What do you say in the end about McCain?

What say you about John McCain

  • McCain was a military hero and a patriot in the Senate

  • McCain was a military hero and an abomination of humanity in the Senate

  • McCain was a military coward but a great Senator

  • McCain was just an abysmal human being across the board

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Before it was the Supreme Court who cured you of being a Republican by preventing Al Gore from stealing the election in 2000.

Nope, never said that. I voted for Bush in 2000 and 2004.


Unfortunately, there is more right than wrong in what you are saying here.

Trouble is, 20 years with the Democrats in-charge, unchallenged, would leave the United States bankrupt, and a weak shadow of its former glory.

Gee, I don't know. things were pretty awesome after 8 years of Bill Clinton. Imagine if we got AL Gore in 2000 and Hillary in 2008... how awesome things would be now.

But instead your boy Bush stole the election, gave away the surplus to the rich, started a war on a credit card and let a major city get washed out to sea

How does that disprove anything I said? Yes, I voted for Bush in 2000 and 2004. And looking back at two wars, two recessions, a major city wiped off the map by sheer incompetence, major landmarks wiped out of the skyline, you can pretty much have to be a retard to NOT realize we'd have been better off.

You see, I used to be one of you fucktards who got all upset Clinton banged an intern..

Then Bush showed us what shit looks like when you realy fuck things up. Trump will show us again. 3
McCain was a military hero who endured torture in service of his country

As a Senator, McCain was old school, willing to work across the aisle to work out a deal
He would also vote for what is right over politics
Like he did on Obamacare
I also respect how he stood up for Obama as a good family man that he disagreed with politically when one of his supporters called him an Arab

McCain covered for Obama and helped lie about his past, he was in on the plan.

"Rather than obfuscating his past, this is what Obama should be saying: "I am a proud Christian, as is my wife, Michelle Robinson. Both my father and stepfather were Muslims, and I myself had a brush with Islam in the Far East. That's no crime. In fact, it'll be a huge asset for the next president, who'll have to clean up the mess left behind by George W. Bush."
Obama's Muslim heritage | The Star
And how did Obama lie- and how did McCain lie about Obama's past?

None of this was common knowledge to the electorate, it still isn't.


LOL- of course not- just you Konspiracy Kooks know it!

Ah the gullibility of the Trump voters.....
I think he is a good man. He spoke his mind, and he is an independent thinker. He valued the institutions he represented, the Constitution, and common decency. I didn't always...or often agree with him (I"m a fucking liberal after all)...but I truly respect him.

Both parties need folks like him, to remind them that party doesn't trump everything. IMO.

Wow. So this is it, huh folks? This is what passes for a good human being nowadays.

An order-follower with such low self-worth that he would hand over is body and mind to an institution, murdering if he’s told to murder, pillaging if he’s told to pillage. A mindless dog who made being a good person impossible the moment he agreed to carry out orders without first evaluating the moral nature of the command.

A parasitic dominator who would later participate in organized theft and violence on a massive scale, and support mass murder via the same institution that he sold his soul to in his youth. A self-serving authoritarian whose highest aspiration was becoming the most powerful slave master in the world.

And with this base disregard for moral principles rampant in our culture, we think there’s even a snowball’s chance in hell that any of this bullshit political discourse is going to do a damn thing to better our world? No chance. Not here, not anywhere in the universe, ever. We are at square one, people, not even aware of the fundamental difference between right and wrong.
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He was a playboy when that shit counted. Seriously what the fuck is going on these days when we as women can't deal with what was happening in the far distant past.

Men were jerks. Plain and simple and acceptable at that moment in our history.

I had guys hit on me when I was pregnant and they were drunk in rock n roll days for crying out loud. Am I going to turn around and scream #metoo now?

Btw theres a funny in it. Remember # was a pound sign? #metoo takes on a whole different meaning.

So Clinton is just a jerk?

Clinton is a gangster, husband of the most powerful Mafia boss in the last century, Hillary "right hand of Pablo Escobar" Clinton. The Mob boss who controlled virtually all cocaine traffic in America for two decades.

The funny thing is that lots of you Trumpsters actually believe that shit. Which makes me wonder what you are smoking.

The use of Mena Arkansas as the CIA base of operations for the importation of Cocaine is well established fact, Hillary Clinton was the Mob Boss running the national distribution network.


:lol: well established fact?

The definitive guide to every Hillary Clinton conspiracy theory…so far

Oh, Mother Jones...


Could you get a little less credible?
He was a playboy when that shit counted. Seriously what the fuck is going on these days when we as women can't deal with what was happening in the far distant past.

Men were jerks. Plain and simple and acceptable at that moment in our history.

I had guys hit on me when I was pregnant and they were drunk in rock n roll days for crying out loud. Am I going to turn around and scream #metoo now?

Btw theres a funny in it. Remember # was a pound sign? #metoo takes on a whole different meaning.

So Clinton is just a jerk?

Clinton is a gangster, husband of the most powerful Mafia boss in the last century, Hillary "right hand of Pablo Escobar" Clinton. The Mob boss who controlled virtually all cocaine traffic in America for two decades.

The funny thing is that lots of you Trumpsters actually believe that shit. Which makes me wonder what you are smoking.

The use of Mena Arkansas as the CIA base of operations for the importation of Cocaine is well established fact, Hillary Clinton was the Mob Boss running the national distribution network.


:lol: well established fact?

The definitive guide to every Hillary Clinton conspiracy theory…so far

So Comrade, you are telling us that the claims of Oliver North and the CIA running Cocaine is all a bunch of lies, right?

After all, IF there is any truth to the smears you Stalinists have been spewing for YEARS, then the Mena story is true.

One or the other Comrade. Were you lying then, or are you lying now?
He was a playboy when that shit counted. Seriously what the fuck is going on these days when we as women can't deal with what was happening in the far distant past.

Men were jerks. Plain and simple and acceptable at that moment in our history.

I had guys hit on me when I was pregnant and they were drunk in rock n roll days for crying out loud. Am I going to turn around and scream #metoo now?

Btw theres a funny in it. Remember # was a pound sign? #metoo takes on a whole different meaning.

So Clinton is just a jerk?

Clinton is a gangster, husband of the most powerful Mafia boss in the last century, Hillary "right hand of Pablo Escobar" Clinton. The Mob boss who controlled virtually all cocaine traffic in America for two decades.

The funny thing is that lots of you Trumpsters actually believe that shit. Which makes me wonder what you are smoking.

You don't have to be a Trumpster to know about the Mena scandal and it's connection to the Bush/Reagan legacy and the Iran-Contra gate scandal. . . .
You have to be a Contard idiot- and are likely a Trumpster to believe:
Clinton is a gangster, husband of the most powerful Mafia boss in the last century, Hillary "right hand of Pablo Escobar" Clinton. The Mob boss who controlled virtually all cocaine traffic in America for two decades.

Hillary is a Mob Boss, an international Cocaine dealer who ran the Coke distribution across the nation for a decade.

So Clinton is just a jerk?

Clinton is a gangster, husband of the most powerful Mafia boss in the last century, Hillary "right hand of Pablo Escobar" Clinton. The Mob boss who controlled virtually all cocaine traffic in America for two decades.

The funny thing is that lots of you Trumpsters actually believe that shit. Which makes me wonder what you are smoking.

You don't have to be a Trumpster to know about the Mena scandal and it's connection to the Bush/Reagan legacy and the Iran-Contra gate scandal. . . .
You have to be a Contard idiot- and are likely a Trumpster to believe:
Clinton is a gangster, husband of the most powerful Mafia boss in the last century, Hillary "right hand of Pablo Escobar" Clinton. The Mob boss who controlled virtually all cocaine traffic in America for two decades.

Hillary is a Mob Boss, an international Cocaine dealer who ran the Coke distribution across the nation for a decade.


If there were even a grain of truth in this, it would have ben used in the campaign.
Clinton is a gangster, husband of the most powerful Mafia boss in the last century, Hillary "right hand of Pablo Escobar" Clinton. The Mob boss who controlled virtually all cocaine traffic in America for two decades.

The funny thing is that lots of you Trumpsters actually believe that shit. Which makes me wonder what you are smoking.

You don't have to be a Trumpster to know about the Mena scandal and it's connection to the Bush/Reagan legacy and the Iran-Contra gate scandal. . . .
You have to be a Contard idiot- and are likely a Trumpster to believe:
Clinton is a gangster, husband of the most powerful Mafia boss in the last century, Hillary "right hand of Pablo Escobar" Clinton. The Mob boss who controlled virtually all cocaine traffic in America for two decades.

Hillary is a Mob Boss, an international Cocaine dealer who ran the Coke distribution across the nation for a decade.


If there were even a grain of truth in this, it would have ben used in the campaign.


The Republicans and the CIA are just as involved as the Clinton crime family.

It's not like it's a secret.

Key Figures In CIA-Crack Cocaine Scandal Begin To Come Forward | HuffPost
The funny thing is that lots of you Trumpsters actually believe that shit. Which makes me wonder what you are smoking.

You don't have to be a Trumpster to know about the Mena scandal and it's connection to the Bush/Reagan legacy and the Iran-Contra gate scandal. . . .
You have to be a Contard idiot- and are likely a Trumpster to believe:
Clinton is a gangster, husband of the most powerful Mafia boss in the last century, Hillary "right hand of Pablo Escobar" Clinton. The Mob boss who controlled virtually all cocaine traffic in America for two decades.

Hillary is a Mob Boss, an international Cocaine dealer who ran the Coke distribution across the nation for a decade.


If there were even a grain of truth in this, it would have ben used in the campaign.


The Republicans and the CIA are just as involved as the Clinton crime family.

It's not like it's a secret.

Key Figures In CIA-Crack Cocaine Scandal Begin To Come Forward | HuffPost
The more people you have involve in order to make your conspiracy "work" the less plausible it is and the more likely it is a conspiracy theory.
You don't have to be a Trumpster to know about the Mena scandal and it's connection to the Bush/Reagan legacy and the Iran-Contra gate scandal. . . .
You have to be a Contard idiot- and are likely a Trumpster to believe:
Clinton is a gangster, husband of the most powerful Mafia boss in the last century, Hillary "right hand of Pablo Escobar" Clinton. The Mob boss who controlled virtually all cocaine traffic in America for two decades.

Hillary is a Mob Boss, an international Cocaine dealer who ran the Coke distribution across the nation for a decade.


If there were even a grain of truth in this, it would have ben used in the campaign.


The Republicans and the CIA are just as involved as the Clinton crime family.

It's not like it's a secret.

Key Figures In CIA-Crack Cocaine Scandal Begin To Come Forward | HuffPost
The more people you have involve in order to make your conspiracy "work" the less plausible it is and the more likely it is a conspiracy theory.

Did you grasp that I linked far left Huffy-Glue? :dunno:

Again, either you Stalinists were lying for the last 3 decades, or you're lying now.
You don't have to be a Trumpster to know about the Mena scandal and it's connection to the Bush/Reagan legacy and the Iran-Contra gate scandal. . . .
You have to be a Contard idiot- and are likely a Trumpster to believe:
Clinton is a gangster, husband of the most powerful Mafia boss in the last century, Hillary "right hand of Pablo Escobar" Clinton. The Mob boss who controlled virtually all cocaine traffic in America for two decades.

Hillary is a Mob Boss, an international Cocaine dealer who ran the Coke distribution across the nation for a decade.


If there were even a grain of truth in this, it would have ben used in the campaign.


The Republicans and the CIA are just as involved as the Clinton crime family.

It's not like it's a secret.

Key Figures In CIA-Crack Cocaine Scandal Begin To Come Forward | HuffPost
The more people you have involve in order to make your conspiracy "work" the less plausible it is and the more likely it is a conspiracy theory.

Of all the things I think Hilary is, Cartel chief is not one.

May she run a similar organization? Yes.

Is it involved in international cocaine trade? Not to a large extent, if at all.

Could have Al Capone taken lessons from Hillary and learned something? Absolutely.
You have to be a Contard idiot- and are likely a Trumpster to believe:
Clinton is a gangster, husband of the most powerful Mafia boss in the last century, Hillary "right hand of Pablo Escobar" Clinton. The Mob boss who controlled virtually all cocaine traffic in America for two decades.

Hillary is a Mob Boss, an international Cocaine dealer who ran the Coke distribution across the nation for a decade.


If there were even a grain of truth in this, it would have ben used in the campaign.


The Republicans and the CIA are just as involved as the Clinton crime family.

It's not like it's a secret.

Key Figures In CIA-Crack Cocaine Scandal Begin To Come Forward | HuffPost
The more people you have involve in order to make your conspiracy "work" the less plausible it is and the more likely it is a conspiracy theory.

Did you grasp that I linked far left Huffy-Glue? :dunno:

Again, either you Stalinists were lying for the last 3 decades, or you're lying now.
Where did they mention Clinton?
You have to be a Contard idiot- and are likely a Trumpster to believe:
Clinton is a gangster, husband of the most powerful Mafia boss in the last century, Hillary "right hand of Pablo Escobar" Clinton. The Mob boss who controlled virtually all cocaine traffic in America for two decades.

Hillary is a Mob Boss, an international Cocaine dealer who ran the Coke distribution across the nation for a decade.


If there were even a grain of truth in this, it would have ben used in the campaign.


The Republicans and the CIA are just as involved as the Clinton crime family.

It's not like it's a secret.

Key Figures In CIA-Crack Cocaine Scandal Begin To Come Forward | HuffPost
The more people you have involve in order to make your conspiracy "work" the less plausible it is and the more likely it is a conspiracy theory.

Of all the things I think Hilary is, Cartel chief is not one.

May she run a similar organization? Yes.

Is it involved in international cocaine trade? Not to a large extent, if at all.

Could have Al Capone taken lessons from Hillary and learned something? Absolutely.

Could Trump be selling cocaine out of his hotels?

Clinton is a gangster, husband of the most powerful Mafia boss in the last century, Hillary "right hand of Pablo Escobar" Clinton. The Mob boss who controlled virtually all cocaine traffic in America for two decades.

The funny thing is that lots of you Trumpsters actually believe that shit. Which makes me wonder what you are smoking.

You don't have to be a Trumpster to know about the Mena scandal and it's connection to the Bush/Reagan legacy and the Iran-Contra gate scandal. . . .
You have to be a Contard idiot- and are likely a Trumpster to believe:
Clinton is a gangster, husband of the most powerful Mafia boss in the last century, Hillary "right hand of Pablo Escobar" Clinton. The Mob boss who controlled virtually all cocaine traffic in America for two decades.

Hillary is a Mob Boss, an international Cocaine dealer who ran the Coke distribution across the nation for a decade.

That is mean of you to taunt them like that.
An order-follower with such low self-worth that he would hand over is body and mind to an institution, murdering if he’s told to murder, pillaging if he’s told to pillage. A mindless dog who made being a good person impossible the moment he agreed to carry out orders without first evaluating the moral nature of the command.

Look, guy, just because you were too much of a huge pussy to ever join the military, doesn't mean you should be dissing the people who did.

Or maybe you should go to a VFW bar and talk that kind of smack, instead of cowering behind a screen name.

A parasitic dominator who would later participate in organized theft and violence on a massive scale, and support mass murder via the same institution that he sold his soul to in his youth. A self-serving authoritarian whose highest aspiration was becoming the most powerful slave master in the world.

Again, the problem with you libertarian whacks is that you never want to live in a country without the benefits of modern government.

Look, guy, just because you were too much of a huge pussy to ever join the military, doesn't mean you should be dissing the people who did.

Or maybe you should go to a VFW bar and talk that kind of smack, instead of cowering behind a screen name.

Again, the problem with you libertarian whacks is that you never want to live in a country without the benefits of modern government.

Oh, so a "real man" takes orders from another man like an obedient child? He does as he's told without deciding for himself whether those actions are moral or immoral? He willingly hands himself over into outright slavery, then comes home and wears his stupid costume everywhere he goes so he can get pat on the back and thanked for his "service?" The same "service" provided by a prostitute - tell me what you want baby, I will do anything.

And when someone points out the truth, they always resort to bully bullshit because it's a sore spot and they're too delicate to handle it. Yeah, so the VFW whores can kick my ass, and then what? What's that prove? You think a school bully isn't the biggest self-loathing coward in the building? They cry when they fight. They're hurt little babies who take out their pain on others because they're too weak to deal with their emotional issues. Big, bad tough guys, afraid of their feelings.

No, I don't want to live in Somalia. I want to live in an enlightened free society, not just a society without government, but still too stupid to understand the difference between freedom and slavery, right and wrong, what morality is and why it matters.

“What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Before it was the Supreme Court who cured you of being a Republican by preventing Al Gore from stealing the election in 2000.

Nope, never said that. I voted for Bush in 2000 and 2004.


Unfortunately, there is more right than wrong in what you are saying here.

Trouble is, 20 years with the Democrats in-charge, unchallenged, would leave the United States bankrupt, and a weak shadow of its former glory.

Gee, I don't know. things were pretty awesome after 8 years of Bill Clinton. Imagine if we got AL Gore in 2000 and Hillary in 2008... how awesome things would be now.

But instead your boy Bush stole the election, gave away the surplus to the rich, started a war on a credit card and let a major city get washed out to sea

How does that disprove anything I said? Yes, I voted for Bush in 2000 and 2004. And looking back at two wars, two recessions, a major city wiped off the map by sheer incompetence, major landmarks wiped out of the skyline, you can pretty much have to be a retard to NOT realize we'd have been better off.

You see, I used to be one of you fucktards who got all upset Clinton banged an intern..

Then Bush showed us what shit looks like when you realy fuck things up. Trump will show us again. 3
So it's Bush's fault that the towers fell, even though the problem of terrorism and a terrorist tried to bring down one of the towers from bombs placed in the basement below ?? Blame Bush, blame Bush, blame Bush again and again eh ?? LOL..

The only thing that you leftist had figured out about Bush, is that he don't fight back. Uh, you didn't find that in Trump though, so it's back to Bush again eh ??... LOL.
Oh, so a "real man" takes orders from another man like an obedient child? He does as he's told without deciding for himself whether those actions are moral or immoral? He willingly hands himself over into outright slavery, then comes home and wears his stupid costume everywhere he goes so he can get pat on the back and thanked for his "service?" The same "service" provided by a prostitute - tell me what you want baby, I will do anything.

Again, I'm sure prostitutes are the only way you get any, but that's not the point, buddy. The reason why the few of us who serve did so was to protect the rest of you... again, the problem with libertarians--- they like living in freedom, they just don't want to do the hard work.

(BTW, I kind of cringe when people thank me for my service... want to thank a vet, hire more vets.)

And when someone points out the truth, they always resort to bully bullshit because it's a sore spot and they're too delicate to handle it. Yeah, so the VFW whores can kick my ass, and then what? What's that prove?

Oh, I don't think you ever say the smack you say around real vets...

No, I don't want to live in Somalia. I want to live in an enlightened free society, not just a society without government, but still too stupid to understand the difference between freedom and slavery, right and wrong, what morality is and why it matters.

Morality is relative to culture... witch burning and slavery were once considered "Moral".

Again, a Libertarian loves him some civilization- but civilization comes with a cost. You can live like the fucking Unabomber fertilizing your vegetables with your own shit.. but the rest of us know we have to do our part to carry the weight.
So it's Bush's fault that the towers fell, even though the problem of terrorism and a terrorist tried to bring down one of the towers from bombs placed in the basement below ?? Blame Bush, blame Bush, blame Bush again and again eh ?? LOL..

Bush ignored a clear warning that Bin Laden wanted to strike at the US, and he might hijack airliners to do it.

His response "Well, you've covered your ass" and then he went fishing. A month later, the towers fell.
The only thing that you leftist had figured out about Bush, is that he don't fight back. Uh, you didn't find that in Trump though, so it's back to Bush again eh ??... LOL.

Um,no, guy, we were discussing why Bush was a bad president. Trump is going to be a lot worse, because he has no idea what he is doing.
An order-follower with such low self-worth that he would hand over is body and mind to an institution, murdering if he’s told to murder, pillaging if he’s told to pillage. A mindless dog who made being a good person impossible the moment he agreed to carry out orders without first evaluating the moral nature of the command.

Look, guy, just because you were too much of a huge pussy to ever join the military, doesn't mean you should be dissing the people who did.

Or maybe you should go to a VFW bar and talk that kind of smack, instead of cowering behind a screen name.

A parasitic dominator who would later participate in organized theft and violence on a massive scale, and support mass murder via the same institution that he sold his soul to in his youth. A self-serving authoritarian whose highest aspiration was becoming the most powerful slave master in the world.

Again, the problem with you libertarian whacks is that you never want to live in a country without the benefits of modern government.

Says an "In the rear queer with the gear" guy. You never once were engaged in a fire fight, you're a pussy. Get off your high horse puke. McCain is a puke sissy boy.Take away his "Daddy" and he is in Leavenworth.
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