What do you say in the end about McCain?

What say you about John McCain

  • McCain was a military hero and a patriot in the Senate

  • McCain was a military hero and an abomination of humanity in the Senate

  • McCain was a military coward but a great Senator

  • McCain was just an abysmal human being across the board

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Democrats shitted on McCain when he referred to Obama as "that one". Did they believe McCain was racist?
Did they attack his service?

Why would Service be so important to Democrats? They were the ones who said it did not matter when they elected Clinton. Back to McCain, when they even suggested that McCain could or would be racist in 2008 verified to me that Democrats will find every and any way to drop the Racist card on anyone in their way. There is not a racist bone in McCain’s body yet somehow “that one” was a racist attack.

Clinton is a sexual predator, Democrats vote for them. Trump has consensual sex with prostitutes, Democrats condemn him

Clinton evaded Vietnam, Democrats don't care. Trump evaded Vietnam, Democrats condemn him.

Kerry called our troops terrorists in Vietnam and again in Iraq, Democrats vote for him, and they tell us they are the ones who are pro military.

Democrats believed every accusation against our troops in Iraq on the accusation, including the Koran flushing and shooting civilians. The military votes overwhelmingly Republican. They know what Democrats are. They aren't fooling anyone
Trump is a sexual predator.

Leftists are such hypocrites you're pathetic. You call consensual sex being a sexual predator and you don't care that you voted three times for a guy who assaulted women and his wife who assaulted them again.

You're truly terrible people

But Bill Clinton called Monica a liar saying that they never had sex, but Monica had an insurance policy in a blue dress...........

Did they attack his service?

Why would Service be so important to Democrats? They were the ones who said it did not matter when they elected Clinton. Back to McCain, when they even suggested that McCain could or would be racist in 2008 verified to me that Democrats will find every and any way to drop the Racist card on anyone in their way. There is not a racist bone in McCain’s body yet somehow “that one” was a racist attack.

Clinton is a sexual predator, Democrats vote for them. Trump has consensual sex with prostitutes, Democrats condemn him

Clinton evaded Vietnam, Democrats don't care. Trump evaded Vietnam, Democrats condemn him.

Kerry called our troops terrorists in Vietnam and again in Iraq, Democrats vote for him, and they tell us they are the ones who are pro military.

Democrats believed every accusation against our troops in Iraq on the accusation, including the Koran flushing and shooting civilians. The military votes overwhelmingly Republican. They know what Democrats are. They aren't fooling anyone
Trump is a sexual predator.

Leftists are such hypocrites you're pathetic. You call consensual sex being a sexual predator and you don't care that you voted three times for a guy who assaulted women and his wife who assaulted them again.

You're truly terrible people

But Bill Clinton called Monica a liar saying that they never had sex, but Monica had an insurance policy in a blue dress...........


You know that's the side I'm arguing, right? It was clearly sexual predator what he did with Monica Lewinski because the difference in their power and positions and that she was an intern were so completely extreme. Democrat women are just horrible people that they sell out woman for cheap political points
An honorable man to the end. McCain has more honor in one of his gray hairs than Trump has in his entire obese body.

Democrats shitted on McCain when he referred to Obama as "that one". Did they believe McCain was racist?
Did they attack his service?

Why would Service be so important to Democrats? They were the ones who said it did not matter when they elected Clinton. Back to McCain, when they even suggested that McCain could or would be racist in 2008 verified to me that Democrats will find every and any way to drop the Racist card on anyone in their way. There is not a racist bone in McCain’s body yet somehow “that one” was a racist attack.

Clinton is a sexual predator, Democrats vote for them. Trump has consensual sex with prostitutes, Democrats condemn him

Clinton evaded Vietnam, Democrats don't care. Trump evaded Vietnam, Democrats condemn him.

Kerry called our troops terrorists in Vietnam and again in Iraq, Democrats vote for him, and they tell us they are the ones who are pro military.

Democrats believed every accusation against our troops in Iraq on the accusation, including the Koran flushing and shooting civilians. The military votes overwhelmingly Republican. They know what Democrats are. They aren't fooling anyone
Trump is a sexual predator.

Prove it liar.

and Bill Clinton was a rapist. But you still worship everything Clinton, what does that say about you?

That's just an allegation.

But that he sexually harassed a subordinate, that he threatened witnesses, destroyed and hid evidence, and engaged in perjury are all facts proven in the justice system.
LOL Bill Clinton said that he never had relations with Monica..................until she produced Bill Clintons DNA on a blue dress.

Grow up, you voted for a loser

WTF are you talking about?

Read again

Bill Clinton sexually harassed a subordinate, he threatened witnesses, destroyed and hid evidence, and engaged in perjury.

I voted for him to be impeached and prosecuted.
Why would Service be so important to Democrats? They were the ones who said it did not matter when they elected Clinton. Back to McCain, when they even suggested that McCain could or would be racist in 2008 verified to me that Democrats will find every and any way to drop the Racist card on anyone in their way. There is not a racist bone in McCain’s body yet somehow “that one” was a racist attack.[/QUOTE]

Clinton is a sexual predator, Democrats vote for them. Trump has consensual sex with prostitutes, Democrats condemn him

Clinton evaded Vietnam, Democrats don't care. Trump evaded Vietnam, Democrats condemn him.

Kerry called our troops terrorists in Vietnam and again in Iraq, Democrats vote for him, and they tell us they are the ones who are pro military.

Democrats believed every accusation against our troops in Iraq on the accusation, including the Koran flushing and shooting civilians. The military votes overwhelmingly Republican. They know what Democrats are. They aren't fooling anyone
Trump is a sexual predator.

and Bill Clinton was a rapist. But you still worship everything Clinton, what does that say about you?[/QUOTE]
Why would Service be so important to Democrats? They were the ones who said it did not matter when they elected Clinton. Back to McCain, when they even suggested that McCain could or would be racist in 2008 verified to me that Democrats will find every and any way to drop the Racist card on anyone in their way. There is not a racist bone in McCain’s body yet somehow “that one” was a racist attack.

Clinton is a sexual predator, Democrats vote for them. Trump has consensual sex with prostitutes, Democrats condemn him

Clinton evaded Vietnam, Democrats don't care. Trump evaded Vietnam, Democrats condemn him.

Kerry called our troops terrorists in Vietnam and again in Iraq, Democrats vote for him, and they tell us they are the ones who are pro military.

Democrats believed every accusation against our troops in Iraq on the accusation, including the Koran flushing and shooting civilians. The military votes overwhelmingly Republican. They know what Democrats are. They aren't fooling anyone
Trump is a sexual predator.

Leftists are such hypocrites you're pathetic. You call consensual sex being a sexual predator and you don't care that you voted three times for a guy who assaulted women and his wife who assaulted them again.

You're truly terrible people

But Bill Clinton called Monica a liar saying that they never had sex, but Monica had an insurance policy in a blue dress...........


You know that's the side I'm arguing, right? It was clearly sexual predator what he did with Monica Lewinski because the difference in their power and positions and that she was an intern were so completely extreme. Democrat women are just horrible people that they sell out woman for cheap political points

Most people consider Bill Clinton a sex addict of sorts, however since he never once had sex with his lezbo wife he actually was more normal than he might have seemed
Democrats shitted on McCain when he referred to Obama as "that one". Did they believe McCain was racist?
Did they attack his service?

Why would Service be so important to Democrats? They were the ones who said it did not matter when they elected Clinton. Back to McCain, when they even suggested that McCain could or would be racist in 2008 verified to me that Democrats will find every and any way to drop the Racist card on anyone in their way. There is not a racist bone in McCain’s body yet somehow “that one” was a racist attack.

Clinton is a sexual predator, Democrats vote for them. Trump has consensual sex with prostitutes, Democrats condemn him

Clinton evaded Vietnam, Democrats don't care. Trump evaded Vietnam, Democrats condemn him.

Kerry called our troops terrorists in Vietnam and again in Iraq, Democrats vote for him, and they tell us they are the ones who are pro military.

Democrats believed every accusation against our troops in Iraq on the accusation, including the Koran flushing and shooting civilians. The military votes overwhelmingly Republican. They know what Democrats are. They aren't fooling anyone
Trump is a sexual predator.

Prove it liar.

The only thing that makes any sense is that even though it turned out the women who accused Trump of assault were paid by Democrat boosters, she's still pushing the narrative.

It's pathetic how a supposed woman would use women like that for political purposes throwing women under the bus for Clinton and pushing proven lies in going after conservatives.

After how leftist "feminists" like Coyote treat women, their claiming victimhood is just shallow and pathetic
Clinton is a sexual predator, Democrats vote for them. Trump has consensual sex with prostitutes, Democrats condemn him

Clinton evaded Vietnam, Democrats don't care. Trump evaded Vietnam, Democrats condemn him.

Kerry called our troops terrorists in Vietnam and again in Iraq, Democrats vote for him, and they tell us they are the ones who are pro military.

Democrats believed every accusation against our troops in Iraq on the accusation, including the Koran flushing and shooting civilians. The military votes overwhelmingly Republican. They know what Democrats are. They aren't fooling anyone
Trump is a sexual predator.

Leftists are such hypocrites you're pathetic. You call consensual sex being a sexual predator and you don't care that you voted three times for a guy who assaulted women and his wife who assaulted them again.

You're truly terrible people

But Bill Clinton called Monica a liar saying that they never had sex, but Monica had an insurance policy in a blue dress...........


You know that's the side I'm arguing, right? It was clearly sexual predator what he did with Monica Lewinski because the difference in their power and positions and that she was an intern were so completely extreme. Democrat women are just horrible people that they sell out woman for cheap political points

Most people consider Bill Clinton a sex addict of sorts, however since he never once had sex with his lezbo wife he actually was more normal than he might have seemed

Whether or not he was a sex addict is irrelevant to his abuse of power with Monica Lewinski, sexual harassment of Paula Jones, assault of Kathleen Wiley and rape of Juanita Broaddrick

and Bill Clinton was a rapist. But you still worship everything Clinton, what does that say about you?

That's just an allegation.

But that he sexually harassed a subordinate, that he threatened witnesses, destroyed and hid evidence, and engaged in perjury are all facts proven in the justice system.
LOL Bill Clinton said that he never had relations with Monica..................until she produced Bill Clintons DNA on a blue dress.

Grow up, you voted for a loser

WTF are you talking about?

Read again

Bill Clinton sexually harassed a subordinate, he threatened witnesses, destroyed and hid evidence, and engaged in perjury.

I voted for him to be impeached and prosecuted.

The only allegation against Bill Clinton is that he might have followed the law once.....................
Did they attack his service?

Why would Service be so important to Democrats? They were the ones who said it did not matter when they elected Clinton. Back to McCain, when they even suggested that McCain could or would be racist in 2008 verified to me that Democrats will find every and any way to drop the Racist card on anyone in their way. There is not a racist bone in McCain’s body yet somehow “that one” was a racist attack.

Clinton is a sexual predator, Democrats vote for them. Trump has consensual sex with prostitutes, Democrats condemn him

Clinton evaded Vietnam, Democrats don't care. Trump evaded Vietnam, Democrats condemn him.

Kerry called our troops terrorists in Vietnam and again in Iraq, Democrats vote for him, and they tell us they are the ones who are pro military.

Democrats believed every accusation against our troops in Iraq on the accusation, including the Koran flushing and shooting civilians. The military votes overwhelmingly Republican. They know what Democrats are. They aren't fooling anyone
Trump is a sexual predator.

Prove it liar.

The only thing that makes any sense is that even though it turned out the women who accused Trump of assault were paid by Democrat boosters, she's still pushing the narrative.

It's pathetic how a supposed woman would use women like that for political purposes throwing women under the bus for Clinton and pushing proven lies in going after conservatives.

After how leftist "feminists" like Coyote treat women, their claiming victimhood is just shallow and pathetic

Clinton's accusers were paid by Republican boosters.

Let's apply the same standards to both: Sexual predators.
Why would Service be so important to Democrats? They were the ones who said it did not matter when they elected Clinton. Back to McCain, when they even suggested that McCain could or would be racist in 2008 verified to me that Democrats will find every and any way to drop the Racist card on anyone in their way. There is not a racist bone in McCain’s body yet somehow “that one” was a racist attack.

Clinton is a sexual predator, Democrats vote for them. Trump has consensual sex with prostitutes, Democrats condemn him

Clinton evaded Vietnam, Democrats don't care. Trump evaded Vietnam, Democrats condemn him.

Kerry called our troops terrorists in Vietnam and again in Iraq, Democrats vote for him, and they tell us they are the ones who are pro military.

Democrats believed every accusation against our troops in Iraq on the accusation, including the Koran flushing and shooting civilians. The military votes overwhelmingly Republican. They know what Democrats are. They aren't fooling anyone
Trump is a sexual predator.

Prove it liar.

The only thing that makes any sense is that even though it turned out the women who accused Trump of assault were paid by Democrat boosters, she's still pushing the narrative.

It's pathetic how a supposed woman would use women like that for political purposes throwing women under the bus for Clinton and pushing proven lies in going after conservatives.

After how leftist "feminists" like Coyote treat women, their claiming victimhood is just shallow and pathetic

Clinton's accusers were paid by Republican boosters.

Let's apply the same standards to both: Sexual predators.

Prove Trump is a sexual predator or be permanently labeled the liar you truly are.
Why would Service be so important to Democrats? They were the ones who said it did not matter when they elected Clinton. Back to McCain, when they even suggested that McCain could or would be racist in 2008 verified to me that Democrats will find every and any way to drop the Racist card on anyone in their way. There is not a racist bone in McCain’s body yet somehow “that one” was a racist attack.

Clinton is a sexual predator, Democrats vote for them. Trump has consensual sex with prostitutes, Democrats condemn him

Clinton evaded Vietnam, Democrats don't care. Trump evaded Vietnam, Democrats condemn him.

Kerry called our troops terrorists in Vietnam and again in Iraq, Democrats vote for him, and they tell us they are the ones who are pro military.

Democrats believed every accusation against our troops in Iraq on the accusation, including the Koran flushing and shooting civilians. The military votes overwhelmingly Republican. They know what Democrats are. They aren't fooling anyone
Trump is a sexual predator.

Prove it liar.

The only thing that makes any sense is that even though it turned out the women who accused Trump of assault were paid by Democrat boosters, she's still pushing the narrative.

It's pathetic how a supposed woman would use women like that for political purposes throwing women under the bus for Clinton and pushing proven lies in going after conservatives.

After how leftist "feminists" like Coyote treat women, their claiming victimhood is just shallow and pathetic

Clinton's accusers were paid by Republican boosters.

Let's apply the same standards to both: Sexual predators.

The same standard only applies when it's the same situation. You're still equating Trump and consensual sex with Clinton and un-consensual sex.

And no one paid Clinton's accusers, that's another lie. No one paid Monika, Kathleen or Juanita anything. Paula wasn't paid by her accusers, she only had help funding her lawsuit.

Another fail, which you set yourself up for with your complete sellout of women. This is what bad people do to yourselves
Whether or not he was a sex addict is irrelevant to his abuse of power with Monica Lewinski, sexual harassment of Paula Jones, assault of Kathleen Wiley and rape of Juanita Broaddrick

Imagine this headline:

"Donald Trump threatens 62 year old black woman that if she doesn't perjure herself on his behalf, he will fire her and make sure she loses her pension."

The democrats would demand immediate impeachment.

Bill Clinton did exactly that to Betty Currie, it was caught on tape, no denying, spinning or lying about it - yet the Stalinist democrats defend him to this day.

Clinton should not only have been removed from office, he should have been fucking horse whipped for that.
Clinton's accusers were paid by Republican boosters.

Let's apply the same standards to both: Sexual predators.

What stupid bullshit.

Gennifer Flowers? Paid by the Republicans? :lmao: About as fucking likely as Rosie O'Donnell being a Republican plant.

The idiotic shit you come up with to cover for your vile party.
Whether or not he was a sex addict is irrelevant to his abuse of power with Monica Lewinski, sexual harassment of Paula Jones, assault of Kathleen Wiley and rape of Juanita Broaddrick

Imagine this headline:

"Donald Trump threatens 62 year old black woman that if she doesn't perjure herself on his behalf, he will fire her and make sure she loses her pension."

The democrats would demand immediate impeachment.

Bill Clinton did exactly that to Betty Currie, it was caught on tape, no denying, spinning or lying about it - yet the Stalinist democrats defend him to this day.

Clinton should not only have been removed from office, he should have been fucking horse whipped for that.

Another great example. Yes, I remember that.

Remember his excuse that when he said to her, "I was never alone with Monica Lewinski, was I?" He claimed he meant he was trying to ask her because he could't remember, he wasn't telling her what to say. Sure, he doesn't remember if anyone else was in the room when he got the original Monica. Yeah ...

"NRC officials told The Hill that Uranium One exports flowed from Wyoming to Canada and on to Europe between 2012 and 2014, and the approval involved a process with multiple agencies."

Last time I checked, Canada wasn't Russia... but that's okay, probably you think it's full of commies or something...

You just aren't very smart, are you?

He crashed a jet during a mission over Vietnam.....

Um, no, that's called, "Getting Shot down". I'm sorry you are confused on this point, but I'm guessing like Kaz, you never wore a uniform, either.
Clinton is a sexual predator, Democrats vote for them. Trump has consensual sex with prostitutes, Democrats condemn him

Well, except there's no real evidence that Clinton was a sexual predator... just three liars who were debunked 20 years ago and hope that everyone forgot they were caught lying.

And not all the sex Trump tried to have was consensual.

I kind of don't want the president having sex with prostitutes.. that makes it too easy for people to blackmail him.

Clinton evaded Vietnam, Democrats don't care. Trump evaded Vietnam, Democrats condemn him.

Major difference you don't have the intellect to get. Clinton to a principled stand against the war. Trump just avoided it by lying.

Kerry called our troops terrorists in Vietnam and again in Iraq, Democrats vote for him, and they tell us they are the ones who are pro military.

So being okay with soldiers dying in unnecessary wars is "pro-military". Seems to me that John Kerry had it right. "How do you ask someone to be the last man to die for a mistake?"

Democrats believed every accusation against our troops in Iraq on the accusation, including the Koran flushing and shooting civilians. The military votes overwhelmingly Republican. They know what Democrats are. They aren't fooling anyone

Guy, as one of the few veterans here, you really don't know what you are talking about....
McCain's father was a Navy Admiral so it's possible that he received favorable treatment and maybe wasn't fully qualified to be a Navy fighter pilot. The tragic fire on the USS Forestall happened when a rocket from McCain's plane went off and they called it an "electrical anomaly" but it never happened before or since.

It wasn't fired from McCain's plane.

Here, educate yourself.

1967 USS Forrestal fire - Wikipedia
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