What do you say in the end about McCain?

What say you about John McCain

  • McCain was a military hero and a patriot in the Senate

  • McCain was a military hero and an abomination of humanity in the Senate

  • McCain was a military coward but a great Senator

  • McCain was just an abysmal human being across the board

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I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
McCain was a patriot even when I didn’t agree with him. The only think he did that hurt this country was pick plain as a running mate.

You can disagree with someone and know that they did what they thought was best.

Unlike the trumpscum who hate this country.

That had nothing to do with Trump, sweetie. The Trump Derangement Syndrome is strong in you
I favor sensible gun control because I am sick and fucking tired of turning on the news and finding out some other emotionally disturbed kid shot up a bunch of his classmates because guns are too easy to get in this country

Bull shit. You hate people. You don't really care. It's about government having a monopoly on power and freely redistributing wealth that you're all about.

You prove that every shooting with that your supposed solution is to further disarm victims. Yeah, that's a plan ...
Well, obviously, you don't since you want to claim things i didn't say... but never mind...

when you develop the reading comprehension skills to address what I actually say, and then have someone explain the big words to you, let me know.

I'm a pragmatist. There were only two choices. Only one of two people were going to be president in 2016. The Electoral College you Trump Cultists praised has effectively locked us into a two party system. Theres' simply no way that a third party can evolve.

Let's look at the recent third parties-

Gary Johnson- Dope Smoking Nut
Jill Stein - Nut.
Ralph Nader - Nut
Pat Buchanan - Nazi and Nut
Ross Perot - Nut

see a pattern here, buddy?

I only voted for two of those. Even your descriptions of them are better though than the reality of what the two parties keep giving us though

I voted for Johnson, but I regret it.

I would very much vote for Trump if I had a do-over.
but you're voting dem in nov?

That was meant for Un

I know, but it made no sense. Why would he vote Dem in November from anything he said?
And after one serious post, you're back to your usual fare.

1) I'm not a Libertarian, I'm a libertarian. Pathetic that a supposed resume writer doesn't know the difference. I sure the hell hope for your victims, I mean clients, you actually do know the difference.

Funny you should mention that. I actually did have to write one for one of you loons. This woman stopped listening to Michael Savage because he wasn't crazy enough for her. She wanted to get a job with an organization that promoted Ayn Rand's ideas... So I did write that resume for her, but i also wrote a backup one for jobs that actually exist... and she got one with that one.

2) We're not anarchists, you fucking moron. We support taxes for limited government

Which means government that does things you like. We get that. The thing is, government sometimes does things you don't like but the rest of us do.

I don't belong to the party. I've only voted four times for them for President. I've also voted for other third party like Perot and Nader. I only voted Republican once since I left the Republican party, that was Romney.

Whatever, guy. So you vote for nuts who have no chance of being president, until that day your racism got the better of you and you voted for a member of an insane cult because you hate the black guy so much. Got it.

(Frankly, I can't think of any other reason why a so-called libertarian would vote for Corporate Clown Mitt, the ultimate product of a GOP establishment you'd think he was grown in a Lab in Salt Lake City.)

You first said it was over 2000 when you left because the SCOTUS stopped Gore from stealing the election, then Romney because you're deranged over Mormons. But you were never actually a Republican.

Um, no, I never said that... you see why I don't take you seriously. You can't argue against what I actually said, so you just make shit up.

I've been pretty clear all along, I voted for Bush both times. I also voted for McCain in 2008, even after Bush fucked things up. McCain was a decent guy, and frankly, could have led the GOP back to Sanity. But two things bothered me about the GOP.

1) That for all their talk about morality and social issues, they always, always, always put the interests of big business and corporations over those of working folks like me.

2) That when you have a party run by the religious crazies, you get a lot of irrational stuff. This became kind of crystal clear when you had a GOP convention after Obama won, and the speakers were Magic Underwear Mitt, Witch hunter Sarah, Rapture Huckabee and the Exorcist Piyush Jindal.

The 14th Century called, guys, they want their superstitions back!
I only voted for two of those. Even your descriptions of them are better though than the reality of what the two parties keep giving us though

I voted for Johnson, but I regret it.

I would very much vote for Trump if I had a do-over.
but you're voting dem in nov?

That was meant for Un

I know, but it made no sense. Why would he vote Dem in November from anything he said?
He previously said ,I thought,
, he's be voting Dem in Nov. Did I err?
Bull shit. You hate people.

See, when you can't win an argument, just make up things that I say...

You don't really care. It's about government having a monopoly on power and freely redistributing wealth that you're all about.

Um, no. Guy, other countries don't let every angst filled teen get a machine gun and they are just as free as we are. The two things don't even connect.

You prove that every shooting with that your supposed solution is to further disarm victims. Yeah, that's a plan ...

I don't worry about the victims being "armed", because the good guy with a gun is usually the first victim.

I worry more that every time we have one of these mass shootings, we find out that everyone in the shooter's life knew he was crazy, but he was able to get a gun, anyway.
If McCain would have stayed true to his Maverick roots and not picked that dingbat as a running mate he could have been president. He became a rightwing nutjob during his campaign.
If McCain would have stayed true to his Maverick roots and not picked that dingbat as a running mate he could have been president. He became a rightwing nutjob during his campaign.

You know what, Palin horrifies me as much as the next person, but she's not the reason he lost.

The reason he lost was because he wanted to continue Bush's War in Iraq, even though everyone realized it was a terrible idea at that point. On top of that, the bottom fell out of the economy two months before the election..

Keep in mind, most of the more horrifying stuff we found out about Palin we found out AFTER she lost the election and she discovered she could make a lot of money telling the Fox News Audience whatever they wanted to hear.
I only voted for two of those. Even your descriptions of them are better though than the reality of what the two parties keep giving us though

I voted for Johnson, but I regret it.

I would very much vote for Trump if I had a do-over.
but you're voting dem in nov?

That was meant for Un

I know, but it made no sense. Why would he vote Dem in November from anything he said?
It made no sense to me either ,,I know he said it ,my eyes don't deceive me ,BUT looking for it ,it's disappeared
And you say I don't really want to have a conversation?

Well, obviously, you don't since you want to claim things i didn't say... but never mind...

when you develop the reading comprehension skills to address what I actually say, and then have someone explain the big words to you, let me know.

Dumb ass believes that if you didn’t vote for Hillary you were a Trump supporter because to him there was only one choice. He is stuck in the old two party system, amazing how the rest of the world has moved on from the two party system, yet in America big business still has the masses fooled.

I'm a pragmatist. There were only two choices. Only one of two people were going to be president in 2016. The Electoral College you Trump Cultists praised has effectively locked us into a two party system. Theres' simply no way that a third party can evolve.

Let's look at the recent third parties-

Gary Johnson- Dope Smoking Nut
Jill Stein - Nut.
Ralph Nader - Nut
Pat Buchanan - Nazi and Nut
Ross Perot - Nut

see a pattern here, buddy?

I only voted for two of those. Even your descriptions of them are better though than the reality of what the two parties keep giving us though

I voted for Johnson, but I regret it.

I would very much vote for Trump if I had a do-over.
but you're voting dem in nov?

Why would I vote for the deMS-13?

Only idiots and traitors vote for the democrats.
And you say I don't really want to have a conversation?

Well, obviously, you don't since you want to claim things i didn't say... but never mind...

when you develop the reading comprehension skills to address what I actually say, and then have someone explain the big words to you, let me know.

Dumb ass believes that if you didn’t vote for Hillary you were a Trump supporter because to him there was only one choice. He is stuck in the old two party system, amazing how the rest of the world has moved on from the two party system, yet in America big business still has the masses fooled.

I'm a pragmatist. There were only two choices. Only one of two people were going to be president in 2016. The Electoral College you Trump Cultists praised has effectively locked us into a two party system. Theres' simply no way that a third party can evolve.

Let's look at the recent third parties-

Gary Johnson- Dope Smoking Nut
Jill Stein - Nut.
Ralph Nader - Nut
Pat Buchanan - Nazi and Nut
Ross Perot - Nut

see a pattern here, buddy?

I only voted for two of those. Even your descriptions of them are better though than the reality of what the two parties keep giving us though

I voted for Johnson, but I regret it.

I would very much vote for Trump if I had a do-over.
but you're voting dem in nov?

Why would I vote for the deMS-13?

Only idiots and traitors vote for the democrats.
So republican war hero's like Mueller or McCain are OK by you?
If McCain would have stayed true to his Maverick roots and not picked that dingbat as a running mate he could have been president. He became a rightwing nutjob during his campaign.

The only reason it was even close was because of Palin on the ticket. But the country and media were determined to prove that we are not racist be electing in incompetent, corrupt half breed as president. We had 8 terrible years under this traitor. Obama goes down in history as the worst US president ever, bar none.
That is because lemmings such as yourself are locked into voting for either or, you won’t look at anyone else, the problem is most people think like you. EC or no EC the two major parties got 95% of the vote thanks to the dittoheads such as yourself that can’t think for themselves.

Uh, no, the major parties got 95% of the vote because the minor parties nominate dope smoking communist nuts.

Third parties are the province of loons and people showing how important they are.

But the EC does keep a sensible third party from really evolving. Here's how. Let's say a third party actually does well enough to deny the two parties a majority in the EC. What happens then? The last time a third party actually won a state was in 1968, but it wasn't enough to keep Nixon from winning.

If nobody gets a majority in the EC, the election is then thrown into Congress, where the House picks the President and the Senate picks the Veep. Since Third Parties almost never run full congressional slates, that means we are back to the two major parties picking the winner again.

This was Racist Strom Thurmond's goal in 1948, where he hoped he wouldn't win the election, but he'd get enough votes to throw the election into Congress, and then Congress would elect him over Harry Truman.

Big business backs two parties and only two parties, that is why we have a two party system and it didn’t matter who else ran in 2016, you would have voted for a Democrat because you were told to by the party, advertising and corporate America.

Um, no. You see, I voted for Kasich in the primaries (I usually draw a GOP ballot in the primaries) and had he won the nomination, you know, if the GOP hadn't spent all it's time appealling to libertarian nuts and religious nuts, I'd have voted for him in the general election.

Instead, you guys went full on Crazy and nominated Trumpenfuhrer. So, yeah, you kind of made my choice for me, I guess, but it wasn't big business.

I didn’t vote a dope smoker, so that analogy is just an ignorant, stupid and lazy comment. People will vote for the group that has the money, when the two major parties put billions into their election and the third parties put in a couple million, they won’t win. CFR screwed America over and we won’t get a third party candidate with lemming like yourself.

I supported Kasich over every candidate.

I’m not a Republican and haven’t been since Bush’s second term, since then I have voted for a Republican once. I would have voted for Kasich in the general, I would have voted for him, but I would never vote for bad candidates to keep another bad candidate out. That is pretty dumb ass logic. Clinton was the reason Clinton lost, how freakin bad do you have to run a campaign? Clinton did, her group was not in touch with the people as shown in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan, for them to blame others for their stupidity is beyond my comprehension.
Well, obviously, you don't since you want to claim things i didn't say... but never mind...

when you develop the reading comprehension skills to address what I actually say, and then have someone explain the big words to you, let me know.

I'm a pragmatist. There were only two choices. Only one of two people were going to be president in 2016. The Electoral College you Trump Cultists praised has effectively locked us into a two party system. Theres' simply no way that a third party can evolve.

Let's look at the recent third parties-

Gary Johnson- Dope Smoking Nut
Jill Stein - Nut.
Ralph Nader - Nut
Pat Buchanan - Nazi and Nut
Ross Perot - Nut

see a pattern here, buddy?

I only voted for two of those. Even your descriptions of them are better though than the reality of what the two parties keep giving us though

I voted for Johnson, but I regret it.

I would very much vote for Trump if I had a do-over.
but you're voting dem in nov?

Why would I vote for the deMS-13?

Only idiots and traitors vote for the democrats.
So republican war hero's like Mueller or McCain are OK by you?

those two are not republicans, they are traitors in every sense of the word.
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That is because lemmings such as yourself are locked into voting for either or, you won’t look at anyone else, the problem is most people think like you. EC or no EC the two major parties got 95% of the vote thanks to the dittoheads such as yourself that can’t think for themselves.

Uh, no, the major parties got 95% of the vote because the minor parties nominate dope smoking communist nuts.

Third parties are the province of loons and people showing how important they are.

But the EC does keep a sensible third party from really evolving. Here's how. Let's say a third party actually does well enough to deny the two parties a majority in the EC. What happens then? The last time a third party actually won a state was in 1968, but it wasn't enough to keep Nixon from winning.

If nobody gets a majority in the EC, the election is then thrown into Congress, where the House picks the President and the Senate picks the Veep. Since Third Parties almost never run full congressional slates, that means we are back to the two major parties picking the winner again.

This was Racist Strom Thurmond's goal in 1948, where he hoped he wouldn't win the election, but he'd get enough votes to throw the election into Congress, and then Congress would elect him over Harry Truman.

Big business backs two parties and only two parties, that is why we have a two party system and it didn’t matter who else ran in 2016, you would have voted for a Democrat because you were told to by the party, advertising and corporate America.

Um, no. You see, I voted for Kasich in the primaries (I usually draw a GOP ballot in the primaries) and had he won the nomination, you know, if the GOP hadn't spent all it's time appealling to libertarian nuts and religious nuts, I'd have voted for him in the general election.

Instead, you guys went full on Crazy and nominated Trumpenfuhrer. So, yeah, you kind of made my choice for me, I guess, but it wasn't big business.

I didn’t vote a dope smoker, so that analogy is just an ignorant, stupid and lazy comment. People will vote for the group that has the money, when the two major parties put billions into their election and the third parties put in a couple million, they won’t win. CFR screwed America over and we won’t get a third party candidate with lemming like yourself.

I supported Kasich over every candidate.

I’m not a Republican and haven’t been since Bush’s second term, since then I have voted for a Republican once. I would have voted for Kasich in the general, I would have voted for him, but I would never vote for bad candidates to keep another bad candidate out. That is pretty dumb ass logic. Clinton was the reason Clinton lost, how freakin bad do you have to run a campaign? Clinton did, her group was not in touch with the people as shown in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan, for them to blame others for their stupidity is beyond my comprehension.

you are correct about Clinton, I once thought Kasich would be a good choice, but he revealed himself as a rino.
I think McCain was a military hero. But wow, what a complete douche of a human being as a Senator. What say you?
McCain was a patriot even when I didn’t agree with him. The only think he did that hurt this country was pick plain as a running mate.

You can disagree with someone and know that they did what they thought was best.

Unlike the trumpscum who hate this country.

You weren't on AWE as far as I know, so I have no idea if you were as vicious as your fellow Stalinists. About half the people here did come from AWE and I remember the level of hate aimed at old Open Borders

But you were just as vicious in your slander of Bush as you are with your slander of Trump. The reality is that you radical leftists viciously attack anyone who is an impediment to the party goals. McCain was running against the Messiah. The Communist party didn't just oppose him, your filthy party hated him, you wanted to destroy him.

Anti-McCain campaign

You Communists are not the opposition, you are the enemy. You don't seek to provide an alternative form of governance, you seek to utterly destroy us, the crush us and enslave us.
That is because lemmings such as yourself are locked into voting for either or, you won’t look at anyone else, the problem is most people think like you. EC or no EC the two major parties got 95% of the vote thanks to the dittoheads such as yourself that can’t think for themselves.

Uh, no, the major parties got 95% of the vote because the minor parties nominate dope smoking communist nuts

You're right about Gary Johnson. I was so disappointed in the Libertarian Party. This is three elections in a row they didn't even nominate an actual libertarian.

However, you think the major parties are nominating better? That's so inane. Hillary was one of the worst candidates ever nominated by any party ever. She lost to a guy with an approval rating in the 30s ... during the election ... And she thoroughly earned it ...

I couldn’t vote for Johnson, this last election was a total failure of parties nominating the right people. Dems thought Clinton was entitled, so no real candidate ran against her, the GOP realized Clinton was a weak candidate so every establishment Republican ran which left that vote divided and Trump came out on top. The Libertarian Party seems to have lost their way.
You're right about Gary Johnson. I was so disappointed in the Libertarian Party. This is three elections in a row they didn't even nominate an actual libertarian.

However, you think the major parties are nominating better? That's so inane. Hillary was one of the worst candidates ever nominated by any candidate. She lost to a guy with an approval rating in the 30s ... during the election ... And she thoroughly earned it ...

Okay, going to try to talk to you like an adult here.

For the most part, both parties are very good at nominating and electing people who can get the job done. I might not like what they do when they get in, but they can and do appoint sensible people to run the departments, work with Congress to get sensible legislation passed, even when the other party is in charge.

I really, truly hated Mitt Romney with a passion, probably because the fact that Mormonism is even a thing offends me. But you know what, if things turned out differently in 2012, he could have run the country. His policies would have favored rich people, but stuff would have gotten done.

The Third Parties nominate people like Johnson, Stein, Pat Buchanan, Ralph Nader, Ross Perot... loudmouths with an issue or two they are upset about but no idea how to govern if they actually got put in charge of something.

The problem in 2016 was that the GOP nominated the kind of clown that makes a splash as a third party candidate, but is usually washed out by the system.

Yes, Hillary was unlikable enough to where a lot of people indulged their inner misogynist and voted against her, but most of the people got it right and she won the popular vote. But this time, the awful system validated what even the GOP knew was a mistake.

We have a bunch of safeguards in place to prevent something like Trump from happening, but they are all failing, badly.

I often wondered what my Grandparents thought when Hitler came to power in Germany, or what Ancient Romans must have thought when Caligula was parading around Rome thinking he was a god.

I don't wonder that anymore.

Are you comparing Trump to Hitler?
That is because lemmings such as yourself are locked into voting for either or, you won’t look at anyone else, the problem is most people think like you. EC or no EC the two major parties got 95% of the vote thanks to the dittoheads such as yourself that can’t think for themselves.

Uh, no, the major parties got 95% of the vote because the minor parties nominate dope smoking communist nuts

You're right about Gary Johnson. I was so disappointed in the Libertarian Party. This is three elections in a row they didn't even nominate an actual libertarian.

However, you think the major parties are nominating better? That's so inane. Hillary was one of the worst candidates ever nominated by any party ever. She lost to a guy with an approval rating in the 30s ... during the election ... And she thoroughly earned it ...

I couldn’t vote for Johnson, this last election was a total failure of parties nominating the right people. Dems thought Clinton was entitled, so no real candidate ran against her, the GOP realized Clinton was a weak candidate so every establishment Republican ran which left that vote divided and Trump came out on top. The Libertarian Party seems to have lost their way.

somewhat true, however Trump has proven to be a very good and effective president, he is getting things done in spite of the obstructionist dems and the lying media. they all hate him because he is showing up the establishment in both parties and the media for the corrupt liars that they really are.
McCain, Kerry, Mueller, George H.W. Bush, etc all have a record of valiant military service and it is sad when it is twisted into lies or petty insults for partisan politics.
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