What do you see when you are out walking?

In the 1970's, when the fitness movement was just getting started. We envisioned a world of the future with fit, tan, happy people jogging, walking, enjoying the outdoors in sculpted parks.

Unfortunately, we failed to predict the collective time sucks of video games, social media, and streaming entertainment that keeps us pinned to our couches.

Since the epidemic, I've seen a lot more people out on daily runs. Families out walking and riding bikes. People enjoying public parks for something other than drinking and drugs.

If this goes on long enough, we may start to enjoy the future we once predicted...

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Please bring back the shorts, tops, and dresses of that time!
And the uhhh...body types. No muffin tops...
But the Beehive was hip. So was the Bitch Flip.
I do river walks, along the Youghiogeny river quite often. I drive a few miles to a community park (Hossfly this is near yer old stomping grounds!) and walk a few miles up the access road for rafters and fishermen until it becomes a trail. Dry weather has opened new spaces.

This is a month ago...it is getting low. The first picture is a swampy area, where there is usually a heron.


Here, my fat finger got in the way...but river branch (it splits around a small island) is getting low. The area where the grass is, is usually under water.

You can see how low it is here.


..and finally we can walk across to the island.

All this jungle is normally wetland and water

My ambitious boy is convinced he can pull up and carry away the once submerged remnants of a tire.

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I'm usually at the golf course. THe most interesting thing there is a small group of coyotes who are very tame. They will just lay there under the trees and watch you hit balls. There is also a roadrunner who will come right up to you turn his head sideways and look at you. It's pretty funny.
That is pretty cool! A roadrunner and coyote :lol:
LoL yeah but these guys are pretty chill. They wouldn't make a very entertaining TV show.
I'm usually at the golf course. THe most interesting thing there is a small group of coyotes who are very tame. They will just lay there under the trees and watch you hit balls. There is also a roadrunner who will come right up to you turn his head sideways and look at you. It's pretty funny.
That is pretty cool! A roadrunner and coyote :lol:
LoL yeah but these guys are pretty chill. They wouldn't make a very entertaining TV show.
I see coyotes (no roadrunners in WV) and the other dayI had to slow down Waiting for a black bear to make a life and death decision. Beautiful creature, so glossy and black.
This might creep some out....but...bugs are cool! So are spiders! They have been on the receiving end of my cell phone camera :p

On one of our walks we found this...and she truly Is brilliantly painted (think flecks of gold or silver leaf in the sun). Her web, from what I could tell was long, widespread and from human perspective, a tad messy. In reality she had built zip lines from point to point upon which she could speedily move. Her name is Venusta Orchard Spider.


On another walk, I came across this very large beetle...don’t know his species...and I am sure he was annoyed at my interruptions :)

I do river walks, along the Youghiogeny river quite often. I drive a few miles to a community park (Hossfly this is near yer old stomping grounds!) and walk a few miles up the access road for rafters and fishermen until it becomes a trail. Dry weather has opened new spaces.

This is a month ago...it is getting low. The first picture is a swampy area, where there is usually a heron.

View attachment 376331

Here, my fat finger got in the way...but river branch (it splits around a small island) is getting low. The area where the grass is, is usually under water.
View attachment 376329

You can see how low it is here.

View attachment 376330

..and finally we can walk across to the island.
View attachment 376326

All this jungle is normally wetland and water
View attachment 376328

My ambitious boy is convinced he can pull up and carry away the once submerged remnants of a tire.
View attachment 376327

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View attachment 376332

VERY nice pics!
Except for the stores, I pretty much see people just going about their business and not all that concerned about Covid.
Trees, birds, squirrels, butterflies, people here and there, beautiful blue sky...while breathing in the fresh air! It's been pretty hot though, but, it's August, so that's that...(been through worse, so I can't complain too much)...prefer the cooler weather though...crisp, cool mornings = a nice morning walk! Smell of Autumn in the air! Beautiful leaves changing colors...very nice!
.......what do you see when you are out walking?

The past, the future, the tao...all that is and is not...the alpha and omega...the eternal flame of creation and destruction...the path to escaping samsara and becoming all that is and is not.

...and this one house on the corner where they still haven't taken down their Christmas lights! I mean, what the hell?
I do river walks, along the Youghiogeny river quite often. I drive a few miles to a community park (Hossfly this is near yer old stomping grounds!) and walk a few miles up the access road for rafters and fishermen until it becomes a trail. Dry weather has opened new spaces.

This is a month ago...it is getting low. The first picture is a swampy area, where there is usually a heron.

View attachment 376331

Here, my fat finger got in the way...but river branch (it splits around a small island) is getting low. The area where the grass is, is usually under water.
View attachment 376329

You can see how low it is here.

View attachment 376330

..and finally we can walk across to the island.
View attachment 376326

All this jungle is normally wetland and water
View attachment 376328

My ambitious boy is convinced he can pull up and carry away the once submerged remnants of a tire.
View attachment 376327

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View attachment 376332

VERY nice pics!
Very lovely! You are blessed indeed!
With Covid, I am having to spend a lot more solitary time doing things. Since mid-March, I’ve been working from home, and for eight weeks I was furloughed. I spent that time doing a lot of hiking, with my dogs. In fact, I’ve logged 300 miles of walking since the end of May when I was furloughed. I am blessed to live in WV, near beautiful hiking areas,rivers and the mountains. With the incredible cameras on cell phones now, I took a lot of pictures.

And got in touch with my inner and dormant, amateur naturalist.

All of us are impacted by the pandemic....what do you see when you are out walking?

I don't go out----I live in what is euphemistically called a DIVERSE neighborhood. I do look at my security
camera screen. For a long time there was nothing to see. No HUMANS on the part of the street in front of
my little abode. Now there is some traffic. Each morning I check the news to hear how many lay dead in the gutters around the corner
In Friendsville, walking along the Yough River...things emerge. Old things are found. Discarded things become interesting. The river changes it and casts it back.

Some more lost and found...


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