What do YOU take away from the events in Boston this week?

I really get the impression that you've never met a real live Muslim.

I have many friends who are Muslim. None of them are "full of hate". "Death to infidels" is not their "motto". What do you think they have to "prove"?
where is the nation wide movement to discredit Islamic terrorist muslims are waging.

Why is Islam the only religion required to on mass apologize for the acts of extremists?

When did Islam last apologized for an atrocity such as the Boston bombing ?


...and if ever, certainly not sincerely as such atrocities are part of their terrorist agenda.
They aren't white guys? What are they, then?

The 1775 treatise "The Natural Varieties of Mankind," by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach proposed five major divisions: the Caucasoid race, Mongoloid race, Ethiopian race (later termed the Negroid race), American Indian race, and Malayan race, but he did not propose any hierarchy among the races.[46] Blumenbach also noted the graded transition in appearances from one group to adjacent groups and suggested that "one variety of mankind does so sensibly pass into the other, that you cannot mark out the limits between them".[47]


Tell us.

Here are some pictures of Chechen people. If I passed them on the street I would say they were white. Wouldn't you? (By the way, I'm not the one who cares whether they were white, black, asian or whatever.)

The funniest thing about this conversation is that Chechens are quite literally "Caucasians" - Chechnya being right in the middle of the Caucasus region.
I've been feeling really guilty, so reading the responses to my unease at the one sided emotion I got since the bombing, is appreciated and cleared some of the fog. I don't like fog.

I'm just...disallusioned I guess. Sad. Disgusted. Confused. Pissed off. All the above.

Hope you are able to work it out.
What I got out it was.....we bicker and fight and argue with each other but in a pinch..we drop differences and help each other because we are Americans. That is what we do.
Second thing was....take everything reported with a grain of salt.
Third...our LE was on the ball and it made me proud.
Fourth....muslims. They will never stop. It isn't in their so called religion. They live to hate.

What about American Muslims?

American muslims still see all Americans as infidels if they are not muslim. So therefore, they hate as well. Death to infidels. That is their motto. They have done NOTHING to prove otherwise. NOTHING.

They have done everything to prove otherwise. They work at jobs, take their children to school and day care, participate in charity, lead boy and girl scout troops, try to figure out their tax issues, worry about the economy, vote in elections, write their congressmen, go to the mosque and pray for whatever anyone prays for. They celebrate the fourth of july, they love being Americans just like any other America. They vacation in Disneyland, Yellowstone, or maybe just drives of exploration in their home county. They celebrate their child's little league successes and theatre debuts. They hope their son or daughter will be a doctor, a lawyer, an artist ....and they love their grandchildren.

They have nothing to prove.
where is the nation wide movement to discredit Islamic terrorist muslims are waging.

Why is Islam the only religion required to on mass apologize for the acts of extremists?

When did Islam last apologized for an atrocity such as the Boston bombing ?


...and if ever, certainly not sincerely as such atrocities are part of their terrorist agenda.

Why should "Islam" apologize for anything?
My takeaway.......if you attack this country

We will get you
where is the nation wide movement to discredit Islamic terrorist muslims are waging.

Why is Islam the only religion required to on mass apologize for the acts of extremists?

When did Islam last apologized for an atrocity such as the Boston bombing ?


...and if ever, certainly not sincerely as such atrocities are part of their terrorist agenda.

When has any religion apologized on masse for the acts of it's extremists?
Why is Islam the only religion required to on mass apologize for the acts of extremists?

When did Islam last apologized for an atrocity such as the Boston bombing ?


...and if ever, certainly not sincerely as such atrocities are part of their terrorist agenda.

Why should "Islam" apologize for anything?

If this has to be explained to you in view of the current and past events, then it is pointless to even discuss any justification.

Are you condoning these events?
What I take away from the events in Boston this week is that it must be quite obvious that the US has to adopt much stricter security and despite the mantra and hype of not wanting to infringe on personal liberties, the government really has no choice!

Furthermore .... and most important, authorities as the FBI must take overseas warnings about possible local radicals more seriously.

You small government nutter, you!
When did Islam last apologized for an atrocity such as the Boston bombing ?


...and if ever, certainly not sincerely as such atrocities are part of their terrorist agenda.

Why should "Islam" apologize for anything?

If this has to be explained to you in view of the current and past events, then it is pointless to even discuss any justification.

Are you condoning these events?

Answer the question. Why should Islam as a whole have to apologize for the actions of extremists?

Name any other religion that has been required to do so.

Speaking of "condoning" is merely a deflection.
where is the nation wide movement to discredit Islamic terrorist muslims are waging.

Why is Islam the only religion required to on mass apologize for the acts of extremists?

When did Islam last apologized for an atrocity such as the Boston bombing ?


...and if ever, certainly not sincerely as such atrocities are part of their terrorist agenda.

You are a really stupid person.
I really get the impression that you've never met a real live Muslim.

I have many friends who are Muslim. None of them are "full of hate". "Death to infidels" is not their "motto". What do you think they have to "prove"?

If that were the case, do you think they would tell YOU?

Do you not see how ridiculous you look saying things like that?

Right up tp the point where these brothers built and placed those bombs those who knew them would have sworn they weren't full of hate and death to infidels was not their motto. Troubling isn't it? If not it should be. The day after Dzokhar murdered 3 people and maimed 180 he went to classes. He joked with his friends. He has loyal friends. Probably people just like yourself. He worked out at the gym. Just another nice guy who wasn't full of hate.
Just showed my wife the pics of this double amputee in a wheelchair 10 minutes after the bomb went off......she's an RN for the last 19 years.......the guy has both legs blown off and he looks like he's heading off to Burger King for a Whopper Sandwich........her jaw hit the floor, "No fucking way that guy should be conscious!!"


Its taken me over 2 years to wake her ass up to reality!!!!

PS.....she also said the blood is total bullshit......."whaaaaaat.......thats not blood!!!"!!!
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When did Islam last apologized for an atrocity such as the Boston bombing ?


...and if ever, certainly not sincerely as such atrocities are part of their terrorist agenda.

Why should "Islam" apologize for anything?

If this has to be explained to you in view of the current and past events, then it is pointless to even discuss any justification.

Why should my Moroccan neighbor in San Francisco "apologize" for the bombing in Boston?
Why should "Islam" apologize for anything?

If this has to be explained to you in view of the current and past events, then it is pointless to even discuss any justification.

Are you condoning these events?

Answer the question. Why should Islam as a whole have to apologize for the actions of extremists?

Name any other religion that has been required to do so.

Speaking of "condoning" is merely a deflection.

It is quite obvious we are talking about Islamists who are part of the religious and political aspects of Islam who are also responsible for terrorist attacks!

There is no sensible question to answer .... as this discussion in view of the current event is getting indecent.
If that were the case, do you think they would tell YOU?

Do you not see how ridiculous you look saying things like that?

Right up tp the point where these brothers built and placed those bombs those who knew them would have sworn they weren't full of hate and death to infidels was not their motto. Troubling isn't it? If not it should be. The day after Dzokhar murdered 3 people and maimed 180 he went to classes. He joked with his friends. He has loyal friends. Probably people just like yourself. He worked out at the gym. Just another nice guy who wasn't full of hate.

Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, Jared Loughner, Andrew Engeldinger, Tim McVeigh...were all just nice guys until they snapped.

They weren't muslim either.
If this has to be explained to you in view of the current and past events, then it is pointless to even discuss any justification.

Are you condoning these events?

Answer the question. Why should Islam as a whole have to apologize for the actions of extremists?

Name any other religion that has been required to do so.

Speaking of "condoning" is merely a deflection.

It is quite obvious we are talking about Islamists who are part of the religious and political aspects of Islam who are also responsible for terrorist attacks!

There is no sensible question to answer .... as this discussion in view of the current event is getting indecent.

How is that the slightest bit "obvious"?

There are more than a billion Muslims in the world. What percentage of them do you think are terrorists?
Try to refrain from arguing right off the bat and just express what if anything this week has ment to you.

Myself it proves that the Govt can't protect it's own people because it's incapable of connecting the dots.

It's also shown me that the Patriot Act was a pointless overreach when compared to the results it's netted.

One last observation. Our gov't has gotten so big it is incapable of functioning properly for the good of the people.

You know who foretold what you're saying right now? None other than Sam Walton; founder of Wal*Mart. He put in his autobiography (paraphrasing) "Can a $100B retailer run as productively and efficiently as it should or would five $20B retailers do it better"

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Sam-Walton-Made-America/dp/0553562835/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366504756&sr=1-1&keywords=made+in+america+sam+walton]Sam Walton: Made In America: Sam Walton, John Huey: 9780553562835: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]

Personally, I think you're a little late to the party if you're just coming to this realization.

What do we do? It's not going to happen since we operate under a 200+ year old business model that was ill suited for the 1900's. Can you imagine running your business based on the market realities of 1990 and offering the decor of that time period? Well, that is what we have in our Constitution...we're not responsive to the needs of the States since the needs have changed and our Constitution hasn't.

What we need is a major course correction to re-fashion the government from the ground up. Along side of this, and just as important though, is a ground up re-definition of citizenry. About 40% of Americans voted in 2012....can you imagine?

The reason is that most people feel that elections don't matter. So the Constitution needs to be changed to re-install that faith. States have politicized the process as to where 90+ percent of the elected representatives will go back to Washington every year--$17B in debt and nearly no turnover...can you imagine?

Re-install faith in elections then you'll get more citizen involvement.
Once you get more citizen involvement, you get a closer examination of candidate's records.
Once you get that examination, you get better public servants elected instead of better politicians

Then you get a better government...

You're a proponent of term limits. I am not. The reason is that the actors aren't the problem, the script is. If John Doe needs to raise X amount of dollars during his first term; Jane Doe who replaces him will need to raise X amount of dollars during her first term as well. Likely they will be "requesting" the same amount from the same "concerned citizens" in their districts. You remove the need for that money, you lose the influence that the "concerned citizens" have on the process.

If you want a better government, you need better citizens. We get the government we deserve and we as citizens have done a very poor job of holding our elected officials accountable. We had the House gaveling themselves into session for 14 minutes not long ago to block the President from appointing a labor secretary....

Obama Labor Board Recess Appointments Are Unconstitutional, Federal Court Rules

The mickey-mouse BS was applauded by many here. Do you think this is what the founders wanted? Can you imagine what they would think? Can you imagine...

Of course that's all fun and games back in 2012 when he did it--a Labor Secretary. . Since the court slapped down Obama's action he won't do it again, right? Big victory. Can you think of another government agency that doesn't have a director that would have been helpful earlier this week? I can...It's call BATF...Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms. The directorship has been vacant since 2006. Should we be the surprised that people are able to make bombs, are making bombs and using them? We live in an age of terrorism...can you imagine not having a head of this agency? How many threads have you seen concerning it?

Nor will there be. The lazy citizens of the nation do not care as long as their "side" is on top.
If this has to be explained to you in view of the current and past events, then it is pointless to even discuss any justification.

Are you condoning these events?

Answer the question. Why should Islam as a whole have to apologize for the actions of extremists?

Name any other religion that has been required to do so.

Speaking of "condoning" is merely a deflection.

It is quite obvious we are talking about Islamists who are part of the religious and political aspects of Islam who are also responsible for terrorist attacks!

There is no sensible question to answer .... as this discussion in view of the current event is getting indecent.

No. It is not.

When you are asking for Islam as a whole to "apologize" - when you are asking for ordinary everyday Americans to apologize for the extremists who steal their religion to justify murder - you are not atlking about Islamists. You are talking about all Muslims who are expected to "apologize" in a manner not demanded of ANY other religion.
[ame=http://youtu.be/F_K17zgwsWE]Marshal Law after Boston Marathon Bombing! - YouTube[/ame]

I just got more scared of the government~

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