What do you say in the end about McCain?

What say you about John McCain

  • McCain was a military hero and a patriot in the Senate

  • McCain was a military hero and an abomination of humanity in the Senate

  • McCain was a military coward but a great Senator

  • McCain was just an abysmal human being across the board

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Heck I don't know... Are they blatant lies (all of them) or does everyone have to just weed through all the bullcrap in order to get to the truth ? I guess people know the truth, and others not so much maybe, but everything ain't lies.
There is no debate in regards to how the accident on the USS Forrestal occurred. Redfish told a story that was a lie plain and simple. He was called out on the lie and has not returned and defended his malicious lie. There is no debate that the story he told about McCain was a blatant lie. None whatsoever. I have not offered an opinion as to whether he is a habitual and serial liar like trump. I have only offered an opinion about his lie about McCain.

So just to be clear, any time you say something that turns out to be wrong, you lied. You weren't wrong, you were lying. That's your standard
Listen wacko, yesterday or maybe the day before yesterday you called me a liar and I challenged you to provide an example of a lie you allege that I told or posted. Not only have you failed to provide a link to your allegation, you seem on an obsessive mission to defend yourself and drag the issue out, without providing the evidence to support your malicious claim, which without such evidence (link) is a lie in itself. In short, you are using the lame tactic of accusing someone of lying by telling a lie about the person.
You seem obsessed on defining the difference between promoting misinformation and fraudulent data and facts vs. outright lying. The difference of course is whether the culprit knew the truth before promoting the misinformation or lie, and how the culprit responded after being made aware of the actual facts.

I did provide an example of a lie that you posted. You are lying when you say that you believe to say something that turns out to be incorrect is a lie. You lied, you know that's not what a lie is. A lie is INTENTIONALLY telling something that isn't true. You're a complete liar, liar, pants on fire.

You also lie constantly about Trump being a racist. You lie about being afraid of the Russians because you prove you're not by not caring about the Russians bribing Hillary to sell them 20% of our uranium reserves and you've been defending the Russians all your life.

You lie constantly. Your only possible defense is you lie so much you don't even know what you're saying anymore
You have not shown one single example of a lie. You are merely calling my opinions lies because you disagree with them. You should be able to show a link of a quote I posted and say "here, here is a lie". In other words, if you are going to call a person a liar you should be able to show the specific lie and articulate why it is a lie, not make some general interpretations of your speculations.

Bull. Your opinions can be lies when you know they aren't true. Of course they can.

And you're trying to redefine the word "lie" which isn't an opinion, just a lie. A lie is telling a falsehood INTENTIONALLY.

And you in your attempt to redefine the word don't own your own definition. You won't admit that according to your own logic that you are lying every time you say something that turns out to be wrong. Again proving you're lying in your attempt to redefine the word lie
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
So long crash

I don't know what that means

John McCain was a menace to the US Navy, and too dumb to read this post or send an email

You people need to Google stories like that before you post them. It didn't happen, it's an urban legend.

If you think I'm biased towards McCain, re-read the OP and note the red letters by my name. I'm still not for stories that aren't true. He actually did plenty to despise what he's done to America in the Senate


Right, that's what I said. This is fake news. If you google this with fake then you'll realize that. I'm going to have to agree with camp at this point that your aversion to using Google isn't a point in your favor
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
So long crash

I don't know what that means

John McCain was a menace to the US Navy, and too dumb to read this post or send an email

You people need to Google stories like that before you post them. It didn't happen, it's an urban legend.

If you think I'm biased towards McCain, re-read the OP and note the red letters by my name. I'm still not for stories that aren't true. He actually did plenty to despise what he's done to America in the Senate

No fuckwad, I am the people that voted for the current president. The funniest thing is that John McCain is the IDIOT who crashed a perfectly good jet into an enemy missile, I can't find a link because the fake news seems to have hidden this fact. However the fact is that if John McCain was a potato peeler as his skills dictated that he would not have been taken prisoner by the Vietnamese. Get over it kid, the USA is going to be better off when CRASH is dead and buried........................

Furthermore McCain launched a missile on the deck of the Forrestall KILLING 134 Americans, the Navy has to hide this because they gave a potato peeler a jet..
How many planes did John McCain crash in navy

In this case, you're repeating the fake news. McCain actually did plenty of bad things to hold him accountable for. A fake news story isn't necessary. Put it away.

You're also stupid as shit that in a thread I wrote an OP calling McCain an "abomination of humanity" that you still think I'm a McCain defender.

You're an idiot, seriously. READ THE OP. And note the red letters by my name. I already told you that, dumb ass
You also lie constantly about Trump being a racist.

Trump is a racist.

You lie about being afraid of the Russians because you prove you're not by not caring about the Russians bribing Hillary to sell them 20% of our uranium reserves and you've been defending the Russians all your life.

Guy, the Russians can't take that uranium out of the country.... so not seeing what your issue here is.

If you think I'm biased towards McCain, re-read the OP and note the red letters by my name. I'm still not for stories that aren't true. He actually did plenty to despise what he's done to America in the Senate

Yeah, what a bastard... he voted for 83% of what Conservatives want, and you guys still hate him.


"NRC officials told The Hill that Uranium One exports flowed from Wyoming to Canada and on to Europe between 2012 and 2014, and the approval involved a process with multiple agencies."

Uranium One deal led to some exports to Europe, memos show

Letting blacks live in your neighborhood is just torturing you, isn't it, Archie Bunker
LOL, you are claiming that John McCain never crashed a jet, since history records that he certainly did and was taken prisoner after he made his last flight, the only one here with no credibility is you.................

At any rate the old fuck will be dead soon anyway

See if you can debunk that retard

I'm sure he did crash a jet... that happens during training.
He crashed a jet during a mission over Vietnam............Seriously you are dumb and delusional enough to be McCains daughter. McCain also crashed another jet and was at the throttle when munitions were launched on the deck of the Forrestall.

Debunk that kid

Then slather on some more vaseline
LOL, you are claiming that John McCain never crashed a jet, since history records that he certainly did and was taken prisoner after he made his last flight, the only one here with no credibility is you.................

At any rate the old fuck will be dead soon anyway

See if you can debunk that retard

I'm sure he did crash a jet... that happens during training.
He crashed a jet during a mission over Vietnam............Seriously you are dumb and delusional enough to be McCains daughter. McCain also crashed another jet and was at the throttle when munitions were launched on the deck of the Forrestall.

Debunk that kid

Then slather on some more vaseline

he only escaped a court martial because his father was an admiral. any other pilot would have been dishonorably discharged for what he did.
So long crash

I don't know what that means

John McCain was a menace to the US Navy, and too dumb to read this post or send an email

You people need to Google stories like that before you post them. It didn't happen, it's an urban legend.

If you think I'm biased towards McCain, re-read the OP and note the red letters by my name. I'm still not for stories that aren't true. He actually did plenty to despise what he's done to America in the Senate


Right, that's what I said. This is fake news. If you google this with fake then you'll realize that. I'm going to have to agree with camp at this point that your aversion to using Google isn't a point in your favor

the fake news aspect of this is trying to cover up McCain's actual military history.
LOL, you are claiming that John McCain never crashed a jet, since history records that he certainly did and was taken prisoner after he made his last flight, the only one here with no credibility is you.................

At any rate the old fuck will be dead soon anyway

See if you can debunk that retard

I'm sure he did crash a jet... that happens during training.
He crashed a jet during a mission over Vietnam............Seriously you are dumb and delusional enough to be McCains daughter. McCain also crashed another jet and was at the throttle when munitions were launched on the deck of the Forrestall.

Debunk that kid

Then slather on some more vaseline

he only escaped a court martial because his father was an admiral. any other pilot would have been dishonorably discharged for what he did.

The sad thing is not that McCain was not discharged, but that they made him a fake hero and crash ended up a Senator which deprived the men who's names we do not know who flew and did their jobs.
So long crash

I don't know what that means

John McCain was a menace to the US Navy, and too dumb to read this post or send an email

You people need to Google stories like that before you post them. It didn't happen, it's an urban legend.

If you think I'm biased towards McCain, re-read the OP and note the red letters by my name. I'm still not for stories that aren't true. He actually did plenty to despise what he's done to America in the Senate

No fuckwad, I am the people that voted for the current president. The funniest thing is that John McCain is the IDIOT who crashed a perfectly good jet into an enemy missile, I can't find a link because the fake news seems to have hidden this fact. However the fact is that if John McCain was a potato peeler as his skills dictated that he would not have been taken prisoner by the Vietnamese. Get over it kid, the USA is going to be better off when CRASH is dead and buried........................

Furthermore McCain launched a missile on the deck of the Forrestall KILLING 134 Americans, the Navy has to hide this because they gave a potato peeler a jet..
How many planes did John McCain crash in navy

In this case, you're repeating the fake news. McCain actually did plenty of bad things to hold him accountable for. A fake news story isn't necessary. Put it away.

You're also stupid as shit that in a thread I wrote an OP calling McCain an "abomination of humanity" that you still think I'm a McCain defender.

You're an idiot, seriously. READ THE OP. And note the red letters by my name. I already told you that, dumb ass

The biggest fake here is you..................
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
An honorable man to the end. McCain has more honor in one of his gray hairs than Trump has in his entire obese body.

Democrats shitted on McCain when he referred to Obama as "that one". Did they believe McCain was racist?
Did they attack his service?
I don't know what that means

John McCain was a menace to the US Navy, and too dumb to read this post or send an email

You people need to Google stories like that before you post them. It didn't happen, it's an urban legend.

If you think I'm biased towards McCain, re-read the OP and note the red letters by my name. I'm still not for stories that aren't true. He actually did plenty to despise what he's done to America in the Senate


Right, that's what I said. This is fake news. If you google this with fake then you'll realize that. I'm going to have to agree with camp at this point that your aversion to using Google isn't a point in your favor

the fake news aspect of this is trying to cover up McCain's actual military history.

I guess you want to believe it. I like to think it's the left who believes things because they want to. But sometimes someone reminds me that it's not only them
I don't know what that means

John McCain was a menace to the US Navy, and too dumb to read this post or send an email

You people need to Google stories like that before you post them. It didn't happen, it's an urban legend.

If you think I'm biased towards McCain, re-read the OP and note the red letters by my name. I'm still not for stories that aren't true. He actually did plenty to despise what he's done to America in the Senate

No fuckwad, I am the people that voted for the current president. The funniest thing is that John McCain is the IDIOT who crashed a perfectly good jet into an enemy missile, I can't find a link because the fake news seems to have hidden this fact. However the fact is that if John McCain was a potato peeler as his skills dictated that he would not have been taken prisoner by the Vietnamese. Get over it kid, the USA is going to be better off when CRASH is dead and buried........................

Furthermore McCain launched a missile on the deck of the Forrestall KILLING 134 Americans, the Navy has to hide this because they gave a potato peeler a jet..
How many planes did John McCain crash in navy

In this case, you're repeating the fake news. McCain actually did plenty of bad things to hold him accountable for. A fake news story isn't necessary. Put it away.

You're also stupid as shit that in a thread I wrote an OP calling McCain an "abomination of humanity" that you still think I'm a McCain defender.

You're an idiot, seriously. READ THE OP. And note the red letters by my name. I already told you that, dumb ass

The biggest fake here is you..................

You're telling someone who called McCain an "abomination of humanity" a McCain sycophant. In clinical terms, you're known as a whack job
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
An honorable man to the end. McCain has more honor in one of his gray hairs than Trump has in his entire obese body.

Democrats shitted on McCain when he referred to Obama as "that one". Did they believe McCain was racist?
Did they attack his service?

Why would Service be so important to Democrats? They were the ones who said it did not matter when they elected Clinton. Back to McCain, when they even suggested that McCain could or would be racist in 2008 verified to me that Democrats will find every and any way to drop the Racist card on anyone in their way. There is not a racist bone in McCain’s body yet somehow “that one” was a racist attack.
  • Thanks
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Where to you get this shit?

Was Flynn’s service attacked?

Are you an idiot?

{Perhaps Flynn did break the law. He's admitted as much – but why? Did he do it because he was guilty (and agreed to say anything) in order to avoid having his life ruined by crushing legal expenses and in order to see his son remain at liberty?}


Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada promised to put the General's son in prison if Flynn didn't "confess."

That's how this witch hunt has operated from the start, attack the FAMILY of the intended victims to coerce "confessions."

I don't call the kunt "Torquemada" lightly - he is gutter scum who uses the most vile and illegal Mafia tactics to pursue his witch hunt.
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
An honorable man to the end. McCain has more honor in one of his gray hairs than Trump has in his entire obese body.

Democrats shitted on McCain when he referred to Obama as "that one". Did they believe McCain was racist?
Did they attack his service?

Why would Service be so important to Democrats? They were the ones who said it did not matter when they elected Clinton. Back to McCain, when they even suggested that McCain could or would be racist in 2008 verified to me that Democrats will find every and any way to drop the Racist card on anyone in their way. There is not a racist bone in McCain’s body yet somehow “that one” was a racist attack.

Clinton is a sexual predator, Democrats vote for them. Trump has consensual sex with prostitutes, Democrats condemn him

Clinton evaded Vietnam, Democrats don't care. Trump evaded Vietnam, Democrats condemn him.

Kerry called our troops terrorists in Vietnam and again in Iraq, Democrats vote for him, and they tell us they are the ones who are pro military.

Democrats believed every accusation against our troops in Iraq on the accusation, including the Koran flushing and shooting civilians. The military votes overwhelmingly Republican. They know what Democrats are. They aren't fooling anyone
A staff person makes a heartless and cruel comment about a dying hero. The WH silence speaks columns and to further the decay in dignity....Sarah Huckleberry Sanders defends the so called presidents lack of ethics and morals.

And yet....the trump cult members turn their backs and grovel at the feet of their orange dear leader.....SICKENING!

so freedom of speech, the first amendment, does not apply to everyone, only the left wing media?

So when is the apology from the WH coming. This regime is beginning to resemble the Lord of the Flies...
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
An honorable man to the end. McCain has more honor in one of his gray hairs than Trump has in his entire obese body.

Democrats shitted on McCain when he referred to Obama as "that one". Did they believe McCain was racist?
Did they attack his service?

Why would Service be so important to Democrats? They were the ones who said it did not matter when they elected Clinton. Back to McCain, when they even suggested that McCain could or would be racist in 2008 verified to me that Democrats will find every and any way to drop the Racist card on anyone in their way. There is not a racist bone in McCain’s body yet somehow “that one” was a racist attack.

Clinton is a sexual predator, Democrats vote for them. Trump has consensual sex with prostitutes, Democrats condemn him

Clinton evaded Vietnam, Democrats don't care. Trump evaded Vietnam, Democrats condemn him.

Kerry called our troops terrorists in Vietnam and again in Iraq, Democrats vote for him, and they tell us they are the ones who are pro military.

Democrats believed every accusation against our troops in Iraq on the accusation, including the Koran flushing and shooting civilians. The military votes overwhelmingly Republican. They know what Democrats are. They aren't fooling anyone
Trump is a sexual predator.
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