What do you say in the end about McCain?

What say you about John McCain

  • McCain was a military hero and a patriot in the Senate

  • McCain was a military hero and an abomination of humanity in the Senate

  • McCain was a military coward but a great Senator

  • McCain was just an abysmal human being across the board

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I don't worry about the victims being "armed", because the good guy with a gun is usually the first victim

Only when leftists ensure that he's identified, like the security guard at the Washington Navy yard. You do like to murder people for your cause
I don't worry about the victims being "armed", because the good guy with a gun is usually the first victim

Only when leftists ensure that he's identified, like the security guard at the Washington Navy yard. You do like to murder people for your cause
MURDER?? Like the moron moving our embassy in Israel >>Results 60 dead Pals 0 israelis---- And the POS son in law looking for peace?
QUOTE="kaz, post: 19961544, member: 26616"]2) We're not anarchists, you fucking moron. We support taxes for limited government

Which means government that does things you like. We get that. The thing is, government sometimes does things you don't like but the rest of us do[/QUOTE]

Correct, and so the rest of you can pay for the things you want. Committing armed robbery to make me pay for what you want is immoral on every level
I worry more that every time we have one of these mass shootings, we find out that everyone in the shooter's life knew he was crazy, but he was able to get a gun, anyway.

Right. We have so many gun laws and they don't work. Your solution is to double down on stupid and disarm their victims even further
I worry more that every time we have one of these mass shootings, we find out that everyone in the shooter's life knew he was crazy, but he was able to get a gun, anyway.

Right. We have so many gun laws and they don't work. Your solution is to double down on stupid and disarm their victims even further
How about trying to disarm those found mentally incapable of owning weapons? Might help ? People with priors ?
You know what, Palin horrifies me as much as the next person, but she's not the reason he lost.

The reason he lost was because he wanted to continue Bush's War in Iraq, even though everyone realized it was a terrible idea at that point. On top of that, the bottom fell out of the economy two months before the election..

Keep in mind, most of the more horrifying stuff we found out about Palin we found out AFTER she lost the election and she discovered she could make a lot of money telling the Fox News Audience whatever they wanted to hear.

Oh? What is it about Sarah Palin that "horrifies" you, Comrade?

attractive conservative women scare the shit out of liberals.
Well, obviously, you don't since you want to claim things i didn't say... but never mind...

when you develop the reading comprehension skills to address what I actually say, and then have someone explain the big words to you, let me know.

I'm a pragmatist. There were only two choices. Only one of two people were going to be president in 2016. The Electoral College you Trump Cultists praised has effectively locked us into a two party system. Theres' simply no way that a third party can evolve.

Let's look at the recent third parties-

Gary Johnson- Dope Smoking Nut
Jill Stein - Nut.
Ralph Nader - Nut
Pat Buchanan - Nazi and Nut
Ross Perot - Nut

see a pattern here, buddy?

I only voted for two of those. Even your descriptions of them are better though than the reality of what the two parties keep giving us though

I voted for Johnson, but I regret it.

I would very much vote for Trump if I had a do-over.
but you're voting dem in nov?

Why would I vote for the deMS-13?

Only idiots and traitors vote for the democrats.
So republican war hero's like Mueller or McCain are OK by you?

Just so you know, you're the one who's making no sense at all
I worry more that every time we have one of these mass shootings, we find out that everyone in the shooter's life knew he was crazy, but he was able to get a gun, anyway.

Right. We have so many gun laws and they don't work. Your solution is to double down on stupid and disarm their victims even further
How about trying to disarm those found mentally incapable of owning weapons? Might help ? People with priors ?

right, go to the inner city of any large American city and take guns from the thugs that you decide are mentally incapable, they all have priors and none of them got their guns legally. you are pissing into the wind and wondering why your shoes are wet.
I worry more that every time we have one of these mass shootings, we find out that everyone in the shooter's life knew he was crazy, but he was able to get a gun, anyway.

Right. We have so many gun laws and they don't work. Your solution is to double down on stupid and disarm their victims even further
How about trying to disarm those found mentally incapable of owning weapons? Might help ? People with priors ?

right, go to the inner city of any large American city and take guns from the thugs that you decide are mentally incapable, they all have priors and none of them got their guns legally. you are pissing into the wind and wondering why your shoes are wet.
So we just let it keep on happening ? How many school shootings so far this year ? I heard 20
I don't worry about the victims being "armed", because the good guy with a gun is usually the first victim

Only when leftists ensure that he's identified, like the security guard at the Washington Navy yard. You do like to murder people for your cause
MURDER?? Like the moron moving our embassy in Israel >>Results 60 dead Pals 0 israelis---- And the POS son in law looking for peace?

both Bushes, Clinton, and Obama promised to move the embassy to Jerusalem. Trump did it. The violence and deaths were caused by the muslim arabs, not the jews or americans. Wake up, idiot.
You can disagree with someone and know that they did what they thought was best.

Unlike the trumpscum who hate this country.

It's hysterical you say that given that it's something you don't ever do. You're a whack job
I worry more that every time we have one of these mass shootings, we find out that everyone in the shooter's life knew he was crazy, but he was able to get a gun, anyway.

Right. We have so many gun laws and they don't work. Your solution is to double down on stupid and disarm their victims even further
How about trying to disarm those found mentally incapable of owning weapons? Might help ? People with priors ?

right, go to the inner city of any large American city and take guns from the thugs that you decide are mentally incapable, they all have priors and none of them got their guns legally. you are pissing into the wind and wondering why your shoes are wet.
So we just let it keep on happening ? How many school shootings so far this year ? I heard 20

which new gun law would have stopped any of these lunatics from shooting? tell us specifically what new laws would do it. I'll wait.
McCain's biographer was on a Sunday morning talk show. He pointed out McCain never said nothing negative about Palin, yet regretted not choosing Lieberman for VP. That makes sense as McCain was far more liberal than Palin.

In some of the most critical points in time when his party and country needed him, McCain grandstanded his importance to the demise of others.
I don't worry about the victims being "armed", because the good guy with a gun is usually the first victim

Only when leftists ensure that he's identified, like the security guard at the Washington Navy yard. You do like to murder people for your cause
MURDER?? Like the moron moving our embassy in Israel >>Results 60 dead Pals 0 israelis---- And the POS son in law looking for peace?

both Bushes, Clinton, and Obama promised to move the embassy to Jerusalem. Trump did it. The violence and deaths were caused by the muslim arabs, not the jews or americans. Wake up, idiot.
Shooting and killing ducks in a tub 60--0 ,,,,,,,,there goes the piss project
I don't worry about the victims being "armed", because the good guy with a gun is usually the first victim

Only when leftists ensure that he's identified, like the security guard at the Washington Navy yard. You do like to murder people for your cause
MURDER?? Like the moron moving our embassy in Israel >>Results 60 dead Pals 0 israelis---- And the POS son in law looking for peace?

both Bushes, Clinton, and Obama promised to move the embassy to Jerusalem. Trump did it. The violence and deaths were caused by the muslim arabs, not the jews or americans. Wake up, idiot.
Shooting and killing ducks in a tub 60--0 ,,,,,,,,there goes the piss project

nonsensical post, can you translate into English?
  • Thanks
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I worry more that every time we have one of these mass shootings, we find out that everyone in the shooter's life knew he was crazy, but he was able to get a gun, anyway.

Right. We have so many gun laws and they don't work. Your solution is to double down on stupid and disarm their victims even further
How about trying to disarm those found mentally incapable of owning weapons? Might help ? People with priors ?

right, go to the inner city of any large American city and take guns from the thugs that you decide are mentally incapable, they all have priors and none of them got their guns legally. you are pissing into the wind and wondering why your shoes are wet.
So we just let it keep on happening ? How many school shootings so far this year ? I heard 20

which new gun law would have stopped any of these lunatics from shooting? tell us specifically what new laws would do it. I'll wait.
I'm far from an expert on this matter Maybe one of the NRA brains can come up with a solution OR even you
McCain, Kerry, Mueller, George H.W. Bush, etc all have a record of valiant military service and it is sad when it is twisted into lies or petty insults for partisan politics.

Kerry? "record of valiant military service" :lmao: :lol: :rofl:
Kerry volunteered for hazardous duty while Gomer Bush deserted during time of war. See the difference?

Kerry is and was a fraud.


Fucking Stalinists...... :eusa_whistle:
This link goes to great effort to hide who it is and who is responsible for putting it's trash on the net. Fake as fake can get and fraudulent as fraudulent can be. So, a post makes a post claiming someone is a fraud and uses a fraudulent link to make his case.
That is because lemmings such as yourself are locked into voting for either or, you won’t look at anyone else, the problem is most people think like you. EC or no EC the two major parties got 95% of the vote thanks to the dittoheads such as yourself that can’t think for themselves.

Uh, no, the major parties got 95% of the vote because the minor parties nominate dope smoking communist nuts

You're right about Gary Johnson. I was so disappointed in the Libertarian Party. This is three elections in a row they didn't even nominate an actual libertarian.

However, you think the major parties are nominating better? That's so inane. Hillary was one of the worst candidates ever nominated by any party ever. She lost to a guy with an approval rating in the 30s ... during the election ... And she thoroughly earned it ...

I couldn’t vote for Johnson, this last election was a total failure of parties nominating the right people. Dems thought Clinton was entitled, so no real candidate ran against her, the GOP realized Clinton was a weak candidate so every establishment Republican ran which left that vote divided and Trump came out on top. The Libertarian Party seems to have lost their way.

Yes, the Libertarian Party not nominating an actual libertarian three times in a row is a pretty good example of a party losing it's way.

This was the worst election to vote ever. Previously for me it was 2008 when the Republicans nominated a leftist, Democrats nominated a Marxist and Libertarians nominated a conservative. I could have voted for Bob Barr as a Republican, but not as a Libertarian. So I voted for Ralph Nader who at least said accurately there was no difference between the parties.

This election I had nothing. I considered Jill Stein, but her vandalism to fight energy independence was worse than Gary Johnson being a faux libertarian
You're right about Gary Johnson. I was so disappointed in the Libertarian Party. This is three elections in a row they didn't even nominate an actual libertarian.

However, you think the major parties are nominating better? That's so inane. Hillary was one of the worst candidates ever nominated by any candidate. She lost to a guy with an approval rating in the 30s ... during the election ... And she thoroughly earned it ...

Okay, going to try to talk to you like an adult here.

For the most part, both parties are very good at nominating and electing people who can get the job done. I might not like what they do when they get in, but they can and do appoint sensible people to run the departments, work with Congress to get sensible legislation passed, even when the other party is in charge.

I really, truly hated Mitt Romney with a passion, probably because the fact that Mormonism is even a thing offends me. But you know what, if things turned out differently in 2012, he could have run the country. His policies would have favored rich people, but stuff would have gotten done.

The Third Parties nominate people like Johnson, Stein, Pat Buchanan, Ralph Nader, Ross Perot... loudmouths with an issue or two they are upset about but no idea how to govern if they actually got put in charge of something.

The problem in 2016 was that the GOP nominated the kind of clown that makes a splash as a third party candidate, but is usually washed out by the system.

Yes, Hillary was unlikable enough to where a lot of people indulged their inner misogynist and voted against her, but most of the people got it right and she won the popular vote. But this time, the awful system validated what even the GOP knew was a mistake.

We have a bunch of safeguards in place to prevent something like Trump from happening, but they are all failing, badly.

I often wondered what my Grandparents thought when Hitler came to power in Germany, or what Ancient Romans must have thought when Caligula was parading around Rome thinking he was a god.

I don't wonder that anymore.

Are you comparing Trump to Hitler?

Joe fulfills Goodwin's law within a post. The longer his post goes, the more certain Nazis will come up
That is because lemmings such as yourself are locked into voting for either or, you won’t look at anyone else, the problem is most people think like you. EC or no EC the two major parties got 95% of the vote thanks to the dittoheads such as yourself that can’t think for themselves.

Uh, no, the major parties got 95% of the vote because the minor parties nominate dope smoking communist nuts

You're right about Gary Johnson. I was so disappointed in the Libertarian Party. This is three elections in a row they didn't even nominate an actual libertarian.

However, you think the major parties are nominating better? That's so inane. Hillary was one of the worst candidates ever nominated by any party ever. She lost to a guy with an approval rating in the 30s ... during the election ... And she thoroughly earned it ...

I couldn’t vote for Johnson, this last election was a total failure of parties nominating the right people. Dems thought Clinton was entitled, so no real candidate ran against her, the GOP realized Clinton was a weak candidate so every establishment Republican ran which left that vote divided and Trump came out on top. The Libertarian Party seems to have lost their way.

somewhat true, however Trump has proven to be a very good and effective president, he is getting things done in spite of the obstructionist dems and the lying media. they all hate him because he is showing up the establishment in both parties and the media for the corrupt liars that they really are.

I agree he's done a lot better than I thought. Without a wall, we're going to be flooded with Democrats until it will all get undone anyway. Democrats know that very clearly, which is why they are fighting it so desperately
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