What do you say in the end about McCain?

What say you about John McCain

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  • McCain was a military hero and an abomination of humanity in the Senate

  • McCain was a military coward but a great Senator

  • McCain was just an abysmal human being across the board

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The MB was headed by a man handpicked by Washington. Even when Egypt came to her senses and overthrew Morsi, McCain wanted to punish them.

Um, yeah, we don't reward military coups... At least I hope we don't, because when the coup leaders get overthrown, they often blame us.

You were paying attention to the whole Shah of Iran thing, right?
Exactly. You don’t reward military coups. And the military leadership has jailed journalists and political dissent. All those progressive voices calling for greater rights and freedoms? Silenced, killed or jailed. And ignored by those championing a military dictatorship.

Those so called journalists worked for al Jazeera which is the state owned media in Qatar. They had an agenda to keep the Muslim Brotherhood in power.

And what part did you miss of Morsi's reign of terror? There was a reason he was overthrown.

Greater rights and freedoms under the MB? :lol: Oh and the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back for the Egyptian people who then demanded that the military remove Morsi from power? Morsi appointed as Governor the mastermind of the Luxor massacre. Yeah. Morsi was a real champ.

Whither Mohammed Morsi and His Muslim Brotherhood?

By Mohamed Elmenshawy
The message broadcast loud and clear by the Egyptian people throughout the January 25th Revolution was that they’d had their fill of dictatorial rule, yet it appears the first-ever freely elected president of Egypt’s 7,000-year history wasn’t listening.

As Americans sat down to their Thanksgiving dinners, Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi issued a decree granting himself essentially unrestricted powers and effectively immunizing his actions from any kind of challenge.

More at link:

Whither Mohammed Morsi and His Muslim Brotherhood? | HuffPost
Have you not been reading about what has gone on? I am not applauding Morse but you should not be applauding the military and you are wrong about the diisedents and journalists.

Record number of journalists jailed in Egypt

Egypt is one of the 'biggest prisons' for journalists, says watchdog

Egypt's disappearing voices of dissent

Egyptian authorities detain thousands in crackdown on dissent

20 is the total CSJ has reported. Al Jazeera reporters who were pro Muslim Brotherhood from what I've read regarding the charges. The MB is outlawed again and for bloody good reason.

The dissidents arrested are MB. It's a no brainer that the Egyptian government and law enforcement are never ever going to allow the MB anywhere near power ever again.
The arrested dissidents include progressive reformers. They engaged in a wide political sweep in the guise of security. This should never be supported by any freedom and rights loving society.
Those so called journalists worked for al Jazeera which is the state owned media in Qatar. They had an agenda to keep the Muslim Brotherhood in power.

sorry, you don't lock up journalists who oppose you. Not in a free society.

Greater rights and freedoms under the MB? :lol: Oh and the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back for the Egyptian people who then demanded that the military remove Morsi from power? Morsi appointed as Governor the mastermind of the Luxor massacre. Yeah. Morsi was a real champ.

When did the people do that? Looks to me like the military did that all on its own. the problem here, when they can't fix Egypt's economic problems, either, they people are going to rise up against them, too.

but arguing if Morsi was worst than Mubarek or better than al-Sisi is kind of stupid.

The question is, do we get involved in the internal affairs of another country? When we do, we own their problems, we become the scapegoat when things don't go right. Putting as much daylight between us an al-Sisi was the smart thing to do.

The anti Morsi protests were bigger than the anti Mubarak protests.

Protesters across Egypt call for Mohamed Morsi to go
Millions of demonstrators line streets to demand president's removal on first anniversary of his inauguration

From the article.

"The scenes of protests are unprecedented in size and scope, and seemingly surpass those during the 18-day uprising that toppled Mubarak," said Michael Hanna, a fellow at the Century Foundation and a longtime Egypt analyst.

The scale of protests were even more remarkable, Hanna said, because they were "a bottom-up, grassroots effort and not directed by political opposition leaders. In a sense, they have latched on to this expanding current. While the organisers were diligent and creative, while lacking organisation and funding, this breadth of mass mobilisation could not have transpired unless the protest movement was tapping into deep and growing frustration and disenchantment with the current course of the country and its leadership."

Protesters across Egypt call for Mohamed Morsi to go
Those so called journalists worked for al Jazeera which is the state owned media in Qatar. They had an agenda to keep the Muslim Brotherhood in power.

sorry, you don't lock up journalists who oppose you. Not in a free society.

Greater rights and freedoms under the MB? :lol: Oh and the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back for the Egyptian people who then demanded that the military remove Morsi from power? Morsi appointed as Governor the mastermind of the Luxor massacre. Yeah. Morsi was a real champ.

When did the people do that? Looks to me like the military did that all on its own. the problem here, when they can't fix Egypt's economic problems, either, they people are going to rise up against them, too.

but arguing if Morsi was worst than Mubarek or better than al-Sisi is kind of stupid.

The question is, do we get involved in the internal affairs of another country? When we do, we own their problems, we become the scapegoat when things don't go right. Putting as much daylight between us an al-Sisi was the smart thing to do.

The anti Morsi protests were bigger than the anti Mubarak protests.

Protesters across Egypt call for Mohamed Morsi to go
Millions of demonstrators line streets to demand president's removal on first anniversary of his inauguration

From the article.

"The scenes of protests are unprecedented in size and scope, and seemingly surpass those during the 18-day uprising that toppled Mubarak," said Michael Hanna, a fellow at the Century Foundation and a longtime Egypt analyst.

The scale of protests were even more remarkable, Hanna said, because they were "a bottom-up, grassroots effort and not directed by political opposition leaders. In a sense, they have latched on to this expanding current. While the organisers were diligent and creative, while lacking organisation and funding, this breadth of mass mobilisation could not have transpired unless the protest movement was tapping into deep and growing frustration and disenchantment with the current course of the country and its leadership."

Protesters across Egypt call for Mohamed Morsi to go
I am not arguing that there were problems with Morsi and he needed to go. What I am saying is the military coup was not any better in regards to rights and freedom. Jailing political critics and journalists should be a huge red flag.
Those so called journalists worked for al Jazeera which is the state owned media in Qatar. They had an agenda to keep the Muslim Brotherhood in power.

sorry, you don't lock up journalists who oppose you. Not in a free society.

Greater rights and freedoms under the MB? :lol: Oh and the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back for the Egyptian people who then demanded that the military remove Morsi from power? Morsi appointed as Governor the mastermind of the Luxor massacre. Yeah. Morsi was a real champ.

When did the people do that? Looks to me like the military did that all on its own. the problem here, when they can't fix Egypt's economic problems, either, they people are going to rise up against them, too.

but arguing if Morsi was worst than Mubarek or better than al-Sisi is kind of stupid.

The question is, do we get involved in the internal affairs of another country? When we do, we own their problems, we become the scapegoat when things don't go right. Putting as much daylight between us an al-Sisi was the smart thing to do.

The anti Morsi protests were bigger than the anti Mubarak protests.

Protesters across Egypt call for Mohamed Morsi to go
Millions of demonstrators line streets to demand president's removal on first anniversary of his inauguration

From the article.

"The scenes of protests are unprecedented in size and scope, and seemingly surpass those during the 18-day uprising that toppled Mubarak," said Michael Hanna, a fellow at the Century Foundation and a longtime Egypt analyst.

The scale of protests were even more remarkable, Hanna said, because they were "a bottom-up, grassroots effort and not directed by political opposition leaders. In a sense, they have latched on to this expanding current. While the organisers were diligent and creative, while lacking organisation and funding, this breadth of mass mobilisation could not have transpired unless the protest movement was tapping into deep and growing frustration and disenchantment with the current course of the country and its leadership."

Protesters across Egypt call for Mohamed Morsi to go
I am not arguing that there were problems with Morsi and he needed to go. What I am saying is the military coup was not any better in regards to rights and freedom. Jailing political critics and journalists should be a huge red flag.
And trump goes to war against the media
20 is the total CSJ has reported. Al Jazeera reporters who were pro Muslim Brotherhood from what I've read regarding the charges. The MB is outlawed again and for bloody good reason.

The dissidents arrested are MB. It's a no brainer that the Egyptian government and law enforcement are never ever going to allow the MB anywhere near power ever again.

So when the Democrats retake power, you are going to be cool with them arresting any idiot who ever wore a MAGA hat, right?
The anti Morsi protests were bigger than the anti Mubarak protests.

Protesters across Egypt call for Mohamed Morsi to go
Millions of demonstrators line streets to demand president's removal on first anniversary of his inauguration

That's debatable, but that's not what we are discussing here, is it?

If Morsi was a bad president, there is a constitutional method to remove him.

As much as I hate and despise Trump, I'd be pretty worried if General Kelley said "Fuck this shit" and staged a coup.

So when there was a coup, we could either stick by our principles that coups are generally bad things, or we could keep doing what has made us hated in the third world in general, and support the coup masters, and get the blame for all their incompetence when it went south.
Those so called journalists worked for al Jazeera which is the state owned media in Qatar. They had an agenda to keep the Muslim Brotherhood in power.

sorry, you don't lock up journalists who oppose you. Not in a free society.

Greater rights and freedoms under the MB? :lol: Oh and the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back for the Egyptian people who then demanded that the military remove Morsi from power? Morsi appointed as Governor the mastermind of the Luxor massacre. Yeah. Morsi was a real champ.

When did the people do that? Looks to me like the military did that all on its own. the problem here, when they can't fix Egypt's economic problems, either, they people are going to rise up against them, too.

but arguing if Morsi was worst than Mubarek or better than al-Sisi is kind of stupid.

The question is, do we get involved in the internal affairs of another country? When we do, we own their problems, we become the scapegoat when things don't go right. Putting as much daylight between us an al-Sisi was the smart thing to do.

The anti Morsi protests were bigger than the anti Mubarak protests.

Protesters across Egypt call for Mohamed Morsi to go
Millions of demonstrators line streets to demand president's removal on first anniversary of his inauguration

From the article.

"The scenes of protests are unprecedented in size and scope, and seemingly surpass those during the 18-day uprising that toppled Mubarak," said Michael Hanna, a fellow at the Century Foundation and a longtime Egypt analyst.

The scale of protests were even more remarkable, Hanna said, because they were "a bottom-up, grassroots effort and not directed by political opposition leaders. In a sense, they have latched on to this expanding current. While the organisers were diligent and creative, while lacking organisation and funding, this breadth of mass mobilisation could not have transpired unless the protest movement was tapping into deep and growing frustration and disenchantment with the current course of the country and its leadership."

Protesters across Egypt call for Mohamed Morsi to go
I am not arguing that there were problems with Morsi and he needed to go. What I am saying is the military coup was not any better in regards to rights and freedom. Jailing political critics and journalists should be a huge red flag.
And trump goes to war against the media
Big difference from arresting them.
Those so called journalists worked for al Jazeera which is the state owned media in Qatar. They had an agenda to keep the Muslim Brotherhood in power.

sorry, you don't lock up journalists who oppose you. Not in a free society.

Greater rights and freedoms under the MB? :lol: Oh and the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back for the Egyptian people who then demanded that the military remove Morsi from power? Morsi appointed as Governor the mastermind of the Luxor massacre. Yeah. Morsi was a real champ.

When did the people do that? Looks to me like the military did that all on its own. the problem here, when they can't fix Egypt's economic problems, either, they people are going to rise up against them, too.

but arguing if Morsi was worst than Mubarek or better than al-Sisi is kind of stupid.

The question is, do we get involved in the internal affairs of another country? When we do, we own their problems, we become the scapegoat when things don't go right. Putting as much daylight between us an al-Sisi was the smart thing to do.

The anti Morsi protests were bigger than the anti Mubarak protests.

Protesters across Egypt call for Mohamed Morsi to go
Millions of demonstrators line streets to demand president's removal on first anniversary of his inauguration

From the article.

"The scenes of protests are unprecedented in size and scope, and seemingly surpass those during the 18-day uprising that toppled Mubarak," said Michael Hanna, a fellow at the Century Foundation and a longtime Egypt analyst.

The scale of protests were even more remarkable, Hanna said, because they were "a bottom-up, grassroots effort and not directed by political opposition leaders. In a sense, they have latched on to this expanding current. While the organisers were diligent and creative, while lacking organisation and funding, this breadth of mass mobilisation could not have transpired unless the protest movement was tapping into deep and growing frustration and disenchantment with the current course of the country and its leadership."

Protesters across Egypt call for Mohamed Morsi to go
I am not arguing that there were problems with Morsi and he needed to go. What I am saying is the military coup was not any better in regards to rights and freedom. Jailing political critics and journalists should be a huge red flag.
And trump goes to war against the media
Big difference from arresting them.
LOL only because of laws preventing him

Monica Lewinsky was a consenting adult who said she was going to Washington to get her "Presidential Kneepads".

Monica Lewinsky was the subordinate of Bill Clinton, who created a quid pro quo for sexual favors.

We execute people younger than Monica was.

Uh, no we don't, you lying commie fuck.

We send people to war who are younger than Monica was. The idea that she didn't know EXACTLY what she was doing is silly. The only reason why we know who she was at all was because Ken Starr spent 70 million sniffing her panties.

A fraction of what has been spent on Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada sniffing Donald Trumps crotch.

Monica Lewinsky was a consenting adult. To this day, she doesn't blame Clinton, she blames Ken Starr for upending her life.

Paula Jones was a liar. She said that Clinton's dick had a distinguishing characteristic, and it didn't according to his doctors.

Kathleen Wiley is a liar. She claimed Clinton groped her, but kept asking him for a job for a year afterwards. She then asked her friend to lie, but they refused even after Ken Starr threw one of them in jail.

Juanita Brodderick is a liar. She swore out two affadavits saying Clinton never touched her, and then came up with this fanciful rape story where she couldn't remember the date, room number, or why she kept going to Clinton events for years afterwards.

You are an evil fuck who only cares about power for your filthy party.
Monica Lewinsky was the subordinate of Bill Clinton, who created a quid pro quo for sexual favors.

Or maybe she just really liked and admired him. I know this is an alien concept to you... but that actually happens.

Uh, no we don't, you lying commie fuck.

Um, yeah, we do...

Capital punishment for juveniles in the United States - Wikipedia

A fraction of what has been spent on Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada sniffing Donald Trumps crotch.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

The Trump-Russia investigation has cost about $5 million so far

Since his appointment almost seven months ago, Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his crack team have racked up a $5 million tab as they probe Russia’s meddling in last year’s presidential election and alleged collusion with Donald Trump’s campaign to claim the White House, according to ABC News.

While more details about Mueller’s spending are expected to come out soon, some of the cost involves supporting the work of more than 16 attorneys and “dozens” of FBI agents, as well as paying other staffers and covering travel expenditures, the report states.

Nowhere near what Starr Spent. By the way, 70 million in 1998 dollars would be 108 million today.
You are an evil fuck who only cares about power for your filthy party.

That's all nice and stuff, but could you please refute anything I pointed out.

What was the "Distinguishing characteristic" Monica saw?

Why did Juanita Brodderick claim twice Clinton never touched her?

Why did Kathleen Willey keep calling looking for a job at the White House after Clinton groped her, supposedly?
Clinton's accusers were paid by Republican boosters.

Let's apply the same standards to both: Sexual predators.

What stupid bullshit.

Gennifer Flowers? Paid by the Republicans? :lmao: About as fucking likely as Rosie O'Donnell being a Republican plant.

The idiotic shit you come up with to cover for your vile party.

No more idiotic then your excusing of Trump accusers. You can't man up and admit your boy is a pussy grabber and sexual predator? Shame on you.

He was a playboy when that shit counted. Seriously what the fuck is going on these days when we as women can't deal with what was happening in the far distant past.

Men were jerks. Plain and simple and acceptable at that moment in our history.

I had guys hit on me when I was pregnant and they were drunk in rock n roll days for crying out loud. Am I going to turn around and scream #metoo now?

Btw theres a funny in it. Remember # was a pound sign? #metoo takes on a whole different meaning.

So Clinton is just a jerk?

Clinton is a gangster, husband of the most powerful Mafia boss in the last century, Hillary "right hand of Pablo Escobar" Clinton. The Mob boss who controlled virtually all cocaine traffic in America for two decades.
Monica Lewinsky was the subordinate of Bill Clinton, who created a quid pro quo for sexual favors.

Or maybe she just really liked and admired him. I know this is an alien concept to you... but that actually happens.

Uh, no we don't, you lying commie fuck.

Um, yeah, we do...

Capital punishment for juveniles in the United States - Wikipedia

A fraction of what has been spent on Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada sniffing Donald Trumps crotch.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

The Trump-Russia investigation has cost about $5 million so far

Since his appointment almost seven months ago, Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his crack team have racked up a $5 million tab as they probe Russia’s meddling in last year’s presidential election and alleged collusion with Donald Trump’s campaign to claim the White House, according to ABC News.

While more details about Mueller’s spending are expected to come out soon, some of the cost involves supporting the work of more than 16 attorneys and “dozens” of FBI agents, as well as paying other staffers and covering travel expenditures, the report states.

Nowhere near what Starr Spent. By the way, 70 million in 1998 dollars would be 108 million today.
wonder if the republican idiots ever add up all the money blown by the trump cabinet and his family 41k telephones ?? lol
20 is the total CSJ has reported. Al Jazeera reporters who were pro Muslim Brotherhood from what I've read regarding the charges. The MB is outlawed again and for bloody good reason.

The dissidents arrested are MB. It's a no brainer that the Egyptian government and law enforcement are never ever going to allow the MB anywhere near power ever again.

So when the Democrats retake power, you are going to be cool with them arresting any idiot who ever wore a MAGA hat, right?

MB was declared a terrorist organization. Deplorables as far as I know haven't been running around and killing people. Burning down churches. Naming the mastermind of a terror attack in Luxor as the new Governor. Shit like the MB did.

So they aren't classed as terrorists, but who knows with the whack jobs the left have in charge now. I could see Maxine and others wanting to jail conservatives opponents.
20 is the total CSJ has reported. Al Jazeera reporters who were pro Muslim Brotherhood from what I've read regarding the charges. The MB is outlawed again and for bloody good reason.

The dissidents arrested are MB. It's a no brainer that the Egyptian government and law enforcement are never ever going to allow the MB anywhere near power ever again.

So when the Democrats retake power, you are going to be cool with them arresting any idiot who ever wore a MAGA hat, right?

MB was declared a terrorist organization. Deplorables as far as I know haven't been running around and killing people. Burning down churches. Naming the mastermind of a terror attack in Luxor as the new Governor. Shit like the MB did.

So they aren't classed as terrorists, but who knows with the whack jobs the left have in charge now. I could see Maxine and others wanting to jail conservatives opponents.
The hell with jail I'd like another Ruby Ridge for you folks
Monica Lewinsky was the subordinate of Bill Clinton, who created a quid pro quo for sexual favors.

Or maybe she just really liked and admired him. I know this is an alien concept to you... but that actually happens.

Uh, no we don't, you lying commie fuck.

Um, yeah, we do...

Capital punishment for juveniles in the United States - Wikipedia

A fraction of what has been spent on Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada sniffing Donald Trumps crotch.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

The Trump-Russia investigation has cost about $5 million so far

Since his appointment almost seven months ago, Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his crack team have racked up a $5 million tab as they probe Russia’s meddling in last year’s presidential election and alleged collusion with Donald Trump’s campaign to claim the White House, according to ABC News.

While more details about Mueller’s spending are expected to come out soon, some of the cost involves supporting the work of more than 16 attorneys and “dozens” of FBI agents, as well as paying other staffers and covering travel expenditures, the report states.

Nowhere near what Starr Spent. By the way, 70 million in 1998 dollars would be 108 million today.

Your own article shows you are lying, moron.

$5 million huh? :lmao:

The lies you scumbags tell.

{The ongoing special investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election process so far has cost $6,759,695 over 137 days of Department of Justice expenditure reporting from May 17, 2017 through Sept. 30, 2017. It has cost about $49,340.84 per day – the highest per day cost of the other presidential investigations examined since 1973.}

Mueller Investigation Costs and Time Compared to Special Counsel Investigations under Former U.S. Presidents in New Report
20 is the total CSJ has reported. Al Jazeera reporters who were pro Muslim Brotherhood from what I've read regarding the charges. The MB is outlawed again and for bloody good reason.

The dissidents arrested are MB. It's a no brainer that the Egyptian government and law enforcement are never ever going to allow the MB anywhere near power ever again.

So when the Democrats retake power, you are going to be cool with them arresting any idiot who ever wore a MAGA hat, right?

MB was declared a terrorist organization. Deplorables as far as I know haven't been running around and killing people. Burning down churches. Naming the mastermind of a terror attack in Luxor as the new Governor. Shit like the MB did.

So they aren't classed as terrorists, but who knows with the whack jobs the left have in charge now. I could see Maxine and others wanting to jail conservatives opponents.
The hell with jail I'd like another Ruby Ridge for you folks

I have no doubt you would.

20 is the total CSJ has reported. Al Jazeera reporters who were pro Muslim Brotherhood from what I've read regarding the charges. The MB is outlawed again and for bloody good reason.

The dissidents arrested are MB. It's a no brainer that the Egyptian government and law enforcement are never ever going to allow the MB anywhere near power ever again.

So when the Democrats retake power, you are going to be cool with them arresting any idiot who ever wore a MAGA hat, right?
What makes you so sure of yourself ?? The people may have had enough of the Demon-crats by now. Was watching MSNBC for a brief moment tonight, and good lawdy the crying they were doing on that network, and how they were trying to make themselves look so much like these poor little innocent victims now, yet not so long ago most remember that they were these evil tyrants shoveling their bullcrap into everyone's corner, and then telling them that they will like it, and that they best get use to it.

Well not so much these days.
Clinton is a gangster, husband of the most powerful Mafia boss in the last century, Hillary "right hand of Pablo Escobar" Clinton. The Mob boss who controlled virtually all cocaine traffic in America for two decades.

Does your doctor know you are off your medication?

MB was declared a terrorist organization. Deplorables as far as I know haven't been running around and killing people. Burning down churches. Naming the mastermind of a terror attack in Luxor as the new Governor. Shit like the MB did.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Menachem Began carried out the King David Hotel attack, and he became PM of the Zionist Entity.

Meanwhile, the Deplorables have been shooting things up... The Parkland Shooter just loved him some Trump.

So they aren't classed as terrorists, but who knows with the whack jobs the left have in charge now. I could see Maxine and others wanting to jail conservatives opponents.

Exactly my point. You don't lock people up because they disagree with you. when a country starts doing that, we co-own all their abuses. It's why America is hated in so much of the third world.
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