What do you say in the end about McCain?

What say you about John McCain

  • McCain was a military hero and a patriot in the Senate

  • McCain was a military hero and an abomination of humanity in the Senate

  • McCain was a military coward but a great Senator

  • McCain was just an abysmal human being across the board

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Apparently we do, Obambi was famous for it. Israel, Syria, Libya.

Please... Obama had no more effect on our Zionist Overlords than any other president.

I do think it was kind of dumb of Obama to intervene in the civil wars in Syria and Libya, but then again, those things were goign to happen no matter what we did.

as to McCain, I only related the stories told by the sailors on the carrier, not the version put out by the Navy brass to save his ass from a court martial.

So the Navy made up a story to protect one O-4? Really? Really?

Look, guys, I know you wingnuts hate McCain for being the only guy to try to maintain a shred of decency in your increasingly indecent party, but you need to get over it.

Your Magic Niggra spent A LOT of money trying to way lay Bibi.
Nope, he is a life long serial sexual predator and only the true believers still defend him. He is a close friend of Jeffery Epstein. Do you defend him because you too are a sexual predator?

If I spent 70 million investigating your sex life, I could find a woman who would say you were a creep if I put enough money in front of her.

Your Magic Niggra spent A LOT of money trying to way lay Bibi.

I wish! Bibi is a fucking menace.
Nope, he is a life long serial sexual predator and only the true believers still defend him. He is a close friend of Jeffery Epstein. Do you defend him because you too are a sexual predator?

If I spent 70 million investigating your sex life, I could find a woman who would say you were a creep if I put enough money in front of her.

Your Magic Niggra spent A LOT of money trying to way lay Bibi.

I wish! Bibi is a fucking menace.

Are you a sexual predator? doubt you could get anything you didn't pay money for. Your Niggra interfered in Israrel's election.
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
Military hero- and a rational Senator who actually was capable of compromise.

Which is of course why you despise him.

and Bill Clinton was a rapist. But you still worship everything Clinton, what does that say about you?

That's just an allegation.

But that he sexually harassed a subordinate, that he threatened witnesses, destroyed and hid evidence, and engaged in perjury are all facts proven in the justice system.

I guess you want to believe it. I like to think it's the left who believes things because they want to. But sometimes someone reminds me that it's not only them

I believe it because the story came from sailors on the ship when it happened. The Navy brass tried to cover it up, but the truth leaked out.

As I said, you believe what you want to believe

an allegation with a lot of substantiation. why would the sailors lie about it? why would the navy brass try to cover it up?

Hmm. So in your mind, if it wasn't true, then they would admit it was? But because they denied it, we can conclude it isn't? OK?

I believe eye witness accounts over the rhetoric of the Navy brass. you are free to believe whatever you want.

I think McCain's horrible record in the senate stands on it's own. I don't think it needs to be bolstered by fabricated stories
I think he is a good man. He spoke his mind, and he is an independent thinker. He valued the institutions he represented, the Constitution, and common decency. I didn't always...or often agree with him (I"m a fucking liberal after all)...but I truly respect him.

Both parties need folks like him, to remind them that party doesn't trump everything. IMO.

I agree completely.

In today's environment where anyone who deviates from the 'platform'- whether that is DNC, RNC or Trump- is considered a traitor- McCain of course is attacked now.

I have often disagreed with McCain. But I have always respected him.
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
Mcain is one of the most honorable men who has ever lived. An honorable man to the end. McCain has more honor in one of his gray hairs than Trump has in his entire obese body.
John McCain a war criminal, not a war hero - Liberation News
Fake news for retards. Are your bone spurs acting up?
McCain represents zero conservatives, he is 100% progressive

LOL- yet he was re-elected over and over in a Conservative state.

What you don't like about McCain is that he doesn't meet your narrow definition of a 'true Conservative'- and that he is willing to work with people to get things done.
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
None of your choices is correct.
You don't become a hero by being blown out of the sky on your first mission. He was unlucky. He survived it. That doesn't make him a hero. It makes him a man who did his duty.
And he was a horrible Senator.

McCain volunteered for combat duty in an era when Trump and Clinton dodged the draft, and Bush avoided combat by joining the National Guard. Personally, I consider anyone who volunteers for combat duty in service to the United States to be hero.

And his constituents in Arizona clearly disagree with your assessment of his performance as a Senator.
You must protect your "Dear Leader" at all costs. He is one of the worst Serial Sexual Predators in modern history.

again, if you spend 70 million dollars investigating someone's sex life, throw women in jail for not saying what you want, and you STILL can't make a case that he did anything worse than lie about a consensual affair, you kind of aren't making your case.

Reality- Clinton is a jerk. And women will climb over six nice guys to get to a jerk's penis.

I never once said it went to Russia you stupid, lying racist douche bag. I said it left the United States. My post said it went to the United States. You're just bitter you went from an $80K a year purchasing job to a $20K a year (if you're lucky) resume writing job. And apparently you can't read either as you're proving

Guy, I make a lot more than that... Obviously, you don't know how much people pay for good resumes.

At least you admit you're almost as misogynist as you are racist

Naw, I have no use for liars no matter what their genitals are... it's why I think you are such a nasty scumwad.

so is Brodderick. Brodderick was pimping off hte Clintons for years until she found she could make more money turning on them.

You don't stay involved in offices because you have a bad attitude and no one can stand to be around you.

Actually, my coworkers love me. Most of them have come to me for resumes since I quit.

Heck, I have a magnetic personality, look how much time you spend stalking me.

You're such a liar as well as a racist. You have an awful attitude. There are people who hate their jobs and are decent people outside their jobs and have a bad attitude at work. No one has a bad attitude like you outside work and has a good attitude at work and has co-workers who love them. It doesn't happen. You are a dark cloud to anyone you walk into a room with. Particularly blacks since your hatred for them is clear

Both myself and my mother, are depressed people at home, doom and gloom, but pretend to be happy giddy people while at work.

OK? Oh, what the hell. I'm in a generous mood

Clinton's accusers were paid by Republican boosters.

Let's apply the same standards to both: Sexual predators.

What stupid bullshit.

Gennifer Flowers? Paid by the Republicans? :lmao: About as fucking likely as Rosie O'Donnell being a Republican plant.

The idiotic shit you come up with to cover for your vile party.

No more idiotic then your excusing of Trump accusers. You can't man up and admit your boy is a pussy grabber and sexual predator? Shame on you.

He was a playboy when that shit counted. Seriously what the fuck is going on these days when we as women can't deal with what was happening in the far distant past.

Men were jerks. Plain and simple and acceptable at that moment in our history.

I had guys hit on me when I was pregnant and they were drunk in rock n roll days for crying out loud. Am I going to turn around and scream #metoo now?

Btw theres a funny in it. Remember # was a pound sign? #metoo takes on a whole different meaning.

So Clinton is just a jerk?

Clinton is a gangster, husband of the most powerful Mafia boss in the last century, Hillary "right hand of Pablo Escobar" Clinton. The Mob boss who controlled virtually all cocaine traffic in America for two decades.

The funny thing is that lots of you Trumpsters actually believe that shit. Which makes me wonder what you are smoking.
You must protect your "Dear Leader" at all costs. He is one of the worst Serial Sexual Predators in modern history.

again, if you spend 70 million dollars investigating someone's sex life, throw women in jail for not saying what you want, and you STILL can't make a case that he did anything worse than lie about a consensual affair, you kind of aren't making your case.

Reality- Clinton is a jerk. And women will climb over six nice guys to get to a jerk's penis.

I never once said it went to Russia you stupid, lying racist douche bag. I said it left the United States. My post said it went to the United States. You're just bitter you went from an $80K a year purchasing job to a $20K a year (if you're lucky) resume writing job. And apparently you can't read either as you're proving

Guy, I make a lot more than that... Obviously, you don't know how much people pay for good resumes.

At least you admit you're almost as misogynist as you are racist

Naw, I have no use for liars no matter what their genitals are... it's why I think you are such a nasty scumwad.

so is Brodderick. Brodderick was pimping off hte Clintons for years until she found she could make more money turning on them.

You don't stay involved in offices because you have a bad attitude and no one can stand to be around you.

Actually, my coworkers love me. Most of them have come to me for resumes since I quit.

Heck, I have a magnetic personality, look how much time you spend stalking me.

You are a guru, I admit that. Wow, you post to people on message boards and they respond. It's absolutely incredible.


No one likes to be around people with bad attitudes, Joe. You're obviously lying. And from what you've said in the past, there's no way you're writing resumes for black people
You're such a liar as well as a racist. You have an awful attitude. There are people who hate their jobs and are decent people outside their jobs and have a bad attitude at work.

I have the same attitude most working folks have towards the inflated egos in the corner offices.

Been workin' in the civilian world since 1992, and never heard, once "Our boss is a genius". Had a couple who were okay guys who meant well, but most were people who probably shouldn't have been managing an ice cream stand, and it shows.

No one has a bad attitude like you outside work and has a good attitude at work and has co-workers who love them. It doesn't happen.

My coworkers though I was kind of awesome.... And many of them came back to see me to get resumes to get out of the shitholes we worked in together. In fact, I've done about 30 resumes for former co-workers... It's kind of how I got into the business. (Although the technology improving to the point where I could do it as a business instead of just something I did for my friends had a lot to do with it.)

Your co-workers cheered and thanked your boss when he finally got sick of your crap every day and fired you. The work got easier for them. The black ones cheered twice over your endless racist references
You must protect your "Dear Leader" at all costs. He is one of the worst Serial Sexual Predators in modern history.

again, if you spend 70 million dollars investigating someone's sex life, throw women in jail for not saying what you want, and you STILL can't make a case that he did anything worse than lie about a consensual affair, you kind of aren't making your case.

Reality- Clinton is a jerk. And women will climb over six nice guys to get to a jerk's penis.

I never once said it went to Russia you stupid, lying racist douche bag. I said it left the United States. My post said it went to the United States. You're just bitter you went from an $80K a year purchasing job to a $20K a year (if you're lucky) resume writing job. And apparently you can't read either as you're proving

Guy, I make a lot more than that... Obviously, you don't know how much people pay for good resumes.

At least you admit you're almost as misogynist as you are racist

Naw, I have no use for liars no matter what their genitals are... it's why I think you are such a nasty scumwad.

so is Brodderick. Brodderick was pimping off hte Clintons for years until she found she could make more money turning on them.

You don't stay involved in offices because you have a bad attitude and no one can stand to be around you.

Actually, my coworkers love me. Most of them have come to me for resumes since I quit.

Heck, I have a magnetic personality, look how much time you spend stalking me.

You are a guru, I admit that. Wow, you post to people on message boards and they respond. It's absolutely incredible.


No one likes to be around people with bad attitudes, Joe. You're obviously lying. And from what you've said in the past, there's no way you're writing resumes for black people

Isn't it always funny- ironic- when Kaz tells someone else that they are 'obviously lying'?
You are a guru, I admit that. Wow, you post to people on message boards and they respond. It's absolutely incredible.

Naw, man, it's amazing how I attract queermo stalkers who get all upset that I spanked them once. I guess I need to be a little nicer... clearly I hurt your fragile little feelings and you need to follow me around looking for attention.

Isn't it always funny- ironic- when Kaz tells someone else that they are 'obviously lying'?

I feel kind of bad for him... I don't think he has any friends.
Your co-workers cheered and thanked your boss when he finally got sick of your crap every day and fired you. The work got easier for them. The black ones cheered twice over your endless racist references

Actually, the worst people I worked for were the racists who wouldn't hire any blacks. The guy who cured me of being Republican in 2008... actually called Obama the Nword.

No one likes to be around people with bad attitudes, Joe. You're obviously lying. And from what you've said in the past, there's no way you're writing resumes for black people

About 20% of my customers are black, about 15% hispanic... and about 30% Asian.
Your co-workers cheered and thanked your boss when he finally got sick of your crap every day and fired you. The work got easier for them. The black ones cheered twice over your endless racist references

Actually, the worst people I worked for were the racists who wouldn't hire any blacks. The guy who cured me of being Republican in 2008... actually called Obama the Nword.

No one likes to be around people with bad attitudes, Joe. You're obviously lying. And from what you've said in the past, there's no way you're writing resumes for black people

About 20% of my customers are black, about 15% hispanic... and about 30% Asian.
So you have a 65% interest in speaking in a leftist tongue or language eh????? LOL

Money makes the world go around doesn't it ?? Is it of your opinion that these groups mentioned (as your customers), are automatically left leaning because of their attributes you mentioned ?? Hmmm.
Why would Service be so important to Democrats? They were the ones who said it did not matter when they elected Clinton. Back to McCain, when they even suggested that McCain could or would be racist in 2008 verified to me that Democrats will find every and any way to drop the Racist card on anyone in their way. There is not a racist bone in McCain’s body yet somehow “that one” was a racist attack.

Clinton is a sexual predator, Democrats vote for them. Trump has consensual sex with prostitutes, Democrats condemn him

Clinton evaded Vietnam, Democrats don't care. Trump evaded Vietnam, Democrats condemn him.

Kerry called our troops terrorists in Vietnam and again in Iraq, Democrats vote for him, and they tell us they are the ones who are pro military.

Democrats believed every accusation against our troops in Iraq on the accusation, including the Koran flushing and shooting civilians. The military votes overwhelmingly Republican. They know what Democrats are. They aren't fooling anyone
Trump is a sexual predator.

Prove it liar.

The only thing that makes any sense is that even though it turned out the women who accused Trump of assault were paid by Democrat boosters, she's still pushing the narrative.

It's pathetic how a supposed woman would use women like that for political purposes throwing women under the bus for Clinton and pushing proven lies in going after conservatives.

After how leftist "feminists" like Coyote treat women, their claiming victimhood is just shallow and pathetic

Clinton's accusers were paid by Republican boosters.

Let's apply the same standards to both: Sexual predators.

Okay, show me a woman credibly accusing Trump of rape.
Clinton's accusers were paid by Republican boosters.

Let's apply the same standards to both: Sexual predators.

What stupid bullshit.

Gennifer Flowers? Paid by the Republicans? :lmao: About as fucking likely as Rosie O'Donnell being a Republican plant.

The idiotic shit you come up with to cover for your vile party.

No more idiotic then your excusing of Trump accusers. You can't man up and admit your boy is a pussy grabber and sexual predator? Shame on you.

There's a difference between a sexual predator and a horny old man. You should figure it out.
Clinton's accusers were paid by Republican boosters.

Let's apply the same standards to both: Sexual predators.

What stupid bullshit.

Gennifer Flowers? Paid by the Republicans? :lmao: About as fucking likely as Rosie O'Donnell being a Republican plant.

The idiotic shit you come up with to cover for your vile party.

No more idiotic then your excusing of Trump accusers. You can't man up and admit your boy is a pussy grabber and sexual predator? Shame on you.

He was a playboy when that shit counted. Seriously what the fuck is going on these days when we as women can't deal with what was happening in the far distant past.

Men were jerks. Plain and simple and acceptable at that moment in our history.

I had guys hit on me when I was pregnant and they were drunk in rock n roll days for crying out loud. Am I going to turn around and scream #metoo now?

Btw theres a funny in it. Remember # was a pound sign? #metoo takes on a whole different meaning.

So Clinton is just a jerk?

You DO get the difference between hitting on a woman, sexually harassing a woman, and raping a woman, right? You get that they aren't all the same thing?
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