What do you say in the end about McCain?

What say you about John McCain

  • McCain was a military hero and a patriot in the Senate

  • McCain was a military hero and an abomination of humanity in the Senate

  • McCain was a military coward but a great Senator

  • McCain was just an abysmal human being across the board

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The 9/11 terrorists were in the US training for the mission when Bill was still President, ass wipe. W was President for six months and you think he should have personally unraveled that? My God man, you're stupid as shit

Bush was told that Bin Laden was planning to hit the US with planes.

He went fishing.

The voices in your head told you they told W that?
Putting down a Viet Vet on his deathbed is beyond unmitigated gall

And it comes strait from Trump

Fuck him, and the bones spurs he rode in on sez I


Ssuuurrreeeee there, Sport. That's your standard ...
The voices in your head told you they told W that?

I posted a link to the transcript of the PDB from August 6th, 2001, where Bush was specifically warned that Bin Laden was seeking to strike the US, with a focus on hijacking airplanes.

Bush's response?

We've known for years now that George W. Bush received a presidential daily briefingon Aug. 6, 2001, in which he was warned: "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." We've known for almost as long that Bush went fishing afterward.
What we didn't know is what happened in between the briefing and the fishing, and now Suskind is here to tell us. Bush listened to the briefing, Suskind says, then told the CIA briefer: "All right. You've covered your ass, now."

Ron Suskind, George W. Bush and the Aug. 6, 2001, PDB
Before it was the Supreme Court who cured you of being a Republican by preventing Al Gore from stealing the election in 2000.

Nope, never said that. I voted for Bush in 2000 and 2004.

I honestly wish i could say his fuckups on Katrina or or Iraq is what turned me on him, but frankly, I didn't care that much until his incompetence effected me personally.

In fact, if anything, I've told a pretty consistent account. I was a pretty right wing Republican all the way up until 2008, where three things happened.

1) Bush wrecked the economy.
2) My boss fucked me over after six years of hard work and loyal service because "He didn't have to deal with a union".
3) I realized that the GOP was full of religious nuts- Romney, Huckabee, Palin, Jindal.

Yes, when you see two of your top contenders arguing over whether or not Jesus and Satan are brothers in the 21st fucking century, you are probably in the wrong party.

Now that you have poor reading comprehension skills, that's really not my problem.

Sure, Guy. You've told a consistent account since your last consistent account where you told me you switched parties in 2000 because the Supreme Court stopped Gore from stealing the election. You've also told me the consistent account that you switched parties because the Republicans are racists. Then there's your consistent account it was because your boss shit canned you for your medical expenses and you don't know what group rates are. Now your boss fired you becuase of unions as if that makes sense.

You tell a lot of different consistent accounts about the same story. You're reaching Hillary heights of more reasons for the same thing.

The fact is you're a hard core leftist. Always was, always will be. Why you think it makes you sound better to lie that you were a Republican makes no sense. No one gives you credit for going from stupid to even more stupid as you claim to have done. Even if I believed your lie. So?
Read it, moron. This clearly says you voted for Gore, not W.

Unfortunately, there is more right than wrong in what you are saying here.

Trouble is, 20 years with the Democrats in-charge, unchallenged, would leave the United States bankrupt, and a weak shadow of its former glory.

Gee, I don't know. things were pretty awesome after 8 years of Bill Clinton. Imagine if we got AL Gore in 2000 and Hillary in 2008... how awesome things would be now.

But instead your boy Bush stole the election, gave away the surplus to the rich, started a war on a credit card and let a major city get washed out to sea
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Putting down a Viet Vet on his deathbed is beyond unmitigated gall

And it comes strait from Trump

Fuck him, and the bones spurs he rode in on sez I


Ssuuurrreeeee there, Sport. That's your standard ...

The voices in your head told you they told W that?

I posted a link to the transcript of the PDB from August 6th, 2001, where Bush was specifically warned that Bin Laden was seeking to strike the US, with a focus on hijacking airplanes.

Bush's response?

We've known for years now that George W. Bush received a presidential daily briefingon Aug. 6, 2001, in which he was warned: "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." We've known for almost as long that Bush went fishing afterward.
What we didn't know is what happened in between the briefing and the fishing, and now Suskind is here to tell us. Bush listened to the briefing, Suskind says, then told the CIA briefer: "All right. You've covered your ass, now."

Ron Suskind, George W. Bush and the Aug. 6, 2001, PDB

Bush was told 50,000 things. You're a complete imbecile that you think in six months he was going to undo Clinton's lack of action and figure out specifically what they were going to do and how they were going to stop it.

That while you let Obama off the hook completely.

The President doesn't do this, moron. The intelligence community does. It's because Colin Powell is black, isn't it?
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?

I think McCain is good man. A rare mold of politician that truly attempts to reach across the political isle to try and get things done for his constituency. More of a moderate that sees both viewpoints and tries to find a rational, bipartisan solution to our problems. Sometimes this has worked to his detriment, but it is usually when dealing with clueless politicos from his own party.

His military experience concludes to him being nothing short of a hero. It is only questioned by ignorant haters and generally deplorable human beings that envy his successes. Society doesn't really pay these assholes much attention anyway, so it's kind of a wash, I suppose.

He's a super down-to-earth person to talk with. He possesses a quick sense of humor and a bite of sarcasm you wouldn't expect from a senator. I think it will truly be a shame when a man of his stature eventually passes on. His legacy will be preserved for years to come.

If that were the case, then why was he always “moderate” on votes to go to war, and votes FOR Obamacare and everything else his constituents hate? Why is he so against waterboarding, but is compliantly willing to send our young people to some shit hole country to get killed and even tortured ? Na, McTumor just got elected to roast in the third district of hell. Fuck’em.
Sure, Guy. You've told a consistent account since your last consistent account where you told me you switched parties in 2000 because the Supreme Court stopped Gore from stealing the election.

Please point out where I said I switched parties in 2000.


Oh, that's right. You can't.

ou've also told me the consistent account that you switched parties because the Republicans are racists.

Actually, I always knew the Republicans were a little racist... but they've gotten worse in recent years.. Obama made you guys batshit crazy... next.

Then there's your consistent account it was because your boss shit canned you for your medical expenses and you don't know what group rates are. Now your boss fired you becuase of unions as if that makes sense.

What do you think our discussion was about? I ran up a lot of medical expenses, and shortly after that, there was a concerted effort to screw me over professionally, where downsizing me was the last step. and, yes, the discussion about unions was part of that, because when I rightly pointed out that I had seniority and an unblemished record, my wonderful boss pointed out, "Well, that's why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union."

It's a lot more complicated than that, and I've told the story in other places with more detail, but please pick out a tidbit here and there and show your poor reading comprehenson skills.

The fact is you're a hard core leftist. Always was, always will be.

Nope, really wasn't.

I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me, as Ronald Reagan would say.

Ronald Reagan would be a RINO according to you guys, you'd give him as much abuse as you are giving McCain now.

The thing is your party went crazy and I refused to go along for the ride.
Sure, Guy. You've told a consistent account since your last consistent account where you told me you switched parties in 2000 because the Supreme Court stopped Gore from stealing the election.

Please point out where I said I switched parties in 2000.


Oh, that's right. You can't.

ou've also told me the consistent account that you switched parties because the Republicans are racists.

Actually, I always knew the Republicans were a little racist... but they've gotten worse in recent years.. Obama made you guys batshit crazy... next.

Then there's your consistent account it was because your boss shit canned you for your medical expenses and you don't know what group rates are. Now your boss fired you becuase of unions as if that makes sense.

What do you think our discussion was about? I ran up a lot of medical expenses, and shortly after that, there was a concerted effort to screw me over professionally, where downsizing me was the last step. and, yes, the discussion about unions was part of that, because when I rightly pointed out that I had seniority and an unblemished record, my wonderful boss pointed out, "Well, that's why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union."

It's a lot more complicated than that, and I've told the story in other places with more detail, but please pick out a tidbit here and there and show your poor reading comprehenson skills.

The fact is you're a hard core leftist. Always was, always will be.

Nope, really wasn't.

I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me, as Ronald Reagan would say.

Ronald Reagan would be a RINO according to you guys, you'd give him as much abuse as you are giving McCain now.

The thing is your party went crazy and I refused to go along for the ride.

The Republicans left you because they weren't moving fast enough to the left, so you jumped over them and went to the Democrats. Gotcha
Ah, so you blame Clinton for Timothy McVeigh, do you? Happened on his watch. That's your standard, right Joe? You being a consistent guy and all?

Was Clinton given a PDB a month before OKC saying, "Timmy McVeigh determined to strike"?

That's right. He wasn't.

You excused Clinton for 9/11 because even though the terrorists were already in the US training under him, you said it wasn't on his watch anymore. So, McVeigh was. So it was Clinton's personal fault. According to your standard. It's because you hate black people, isn't it?
When I read partially what was written here I asked myself what's more worse: to be an enemy of the USA, to be a friend of the USA or to be a citizen of the USA. What a luck to be a bird.

The Republicans left you because they weren't moving fast enough to the left, so you jumped over them and went to the Democrats. Gotcha

Um, no, the Republicans went to the crazy right. The Libertarians were considered a joke by regular Republicans back in 1980... I think we called them "Right Wing Hippies"... Today, thanks to Sugar Daddies like the Kochs, they are the tail wagging the dog.

Ronald Reagan wouldn't be welcome in today's Republican Party. He was anti-Russia, granted amnesty to illegals, supported the Brady Bill, worked with Democrats to solve problems.

You'd have treated the REAL Reagan like you are treating McCain now.

Thankfully, thanks to the wonders of Hate Radio, you guys have imaginary Reagan, whom you can pretend was this paragon of Conservative virtue. Which is understandable... you guys can't brag about either Bush, Ford, Nixon and Eisenhower was practically a commie by Republican Standards. I'm sure the excuses for Trumpenfuhrer are already being formulated.

You excused Clinton for 9/11 because even though the terrorists were already in the US training under him, you said it wasn't on his watch anymore. So, McVeigh was. So it was Clinton's personal fault. According to your standard.

McVeigh was not part of a huge organization dedicated to committing terrorism. He was just some loser who made a bomb. Al Qaeda, on the other hand, had been in operation for some time.

The thing was, Clinton tried to do something about Al Qaeda... and when he did, the Right (Myself included) accused him of "Wagging the Dog" and went right on talking about all things Lewinsky.
The Republicans left you because they weren't moving fast enough to the left, so you jumped over them and went to the Democrats. Gotcha

Um, no, the Republicans went to the crazy right. The Libertarians were considered a joke by regular Republicans back in 1980... I think we called them "Right Wing Hippies"... Today, thanks to Sugar Daddies like the Kochs, they are the tail wagging the dog.

Ronald Reagan wouldn't be welcome in today's Republican Party. He was anti-Russia, granted amnesty to illegals, supported the Brady Bill, worked with Democrats to solve problems.

You'd have treated the REAL Reagan like you are treating McCain now.

Thankfully, thanks to the wonders of Hate Radio, you guys have imaginary Reagan, whom you can pretend was this paragon of Conservative virtue. Which is understandable... you guys can't brag about either Bush, Ford, Nixon and Eisenhower was practically a commie by Republican Standards. I'm sure the excuses for Trumpenfuhrer are already being formulated.

Give me some examples of how Republicans have moved to the "right." They've moved steadily leftward

You excused Clinton for 9/11 because even though the terrorists were already in the US training under him, you said it wasn't on his watch anymore. So, McVeigh was. So it was Clinton's personal fault. According to your standard.

McVeigh was not part of a huge organization dedicated to committing terrorism. He was just some loser who made a bomb. Al Qaeda, on the other hand, had been in operation for some time.

The thing was, Clinton tried to do something about Al Qaeda... and when he did, the Right (Myself included) accused him of "Wagging the Dog" and went right on talking about all things Lewinsky.

Joe: 9/11 was on W's watch, period

Ever since then, every time I bring up another perspective, your standard changes, and changes, and changes.

You going to write a book? I have a title for you. What Happened?
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?

None of the above. He was a hero, and a misguided senator. His heart was in the right place most of the time.

Yeah, go ahead and laugh, but that's how I truly feel.
Give me some examples of how Republicans have moved to the "right." They've moved steadily leftward

Um, I just did... OH, never mind.

Joe: 9/11 was on W's watch, period

Ever since then, every time I bring up another perspective, your standard changes, and changes, and changes.

No change in standard at all.

We knew Al Qaeda was a threat. the CIA TOLD BUSH THEY WERE GOING TO ATTACK.

Bush did... nothing.

Now, if you point out where someone warned Clinton that a crazy ex-Army sergeant was going to blow up a bunch of kids because he read the Turner Diaries, then you might have point.... but frankly, no one really thought that the short lived Militia movement was going to be that big of a deal.
Give me some examples of how Republicans have moved to the "right." They've moved steadily leftward

Um, I just did... OH, never mind.

Joe: 9/11 was on W's watch, period

Ever since then, every time I bring up another perspective, your standard changes, and changes, and changes.

No change in standard at all.

We knew Al Qaeda was a threat. the CIA TOLD BUSH THEY WERE GOING TO ATTACK.

Bush did... nothing.

Now, if you point out where someone warned Clinton that a crazy ex-Army sergeant was going to blow up a bunch of kids because he read the Turner Diaries, then you might have point.... but frankly, no one really thought that the short lived Militia movement was going to be that big of a deal.

I was looking for more than this, "He was anti-Russia, granted amnesty to illegals, supported the Brady Bill."

The Russian thing is your Trump Derangement Syndrome. Republicans are anti-Russia, Democrats love them. You personally argue that it's fine we sold them 20% of our uranium reserves. You and the Democrats are fine they bought Hillary and gave her $145 million overall and paid half a mil to her bank account. This is just garbage.

Reagan granted amnesty to illegals. In return for a belief he had made a deal to end illegal immigration. No different than today.

Supported the Brady bill. Libertarians don't, "Republicans" have no problem with lots of gun control

I meant REAL reasons, not your contrived crap.

Again, how have Republicans actually moved to the right? I mean the actual party. Not hand picked people to the right of the party. Those existed then and now
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