What do you say in the end about McCain?

What say you about John McCain

  • McCain was a military hero and a patriot in the Senate

  • McCain was a military hero and an abomination of humanity in the Senate

  • McCain was a military coward but a great Senator

  • McCain was just an abysmal human being across the board

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The Imperial Cheeto opines against John McCain...

Then the TrumpBot Minions slavishly follow-the-leader with their own false, vicious accusations.


Open Borders McCain was a pile of shit years before Trump came around, The TEA Party started because of the McCain-Bush Plot to erase the border.

Your insane hatred of Bush, er I mean Trump (face it, you use the same hate memes that you did against Bush, you're like Pavlovs dog, salivating hatred) causes you to spew the most idiotic claime.

TrumpBots never cease to amuse me with their simple-minded "If they don't like Der Führer then they must be Reds" taglines.


{Democratic voters in every age group, every gender, and every race view socialism favorably, according to the early February telephone poll of 1,000 likely Democratic primary voters fielded by Republican firm OnMessage Inc. and commissioned by AAN, which is tied to the Congressional Leadership Fund super PAC dedicated to House Republicans. And among people 45 and under — a group that has helped power Sanders’ primary performances — the ideology is preferred to capitalism by a margin of 46 percent to 19 percent.}

Poll: Democratic voters support socialism, nationalizing major industries

Fucking moron, you are Stalinists - fact.

The truth is, vast numbers of Republicans and Libertarians can't stand your sleazy demagogue either.

Captain (Senator) John McCain is one of them.

Open Borders is a pile of shit, has been all along.

I sure-as-hell wouldn't want Cadet Bone Spurs at MY send-off at Arlington, either. Good call, Senator.

Kim Jong Un though, you'd LOVE him sending you off!

TrumpBots never cease to amuse me with their simple-minded "If they don't like Der Führer then they must be Reds" taglines.

Again, you spew recycled hate. The filth you spew at Trump is the same filth you spewed at Bush. You Stalinists aren't much for thinking; your masters control you through strong emotion. They whip you into a frenzy of hatred, which virtually defines you.

Hate is all you have. You are unable to reason, unable to build and create, you can only hate.

Such is the way of Communism.

You truly are a waste of oxygen.....

Such a well crafted response, comrade.

Obama committed treason - fact. He embedded a spy in the transition team of the president elect for the purpose of subverting the government of the sUnited States.

You sound like an Alexa Jones disciple. Lots of accusations and NO PROOF.
Where to you get this shit?

Was Flynn’s service attacked?

Are you an idiot?

{Perhaps Flynn did break the law. He's admitted as much – but why? Did he do it because he was guilty (and agreed to say anything) in order to avoid having his life ruined by crushing legal expenses and in order to see his son remain at liberty?}


Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada promised to put the General's son in prison if Flynn didn't "confess."

That's how this witch hunt has operated from the start, attack the FAMILY of the intended victims to coerce "confessions."

I don't call the kunt "Torquemada" lightly - he is gutter scum who uses the most vile and illegal Mafia tactics to pursue his witch hunt.

Did anyone break the law? Yes.

Where is the bit about wife raping?

Did they attack his service?
McCain's father was a Navy Admiral so it's possible that he received favorable treatment and maybe wasn't fully qualified to be a Navy fighter pilot. The tragic fire on the USS Forestall happened when a rocket from McCain's plane went off and they called it an "electrical anomaly" but it never happened before or since. McCain ran for cover while the real Navy heroes fought the fire. It's no secret that McCain collaborated with the enemy after he was shot down while other Pilots withstood the torture. As a U.S. senator McCain seemed to be incoherent and prone to bouts of anger. His poorly written bill (together with another liberal senator Russ Feingold) set the stage for the mess we have in campaign finance today including the gigantic democrat propaganda machine, Media Matters, which is strangely tax exempt. Americans didn't trust McCain when republicans decided it was his turn to run for president against unpopular Barry Hussein Obama and republicans stayed home on election day.
John McCain was a menace to the US Navy, and too dumb to read this post or send an email

You people need to Google stories like that before you post them. It didn't happen, it's an urban legend.

If you think I'm biased towards McCain, re-read the OP and note the red letters by my name. I'm still not for stories that aren't true. He actually did plenty to despise what he's done to America in the Senate

No fuckwad, I am the people that voted for the current president. The funniest thing is that John McCain is the IDIOT who crashed a perfectly good jet into an enemy missile, I can't find a link because the fake news seems to have hidden this fact. However the fact is that if John McCain was a potato peeler as his skills dictated that he would not have been taken prisoner by the Vietnamese. Get over it kid, the USA is going to be better off when CRASH is dead and buried........................

Furthermore McCain launched a missile on the deck of the Forrestall KILLING 134 Americans, the Navy has to hide this because they gave a potato peeler a jet..
How many planes did John McCain crash in navy

In this case, you're repeating the fake news. McCain actually did plenty of bad things to hold him accountable for. A fake news story isn't necessary. Put it away.

You're also stupid as shit that in a thread I wrote an OP calling McCain an "abomination of humanity" that you still think I'm a McCain defender.

You're an idiot, seriously. READ THE OP. And note the red letters by my name. I already told you that, dumb ass

The biggest fake here is you..................

You're telling someone who called McCain an "abomination of humanity" a McCain sycophant. In clinical terms, you're known as a whack job

In clinical terms since you obviously believe that everyone reads everything that you write, you are a schitzo suffering from delusions of grandeur as well
McCain's father was a Navy Admiral so it's possible that he received favorable treatment and maybe wasn't fully qualified to be a Navy fighter pilot. The tragic fire on the USS Forestall happened when a rocket from McCain's plane went off and they called it an "electrical anomaly" but it never happened before or since. McCain ran for cover while the real Navy heroes fought the fire. It's no secret that McCain collaborated with the enemy after he was shot down while other Pilots withstood the torture. As a U.S. senator McCain seemed to be incoherent and prone to bouts of anger. His poorly written bill (together with another liberal senator Russ Feingold) set the stage for the mess we have in campaign finance today including the gigantic democrat propaganda machine, Media Matters, which is strangely tax exempt. Americans didn't trust McCain when republicans decided it was his turn to run for president against unpopular Barry Hussein Obama and republicans stayed home on election day.
Americans trusted McCain. The far right did not.
Trump is a sexual predator.

Says the Clinton supporter.

Do you even read your own posts?

Sigh, there is NO hypocrisy like demopocrisy....

If you use the same standards you apply to Clinton he is.

Or do you apply a different standard?

Did anyone break the law? Yes.

Not so fast - that Torquemada violated ethical and legal standards to coerce "confessions" using Gestapo tactics in not indicative of actual law breaking.

Where is the bit about wife raping?

Did they attack his service?

Torquemada attacked his family, it is the proverbial "rape his wife until he confesses" situation. You know this.

Robert "Torquemada" Mueller is a kunt who should be disbarred and prosecuted. He brings shame to the entire system of justice with his illegal and immoral antics as he blindly conducts this witch hunt.
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Did anyone break the law? Yes.

Not so fast - that Torquemada violated ethical and legal standards to coerce "confessions" using Gestapo tactics in not indicative of actual law breaking.

Where is the bit about wife raping?

Did they attack his service?

Torquemada attacked his family, it is the proverbial "rape his wife until he confesses" situation. You know this.

Robert "Torquemada" Mueller is a kunt who should be disbarred and prosecuted. He brings shame to the entire system of justice with his illegal and immoral antics as blindly conducts this witch hunt.

So there was no threat to rape his wife?

And his son was already charged with a crime?

Did they attack his service to the country?
Americans trusted McCain. The far right did not.

Is that why you Bolsheviks called him a racist and attacked his service in 2008, when he ran against the gay Messiah?

If you use the same standards you apply to Clinton he is.

Or do you apply a different standard?

Clumsy attempt to dismiss your reeking hypocrisy.

Trump has very loose morals. There is no actual evince of predatory behavior. When you Maoist buy houses for women to bribe them to make up allegations, they are irrelevant.

Now Clinton OTH, he was banging his subordinates in the WH - no two ways about it, sexual harassment and quid pro quo.
So there was no threat to rape his wife?

And his son was already charged with a crime?

Did they attack his service to the country?

Again I ask, are you really this stupid?

No, the son was not already charged with a crime. Torquemada set the FSB on Flynn's entire family, and the FSB thugs thought they might have something that they could use on the son, but no charges were ever filed.

It was nothing more or less than coercion and prosecutorial misconduct by the Grand Inquisitor.

We cannot have a nation of laws if lawless men like Torquemada assume power greater than the President, as agents of the losing party in an attempted Coup D'Etat
An interesting question is when did McCain attain the coveted title of "hero"? Was it when he joined the Navy or when he was shot down or when he collaborated with the enemy? Is every Veteran a "hero" or is the title reserved for Veterans who become politicians and tell you what you want to hear?
An interesting question is when did McCain attain the coveted title of "hero"? Was it when he joined the Navy or when he was shot down or when he collaborated with the enemy? Is every Veteran a "hero" or is the title reserved for Veterans who become politicians and tell you what you want to hear?
The military brands everyone dumb enough to be caught and captured a hero, then they get heroes benefits. However the men who were not caught, succeeded in killing the enemy don't get shit. All in all the military is one fucked up bunch of individuals drinking their own piss to prove their manhood
John McCain was a menace to the US Navy, and too dumb to read this post or send an email

You people need to Google stories like that before you post them. It didn't happen, it's an urban legend.

If you think I'm biased towards McCain, re-read the OP and note the red letters by my name. I'm still not for stories that aren't true. He actually did plenty to despise what he's done to America in the Senate


Right, that's what I said. This is fake news. If you google this with fake then you'll realize that. I'm going to have to agree with camp at this point that your aversion to using Google isn't a point in your favor

the fake news aspect of this is trying to cover up McCain's actual military history.

I guess you want to believe it. I like to think it's the left who believes things because they want to. But sometimes someone reminds me that it's not only them

I believe it because the story came from sailors on the ship when it happened. The Navy brass tried to cover it up, but the truth leaked out.
A staff person makes a heartless and cruel comment about a dying hero. The WH silence speaks columns and to further the decay in dignity....Sarah Huckleberry Sanders defends the so called presidents lack of ethics and morals.

And yet....the trump cult members turn their backs and grovel at the feet of their orange dear leader.....SICKENING!

so freedom of speech, the first amendment, does not apply to everyone, only the left wing media?

So when is the apology from the WH coming. This regime is beginning to resemble the Lord of the Flies...

apology for what? calling out fake news?
An honorable man to the end. McCain has more honor in one of his gray hairs than Trump has in his entire obese body.

Democrats shitted on McCain when he referred to Obama as "that one". Did they believe McCain was racist?
Did they attack his service?

Why would Service be so important to Democrats? They were the ones who said it did not matter when they elected Clinton. Back to McCain, when they even suggested that McCain could or would be racist in 2008 verified to me that Democrats will find every and any way to drop the Racist card on anyone in their way. There is not a racist bone in McCain’s body yet somehow “that one” was a racist attack.

Clinton is a sexual predator, Democrats vote for them. Trump has consensual sex with prostitutes, Democrats condemn him

Clinton evaded Vietnam, Democrats don't care. Trump evaded Vietnam, Democrats condemn him.

Kerry called our troops terrorists in Vietnam and again in Iraq, Democrats vote for him, and they tell us they are the ones who are pro military.

Democrats believed every accusation against our troops in Iraq on the accusation, including the Koran flushing and shooting civilians. The military votes overwhelmingly Republican. They know what Democrats are. They aren't fooling anyone
Trump is a sexual predator.

and Bill Clinton was a rapist. But you still worship everything Clinton, what does that say about you?
An honorable man to the end. McCain has more honor in one of his gray hairs than Trump has in his entire obese body.

Democrats shitted on McCain when he referred to Obama as "that one". Did they believe McCain was racist?
Did they attack his service?

Why would Service be so important to Democrats? They were the ones who said it did not matter when they elected Clinton. Back to McCain, when they even suggested that McCain could or would be racist in 2008 verified to me that Democrats will find every and any way to drop the Racist card on anyone in their way. There is not a racist bone in McCain’s body yet somehow “that one” was a racist attack.

Clinton is a sexual predator, Democrats vote for them. Trump has consensual sex with prostitutes, Democrats condemn him

Clinton evaded Vietnam, Democrats don't care. Trump evaded Vietnam, Democrats condemn him.

Kerry called our troops terrorists in Vietnam and again in Iraq, Democrats vote for him, and they tell us they are the ones who are pro military.

Democrats believed every accusation against our troops in Iraq on the accusation, including the Koran flushing and shooting civilians. The military votes overwhelmingly Republican. They know what Democrats are. They aren't fooling anyone
Trump is a sexual predator.

Leftists are such hypocrites you're pathetic. You call consensual sex being a sexual predator and you don't care that you voted three times for a guy who assaulted women and his wife who assaulted them again.

You're truly terrible people

and Bill Clinton was a rapist. But you still worship everything Clinton, what does that say about you?

That's just an allegation.

But that he sexually harassed a subordinate, that he threatened witnesses, destroyed and hid evidence, and engaged in perjury are all facts proven in the justice system.
LOL Bill Clinton said that he never had relations with Monica..................until she produced Bill Clintons DNA on a blue dress.

Grow up, you voted for a loser
You people need to Google stories like that before you post them. It didn't happen, it's an urban legend.

If you think I'm biased towards McCain, re-read the OP and note the red letters by my name. I'm still not for stories that aren't true. He actually did plenty to despise what he's done to America in the Senate


Right, that's what I said. This is fake news. If you google this with fake then you'll realize that. I'm going to have to agree with camp at this point that your aversion to using Google isn't a point in your favor

the fake news aspect of this is trying to cover up McCain's actual military history.

I guess you want to believe it. I like to think it's the left who believes things because they want to. But sometimes someone reminds me that it's not only them

I believe it because the story came from sailors on the ship when it happened. The Navy brass tried to cover it up, but the truth leaked out.

As I said, you believe what you want to believe
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