What do YOU take away from the events in Boston this week?

Try to refrain from arguing right off the bat and just express what if anything this week has ment to you.

Myself it proves that the Govt can't protect it's own people because it's incapable of connecting the dots.

It's also shown me that the Patriot Act was a pointless overreach when compared to the results it's netted.

One last observation. Our gov't has gotten so big it is incapable of functioning properly for the good of the people.

The biggest thing I've taken away....

I think the last week has highlighted a major problem with the 24-hour News cycle and the Partisan Entertainment Complex. The amount of completely incorrect information that was released by various news sources was staggering - as was the amount of politically based "speculation" fed by that incorrect information.

A lot of which was right here on this forum.

Sure, but it didn't start here. People parrot what they read on blogs and hear on the radio, and make posts about it.

This forum isn't leading the dialog.
Try to refrain from arguing right off the bat and just express what if anything this week has ment to you.

Myself it proves that the Govt can't protect it's own people because it's incapable of connecting the dots.

It's also shown me that the Patriot Act was a pointless overreach when compared to the results it's netted.

One last observation. Our gov't has gotten so big it is incapable of functioning properly for the good of the people.

It has shown me the best and the worst of people.

It has made me so proud of our government agencies and law enforcement people who worked tirelessly and risked their lives to track down the perpetrators and capture them.

The sad part, is that it has once more brought anti-muslim hatred to the forefront and I have seen the vilest things said and printed about that religion when it should be targeted at the suspects who did the deed, regardless of faith. People used the tragedy to justify their bigotry :(
What I got out it was.....we bicker and fight and argue with each other but in a pinch..we drop differences and help each other because we are Americans. That is what we do.
Second thing was....take everything reported with a grain of salt.
Third...our LE was on the ball and it made me proud.
Fourth....muslims. They will never stop. It isn't in their so called religion. They live to hate.

What about American Muslims?
What I got out it was.....we bicker and fight and argue with each other but in a pinch..we drop differences and help each other because we are Americans. That is what we do.
Second thing was....take everything reported with a grain of salt.
Third...our LE was on the ball and it made me proud.
Fourth....muslims. They will never stop. It isn't in their so called religion. They live to hate.

Still owe you some + rep. I never seem to be able to give the 20/day.
What I got out it was.....we bicker and fight and argue with each other but in a pinch..we drop differences and help each other because we are Americans. That is what we do.
Second thing was....take everything reported with a grain of salt.
Third...our LE was on the ball and it made me proud.
Fourth....muslims. They will never stop. It isn't in their so called religion. They live to hate.

What about American Muslims?

What about them?
What I got out it was.....we bicker and fight and argue with each other but in a pinch..we drop differences and help each other because we are Americans. That is what we do.
Second thing was....take everything reported with a grain of salt.
Third...our LE was on the ball and it made me proud.
Fourth....muslims. They will never stop. It isn't in their so called religion. They live to hate.

What about American Muslims?

What about them?

Do you think that American Muslims are "dropping their differences and helping each other" or do they "live to hate"?
Try to refrain from arguing right off the bat and just express what if anything this week has ment to you.

Myself it proves that the Govt can't protect it's own people because it's incapable of connecting the dots.

It's also shown me that the Patriot Act was a pointless overreach
when compared to the results it's netted.

One last observation. Our gov't has gotten so big it is incapable of functioning properly for the good of the people.

Ministries of Fear (aka homeland security bogusness) add nothing but government jobs to free countries. But that isn't new; the ministry of fear was never more than a power grab by corporatists spoon feeding a halfwit inheritor his lines.

Indeed the feds are incapable
of protecting Main Street from itself. Just like it was in 1789, 1889, 1989, etc. Main Streets could protect themselves fairly well when shared values were the rule. It is not possible to protect people divided against the common good. That can't be done.

What can be done is what dictators in shit for brains places did after bombings in the 1950s/60s and what Boston did this week: massive paramilitary operations that treat citizens well only as long as they keep their heads down.

In sum, no news for me this week. Okay, it looks like they are making flak jackets smaller today, or maybe Irish cops are fatter than they used to be. Not sure which is going on there.

My takeaway is this week confirmed what the end of the greatness of America looks like. The US has become a nation of fearful, angry supplicants pretending to various levels of "American" stuff when none of that matters any more.

The future is a nation where about a third of people are golden and the best children of the rest fight gatekeepers to get into the top half for a possible launch point into the golden third.

Good. The nation that re elected The Bush League in 2004 deserves every bit of every fucking everyone that can gives it. It'll surprise me if there is enough guts left in young people today to change more than the channel.
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Shit happens.
Sometimes really bad shit happens.
Either we remain a free society grounded in liberty, or we dont.
Best guess? The state will use this as an excuse to expand their powers yet again and the sheep will applaud.

Like so:

That unless we start some sensible policies and get rid of our political correct stupidity, we will continue to suffer these acts. We need to profile, we need to secure the borders, we need to identify those that perpetrate, encourage and breed these animals.

Until that happens, welcome to the new normal.
We need background checks for all potential immigrants. Islamic people should not be allowed.


Mebbe we reign in the desire to rule the world and these folks can find some other imperialists else to hate.
What I got out it was.....we bicker and fight and argue with each other but in a pinch..we drop differences and help each other because we are Americans. That is what we do.
Second thing was....take everything reported with a grain of salt.
Third...our LE was on the ball and it made me proud.
Fourth....muslims. They will never stop. It isn't in their so called religion. They live to hate.

What about American Muslims?

American muslims still see all Americans as infidels if they are not muslim. So therefore, they hate as well. Death to infidels. That is their motto. They have done NOTHING to prove otherwise. NOTHING.
What I got out it was.....we bicker and fight and argue with each other but in a pinch..we drop differences and help each other because we are Americans. That is what we do.
Second thing was....take everything reported with a grain of salt.
Third...our LE was on the ball and it made me proud.
Fourth....muslims. They will never stop. It isn't in their so called religion. They live to hate.

What about American Muslims?

American muslims still see all Americans as infidels if they are not muslim. So therefore, they hate as well. Death to infidels. That is their motto. They have done NOTHING to prove otherwise. NOTHING.

I really get the impression that you've never met a real live Muslim.

I have many friends who are Muslim. None of them are "full of hate". "Death to infidels" is not their "motto". What do you think they have to "prove"?
What about American Muslims?

American muslims still see all Americans as infidels if they are not muslim. So therefore, they hate as well. Death to infidels. That is their motto. They have done NOTHING to prove otherwise. NOTHING.

I really get the impression that you've never met a real live Muslim.

I have many friends who are Muslim. None of them are "full of hate". "Death to infidels" is not their "motto". What do you think they have to "prove"?

No..I don't know many muslims except for the two I used to work for..that fired me because I didn't know my place as a woman.
Prove? Where are the muslims since the bombing? Are they in their mosques praying for the victims? I haven't heard or seen any speak up or offer assistance or even sorrow. What about a food drive or charity for the victims? Any of them working on that out of their mosques?

Didn't think so.
What I got out it was.....we bicker and fight and argue with each other but in a pinch..we drop differences and help each other because we are Americans. That is what we do.
Second thing was....take everything reported with a grain of salt.
Third...our LE was on the ball and it made me proud.
Fourth....muslims. They will never stop. It isn't in their so called religion. They live to hate.

What about American Muslims?

American muslims still see all Americans as infidels if they are not muslim. So therefore, they hate as well. Death to infidels. That is their motto. They have done NOTHING to prove otherwise. NOTHING.

What you will notice the longer you are here is how vehemently the left defends muslims. Now, they all claim to be athiests, or agnostics, or some such. Nevertheless, they are the eternal and ultimate American apologists and defenders of all things islam - even islamic hate of the western world. Just look at how they rationalize and justify islamic violence toward us. This forum is full of their justificaitons for islamic violence toward Americans. They cannot seem to grasp that to islam they are just as bad as Christians, perhaps even worse, because Christ IS at least a prophet of God in the Quran.
What about American Muslims?

American muslims still see all Americans as infidels if they are not muslim. So therefore, they hate as well. Death to infidels. That is their motto. They have done NOTHING to prove otherwise. NOTHING.

I really get the impression that you've never met a real live Muslim.

I have many friends who are Muslim. None of them are "full of hate". "Death to infidels" is not their "motto". What do you think they have to "prove"?
where is the nation wide movement to discredit Islamic terrorist muslims are waging.
What about American Muslims?

American muslims still see all Americans as infidels if they are not muslim. So therefore, they hate as well. Death to infidels. That is their motto. They have done NOTHING to prove otherwise. NOTHING.

I really get the impression that you've never met a real live Muslim.

I have many friends who are Muslim. None of them are "full of hate". "Death to infidels" is not their "motto". What do you think they have to "prove"?

If that were the case, do you think they would tell YOU?
American muslims still see all Americans as infidels if they are not muslim. So therefore, they hate as well. Death to infidels. That is their motto. They have done NOTHING to prove otherwise. NOTHING.

I really get the impression that you've never met a real live Muslim.

I have many friends who are Muslim. None of them are "full of hate". "Death to infidels" is not their "motto". What do you think they have to "prove"?
where is the nation wide movement to discredit Islamic terrorist muslims are waging.

Been out huffing with TM again, Yidnar?
What about American Muslims?

American muslims still see all Americans as infidels if they are not muslim. So therefore, they hate as well. Death to infidels. That is their motto. They have done NOTHING to prove otherwise. NOTHING.

What you will notice the longer you are here is how vehemently the left defends muslims. Now, they all claim to be athiests, or agnostics, or some such. Nevertheless, they are the eternal and ultimate American apologists and defenders of all things islam - even islamic hate of the western world. Just look at how they rationalize and justify islamic violence toward us. This forum is full of their justificaitons for islamic violence toward Americans. They cannot seem to grasp that to islam they are just as bad as Christians, perhaps even worse, because Christ IS at least a prophet of God in the Quran.

What is wrong with Americas Muslims?
I don't enjoy feeling this way about Muslims. But...it's kind of hard NOT to when every time a bombing takes place or people are beheaded or stoned or a honor killing takes place or a child is harmed because they dishonored the family and it is ALL muslims....shrug. Leopard can't change it's spots.

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