What do you say in the end about McCain?

What say you about John McCain

  • McCain was a military hero and a patriot in the Senate

  • McCain was a military hero and an abomination of humanity in the Senate

  • McCain was a military coward but a great Senator

  • McCain was just an abysmal human being across the board

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You must protect your "Dear Leader" at all costs. He is one of the worst Serial Sexual Predators in modern history.

again, if you spend 70 million dollars investigating someone's sex life, throw women in jail for not saying what you want, and you STILL can't make a case that he did anything worse than lie about a consensual affair, you kind of aren't making your case.

Reality- Clinton is a jerk. And women will climb over six nice guys to get to a jerk's penis.

I never once said it went to Russia you stupid, lying racist douche bag. I said it left the United States. My post said it went to the United States. You're just bitter you went from an $80K a year purchasing job to a $20K a year (if you're lucky) resume writing job. And apparently you can't read either as you're proving

Guy, I make a lot more than that... Obviously, you don't know how much people pay for good resumes.

At least you admit you're almost as misogynist as you are racist

Naw, I have no use for liars no matter what their genitals are... it's why I think you are such a nasty scumwad.

so is Brodderick. Brodderick was pimping off hte Clintons for years until she found she could make more money turning on them.

You don't stay involved in offices because you have a bad attitude and no one can stand to be around you.

Actually, my coworkers love me. Most of them have come to me for resumes since I quit.

Heck, I have a magnetic personality, look how much time you spend stalking me.

You're such a liar as well as a racist. You have an awful attitude. There are people who hate their jobs and are decent people outside their jobs and have a bad attitude at work. No one has a bad attitude like you outside work and has a good attitude at work and has co-workers who love them. It doesn't happen. You are a dark cloud to anyone you walk into a room with. Particularly blacks since your hatred for them is clear
No more idiotic then your excusing of Trump accusers. You can't man up and admit your boy is a pussy grabber and sexual predator? Shame on you.

He was a playboy when that shit counted. Seriously what the fuck is going on these days when we as women can't deal with what was happening in the far distant past.

Men were jerks. Plain and simple and acceptable at that moment in our history.

I had guys hit on me when I was pregnant and they were drunk in rock n roll days for crying out loud. Am I going to turn around and scream #metoo now?

Btw theres a funny in it. Remember # was a pound sign? #metoo takes on a whole different meaning.

So Clinton is just a jerk?

Women have accused him of rape, but hey I can't and won't be the judge of that. Not when I read about young women claiming rape and the ability to rescind consent after sex. Go figure. If a man comes onto a woman these days its classed as sexual harassment. I am so thankful I spent my youth in a different era.

In my day and age, Bill Clinton would be in that "playboy" category and if you danced with him you better be ready to tango. He was handsome, charming and definitely had a loose sexual lifestyle that Hillary more than tolerated. Flowers is evidence of that.

I wouldn't class Clinton as a jerk. Just a playboy.

would you say that if Monica was your daughter?
She was an adult freely choosing.

a 20 year old intern working for the most powerful man in the world? No, she was not an adult freely choosing, she was taken advantage of in the oval office of the white house. If that had happened to any CEO in private business, he would have been fired and arrested on the spot.. the Clintons are lower than pond scum.

and Bill Clinton was a rapist. But you still worship everything Clinton, what does that say about you?

That's just an allegation.

But that he sexually harassed a subordinate, that he threatened witnesses, destroyed and hid evidence, and engaged in perjury are all facts proven in the justice system.

the fake news aspect of this is trying to cover up McCain's actual military history.

I guess you want to believe it. I like to think it's the left who believes things because they want to. But sometimes someone reminds me that it's not only them

I believe it because the story came from sailors on the ship when it happened. The Navy brass tried to cover it up, but the truth leaked out.

As I said, you believe what you want to believe

an allegation with a lot of substantiation. why would the sailors lie about it? why would the navy brass try to cover it up?

Hmm. So in your mind, if it wasn't true, then they would admit it was? But because they denied it, we can conclude it isn't? OK?

I believe eye witness accounts over the rhetoric of the Navy brass. you are free to believe whatever you want.
He was a playboy when that shit counted. Seriously what the fuck is going on these days when we as women can't deal with what was happening in the far distant past.

Men were jerks. Plain and simple and acceptable at that moment in our history.

I had guys hit on me when I was pregnant and they were drunk in rock n roll days for crying out loud. Am I going to turn around and scream #metoo now?

Btw theres a funny in it. Remember # was a pound sign? #metoo takes on a whole different meaning.

So Clinton is just a jerk?

Women have accused him of rape, but hey I can't and won't be the judge of that. Not when I read about young women claiming rape and the ability to rescind consent after sex. Go figure. If a man comes onto a woman these days its classed as sexual harassment. I am so thankful I spent my youth in a different era.

In my day and age, Bill Clinton would be in that "playboy" category and if you danced with him you better be ready to tango. He was handsome, charming and definitely had a loose sexual lifestyle that Hillary more than tolerated. Flowers is evidence of that.

I wouldn't class Clinton as a jerk. Just a playboy.

would you say that if Monica was your daughter?
She was an adult freely choosing.

a 20 year old intern working for the most powerful man in the world? No, she was not an adult freely choosing, she was taken advantage of in the oval office of the white house. If that had happened to any CEO in private business, he would have been fired and arrested on the spot.. the Clintons are lower than pond scum.
You simply can not refrain from promoting misinformation and falsehoods when you attempt to make your invalid points. Monica Lewinski did not begin working at the White House until she was 22 years old. She was born in 1993 and began her WH job in 1995.

This lie you are telling is not as bad as the one I bitch slapped you and exposed your honesty over a few days ago when you were promoting that malicious lie about John McCain, but it still confirms you as a habitual pathological serial liar.

Now go ahead and provide the link that proves this latest lie you are telling is accurate and true.
So Clinton is just a jerk?

Women have accused him of rape, but hey I can't and won't be the judge of that. Not when I read about young women claiming rape and the ability to rescind consent after sex. Go figure. If a man comes onto a woman these days its classed as sexual harassment. I am so thankful I spent my youth in a different era.

In my day and age, Bill Clinton would be in that "playboy" category and if you danced with him you better be ready to tango. He was handsome, charming and definitely had a loose sexual lifestyle that Hillary more than tolerated. Flowers is evidence of that.

I wouldn't class Clinton as a jerk. Just a playboy.

would you say that if Monica was your daughter?
She was an adult freely choosing.

a 20 year old intern working for the most powerful man in the world? No, she was not an adult freely choosing, she was taken advantage of in the oval office of the white house. If that had happened to any CEO in private business, he would have been fired and arrested on the spot.. the Clintons are lower than pond scum.
You simply can not refrain from promoting misinformation and falsehoods when you attempt to make your invalid points. Monica Lewinski did not begin working at the White House until she was 22 years old. She was born in 1993 and began her WH job in 1995.

This lie you are telling is not as bad as the one I bitch slapped you and exposed your honesty over a few days ago when you were promoting that malicious lie about John McCain, but it still confirms you as a habitual pathological serial liar.

Now go ahead and provide the link that proves this latest lie you are telling is accurate and true.

you are correct, she was 22 and he was 49. http://www.instyle.com/news/how-old-monica-lewinsky-white-house-intern

what is also correct is that he took advantage of her in a boss employee relationship and did it in the oval office of the white house.

what is also correct is that if this happened with any CEO in private business, he would have been fired, charged and arrested for sexual harassment.

what is also true is that Hillary tried to ruin the lives of bubba's victims in order to further her political ambitions, fortunately for the country she failed and will never be anything but a small smear on history.
So Clinton is just a jerk?

Women have accused him of rape, but hey I can't and won't be the judge of that. Not when I read about young women claiming rape and the ability to rescind consent after sex. Go figure. If a man comes onto a woman these days its classed as sexual harassment. I am so thankful I spent my youth in a different era.

In my day and age, Bill Clinton would be in that "playboy" category and if you danced with him you better be ready to tango. He was handsome, charming and definitely had a loose sexual lifestyle that Hillary more than tolerated. Flowers is evidence of that.

I wouldn't class Clinton as a jerk. Just a playboy.

would you say that if Monica was your daughter?
She was an adult freely choosing.

a 20 year old intern working for the most powerful man in the world? No, she was not an adult freely choosing, she was taken advantage of in the oval office of the white house. If that had happened to any CEO in private business, he would have been fired and arrested on the spot.. the Clintons are lower than pond scum.
You simply can not refrain from promoting misinformation and falsehoods when you attempt to make your invalid points. Monica Lewinski did not begin working at the White House until she was 22 years old. She was born in 1993 and began her WH job in 1995.

This lie you are telling is not as bad as the one I bitch slapped you and exposed your honesty over a few days ago when you were promoting that malicious lie about John McCain, but it still confirms you as a habitual pathological serial liar.

Now go ahead and provide the link that proves this latest lie you are telling is accurate and true.

as to McCain, I only related the stories told by the sailors on the carrier, not the version put out by the Navy brass to save his ass from a court martial.
Women have accused him of rape, but hey I can't and won't be the judge of that. Not when I read about young women claiming rape and the ability to rescind consent after sex. Go figure. If a man comes onto a woman these days its classed as sexual harassment. I am so thankful I spent my youth in a different era.

In my day and age, Bill Clinton would be in that "playboy" category and if you danced with him you better be ready to tango. He was handsome, charming and definitely had a loose sexual lifestyle that Hillary more than tolerated. Flowers is evidence of that.

I wouldn't class Clinton as a jerk. Just a playboy.

would you say that if Monica was your daughter?
She was an adult freely choosing.

a 20 year old intern working for the most powerful man in the world? No, she was not an adult freely choosing, she was taken advantage of in the oval office of the white house. If that had happened to any CEO in private business, he would have been fired and arrested on the spot.. the Clintons are lower than pond scum.
You simply can not refrain from promoting misinformation and falsehoods when you attempt to make your invalid points. Monica Lewinski did not begin working at the White House until she was 22 years old. She was born in 1993 and began her WH job in 1995.

This lie you are telling is not as bad as the one I bitch slapped you and exposed your honesty over a few days ago when you were promoting that malicious lie about John McCain, but it still confirms you as a habitual pathological serial liar.

Now go ahead and provide the link that proves this latest lie you are telling is accurate and true.

as to McCain, I only related the stories told by the sailors on the carrier, not the version put out by the Navy brass to save his ass from a court martial.
And when did you serve in the Navy and talk to these sailors?
Give us your experience in shipboard fire fighting.
Give us your experience in aircraft ordnance loading.
Women have accused him of rape, but hey I can't and won't be the judge of that. Not when I read about young women claiming rape and the ability to rescind consent after sex. Go figure. If a man comes onto a woman these days its classed as sexual harassment. I am so thankful I spent my youth in a different era.

In my day and age, Bill Clinton would be in that "playboy" category and if you danced with him you better be ready to tango. He was handsome, charming and definitely had a loose sexual lifestyle that Hillary more than tolerated. Flowers is evidence of that.

I wouldn't class Clinton as a jerk. Just a playboy.

would you say that if Monica was your daughter?
She was an adult freely choosing.

a 20 year old intern working for the most powerful man in the world? No, she was not an adult freely choosing, she was taken advantage of in the oval office of the white house. If that had happened to any CEO in private business, he would have been fired and arrested on the spot.. the Clintons are lower than pond scum.
You simply can not refrain from promoting misinformation and falsehoods when you attempt to make your invalid points. Monica Lewinski did not begin working at the White House until she was 22 years old. She was born in 1993 and began her WH job in 1995.

This lie you are telling is not as bad as the one I bitch slapped you and exposed your honesty over a few days ago when you were promoting that malicious lie about John McCain, but it still confirms you as a habitual pathological serial liar.

Now go ahead and provide the link that proves this latest lie you are telling is accurate and true.

as to McCain, I only related the stories told by the sailors on the carrier, not the version put out by the Navy brass to save his ass from a court martial.
You took edited and selected interviews of random sailors who were duped or politically motivated to make a negative propaganda video about McCain. You ignored interviews by other sailors who contradicted your propaganda video and more importantly, you ignored the actual film of the incident as it occurred.
Now you are presenting a falsehood about the Naval Investigation and all it's members because they cleared McCain or any wrongdoing and responsibility.
You simply are not man enough to admit your lie, mistake, whatever you want to call it. You are a punk, not a person of integrity and honor.
would you say that if Monica was your daughter?
She was an adult freely choosing.

a 20 year old intern working for the most powerful man in the world? No, she was not an adult freely choosing, she was taken advantage of in the oval office of the white house. If that had happened to any CEO in private business, he would have been fired and arrested on the spot.. the Clintons are lower than pond scum.
You simply can not refrain from promoting misinformation and falsehoods when you attempt to make your invalid points. Monica Lewinski did not begin working at the White House until she was 22 years old. She was born in 1993 and began her WH job in 1995.

This lie you are telling is not as bad as the one I bitch slapped you and exposed your honesty over a few days ago when you were promoting that malicious lie about John McCain, but it still confirms you as a habitual pathological serial liar.

Now go ahead and provide the link that proves this latest lie you are telling is accurate and true.

as to McCain, I only related the stories told by the sailors on the carrier, not the version put out by the Navy brass to save his ass from a court martial.
You took edited and selected interviews of random sailors who were duped or politically motivated to make a negative propaganda video about McCain. You ignored interviews by other sailors who contradicted your propaganda video and more importantly, you ignored the actual film of the incident as it occurred.
Now you are presenting a falsehood about the Naval Investigation and all it's members because they cleared McCain or any wrongdoing and responsibility.
You simply are not man enough to admit your lie, mistake, whatever you want to call it. You are a punk, not a person of integrity and honor.

your juvenile attempts at insults only make you look------------------juvenile and stupid. any other navy pilot who did what McCain did would have been court martialed, whether it was intentional or not does not matter, he was negligent and that negligence caused the deaths of over 100 sailors. His father was an admiral, that is why he was cleared. You don't understand how the Navy works if you don't understand what really happened. He was next to last at Annapolis and if his father was not an admiral he probably would have flunked out and never would have been allowed to go to flight school.

worship "songbird McCain" if you want, I really don't care what you do, think, or believe. You have proven yourself to be a lefty with an agenda on this message board, zero credibility.

and Bill Clinton was a rapist. But you still worship everything Clinton, what does that say about you?

That's just an allegation.

But that he sexually harassed a subordinate, that he threatened witnesses, destroyed and hid evidence, and engaged in perjury are all facts proven in the justice system.

I guess you want to believe it. I like to think it's the left who believes things because they want to. But sometimes someone reminds me that it's not only them

I believe it because the story came from sailors on the ship when it happened. The Navy brass tried to cover it up, but the truth leaked out.

As I said, you believe what you want to believe

an allegation with a lot of substantiation. why would the sailors lie about it? why would the navy brass try to cover it up?

Hmm. So in your mind, if it wasn't true, then they would admit it was? But because they denied it, we can conclude it isn't? OK?

I believe eye witness accounts over the rhetoric of the Navy brass. you are free to believe whatever you want.
There are no actual eyewitness reports to support your lies. And no interview from any Navy pilot to support your lies. Your evidence is comprised of speculations made by sailors who opposed McCain in his Presidential bid. You would be surprised at what first class airline tickets, luxury hotel rooms and steak and lobster dinners will buy.
She was an adult freely choosing.

a 20 year old intern working for the most powerful man in the world? No, she was not an adult freely choosing, she was taken advantage of in the oval office of the white house. If that had happened to any CEO in private business, he would have been fired and arrested on the spot.. the Clintons are lower than pond scum.
You simply can not refrain from promoting misinformation and falsehoods when you attempt to make your invalid points. Monica Lewinski did not begin working at the White House until she was 22 years old. She was born in 1993 and began her WH job in 1995.

This lie you are telling is not as bad as the one I bitch slapped you and exposed your honesty over a few days ago when you were promoting that malicious lie about John McCain, but it still confirms you as a habitual pathological serial liar.

Now go ahead and provide the link that proves this latest lie you are telling is accurate and true.

as to McCain, I only related the stories told by the sailors on the carrier, not the version put out by the Navy brass to save his ass from a court martial.
You took edited and selected interviews of random sailors who were duped or politically motivated to make a negative propaganda video about McCain. You ignored interviews by other sailors who contradicted your propaganda video and more importantly, you ignored the actual film of the incident as it occurred.
Now you are presenting a falsehood about the Naval Investigation and all it's members because they cleared McCain or any wrongdoing and responsibility.
You simply are not man enough to admit your lie, mistake, whatever you want to call it. You are a punk, not a person of integrity and honor.

your juvenile attempts at insults only make you look------------------juvenile and stupid. any other navy pilot who did what McCain did would have been court martialed, whether it was intentional or not does not matter, he was negligent and that negligence caused the deaths of over 100 sailors. His father was an admiral, that is why he was cleared. You don't understand how the Navy works if you don't understand what really happened. He was next to last at Annapolis and if his father was not an admiral he probably would have flunked out and never would have been allowed to go to flight school.

worship "songbird McCain" if you want, I really don't care what you do, think, or believe. You have proven yourself to be a lefty with an agenda on this message board, zero credibility.
McCain had nothing to do with causing the Forrestal fire except for being in one of the planes across the flight deck hit by the missile that went off due to a poor voltage check by the AO's.

You must protect your "Dear Leader" at all costs. He is one of the worst Serial Sexual Predators in modern history.

again, if you spend 70 million dollars investigating someone's sex life, throw women in jail for not saying what you want, and you STILL can't make a case that he did anything worse than lie about a consensual affair, you kind of aren't making your case.

Reality- Clinton is a jerk. And women will climb over six nice guys to get to a jerk's penis.

I never once said it went to Russia you stupid, lying racist douche bag. I said it left the United States. My post said it went to the United States. You're just bitter you went from an $80K a year purchasing job to a $20K a year (if you're lucky) resume writing job. And apparently you can't read either as you're proving

Guy, I make a lot more than that... Obviously, you don't know how much people pay for good resumes.

At least you admit you're almost as misogynist as you are racist

Naw, I have no use for liars no matter what their genitals are... it's why I think you are such a nasty scumwad.

so is Brodderick. Brodderick was pimping off hte Clintons for years until she found she could make more money turning on them.

You don't stay involved in offices because you have a bad attitude and no one can stand to be around you.

Actually, my coworkers love me. Most of them have come to me for resumes since I quit.

Heck, I have a magnetic personality, look how much time you spend stalking me.

You're such a liar as well as a racist. You have an awful attitude. There are people who hate their jobs and are decent people outside their jobs and have a bad attitude at work. No one has a bad attitude like you outside work and has a good attitude at work and has co-workers who love them. It doesn't happen. You are a dark cloud to anyone you walk into a room with. Particularly blacks since your hatred for them is clear

Both myself and my mother, are depressed people at home, doom and gloom, but pretend to be happy giddy people while at work.

and Bill Clinton was a rapist. But you still worship everything Clinton, what does that say about you?

That's just an allegation.

But that he sexually harassed a subordinate, that he threatened witnesses, destroyed and hid evidence, and engaged in perjury are all facts proven in the justice system.

I believe it because the story came from sailors on the ship when it happened. The Navy brass tried to cover it up, but the truth leaked out.

As I said, you believe what you want to believe

an allegation with a lot of substantiation. why would the sailors lie about it? why would the navy brass try to cover it up?

Hmm. So in your mind, if it wasn't true, then they would admit it was? But because they denied it, we can conclude it isn't? OK?

I believe eye witness accounts over the rhetoric of the Navy brass. you are free to believe whatever you want.
There are no actual eyewitness reports to support your lies. And no interview from any Navy pilot to support your lies. Your evidence is comprised of speculations made by sailors who opposed McCain in his Presidential bid. You would be surprised at what first class airline tickets, luxury hotel rooms and steak and lobster dinners will buy.

of course there were eyewitness reports, there is also film of the incident. Believe whatever makes you comfortable. McCain is NOT a military or congressional hero. I am sorry that he has terminal cancer, but that has nothing to do with what he did on the flight line or as a captive in viet nam.
That's just an allegation.

But that he sexually harassed a subordinate, that he threatened witnesses, destroyed and hid evidence, and engaged in perjury are all facts proven in the justice system.

As I said, you believe what you want to believe

an allegation with a lot of substantiation. why would the sailors lie about it? why would the navy brass try to cover it up?

Hmm. So in your mind, if it wasn't true, then they would admit it was? But because they denied it, we can conclude it isn't? OK?

I believe eye witness accounts over the rhetoric of the Navy brass. you are free to believe whatever you want.
There are no actual eyewitness reports to support your lies. And no interview from any Navy pilot to support your lies. Your evidence is comprised of speculations made by sailors who opposed McCain in his Presidential bid. You would be surprised at what first class airline tickets, luxury hotel rooms and steak and lobster dinners will buy.

of course there were eyewitness reports, there is also film of the incident. Believe whatever makes you comfortable. McCain is NOT a military or congressional hero. I am sorry that he has terminal cancer, but that has nothing to do with what he did on the flight line or as a captive in viet nam.
Ya, there is a film of the incident. It is right on this page, posted by a retired Navy pilot. It clearly shows a missile being accidently fired from a distance from McCain's aircraft, not from directly behind his aircraft and what you call a "wet start" the lie you promote. The film shows how the incident occurred and completely exposes your claim as a lie. Anyone can watch it. It is at the beginning of the video. They don't even have to watch the whole video of even a long section of it. All they have to do is watch a few minutes of the beginning to understand why you are being called a malicious, despicable, deplorable liar.

Post #531 3:30 into posted video
Last edited:
You must protect your "Dear Leader" at all costs. He is one of the worst Serial Sexual Predators in modern history.

again, if you spend 70 million dollars investigating someone's sex life, throw women in jail for not saying what you want, and you STILL can't make a case that he did anything worse than lie about a consensual affair, you kind of aren't making your case.

Reality- Clinton is a jerk. And women will climb over six nice guys to get to a jerk's penis.

I never once said it went to Russia you stupid, lying racist douche bag. I said it left the United States. My post said it went to the United States. You're just bitter you went from an $80K a year purchasing job to a $20K a year (if you're lucky) resume writing job. And apparently you can't read either as you're proving

Guy, I make a lot more than that... Obviously, you don't know how much people pay for good resumes.

At least you admit you're almost as misogynist as you are racist

Naw, I have no use for liars no matter what their genitals are... it's why I think you are such a nasty scumwad.

so is Brodderick. Brodderick was pimping off hte Clintons for years until she found she could make more money turning on them.

You don't stay involved in offices because you have a bad attitude and no one can stand to be around you.

Actually, my coworkers love me. Most of them have come to me for resumes since I quit.

Heck, I have a magnetic personality, look how much time you spend stalking me.

Nope, he is a life long serial sexual predator and only the true believers still defend him. He is a close friend of Jeffery Epstein. Do you defend him because you too are a sexual predator?
Those so called journalists worked for al Jazeera which is the state owned media in Qatar. They had an agenda to keep the Muslim Brotherhood in power.

sorry, you don't lock up journalists who oppose you. Not in a free society.

Greater rights and freedoms under the MB? :lol: Oh and the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back for the Egyptian people who then demanded that the military remove Morsi from power? Morsi appointed as Governor the mastermind of the Luxor massacre. Yeah. Morsi was a real champ.

When did the people do that? Looks to me like the military did that all on its own. the problem here, when they can't fix Egypt's economic problems, either, they people are going to rise up against them, too.

but arguing if Morsi was worst than Mubarek or better than al-Sisi is kind of stupid.

The question is, do we get involved in the internal affairs of another country? When we do, we own their problems, we become the scapegoat when things don't go right. Putting as much daylight between us an al-Sisi was the smart thing to do.

Apparently we do, Obambi was famous for it. Israel, Syria, Libya.
20 is the total CSJ has reported. Al Jazeera reporters who were pro Muslim Brotherhood from what I've read regarding the charges. The MB is outlawed again and for bloody good reason.

The dissidents arrested are MB. It's a no brainer that the Egyptian government and law enforcement are never ever going to allow the MB anywhere near power ever again.

So when the Democrats retake power, you are going to be cool with them arresting any idiot who ever wore a MAGA hat, right?
What makes you so sure of yourself ?? The people may have had enough of the Demon-crats by now. Was watching MSNBC for a brief moment tonight, and good lawdy the crying they were doing on that network, and how they were trying to make themselves look so much like these poor little innocent victims now, yet not so long ago most remember that they were these evil tyrants shoveling their bullcrap into everyone's corner, and then telling them that they will like it, and that they best get use to it.

Well not so much these days.
To clarify what I am saying here, is that when you provide a platform to those who go about in society afterwards feeling empowered (yet they were wrong), and then you become their mouth piece in support of their wrong, then you become a willing participant in promoting that wrong (especially if found promoting that wrong when you know it is wrong or goes against the majority who see it as being wrong)............................ Big Risk !!

This of course is always found when people hold the opposite views of those thoughts found within the opinions and/or minds of those who might disagree or well just might agree.

The interpretation between right or wrong can be found within some very thin lines sometimes, but in other cases it is just blatant as to what goes on.
You're such a liar as well as a racist. You have an awful attitude. There are people who hate their jobs and are decent people outside their jobs and have a bad attitude at work.

I have the same attitude most working folks have towards the inflated egos in the corner offices.

Been workin' in the civilian world since 1992, and never heard, once "Our boss is a genius". Had a couple who were okay guys who meant well, but most were people who probably shouldn't have been managing an ice cream stand, and it shows.

No one has a bad attitude like you outside work and has a good attitude at work and has co-workers who love them. It doesn't happen.

My coworkers though I was kind of awesome.... And many of them came back to see me to get resumes to get out of the shitholes we worked in together. In fact, I've done about 30 resumes for former co-workers... It's kind of how I got into the business. (Although the technology improving to the point where I could do it as a business instead of just something I did for my friends had a lot to do with it.)
Apparently we do, Obambi was famous for it. Israel, Syria, Libya.

Please... Obama had no more effect on our Zionist Overlords than any other president.

I do think it was kind of dumb of Obama to intervene in the civil wars in Syria and Libya, but then again, those things were goign to happen no matter what we did.

as to McCain, I only related the stories told by the sailors on the carrier, not the version put out by the Navy brass to save his ass from a court martial.

So the Navy made up a story to protect one O-4? Really? Really?

Look, guys, I know you wingnuts hate McCain for being the only guy to try to maintain a shred of decency in your increasingly indecent party, but you need to get over it.
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