What do you say in the end about McCain?

What say you about John McCain

  • McCain was a military hero and a patriot in the Senate

  • McCain was a military hero and an abomination of humanity in the Senate

  • McCain was a military coward but a great Senator

  • McCain was just an abysmal human being across the board

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Leftists are such hypocrites you're pathetic. You call consensual sex being a sexual predator and you don't care that you voted three times for a guy who assaulted women and his wife who assaulted them again.

Guy, you conducted a 70 Million dollar panty sniffing investigation and even they didn't believe the women who were accusing Clinton.

Again, if Trump is paying off porn stars with Russian money, which is pretty much what seems to be happening here, that's kind of a big deal.
Don’t speak ill of the dead.

why? do people somehow become good after they die? Is it ok to speak ill of Hitler? How about Charles Manson? What people do while alive determines how they are spoken of after death.
Red, I have already made my feelings on John McCain known. My problem is that right now or at least in the near future, John is irrelevant. Talking about him just gives fodder to the left who rightly thinks the highlighting of a rino is a winner for them. I do not want him, who hurt the conservative cause so badly while he was alive to continue to disrupt republicans in death.
Don’t speak ill of the dead.

why? do people somehow become good after they die? Is it ok to speak ill of Hitler? How about Charles Manson? What people do while alive determines how they are spoken of after death.
Red, I have already made my feelings on John McCain known. My problem is that right now or at least in the near future, John is irrelevant. Talking about him just gives fodder to the left who rightly thinks the highlighting of a rino is a winner for them. I do not want him, who hurt the conservative cause so badly while he was alive to continue to disrupt republicans in death.

Aren't you a resident of Florida?

John McCain is a Senator for the state of Arizona. That's who he works for --- not a political party. Therefore there is no such thing as "RINO" as a legitimate term. The function of a political party is to organize and consolidate power -- not to dictate to AridZona what path its representation should take.
Clinton's accusers were paid by Republican boosters.

Let's apply the same standards to both: Sexual predators.

What stupid bullshit.

Gennifer Flowers? Paid by the Republicans? :lmao: About as fucking likely as Rosie O'Donnell being a Republican plant.

The idiotic shit you come up with to cover for your vile party.

No more idiotic then your excusing of Trump accusers. You can't man up and admit your boy is a pussy grabber and sexual predator? Shame on you.
McCain's father was a Navy Admiral so it's possible that he received favorable treatment and maybe wasn't fully qualified to be a Navy fighter pilot. The tragic fire on the USS Forestall happened when a rocket from McCain's plane went off and they called it an "electrical anomaly" but it never happened before or since. McCain ran for cover while the real Navy heroes fought the fire. It's no secret that McCain collaborated with the enemy after he was shot down while other Pilots withstood the torture. As a U.S. senator McCain seemed to be incoherent and prone to bouts of anger. His poorly written bill (together with another liberal senator Russ Feingold) set the stage for the mess we have in campaign finance today including the gigantic democrat propaganda machine, Media Matters, which is strangely tax exempt. Americans didn't trust McCain when republicans decided it was his turn to run for president against unpopular Barry Hussein Obama and republicans stayed home on election day.
Americans trusted McCain. The far right did not.
Trump is a sexual predator.

Says the Clinton supporter.

Do you even read your own posts?

Sigh, there is NO hypocrisy like demopocrisy....

If you use the same standards you apply to Clinton he is.

Or do you apply a different standard?

You say Americans trusted McCain but not the far Right. What about the far Left or moderate Democrats..... did they trust McCain?
You know that's the side I'm arguing, right? It was clearly sexual predator what he did with Monica Lewinski because the difference in their power and positions and that she was an intern were so completely extreme. Democrat women are just horrible people that they sell out woman for cheap political points

Monica Lewinsky was a consenting adult who said she was going to Washington to get her "Presidential Kneepads".

We execute people younger than Monica was. We send people to war who are younger than Monica was. The idea that she didn't know EXACTLY what she was doing is silly. The only reason why we know who she was at all was because Ken Starr spent 70 million sniffing her panties.

Whether or not he was a sex addict is irrelevant to his abuse of power with Monica Lewinski, sexual harassment of Paula Jones, assault of Kathleen Wiley and rape of Juanita Broaddrick

Monica Lewinsky was a consenting adult. To this day, she doesn't blame Clinton, she blames Ken Starr for upending her life.

Paula Jones was a liar. She said that Clinton's dick had a distinguishing characteristic, and it didn't according to his doctors.

Kathleen Wiley is a liar. She claimed Clinton groped her, but kept asking him for a job for a year afterwards. She then asked her friend to lie, but they refused even after Ken Starr threw one of them in jail.

Juanita Brodderick is a liar. She swore out two affadavits saying Clinton never touched her, and then came up with this fanciful rape story where she couldn't remember the date, room number, or why she kept going to Clinton events for years afterwards.

"NRC officials told The Hill that Uranium One exports flowed from Wyoming to Canada and on to Europe between 2012 and 2014, and the approval involved a process with multiple agencies."

Last time I checked, Canada wasn't Russia... but that's okay, probably you think it's full of commies or something...

You just aren't very smart, are you?

You said the uranium stayed in the United States. I showed that isn't true. This is your reply to my post that the uranium did leave the United States and you say I'm not very smart? Europe isn't the United States, drooling retard.

Where do you get that you're smarter than black people? You aren't smarter than my stapler. At least it staples
Clinton is a sexual predator, Democrats vote for them. Trump has consensual sex with prostitutes, Democrats condemn him

Well, except there's no real evidence that Clinton was a sexual predator... just three liars who were debunked 20 years ago and hope that everyone forgot they were caught lying.

And not all the sex Trump tried to have was consensual.

I kind of don't want the president having sex with prostitutes.. that makes it too easy for people to blackmail him.

Clinton evaded Vietnam, Democrats don't care. Trump evaded Vietnam, Democrats condemn him.

Major difference you don't have the intellect to get. Clinton to a principled stand against the war. Trump just avoided it by lying.

Kerry called our troops terrorists in Vietnam and again in Iraq, Democrats vote for him, and they tell us they are the ones who are pro military.

So being okay with soldiers dying in unnecessary wars is "pro-military". Seems to me that John Kerry had it right. "How do you ask someone to be the last man to die for a mistake?"

Democrats believed every accusation against our troops in Iraq on the accusation, including the Koran flushing and shooting civilians. The military votes overwhelmingly Republican. They know what Democrats are. They aren't fooling anyone

Guy, as one of the few veterans here, you really don't know what you are talking about....

You live in a fantasy world. And FYI, playing laser tag isn't being in the military, liar
Leftists are such hypocrites you're pathetic. You call consensual sex being a sexual predator and you don't care that you voted three times for a guy who assaulted women and his wife who assaulted them again.

Guy, you conducted a 70 Million dollar panty sniffing investigation and even they didn't believe the women who were accusing Clinton.

Again, if Trump is paying off porn stars with Russian money, which is pretty much what seems to be happening here, that's kind of a big deal.

So you're calling Hillary Clinton a stupid, useless bitch who should STFU, huh?

Hillary Clinton: Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.

Not by Joe though. You hate women almost as much as you hate blacks
You know that's the side I'm arguing, right? It was clearly sexual predator what he did with Monica Lewinski because the difference in their power and positions and that she was an intern were so completely extreme. Democrat women are just horrible people that they sell out woman for cheap political points

Monica Lewinsky was a consenting adult who said she was going to Washington to get her "Presidential Kneepads".

We execute people younger than Monica was. We send people to war who are younger than Monica was. The idea that she didn't know EXACTLY what she was doing is silly. The only reason why we know who she was at all was because Ken Starr spent 70 million sniffing her panties.

Whether or not he was a sex addict is irrelevant to his abuse of power with Monica Lewinski, sexual harassment of Paula Jones, assault of Kathleen Wiley and rape of Juanita Broaddrick

Monica Lewinsky was a consenting adult. To this day, she doesn't blame Clinton, she blames Ken Starr for upending her life.

Paula Jones was a liar. She said that Clinton's dick had a distinguishing characteristic, and it didn't according to his doctors.

Kathleen Wiley is a liar. She claimed Clinton groped her, but kept asking him for a job for a year afterwards. She then asked her friend to lie, but they refused even after Ken Starr threw one of them in jail.

Juanita Brodderick is a liar. She swore out two affadavits saying Clinton never touched her, and then came up with this fanciful rape story where she couldn't remember the date, room number, or why she kept going to Clinton events for years afterwards.

Yes, you mentioned Hillary Clinton is a stupid, useless bitch who should STFU and leave the thinking to men. Or as you put it, white men because you think blacks should STFU too and stick to tending fields and serving ice tea.

Hillary Clinton: Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.

And you have no business experience, but if you did, you would realize the complete inappropriateness of the top executive getting a Monica from Monica who was an intern because of their disparity in power.

To you that's a fantasy where you run out of soft soap
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
/——/ A douchebag only at the end. He should have served two terms then out. Just say no to careeer politicians
...McCain was directly responsible for the deaths of over 100 sailors on the carrier he flew off of. He got pissed about having to wait for his turn to take off and hit the bomb release on his plane, the resulting fire killed over 100 of the crew...
Put down the TrumpBot Kool-Aid pitcher, son... that's complete and total hor$e$hit.

"The Burning Platform" as your citation source? - uhhhhh... yeah... sure... I told you it was hor$e$hit, didn't I?

Thanks for proving my point.
Clinton's accusers were paid by Republican boosters.

Let's apply the same standards to both: Sexual predators.

What stupid bullshit.

Gennifer Flowers? Paid by the Republicans? :lmao: About as fucking likely as Rosie O'Donnell being a Republican plant.

The idiotic shit you come up with to cover for your vile party.

No more idiotic then your excusing of Trump accusers. You can't man up and admit your boy is a pussy grabber and sexual predator? Shame on you.

He was a playboy when that shit counted. Seriously what the fuck is going on these days when we as women can't deal with what was happening in the far distant past.

Men were jerks. Plain and simple and acceptable at that moment in our history.

I had guys hit on me when I was pregnant and they were drunk in rock n roll days for crying out loud. Am I going to turn around and scream #metoo now?

Btw theres a funny in it. Remember # was a pound sign? #metoo takes on a whole different meaning.

...McCain was directly responsible for the deaths of over 100 sailors on the carrier he flew off of. He got pissed about having to wait for his turn to take off and hit the bomb release on his plane, the resulting fire killed over 100 of the crew...
Put down the TrumpBot Kool-Aid pitcher, son... that's complete and total hor$e$hit.

"The Burning Platform" as your citation source? - uhhhhh... yeah... sure... I told you it was hor$e$hit, didn't I?

Thanks for proving my point.

The History Channel claims the fire started from his jet. But when a rocket hit his jet. Interesting takes on the Forrestal.

Seems no one has a definitive answer. The wet start narrative has traction out there for true.

I just find it interesting. My hate on for McCain is related to the here and now for all the fucking wars he has backed over all the years. For all the deaths and injuries he has caused by his support of regime change.

The world is going to be a safer place when he kicks the bucket.
Clinton's accusers were paid by Republican boosters.

Let's apply the same standards to both: Sexual predators.

What stupid bullshit.

Gennifer Flowers? Paid by the Republicans? :lmao: About as fucking likely as Rosie O'Donnell being a Republican plant.

The idiotic shit you come up with to cover for your vile party.

No more idiotic then your excusing of Trump accusers. You can't man up and admit your boy is a pussy grabber and sexual predator? Shame on you.

He was a playboy when that shit counted. Seriously what the fuck is going on these days when we as women can't deal with what was happening in the far distant past.

Men were jerks. Plain and simple and acceptable at that moment in our history.

I had guys hit on me when I was pregnant and they were drunk in rock n roll days for crying out loud. Am I going to turn around and scream #metoo now?

Btw theres a funny in it. Remember # was a pound sign? #metoo takes on a whole different meaning.

So Clinton is just a jerk?
McCain's father was a Navy Admiral so it's possible that he received favorable treatment and maybe wasn't fully qualified to be a Navy fighter pilot. The tragic fire on the USS Forestall happened when a rocket from McCain's plane went off and they called it an "electrical anomaly" but it never happened before or since. McCain ran for cover while the real Navy heroes fought the fire. It's no secret that McCain collaborated with the enemy after he was shot down while other Pilots withstood the torture. As a U.S. senator McCain seemed to be incoherent and prone to bouts of anger. His poorly written bill (together with another liberal senator Russ Feingold) set the stage for the mess we have in campaign finance today including the gigantic democrat propaganda machine, Media Matters, which is strangely tax exempt. Americans didn't trust McCain when republicans decided it was his turn to run for president against unpopular Barry Hussein Obama and republicans stayed home on election day.
Americans trusted McCain. The far right did not.
Trump is a sexual predator.

Says the Clinton supporter.

Do you even read your own posts?

Sigh, there is NO hypocrisy like demopocrisy....

If you use the same standards you apply to Clinton he is.

Or do you apply a different standard?

You say Americans trusted McCain but not the far Right. What about the far Left or moderate Democrats..... did they trust McCain?
I think so in so far as they would any conservative. I think they feel he is an honorable man. I do think the choice of Palin as a running mate soured some of them. Just my opinion.
Clinton's accusers were paid by Republican boosters.

Let's apply the same standards to both: Sexual predators.

What stupid bullshit.

Gennifer Flowers? Paid by the Republicans? :lmao: About as fucking likely as Rosie O'Donnell being a Republican plant.

The idiotic shit you come up with to cover for your vile party.

No more idiotic then your excusing of Trump accusers. You can't man up and admit your boy is a pussy grabber and sexual predator? Shame on you.

He was a playboy when that shit counted. Seriously what the fuck is going on these days when we as women can't deal with what was happening in the far distant past.

Men were jerks. Plain and simple and acceptable at that moment in our history.

I had guys hit on me when I was pregnant and they were drunk in rock n roll days for crying out loud. Am I going to turn around and scream #metoo now?

Btw theres a funny in it. Remember # was a pound sign? #metoo takes on a whole different meaning.

So Clinton is just a jerk?

Women have accused him of rape, but hey I can't and won't be the judge of that. Not when I read about young women claiming rape and the ability to rescind consent after sex. Go figure. If a man comes onto a woman these days its classed as sexual harassment. I am so thankful I spent my youth in a different era.

In my day and age, Bill Clinton would be in that "playboy" category and if you danced with him you better be ready to tango. He was handsome, charming and definitely had a loose sexual lifestyle that Hillary more than tolerated. Flowers is evidence of that.

I wouldn't class Clinton as a jerk. Just a playboy.
Shouldn't we be asking Coptic Christians in Egypt how they felt about McCain backing the fucking Muslim Brotherhood?

Why don't we ask the African migrants being sold in Tripoli's main square as slaves how they feel about McCain wanting regime change in Libya?

ISIS now there's a biggie. Why don't we ask Syrians or Yazidi women how they feel about McCain backing those terrorists?

Or eastern Ukrainians who have been under attack by McCain's favorite Nazis the Azov Battalion?

Why do we not seek all these individuals opinions on McCain considering his wars have touched them directly?

and Bill Clinton was a rapist. But you still worship everything Clinton, what does that say about you?

That's just an allegation.

But that he sexually harassed a subordinate, that he threatened witnesses, destroyed and hid evidence, and engaged in perjury are all facts proven in the justice system.

an allegation with a lot of substantiation.
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