What do you say in the end about McCain?

What say you about John McCain

  • McCain was a military hero and a patriot in the Senate

  • McCain was a military hero and an abomination of humanity in the Senate

  • McCain was a military coward but a great Senator

  • McCain was just an abysmal human being across the board

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and Bill Clinton was a rapist. But you still worship everything Clinton, what does that say about you?

That's just an allegation.

But that he sexually harassed a subordinate, that he threatened witnesses, destroyed and hid evidence, and engaged in perjury are all facts proven in the justice system.

Right, that's what I said. This is fake news. If you google this with fake then you'll realize that. I'm going to have to agree with camp at this point that your aversion to using Google isn't a point in your favor

the fake news aspect of this is trying to cover up McCain's actual military history.

I guess you want to believe it. I like to think it's the left who believes things because they want to. But sometimes someone reminds me that it's not only them

I believe it because the story came from sailors on the ship when it happened. The Navy brass tried to cover it up, but the truth leaked out.

As I said, you believe what you want to believe

an allegation with a lot of substantiation. why would the sailors lie about it? why would the navy brass try to cover it up?
Clinton's accusers were paid by Republican boosters.

Let's apply the same standards to both: Sexual predators.

What stupid bullshit.

Gennifer Flowers? Paid by the Republicans? :lmao: About as fucking likely as Rosie O'Donnell being a Republican plant.

The idiotic shit you come up with to cover for your vile party.

No more idiotic then your excusing of Trump accusers. You can't man up and admit your boy is a pussy grabber and sexual predator? Shame on you.

He was a playboy when that shit counted. Seriously what the fuck is going on these days when we as women can't deal with what was happening in the far distant past.

Men were jerks. Plain and simple and acceptable at that moment in our history.

I had guys hit on me when I was pregnant and they were drunk in rock n roll days for crying out loud. Am I going to turn around and scream #metoo now?

Btw theres a funny in it. Remember # was a pound sign? #metoo takes on a whole different meaning.

So Clinton is just a jerk?

Women have accused him of rape, but hey I can't and won't be the judge of that. Not when I read about young women claiming rape and the ability to rescind consent after sex. Go figure. If a man comes onto a woman these days its classed as sexual harassment. I am so thankful I spent my youth in a different era.

In my day and age, Bill Clinton would be in that "playboy" category and if you danced with him you better be ready to tango. He was handsome, charming and definitely had a loose sexual lifestyle that Hillary more than tolerated. Flowers is evidence of that.

I wouldn't class Clinton as a jerk. Just a playboy.

would you say that if Monica was your daughter?
Shouldn't we be asking Coptic Christians in Egypt how they felt about McCain backing the fucking Muslim Brotherhood?

Why don't we ask the African migrants being sold in Tripoli's main square as slaves how they feel about McCain wanting regime change in Libya?

ISIS now there's a biggie. Why don't we ask Syrians or Yazidi women how they feel about McCain backing those terrorists?

Or eastern Ukrainians who have been under attack by McCain's favorite Nazis the Azov Battalion?

Why do we not seek all these individuals opinions on McCain considering his wars have touched them directly?
Here is what peple miss with the whole MB thing. No one backed the MB. They backed the results of a legitimate election. It is about respecting and supporting the process not necessarily the winners. We cant pick and choose and say one election is ok and another is not soley because we dont like the winners.
What stupid bullshit.

Gennifer Flowers? Paid by the Republicans? :lmao: About as fucking likely as Rosie O'Donnell being a Republican plant.

The idiotic shit you come up with to cover for your vile party.

No more idiotic then your excusing of Trump accusers. You can't man up and admit your boy is a pussy grabber and sexual predator? Shame on you.

He was a playboy when that shit counted. Seriously what the fuck is going on these days when we as women can't deal with what was happening in the far distant past.

Men were jerks. Plain and simple and acceptable at that moment in our history.

I had guys hit on me when I was pregnant and they were drunk in rock n roll days for crying out loud. Am I going to turn around and scream #metoo now?

Btw theres a funny in it. Remember # was a pound sign? #metoo takes on a whole different meaning.

So Clinton is just a jerk?

Women have accused him of rape, but hey I can't and won't be the judge of that. Not when I read about young women claiming rape and the ability to rescind consent after sex. Go figure. If a man comes onto a woman these days its classed as sexual harassment. I am so thankful I spent my youth in a different era.

In my day and age, Bill Clinton would be in that "playboy" category and if you danced with him you better be ready to tango. He was handsome, charming and definitely had a loose sexual lifestyle that Hillary more than tolerated. Flowers is evidence of that.

I wouldn't class Clinton as a jerk. Just a playboy.

would you say that if Monica was your daughter?
She was an adult freely choosing.
McCain...is best described by one picture worth 1000 words.....

Shouldn't we be asking Coptic Christians in Egypt how they felt about McCain backing the fucking Muslim Brotherhood?

Why don't we ask the African migrants being sold in Tripoli's main square as slaves how they feel about McCain wanting regime change in Libya?

ISIS now there's a biggie. Why don't we ask Syrians or Yazidi women how they feel about McCain backing those terrorists?

Or eastern Ukrainians who have been under attack by McCain's favorite Nazis the Azov Battalion?

Why do we not seek all these individuals opinions on McCain considering his wars have touched them directly?
Here is what peple miss with the whole MB thing. No one backed the MB. They backed the results of a legitimate election. It is about respecting and supporting the process not necessarily the winners. We cant pick and choose and say one election is ok and another is not soley because we dont like the winners.

McCain has always been into regime change. He called for Mubarak to step down. That opened the door for the MB to rise to become the ruling party at the time. Cripes the bullshit that Brennan and Clapper in particular were handing Congress and the Senate was that the Muslim Brotherhood was a secular organization.


The MB was headed by a man handpicked by Washington. Even when Egypt came to her senses and overthrew Morsi, McCain wanted to punish them.

McCain supported the MB in Syria. There is no doubt about McCain and his choices. McCain was part of the coup that overthrew a democratically elected President and his party in the Ukraine. McCain adored the Azov Battalion so much he actually visited the freaking Nazis over New Years eve.

McCain is responsible for many deaths. Many injuries and by injecting himself and approving of the invasion of Syria he is responsible for the insane refugee crisis that occurred.

The world will be a far peaceful place without John McCain in it to drive wars and coups.
You said the uranium stayed in the United States. I showed that isn't true. This is your reply to my post that the uranium did leave the United States and you say I'm not very smart? Europe isn't the United States, drooling retard.

I didn't go to Russia, that's the point... like you guys keep claiming.

Hillary Clinton: Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.

Yeah, guy, get real... If you already know the woman is a liar because she's been in your orbit for years, and changes her story when it suits her, you can safely dismiss her.

Brodderick is a liar. She either lied when she swore out to affadavitts saying Clinton never touched her, or she was a liar when she said Clinton raped her. One of those statements is a lie. They could BOTH be lies. She had a consensual relationship with Clinton and then claimed it was rape when Kenny the Perv threatened to throw her in the same prison he sent Julie Steele and Susan McDougal for not saying what he wanted.

And you have no business experience, but if you did, you would realize the complete inappropriateness of the top executive getting a Monica from Monica who was an intern because of their disparity in power.

Uh, guy, real world. I used to work with some nasty skank who was only moved over to purchasing because she was fucking her boss in Customer Service. then she got traded in for a younger model in the same department who he finagled a product manager role for... and that poor girl had to quit.. but they didn't fire him.

Another company I worked for, the purchasing girl was fucking the CFO, who was married.

And that's just what I know about, there's probably a shitload of stuff I don't because, honestly, I don't get involved with office politics.
The MB was headed by a man handpicked by Washington. Even when Egypt came to her senses and overthrew Morsi, McCain wanted to punish them.

Um, yeah, we don't reward military coups... At least I hope we don't, because when the coup leaders get overthrown, they often blame us.

You were paying attention to the whole Shah of Iran thing, right?
Exactly. You don’t reward military coups. And the military leadership has jailed journalists and political dissent. All those progressive voices calling for greater rights and freedoms? Silenced, killed or jailed. And ignored by those championing a military dictatorship.
You said the uranium stayed in the United States. I showed that isn't true. This is your reply to my post that the uranium did leave the United States and you say I'm not very smart? Europe isn't the United States, drooling retard.

I didn't go to Russia, that's the point... like you guys keep claiming.

Hillary Clinton: Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.

Yeah, guy, get real... If you already know the woman is a liar because she's been in your orbit for years, and changes her story when it suits her, you can safely dismiss her.

Brodderick is a liar. She either lied when she swore out to affadavitts saying Clinton never touched her, or she was a liar when she said Clinton raped her. One of those statements is a lie. They could BOTH be lies. She had a consensual relationship with Clinton and then claimed it was rape when Kenny the Perv threatened to throw her in the same prison he sent Julie Steele and Susan McDougal for not saying what he wanted.

And you have no business experience, but if you did, you would realize the complete inappropriateness of the top executive getting a Monica from Monica who was an intern because of their disparity in power.

Uh, guy, real world. I used to work with some nasty skank who was only moved over to purchasing because she was fucking her boss in Customer Service. then she got traded in for a younger model in the same department who he finagled a product manager role for... and that poor girl had to quit.. but they didn't fire him.

Another company I worked for, the purchasing girl was fucking the CFO, who was married.

And that's just what I know about, there's probably a shitload of stuff I don't because, honestly, I don't get involved with office politics.

You must protect your "Dear Leader" at all costs. He is one of the worst Serial Sexual Predators in modern history.
The MB was headed by a man handpicked by Washington. Even when Egypt came to her senses and overthrew Morsi, McCain wanted to punish them.

Um, yeah, we don't reward military coups... At least I hope we don't, because when the coup leaders get overthrown, they often blame us.

You were paying attention to the whole Shah of Iran thing, right?
Exactly. You don’t reward military coups. And the military leadership has jailed journalists and political dissent. All those progressive voices calling for greater rights and freedoms? Silenced, killed or jailed. And ignored by those championing a military dictatorship.

Those so called journalists worked for al Jazeera which is the state owned media in Qatar. They had an agenda to keep the Muslim Brotherhood in power.

And what part did you miss of Morsi's reign of terror? There was a reason he was overthrown.

Greater rights and freedoms under the MB? :lol: Oh and the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back for the Egyptian people who then demanded that the military remove Morsi from power? Morsi appointed as Governor the mastermind of the Luxor massacre. Yeah. Morsi was a real champ.

Whither Mohammed Morsi and His Muslim Brotherhood?

By Mohamed Elmenshawy
The message broadcast loud and clear by the Egyptian people throughout the January 25th Revolution was that they’d had their fill of dictatorial rule, yet it appears the first-ever freely elected president of Egypt’s 7,000-year history wasn’t listening.

As Americans sat down to their Thanksgiving dinners, Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi issued a decree granting himself essentially unrestricted powers and effectively immunizing his actions from any kind of challenge.

More at link:

Whither Mohammed Morsi and His Muslim Brotherhood? | HuffPost

and Bill Clinton was a rapist. But you still worship everything Clinton, what does that say about you?

That's just an allegation.

But that he sexually harassed a subordinate, that he threatened witnesses, destroyed and hid evidence, and engaged in perjury are all facts proven in the justice system.

Right, that's what I said. This is fake news. If you google this with fake then you'll realize that. I'm going to have to agree with camp at this point that your aversion to using Google isn't a point in your favor

the fake news aspect of this is trying to cover up McCain's actual military history.

I guess you want to believe it. I like to think it's the left who believes things because they want to. But sometimes someone reminds me that it's not only them

I believe it because the story came from sailors on the ship when it happened. The Navy brass tried to cover it up, but the truth leaked out.

As I said, you believe what you want to believe

an allegation with a lot of substantiation. why would the sailors lie about it? why would the navy brass try to cover it up?

Hmm. So in your mind, if it wasn't true, then they would admit it was? But because they denied it, we can conclude it isn't? OK?
You said the uranium stayed in the United States. I showed that isn't true. This is your reply to my post that the uranium did leave the United States and you say I'm not very smart? Europe isn't the United States, drooling retard.

I didn't go to Russia, that's the point... like you guys keep claiming

I never once said it went to Russia you stupid, lying racist douche bag. I said it left the United States. My post said it went to the United States. You're just bitter you went from an $80K a year purchasing job to a $20K a year (if you're lucky) resume writing job. And apparently you can't read either as you're proving

Hillary Clinton: Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.

Yeah, guy, get real... If you already know the woman is a liar because she's been in your orbit for years, and changes her story when it suits her, you can safely dismiss her.

Brodderick is a liar. She either lied when she swore out to affadavitts saying Clinton never touched her, or she was a liar when she said Clinton raped her. One of those statements is a lie. They could BOTH be lies. She had a consensual relationship with Clinton and then claimed it was rape when Kenny the Perv threatened to throw her in the same prison he sent Julie Steele and Susan McDougal for not saying what he wanted.

At least you admit you're almost as misogynist as you are racist

And you have no business experience, but if you did, you would realize the complete inappropriateness of the top executive getting a Monica from Monica who was an intern because of their disparity in power.

Uh, guy, real world. I used to work with some nasty skank who was only moved over to purchasing because she was fucking her boss in Customer Service. then she got traded in for a younger model in the same department who he finagled a product manager role for... and that poor girl had to quit.. but they didn't fire him.

Another company I worked for, the purchasing girl was fucking the CFO, who was married.

And that's just what I know about, there's probably a shitload of stuff I don't because, honestly, I don't get involved with office politics.

You don't stay involved in offices because you have a bad attitude and no one can stand to be around you. You also hate blacks and keep causing problems
You must protect your "Dear Leader" at all costs. He is one of the worst Serial Sexual Predators in modern history.

again, if you spend 70 million dollars investigating someone's sex life, throw women in jail for not saying what you want, and you STILL can't make a case that he did anything worse than lie about a consensual affair, you kind of aren't making your case.

Reality- Clinton is a jerk. And women will climb over six nice guys to get to a jerk's penis.

I never once said it went to Russia you stupid, lying racist douche bag. I said it left the United States. My post said it went to the United States. You're just bitter you went from an $80K a year purchasing job to a $20K a year (if you're lucky) resume writing job. And apparently you can't read either as you're proving

Guy, I make a lot more than that... Obviously, you don't know how much people pay for good resumes.

At least you admit you're almost as misogynist as you are racist

Naw, I have no use for liars no matter what their genitals are... it's why I think you are such a nasty scumwad.

so is Brodderick. Brodderick was pimping off hte Clintons for years until she found she could make more money turning on them.

You don't stay involved in offices because you have a bad attitude and no one can stand to be around you.

Actually, my coworkers love me. Most of them have come to me for resumes since I quit.

Heck, I have a magnetic personality, look how much time you spend stalking me.

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Those so called journalists worked for al Jazeera which is the state owned media in Qatar. They had an agenda to keep the Muslim Brotherhood in power.

sorry, you don't lock up journalists who oppose you. Not in a free society.

Greater rights and freedoms under the MB? :lol: Oh and the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back for the Egyptian people who then demanded that the military remove Morsi from power? Morsi appointed as Governor the mastermind of the Luxor massacre. Yeah. Morsi was a real champ.

When did the people do that? Looks to me like the military did that all on its own. the problem here, when they can't fix Egypt's economic problems, either, they people are going to rise up against them, too.

but arguing if Morsi was worst than Mubarek or better than al-Sisi is kind of stupid.

The question is, do we get involved in the internal affairs of another country? When we do, we own their problems, we become the scapegoat when things don't go right. Putting as much daylight between us an al-Sisi was the smart thing to do.
The MB was headed by a man handpicked by Washington. Even when Egypt came to her senses and overthrew Morsi, McCain wanted to punish them.

Um, yeah, we don't reward military coups... At least I hope we don't, because when the coup leaders get overthrown, they often blame us.

You were paying attention to the whole Shah of Iran thing, right?
Exactly. You don’t reward military coups. And the military leadership has jailed journalists and political dissent. All those progressive voices calling for greater rights and freedoms? Silenced, killed or jailed. And ignored by those championing a military dictatorship.

Those so called journalists worked for al Jazeera which is the state owned media in Qatar. They had an agenda to keep the Muslim Brotherhood in power.

And what part did you miss of Morsi's reign of terror? There was a reason he was overthrown.

Greater rights and freedoms under the MB? :lol: Oh and the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back for the Egyptian people who then demanded that the military remove Morsi from power? Morsi appointed as Governor the mastermind of the Luxor massacre. Yeah. Morsi was a real champ.

Whither Mohammed Morsi and His Muslim Brotherhood?

By Mohamed Elmenshawy
The message broadcast loud and clear by the Egyptian people throughout the January 25th Revolution was that they’d had their fill of dictatorial rule, yet it appears the first-ever freely elected president of Egypt’s 7,000-year history wasn’t listening.

As Americans sat down to their Thanksgiving dinners, Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi issued a decree granting himself essentially unrestricted powers and effectively immunizing his actions from any kind of challenge.

More at link:

Whither Mohammed Morsi and His Muslim Brotherhood? | HuffPost
Have you not been reading about what has gone on? I am not applauding Morse but you should not be applauding the military and you are wrong about the diisedents and journalists.

Record number of journalists jailed in Egypt

Egypt is one of the 'biggest prisons' for journalists, says watchdog

Egypt's disappearing voices of dissent

Egyptian authorities detain thousands in crackdown on dissent
The MB was headed by a man handpicked by Washington. Even when Egypt came to her senses and overthrew Morsi, McCain wanted to punish them.

Um, yeah, we don't reward military coups... At least I hope we don't, because when the coup leaders get overthrown, they often blame us.

You were paying attention to the whole Shah of Iran thing, right?
Exactly. You don’t reward military coups. And the military leadership has jailed journalists and political dissent. All those progressive voices calling for greater rights and freedoms? Silenced, killed or jailed. And ignored by those championing a military dictatorship.

Those so called journalists worked for al Jazeera which is the state owned media in Qatar. They had an agenda to keep the Muslim Brotherhood in power.

And what part did you miss of Morsi's reign of terror? There was a reason he was overthrown.

Greater rights and freedoms under the MB? :lol: Oh and the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back for the Egyptian people who then demanded that the military remove Morsi from power? Morsi appointed as Governor the mastermind of the Luxor massacre. Yeah. Morsi was a real champ.

Whither Mohammed Morsi and His Muslim Brotherhood?

By Mohamed Elmenshawy
The message broadcast loud and clear by the Egyptian people throughout the January 25th Revolution was that they’d had their fill of dictatorial rule, yet it appears the first-ever freely elected president of Egypt’s 7,000-year history wasn’t listening.

As Americans sat down to their Thanksgiving dinners, Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi issued a decree granting himself essentially unrestricted powers and effectively immunizing his actions from any kind of challenge.

More at link:

Whither Mohammed Morsi and His Muslim Brotherhood? | HuffPost
Have you not been reading about what has gone on? I am not applauding Morse but you should not be applauding the military and you are wrong about the diisedents and journalists.

Record number of journalists jailed in Egypt

Egypt is one of the 'biggest prisons' for journalists, says watchdog

Egypt's disappearing voices of dissent

Egyptian authorities detain thousands in crackdown on dissent

20 is the total CSJ has reported. Al Jazeera reporters who were pro Muslim Brotherhood from what I've read regarding the charges. The MB is outlawed again and for bloody good reason.

The dissidents arrested are MB. It's a no brainer that the Egyptian government and law enforcement are never ever going to allow the MB anywhere near power ever again.
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