What do you say in the end about McCain?

What say you about John McCain

  • McCain was a military hero and a patriot in the Senate

  • McCain was a military hero and an abomination of humanity in the Senate

  • McCain was a military coward but a great Senator

  • McCain was just an abysmal human being across the board

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The Russian thing is your Trump Derangement Syndrome. Republicans are anti-Russia, Democrats love them. You personally argue that it's fine we sold them 20% of our uranium reserves. You and the Democrats are fine they bought Hillary and gave her $145 million overall and paid half a mil to her bank account. This is just garbage.

Because it's a garbage claim, and only really stupid people buy into that. An international conglomerate bought a company that was economically failing. sorry, man, corporations are the nation states of today.

Trump is owned by the Russians. The connections have been well established.

Reagan granted amnesty to illegals. In return for a belief he had made a deal to end illegal immigration. No different than today.

Okay, that's kind of a lame excuse, since what he actually did pretty much promised us more illegal immigration. He put the onus on proving citizenship on employers. That was pretty much putting the foxes in charge of the chicken coop.

You see, this is where you guys are kind of dumb. Republicans are very good at playing on your racism, sexism and homophobia, but at the end of the day, if those things conflict with what the one percent want, nothing happens on them.

It's why the Rich always get their tax cuts, but abortion never gets banned.

Oh, I could add to my previous list- Reagan appointed sensible moderates to the courts.

Again, how have Republicans actually moved to the right? I mean the actual party. Not hand picked people to the right of the party. Those existed then and now

Um, guy, I gave you a list where Ronald Reagan - St. Ronnie, hero of the Right because he didn't fuck up everything before he left - was a moderate who did things no Republican would tolerate today.

That was before the Libertarian Crazies, the Religious Nuts and the One Percenters hijacked the party to become the Cult of Trump.

The Republicans left you because they weren't moving fast enough to the left, so you jumped over them and went to the Democrats. Gotcha

Um, no, the Republicans went to the crazy right. The Libertarians were considered a joke by regular Republicans back in 1980... I think we called them "Right Wing Hippies"... Today, thanks to Sugar Daddies like the Kochs, they are the tail wagging the dog.

Ronald Reagan wouldn't be welcome in today's Republican Party. He was anti-Russia, granted amnesty to illegals, supported the Brady Bill, worked with Democrats to solve problems.

You'd have treated the REAL Reagan like you are treating McCain now.

Thankfully, thanks to the wonders of Hate Radio, you guys have imaginary Reagan, whom you can pretend was this paragon of Conservative virtue. Which is understandable... you guys can't brag about either Bush, Ford, Nixon and Eisenhower was practically a commie by Republican Standards. I'm sure the excuses for Trumpenfuhrer are already being formulated.

You excused Clinton for 9/11 because even though the terrorists were already in the US training under him, you said it wasn't on his watch anymore. So, McVeigh was. So it was Clinton's personal fault. According to your standard.

McVeigh was not part of a huge organization dedicated to committing terrorism. He was just some loser who made a bomb. Al Qaeda, on the other hand, had been in operation for some time.

The thing was, Clinton tried to do something about Al Qaeda... and when he did, the Right (Myself included) accused him of "Wagging the Dog" and went right on talking about all things Lewinsky.

Oh look, another Stalinist who is lying that you used to be Conservative.

Why do you lying fucks do this? No one believes you. You were a 60's Maoist radical who has promoted violent Marxism your entire life.

I really don't get what your masters at ThinkProgress and the other Soros sites think that they gain by training you drones to spew such absurd lies.
The Russian thing is your Trump Derangement Syndrome. Republicans are anti-Russia, Democrats love them. You personally argue that it's fine we sold them 20% of our uranium reserves. You and the Democrats are fine they bought Hillary and gave her $145 million overall and paid half a mil to her bank account. This is just garbage.

Because it's a garbage claim, and only really stupid people buy into that. An international conglomerate bought a company that was economically failing. sorry, man, corporations are the nation states of today.

Trump is owned by the Russians. The connections have been well established.

Reagan granted amnesty to illegals. In return for a belief he had made a deal to end illegal immigration. No different than today.

Okay, that's kind of a lame excuse, since what he actually did pretty much promised us more illegal immigration. He put the onus on proving citizenship on employers. That was pretty much putting the foxes in charge of the chicken coop.

You see, this is where you guys are kind of dumb. Republicans are very good at playing on your racism, sexism and homophobia, but at the end of the day, if those things conflict with what the one percent want, nothing happens on them.

It's why the Rich always get their tax cuts, but abortion never gets banned.

Oh, I could add to my previous list- Reagan appointed sensible moderates to the courts.

Again, how have Republicans actually moved to the right? I mean the actual party. Not hand picked people to the right of the party. Those existed then and now

Um, guy, I gave you a list where Ronald Reagan - St. Ronnie, hero of the Right because he didn't fuck up everything before he left - was a moderate who did things no Republican would tolerate today.

That was before the Libertarian Crazies, the Religious Nuts and the One Percenters hijacked the party to become the Cult of Trump.

It cracks me up how you're so moronic that while you claim to have voted for all these Republicans, you're not one. I didn't, but to you I am one. And I'm responsible for all these people that you voted for and I didn't. Can't make up the stupid that you actually are
It cracks me up how you're so moronic that while you claim to have voted for all these Republicans, you're not one. I didn't, but to you I am one. And I'm responsible for all these people that you voted for and I didn't. Can't make up the stupid that you actually are

Hey, I'd have no problem voting for the Republican Party of Reagan and Ford. I wouldn't have much of a problem voting for the one of the Bush family if they weren't so fucking incompetent.

The party of Trump, though, is more of a cult... and you drink deep of the koolaid.
It cracks me up how you're so moronic that while you claim to have voted for all these Republicans, you're not one. I didn't, but to you I am one. And I'm responsible for all these people that you voted for and I didn't. Can't make up the stupid that you actually are

Hey, I'd have no problem voting for the Republican Party of Reagan and Ford. I wouldn't have much of a problem voting for the one of the Bush family if they weren't so fucking incompetent.

The party of Trump, though, is more of a cult... and you drink deep of the koolaid.

Dude, you're the one who voted for Trump. More of your stupid shit that I'm responsible for who I didn't vote for and you did but you're not responsible for who you voted for. You never are
Dude, you're the one who voted for Trump. More of your stupid shit that I'm responsible for who I didn't vote for and you did but you're not responsible for who you voted for. You never are

Okay, so you aren't really trying to have a conversation, are you?

Your concession is duly noted. McCain is a great American,and you are an awful person.
Dude, you're the one who voted for Trump. More of your stupid shit that I'm responsible for who I didn't vote for and you did but you're not responsible for who you voted for. You never are

Okay, so you aren't really trying to have a conversation, are you?

Your concession is duly noted. McCain is a great American,and you are an awful person.

Joe: You support State rights because you're racist

Joe: You'd support welfare if only white people got it, but you'd rather no one get it if it means black people will get it

Joe: I'm on Al Gore's side, I voted for W ... twice

Joe: You're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter,

And you say I don't really want to have a conversation?

And you say that to my response to a post you called me a Trump supporter. I'm a libertarian who voted for Gary Johnson. You're seriously a stupid fuck, Joe
Dude, you're the one who voted for Trump. More of your stupid shit that I'm responsible for who I didn't vote for and you did but you're not responsible for who you voted for. You never are

Okay, so you aren't really trying to have a conversation, are you?

Your concession is duly noted. McCain is a great American,and you are an awful person.

Joe: You support State rights because you're racist

Joe: You'd support welfare if only white people got it, but you'd rather no one get it if it means black people will get it

Joe: I'm on Al Gore's side, I voted for W ... twice

Joe: You're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter,

And you say I don't really want to have a conversation?

And you say that to my response to a post you called me a Trump supporter. I'm a libertarian who voted for Gary Johnson. You're seriously a stupid fuck, Joe

Dumb ass believes that if you didn’t vote for Hillary you were a Trump supporter because to him there was only one choice. He is stuck in the old two party system, amazing how the rest of the world has moved on from the two party system, yet in America big business still has the masses fooled.
And you say I don't really want to have a conversation?

Well, obviously, you don't since you want to claim things i didn't say... but never mind...

when you develop the reading comprehension skills to address what I actually say, and then have someone explain the big words to you, let me know.

Dumb ass believes that if you didn’t vote for Hillary you were a Trump supporter because to him there was only one choice. He is stuck in the old two party system, amazing how the rest of the world has moved on from the two party system, yet in America big business still has the masses fooled.

I'm a pragmatist. There were only two choices. Only one of two people were going to be president in 2016. The Electoral College you Trump Cultists praised has effectively locked us into a two party system. Theres' simply no way that a third party can evolve.

Let's look at the recent third parties-

Gary Johnson- Dope Smoking Nut
Jill Stein - Nut.
Ralph Nader - Nut
Pat Buchanan - Nazi and Nut
Ross Perot - Nut

see a pattern here, buddy?
And you say I don't really want to have a conversation?

Well, obviously, you don't since you want to claim things i didn't say... but never mind...

when you develop the reading comprehension skills to address what I actually say, and then have someone explain the big words to you, let me know.

Dumb ass believes that if you didn’t vote for Hillary you were a Trump supporter because to him there was only one choice. He is stuck in the old two party system, amazing how the rest of the world has moved on from the two party system, yet in America big business still has the masses fooled.

I'm a pragmatist. There were only two choices. Only one of two people were going to be president in 2016. The Electoral College you Trump Cultists praised has effectively locked us into a two party system. Theres' simply no way that a third party can evolve.

Let's look at the recent third parties-

Gary Johnson- Dope Smoking Nut
Jill Stein - Nut.
Ralph Nader - Nut
Pat Buchanan - Nazi and Nut
Ross Perot - Nut

see a pattern here, buddy?
Actually Pat Buchanan is a Catholic nut...
And you say I don't really want to have a conversation?

Well, obviously, you don't since you want to claim things i didn't say... but never mind...

when you develop the reading comprehension skills to address what I actually say, and then have someone explain the big words to you, let me know.

Dumb ass believes that if you didn’t vote for Hillary you were a Trump supporter because to him there was only one choice. He is stuck in the old two party system, amazing how the rest of the world has moved on from the two party system, yet in America big business still has the masses fooled.

I'm a pragmatist. There were only two choices. Only one of two people were going to be president in 2016. The Electoral College you Trump Cultists praised has effectively locked us into a two party system. Theres' simply no way that a third party can evolve.

Let's look at the recent third parties-

Gary Johnson- Dope Smoking Nut
Jill Stein - Nut.
Ralph Nader - Nut
Pat Buchanan - Nazi and Nut
Ross Perot - Nut

see a pattern here, buddy?

Pragmatist? :lmao:

You're a Stalinist.
And you say I don't really want to have a conversation?

Well, obviously, you don't since you want to claim things i didn't say... but never mind...

when you develop the reading comprehension skills to address what I actually say, and then have someone explain the big words to you, let me know.

Dumb ass believes that if you didn’t vote for Hillary you were a Trump supporter because to him there was only one choice. He is stuck in the old two party system, amazing how the rest of the world has moved on from the two party system, yet in America big business still has the masses fooled.

I'm a pragmatist. There were only two choices. Only one of two people were going to be president in 2016. The Electoral College you Trump Cultists praised has effectively locked us into a two party system. Theres' simply no way that a third party can evolve.

Let's look at the recent third parties-

Gary Johnson- Dope Smoking Nut
Jill Stein - Nut.
Ralph Nader - Nut
Pat Buchanan - Nazi and Nut
Ross Perot - Nut

see a pattern here, buddy?

Pragmatist? :lmao:

You're a Stalinist.
Sitting in his mother’s basement
And you say I don't really want to have a conversation?

Well, obviously, you don't since you want to claim things i didn't say... but never mind...

when you develop the reading comprehension skills to address what I actually say, and then have someone explain the big words to you, let me know.

Dumb ass believes that if you didn’t vote for Hillary you were a Trump supporter because to him there was only one choice. He is stuck in the old two party system, amazing how the rest of the world has moved on from the two party system, yet in America big business still has the masses fooled.

I'm a pragmatist. There were only two choices. Only one of two people were going to be president in 2016. The Electoral College you Trump Cultists praised has effectively locked us into a two party system. Theres' simply no way that a third party can evolve.

Let's look at the recent third parties-

Gary Johnson- Dope Smoking Nut
Jill Stein - Nut.
Ralph Nader - Nut
Pat Buchanan - Nazi and Nut
Ross Perot - Nut

see a pattern here, buddy?

Yep, it’s all about your opinion and no one else’s. I’m not as narrow minded and narcissistic as you. I believe the only way to change is to fight the status quo, it may or may not work however at least I’m trying something different while you go with the flow of big business friendly candidates.
  • Thanks
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Yep, it’s all about your opinion and no one else’s. I’m not as narrow minded and narcissistic as you. I believe the only way to change is to fight the status quo, it may or may not work however at least I’m trying something different while you go with the flow of big business friendly candidates.

Guy, the thing is, you avoided the point.

What's the point of voting for someone who has NO CHANCE OF WINNING. The week before the election, you could have had film of Hillary shooting Vince Foster and Trump shooting his Russian Pee Hookers, and Gary Johnson STILL would not have won.

now, there is a way to get to a multi-party system. Have a system like France has.. But the EC pretty much locks you into two parties, which is we've had the same two parties since 1856.
Yep, it’s all about your opinion and no one else’s. I’m not as narrow minded and narcissistic as you. I believe the only way to change is to fight the status quo, it may or may not work however at least I’m trying something different while you go with the flow of big business friendly candidates.

Guy, the thing is, you avoided the point.

What's the point of voting for someone who has NO CHANCE OF WINNING. The week before the election, you could have had film of Hillary shooting Vince Foster and Trump shooting his Russian Pee Hookers, and Gary Johnson STILL would not have won.

now, there is a way to get to a multi-party system. Have a system like France has.. But the EC pretty much locks you into two parties, which is we've had the same two parties since 1856.

That is because lemmings such as yourself are locked into voting for either or, you won’t look at anyone else, the problem is most people think like you. EC or no EC the two major parties got 95% of the vote thanks to the dittoheads such as yourself that can’t think for themselves.

Big business backs two parties and only two parties, that is why we have a two party system and it didn’t matter who else ran in 2016, you would have voted for a Democrat because you were told to by the party, advertising and corporate America.
It cracks me up how you're so moronic that while you claim to have voted for all these Republicans, you're not one. I didn't, but to you I am one. And I'm responsible for all these people that you voted for and I didn't. Can't make up the stupid that you actually are

Hey, I'd have no problem voting for the Republican Party of Reagan and Ford. I wouldn't have much of a problem voting for the one of the Bush family if they weren't so fucking incompetent.

The party of Trump, though, is more of a cult... and you drink deep of the koolaid.

Dude, you're the one who voted for Trump. More of your stupid shit that I'm responsible for who I didn't vote for and you did but you're not responsible for who you voted for. You never are
He didn't vote Trump... That's my opinion, and you keyed in on it.
Dude, you're the one who voted for Trump. More of your stupid shit that I'm responsible for who I didn't vote for and you did but you're not responsible for who you voted for. You never are

Okay, so you aren't really trying to have a conversation, are you?

Your concession is duly noted. McCain is a great American,and you are an awful person.

Joe: You support State rights because you're racist

Joe: You'd support welfare if only white people got it, but you'd rather no one get it if it means black people will get it

Joe: I'm on Al Gore's side, I voted for W ... twice

Joe: You're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter, you're a Trump supporter,

And you say I don't really want to have a conversation?

And you say that to my response to a post you called me a Trump supporter. I'm a libertarian who voted for Gary Johnson. You're seriously a stupid fuck, Joe

Dumb ass believes that if you didn’t vote for Hillary you were a Trump supporter because to him there was only one choice. He is stuck in the old two party system, amazing how the rest of the world has moved on from the two party system, yet in America big business still has the masses fooled.

Yes, that's it exactly. Not Hillary = Trump. Joe's not very bright. Then leftists turn around and say they are smarter than Republicans because they aren't all black and white like Republicans are ...
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