without providing the evidence to support your malicious claim, which without such evidence (link) is a lie in itself. In short, you are using the lame tactic of accusing someone of lying by telling a lie about the person.
You seem obsessed on defining the difference between promoting misinformation and fraudulent data and facts vs. outright lying. The difference of course is whether the culprit knew the truth before promoting the misinformation or lie, and how the culprit responded after being made aware of the actual facts.

I did provide an example of a lie that you posted. You are lying when you say that you believe to say something that turns out to be incorrect is a lie. You lied, you know that's not what a lie is. A lie is INTENTIONALLY telling something that isn't true. You're a complete liar, liar, pants on fire.

You also lie constantly about Trump being a racist. You lie about being afraid of the Russians because you prove you're not by not caring about the Russians bribing Hillary to sell them 20% of our uranium reserves and you've been defending the Russians all your life.

You lie constantly. Your only possible defense is you lie so much you don't even know what you're saying anymore
You have not shown one single example of a lie. You are merely calling my opinions lies because you disagree with them. You should be able to show a link of a quote I posted and say "here, here is a lie". In other words, if you are going to call a person a liar you should be able to show the specific lie and articulate why it is a lie, not make some general interpretations of your speculations.
Let's try to keep up....this isn't 1972....we are talking about an orange king selling the US to Putin.

Sploogy, we KNOW who colluded with the Russians
A fourth figure — a Russian diplomat whom Londoner Christopher Steele accused of lawbreaking — said via Russia’s Foreign Ministry that the dossier is fantasy. And there is evidence to back him up.

The 35-page dossier by Mr. Steele has taken on critical importance in recent weeks for Democrats in Washington. They cite its accusations without corroboration as the reason for a special commission to investigate Mr. Trump and his aides for a supposed role in Russia’s hacking of Democratic Party email servers.

Lost in the Democrats’ endorsements are the people who say Mr. Steele’s supposed chronicle of meetings and misdeeds is untrue. McClatchy News reported that the man Mr. Steele identified as spearheading part of the hacking operation was (and still is) in a Russia prison at the time with no access to the internet or a cellphone.

Mr. Steele was paid by Fusion GPS, a Democratic Party-aligned opposition research firm that was trying to bring down the Trump candidacy last year. Fusion GPS spread the dossier around Washington to reporters and Democrats.

Once it was published in January by Buzzfeed, whose editor doubted its accuracy, the denials started.

Michael Cohen, Mr. Trump’s personal attorney, said he has never been to Prague — the city where Mr. Steele said he met secretly in late August with Russian intelligence to discuss Moscow’s hacking and how to cover it up. When the supposed meeting took place, Mr. Cohen was with his family in Southern California. He has shown his passport to Mr. Trump and aides and provided his itinerary for when he visited California.}

Christopher Steele’s Donald Trump dossier conflicts with independent evidence

You Stalinists went to Russia to try and find or fabricate dirt on Trump - you colluded in your attempted coup.
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
So long crash

I don't know what that means

John McCain was a menace to the US Navy, and too dumb to read this post or send an email

You people need to Google stories like that before you post them. It didn't happen, it's an urban legend.

If you think I'm biased towards McCain, re-read the OP and note the red letters by my name. I'm still not for stories that aren't true. He actually did plenty to despise what he's done to America in the Senate

I think he is a good man. He spoke his mind, and he is an independent thinker. He valued the institutions he represented, the Constitution, and common decency. I didn't always...or often agree with him (I"m a fucking liberal after all)...but I truly respect him.

Both parties need folks like him, to remind them that party doesn't trump everything. IMO.
So you like your career politicians spineless... because that is what career politicians are

Lyin Ted is now kissing Trump's ass... That is spineless...

Look at the GOP cowtow to the Orange Jesus... That is spineless...

This is thing abort the Trump nuts, they accuse everyone of the exact stuff the are doing... Fake News being the best example, he tells 5 lies a day and accuses everyone else of Fake News...
Says someone who trusts career politicians...
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
So long crash

I don't know what that means

John McCain was a menace to the US Navy, and too dumb to read this post or send an email

You people need to Google stories like that before you post them. It didn't happen, it's an urban legend.

If you think I'm biased towards McCain, re-read the OP and note the red letters by my name. I'm still not for stories that aren't true. He actually did plenty to despise what he's done to America in the Senate

No fuckwad, I am the people that voted for the current president. The funniest thing is that John McCain is the IDIOT who crashed a perfectly good jet into an enemy missile, I can't find a link because the fake news seems to have hidden this fact. However the fact is that if John McCain was a potato peeler as his skills dictated that he would not have been taken prisoner by the Vietnamese. Get over it kid, the USA is going to be better off when CRASH is dead and buried........................

Furthermore McCain launched a missile on the deck of the Forrestall KILLING 134 Americans, the Navy has to hide this because they gave a potato peeler a jet..
How many planes did John McCain crash in navy
You also lie constantly about Trump being a racist.

Trump is a racist.

You lie about being afraid of the Russians because you prove you're not by not caring about the Russians bribing Hillary to sell them 20% of our uranium reserves and you've been defending the Russians all your life.

Guy, the Russians can't take that uranium out of the country.... so not seeing what your issue here is.

If you think I'm biased towards McCain, re-read the OP and note the red letters by my name. I'm still not for stories that aren't true. He actually did plenty to despise what he's done to America in the Senate

Yeah, what a bastard... he voted for 83% of what Conservatives want, and you guys still hate him.
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
So long crash

I don't know what that means

John McCain was a menace to the US Navy, and too dumb to read this post or send an email

You people need to Google stories like that before you post them. It didn't happen, it's an urban legend.

If you think I'm biased towards McCain, re-read the OP and note the red letters by my name. I'm still not for stories that aren't true. He actually did plenty to despise what he's done to America in the Senate


This link will not open, I found it too. The NSA is trying to erase the embarrassment known as John McCaine
Furthermore McCain launched a missile on the deck of the Forrestall KILLING 134 Americans, the Navy has to hide this because they gave a potato peeler a jet..

Not sure why you keep repeating these sorts of lies... The Forrestal fire was not started by McCain.


Copied word-for-word from a blog post originally published in 2008, the text is an unholy mixture of inaccuracies and outright lies. For starters, the Associated Press’ FOIA that the post references actually revealed a slew of the military’s top awards and commendations. The post also asserts that “27 died” in the fire (there were 134 fatalities, in point of fact) and that the incident occurred on 19 July 1967 (it actually took place on 29 July). It further asserts that eyewitnesses and investigators evinced the belief that the explosion and fire were caused by McCain showing off by “wet-starting” his A-4 Skyhawk aircraft. (In pilot lingo, “wet-starting” a jet engine refers to flooding its combustion chamber with extra fuel before ignition, which usually results in a loud bang and/or plume of flame on start-up.)

There are no eyewitness accounts in the official record supporting that version of events, however. According to the U.S. Navy’s exhaustive investigation into the incident, the findings of which are summarized below in an excerpt from an article by Commander Hank Stewart, USN (Ret.), a naval engineer, the fire was actually caused by the accidental firing of an Mk-32 “Zuni” rocket as a result of an electrical power surge during preparations for a strike against a target in North Vietnam:

John McCain retired from the U.S. Navy with the rank of captain in 1981. Among his many commendations were a Distinguished Flying Cross noting his “exceptional courage, superb airmanship, and total devotion to duty” during a bombing raid over Hanoi in 1967, and a Legion of Merit with Combat “V” award “for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services to the Government of the United States while interned as a Prisoner of War in North Vietnam from October 1967 to March 1973.”
Furthermore McCain launched a missile on the deck of the Forrestall KILLING 134 Americans, the Navy has to hide this because they gave a potato peeler a jet..

Not sure why you keep repeating these sorts of lies... The Forrestal fire was not started by McCain.


Copied word-for-word from a blog post originally published in 2008, the text is an unholy mixture of inaccuracies and outright lies. For starters, the Associated Press’ FOIA that the post references actually revealed a slew of the military’s top awards and commendations. The post also asserts that “27 died” in the fire (there were 134 fatalities, in point of fact) and that the incident occurred on 19 July 1967 (it actually took place on 29 July). It further asserts that eyewitnesses and investigators evinced the belief that the explosion and fire were caused by McCain showing off by “wet-starting” his A-4 Skyhawk aircraft. (In pilot lingo, “wet-starting” a jet engine refers to flooding its combustion chamber with extra fuel before ignition, which usually results in a loud bang and/or plume of flame on start-up.)

There are no eyewitness accounts in the official record supporting that version of events, however. According to the U.S. Navy’s exhaustive investigation into the incident, the findings of which are summarized below in an excerpt from an article by Commander Hank Stewart, USN (Ret.), a naval engineer, the fire was actually caused by the accidental firing of an Mk-32 “Zuni” rocket as a result of an electrical power surge during preparations for a strike against a target in North Vietnam:

John McCain retired from the U.S. Navy with the rank of captain in 1981. Among his many commendations were a Distinguished Flying Cross noting his “exceptional courage, superb airmanship, and total devotion to duty” during a bombing raid over Hanoi in 1967, and a Legion of Merit with Combat “V” award “for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services to the Government of the United States while interned as a Prisoner of War in North Vietnam from October 1967 to March 1973.”

The Forrestall fire was only one incident that McCain was involved in, McCain also crashed TWO jets. Are you going to deny that too?

Grow up kid

McCain all by himself nearly sank a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier…

McCain, when a Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy was a Navy pilot (they call themselves aviators). July 29, 1967 while on the deck and in his plane on the carrier U.S.S. Forrestal he managed to screw up procedures (officially denied and covered up by him and the Navy and also even promoted on Wikipedia if you care to look–reason to follow). He did a smart ass punk attention getting trick by doing a “wet start” up of his jet.

When a pilot wants to be a wise ass or show off, this type of engine start creates a large startling flame and lots of surprise noise from the rear of a jet engine on start up–this was no accident. This and the large subsequent electrical surge and apparent (incorrect and against policy) weapon arming (by the pilot) caused the launching of a powerful Zuni rocket across the carrier’s deck hitting other parked planes (photo below) that were packing 1,000 high-explosive pound bombs. The subsequent massive explosions, fire and destruction went several decks below and nearly sunk this major 82,000 ton U.S. aircraft carrier.

This stunt and aftermath caused the deathof 134 sailors and seriously injure (blow off arms legs, cause blindness and burns to another 161 sailors) and took the ship off the battle line for extensive repairs. Any other Navy pilot causing this type of death and destruction the Navy would have raped him and he would probably still be in the brig. Why not McCain? Well, first with many powerful connections this “little infraction” was covered up by the Navy (our most politically involved/connected service by the way).

John McCain Is No Hero - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
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The Forrestall fire was only one incident that McCain was involved in, McCain also crashed TWO jets. Are you going to deny that too?

Again, you have no credibility when you repeat debunked statements.
LOL, you are claiming that John McCain never crashed a jet, since history records that he certainly did and was taken prisoner after he made his last flight, the only one here with no credibility is you.................

At any rate the old fuck will be dead soon anyway

See if you can debunk that retard
LOL, you are claiming that John McCain never crashed a jet, since history records that he certainly did and was taken prisoner after he made his last flight, the only one here with no credibility is you.................

At any rate the old fuck will be dead soon anyway

See if you can debunk that retard

I'm sure he did crash a jet... that happens during training.
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