What do you say in the end about McCain?

What say you about John McCain

  • McCain was a military hero and a patriot in the Senate

  • McCain was a military hero and an abomination of humanity in the Senate

  • McCain was a military coward but a great Senator

  • McCain was just an abysmal human being across the board

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If McCain would have stayed true to his Maverick roots and not picked that dingbat as a running mate he could have been president. He became a rightwing nutjob during his campaign.

Bull crap, he was a terrible candidate, he was out for McCain and nothing else. He picked Palin to get the more conservative votes because he was a moderate, he also thought she would get more women to vote for her.

His CFR was the reason the Citizens United court ruling occurred, as bad as Obama was McCain was worse.
McCain, Kerry, Mueller, George H.W. Bush, etc all have a record of valiant military service and it is sad when it is twisted into lies or petty insults for partisan politics.

not true of McCain and Kerry. Bush was a navy pilot who was shot down. I know nothing about Mueller's military career, only that he has wasted a year and millions of dollars on a partisan witch hunt.
McCain, Kerry, Mueller, George H.W. Bush, etc all have a record of valiant military service and it is sad when it is twisted into lies or petty insults for partisan politics.

not true of McCain and Kerry. Bush was a navy pilot who was shot down. I know nothing about Mueller's military career, only that he has wasted a year and millions of dollars on a partisan witch hunt.
Try a Bronze star and Purple Heart for starters
McCain, Kerry, Mueller, George H.W. Bush, etc all have a record of valiant military service and it is sad when it is twisted into lies or petty insults for partisan politics.

not true of McCain and Kerry. Bush was a navy pilot who was shot down. I know nothing about Mueller's military career, only that he has wasted a year and millions of dollars on a partisan witch hunt.
So you don't know much.
I didn’t vote a dope smoker, so that analogy is just an ignorant, stupid and lazy comment. People will vote for the group that has the money, when the two major parties put billions into their election and the third parties put in a couple million, they won’t win. CFR screwed America over and we won’t get a third party candidate with lemming like yourself.

So you didn't vote for Dope SmokingGary, you voted for Crazy Mormon McCullough. It's funny you guys are never upfront about what third party loser you did waste your vote on.

We won't get a viable third party because third parties are usually loons. I actually did kind of look into the Reform Party during the 1990's... and those people were all fucking nuts. If big money goes to the main two parties, it's because those parties are usually reliable and sensible.

I’m not a Republican and haven’t been since Bush’s second term, since then I have voted for a Republican once. I would have voted for Kasich in the general, I would have voted for him, but I would never vote for bad candidates to keep another bad candidate out. That is pretty dumb ass logic. Clinton was the reason Clinton lost, how freakin bad do you have to run a campaign? Clinton did, her group was not in touch with the people as shown in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan, for them to blame others for their stupidity is beyond my comprehension.

Or maybe she had more faith in the voters than they deserved. I think there were a lot of people who voted for Trump as a fuck you to both parties, never thinking we'd actually get his crazy Nazi ass in.

Are you comparing Trump to Hitler?

The comparisons draw themselves.

Both used race hatred to gain power.
Both have a disdain for institutions like a free press.
Both use belligerent language of wanting to restore lost glory
Both only came to power because people who should have known better let it happen, thinking they could be controlled.
His CFR was the reason the Citizens United court ruling occurred, as bad as Obama was McCain was worse.

PapaCorkio thinks a government of the corporations by the corporations and for the corporations is a good thing.

The Citizen United ruling was beyond stupid. Wealth transfers are not speech.
McCain, Kerry, Mueller, George H.W. Bush, etc all have a record of valiant military service and it is sad when it is twisted into lies or petty insults for partisan politics.

not true of McCain and Kerry. Bush was a navy pilot who was shot down. I know nothing about Mueller's military career, only that he has wasted a year and millions of dollars on a partisan witch hunt.
Try a Bronze star and Purple Heart for starters

both of them sold out this country, I don't care what medals the military hung on them. They were both traitors, song bird McCain, and Viet Cong Kerry.
McCain, Kerry, Mueller, George H.W. Bush, etc all have a record of valiant military service and it is sad when it is twisted into lies or petty insults for partisan politics.

not true of McCain and Kerry. Bush was a navy pilot who was shot down. I know nothing about Mueller's military career, only that he has wasted a year and millions of dollars on a partisan witch hunt.
So you don't know much.

No one even heard much about Mueller until he was appointed chief witch hunter. It is now becoming clear that the FBI and DOJ were agents of the DNC in 2016. Every one of them should be jailed for life. We are not a banana republic where the intelligence services decide who wins elections. This shit is very serious and must be brought to light and stopped.
If McCain would have stayed true to his Maverick roots and not picked that dingbat as a running mate he could have been president. He became a rightwing nutjob during his campaign.

McCain was chosen to lose. Picking Palin gave him a chance to win. Palin was a reason to vote for the ticket. I didn't, I would never vote FOR Open Borders McCain - but Palin was at least an actual Republican.

But remember, the Stalinist democrats were just as vicious against McCain as they are with Trump. McCain was their target, and like a pack of jackals, the mindless beasts who are democrats attacked on command.
You know what, Palin horrifies me as much as the next person, but she's not the reason he lost.

The reason he lost was because he wanted to continue Bush's War in Iraq, even though everyone realized it was a terrible idea at that point. On top of that, the bottom fell out of the economy two months before the election..

Keep in mind, most of the more horrifying stuff we found out about Palin we found out AFTER she lost the election and she discovered she could make a lot of money telling the Fox News Audience whatever they wanted to hear.

Oh? What is it about Sarah Palin that "horrifies" you, Comrade?
I voted for Johnson, but I regret it.

I would very much vote for Trump if I had a do-over.
but you're voting dem in nov?

That was meant for Un

I know, but it made no sense. Why would he vote Dem in November from anything he said?
It made no sense to me either ,,I know he said it ,my eyes don't deceive me ,BUT looking for it ,it's disappeared

Maybe the Meth has worn off?
I didn’t vote a dope smoker, so that analogy is just an ignorant, stupid and lazy comment. People will vote for the group that has the money, when the two major parties put billions into their election and the third parties put in a couple million, they won’t win. CFR screwed America over and we won’t get a third party candidate with lemming like yourself.

So you didn't vote for Dope SmokingGary, you voted for Crazy Mormon McCullough. It's funny you guys are never upfront about what third party loser you did waste your vote on.

We won't get a viable third party because third parties are usually loons. I actually did kind of look into the Reform Party during the 1990's... and those people were all fucking nuts. If big money goes to the main two parties, it's because those parties are usually reliable and sensible.

I’m not a Republican and haven’t been since Bush’s second term, since then I have voted for a Republican once. I would have voted for Kasich in the general, I would have voted for him, but I would never vote for bad candidates to keep another bad candidate out. That is pretty dumb ass logic. Clinton was the reason Clinton lost, how freakin bad do you have to run a campaign? Clinton did, her group was not in touch with the people as shown in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan, for them to blame others for their stupidity is beyond my comprehension.

Or maybe she had more faith in the voters than they deserved. I think there were a lot of people who voted for Trump as a fuck you to both parties, never thinking we'd actually get his crazy Nazi ass in.

Are you comparing Trump to Hitler?

The comparisons draw themselves.

Both used race hatred to gain power.
Both have a disdain for institutions like a free press.
Both use belligerent language of wanting to restore lost glory
Both only came to power because people who should have known better let it happen, thinking they could be controlled.

I mentioned several times who I voted for before and after the election,so you are totally wrong, again.

I have read several articles where the Clinton campaign didn’t listen to the people in the states in question and failed to act, she now wants to blame others for her failures. Common theme with her.

As far as comparing anyone to Hitler:
Hitler killed how many millions of Jews, homosexuals, religious people? Trump 0.
Hitler had his political opponents tortured and murdered, Trump never has.
Hitler set up concentration camps, Trump none.
Hitler started a World War with the idea of world domination, Trump, nothing.
Hitler kidnapped children to recruit into his Army, Trump has not.
Hitler raped, tortured and killed women, Trump has not.
Hitler used biological warfare to help to win a war, Trump, has not
Hitler Had mobile gas chambers to kill his enemies, Trump has not.

No comparison and only ignorant people that have no clue as to history make such ignorant, bigoted, stupid, hateful statements to stir up hate, racism and bigotry because your hate and being right is more important to real facts. Now try to justify your ridiculously stupid, bigoted, hateful, ignorant comments. I need the laugh.
Well, obviously, you don't since you want to claim things i didn't say... but never mind...

when you develop the reading comprehension skills to address what I actually say, and then have someone explain the big words to you, let me know.

I'm a pragmatist. There were only two choices. Only one of two people were going to be president in 2016. The Electoral College you Trump Cultists praised has effectively locked us into a two party system. Theres' simply no way that a third party can evolve.

Let's look at the recent third parties-

Gary Johnson- Dope Smoking Nut
Jill Stein - Nut.
Ralph Nader - Nut
Pat Buchanan - Nazi and Nut
Ross Perot - Nut

see a pattern here, buddy?

I only voted for two of those. Even your descriptions of them are better though than the reality of what the two parties keep giving us though

I voted for Johnson, but I regret it.

I would very much vote for Trump if I had a do-over.
but you're voting dem in nov?

Why would I vote for the deMS-13?

Only idiots and traitors vote for the democrats.
So republican war hero's like Mueller or McCain are OK by you?

I support liberty, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. All the things you and your filthy Communist party seek to destroy.

Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada is a kunt. Prior service in no way excuses his corrupt actions since. This shit he pulls was a stain on the West when done in the 1400's - for a scumbag like him to revive the evil of the inquisition in his lust to stage a coup is beyond reprehensible.

John McCain has worked for decades to erase the Southern Border, he is and always was bad for America.
If McCain would have stayed true to his Maverick roots and not picked that dingbat as a running mate he could have been president. He became a rightwing nutjob during his campaign.

McCain was chosen to lose. Picking Palin gave him a chance to win. Palin was a reason to vote for the ticket. I didn't, I would never vote FOR Open Borders McCain - but Palin was at least an actual Republican.

But remember, the Stalinist democrats were just as vicious against McCain as they are with Trump. McCain was their target, and like a pack of jackals, the mindless beasts who are democrats attacked on command.
He won his party`s nomination because the GOP`s voters were choosing him to lose? WTF is that supposed to mean? Who commanded the democrats to attack McCain and what is a Stalinist democrat? Try to post something that makes at least a little bit of sense if you can.
His CFR was the reason the Citizens United court ruling occurred, as bad as Obama was McCain was worse.

PapaCorkio thinks a government of the corporations by the corporations and for the corporations is a good thing.

The Citizen United ruling was beyond stupid. Wealth transfers are not speech.

I disagreed with Citizens United, you are a real idiot, you keep thinking you know people and you know shit. Citizens United was a terrible decision and it was because of CFR, had that shit piece of legislation not occurred we would have never had the Citizens United ruling, it opened Pandora’s Box.
I didn’t vote a dope smoker, so that analogy is just an ignorant, stupid and lazy comment. People will vote for the group that has the money, when the two major parties put billions into their election and the third parties put in a couple million, they won’t win. CFR screwed America over and we won’t get a third party candidate with lemming like yourself.

So you didn't vote for Dope SmokingGary, you voted for Crazy Mormon McCullough. It's funny you guys are never upfront about what third party loser you did waste your vote on.

We won't get a viable third party because third parties are usually loons. I actually did kind of look into the Reform Party during the 1990's... and those people were all fucking nuts. If big money goes to the main two parties, it's because those parties are usually reliable and sensible.

I’m not a Republican and haven’t been since Bush’s second term, since then I have voted for a Republican once. I would have voted for Kasich in the general, I would have voted for him, but I would never vote for bad candidates to keep another bad candidate out. That is pretty dumb ass logic. Clinton was the reason Clinton lost, how freakin bad do you have to run a campaign? Clinton did, her group was not in touch with the people as shown in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan, for them to blame others for their stupidity is beyond my comprehension.

Or maybe she had more faith in the voters than they deserved. I think there were a lot of people who voted for Trump as a fuck you to both parties, never thinking we'd actually get his crazy Nazi ass in.

Are you comparing Trump to Hitler?

The comparisons draw themselves.

Both used race hatred to gain power.
Both have a disdain for institutions like a free press.
Both use belligerent language of wanting to restore lost glory
Both only came to power because people who should have known better let it happen, thinking they could be controlled.

I mentioned several times who I voted for before and after the election,so you are totally wrong, again.

I have read several articles where the Clinton campaign didn’t listen to the people in the states in question and failed to act, she now wants to blame others for her failures. Common theme with her.

As far as comparing anyone to Hitler:
Hitler killed how many millions of Jews, homosexuals, religious people? Trump 0.
Hitler had his political opponents tortured and murdered, Trump never has.
Hitler set up concentration camps, Trump none.
Hitler started a World War with the idea of world domination, Trump, nothing.
Hitler kidnapped children to recruit into his Army, Trump has not.
Hitler raped, tortured and killed women, Trump has not.
Hitler used biological warfare to help to win a war, Trump, has not
Hitler Had mobile gas chambers to kill his enemies, Trump has not.

No comparison and only ignorant people that have no clue as to history make such ignorant, bigoted, stupid, hateful statements to stir up hate, racism and bigotry because your hate and being right is more important to real facts. Now try to justify your ridiculously stupid, bigoted, hateful, ignorant comments. I need the laugh.
Trump supporters? You bet.tiki torch hitler salute photos - Bing images
You know what, Palin horrifies me as much as the next person, but she's not the reason he lost.

The reason he lost was because he wanted to continue Bush's War in Iraq, even though everyone realized it was a terrible idea at that point. On top of that, the bottom fell out of the economy two months before the election..

Keep in mind, most of the more horrifying stuff we found out about Palin we found out AFTER she lost the election and she discovered she could make a lot of money telling the Fox News Audience whatever they wanted to hear.

Oh? What is it about Sarah Palin that "horrifies" you, Comrade?

He hates strong women, he is a misogynist.
I didn’t vote a dope smoker, so that analogy is just an ignorant, stupid and lazy comment. People will vote for the group that has the money, when the two major parties put billions into their election and the third parties put in a couple million, they won’t win. CFR screwed America over and we won’t get a third party candidate with lemming like yourself.

So you didn't vote for Dope SmokingGary, you voted for Crazy Mormon McCullough. It's funny you guys are never upfront about what third party loser you did waste your vote on.

We won't get a viable third party because third parties are usually loons. I actually did kind of look into the Reform Party during the 1990's... and those people were all fucking nuts. If big money goes to the main two parties, it's because those parties are usually reliable and sensible.

I’m not a Republican and haven’t been since Bush’s second term, since then I have voted for a Republican once. I would have voted for Kasich in the general, I would have voted for him, but I would never vote for bad candidates to keep another bad candidate out. That is pretty dumb ass logic. Clinton was the reason Clinton lost, how freakin bad do you have to run a campaign? Clinton did, her group was not in touch with the people as shown in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan, for them to blame others for their stupidity is beyond my comprehension.

Or maybe she had more faith in the voters than they deserved. I think there were a lot of people who voted for Trump as a fuck you to both parties, never thinking we'd actually get his crazy Nazi ass in.

Are you comparing Trump to Hitler?

The comparisons draw themselves.

Both used race hatred to gain power.
Both have a disdain for institutions like a free press.
Both use belligerent language of wanting to restore lost glory
Both only came to power because people who should have known better let it happen, thinking they could be controlled.

I mentioned several times who I voted for before and after the election,so you are totally wrong, again.

I have read several articles where the Clinton campaign didn’t listen to the people in the states in question and failed to act, she now wants to blame others for her failures. Common theme with her.

As far as comparing anyone to Hitler:
Hitler killed how many millions of Jews, homosexuals, religious people? Trump 0.
Hitler had his political opponents tortured and murdered, Trump never has.
Hitler set up concentration camps, Trump none.
Hitler started a World War with the idea of world domination, Trump, nothing.
Hitler kidnapped children to recruit into his Army, Trump has not.
Hitler raped, tortured and killed women, Trump has not.
Hitler used biological warfare to help to win a war, Trump, has not
Hitler Had mobile gas chambers to kill his enemies, Trump has not.

No comparison and only ignorant people that have no clue as to history make such ignorant, bigoted, stupid, hateful statements to stir up hate, racism and bigotry because your hate and being right is more important to real facts. Now try to justify your ridiculously stupid, bigoted, hateful, ignorant comments. I need the laugh.
Trump supporters? You bet.tiki torch hitler salute photos - Bing images

So you can’t dispute any of what I posted, thanks for playing goofball.
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