What do YOU take away from the events in Boston this week?

American muslims still see all Americans as infidels if they are not muslim. So therefore, they hate as well. Death to infidels. That is their motto. They have done NOTHING to prove otherwise. NOTHING.

I really get the impression that you've never met a real live Muslim.

I have many friends who are Muslim. None of them are "full of hate". "Death to infidels" is not their "motto". What do you think they have to "prove"?

If that were the case, do you think they would tell YOU?

Looks like he chose not to answer this one. Well his friends could be like the bombers, posting on FB that they are all about the same things he is about. Watch it and weep. There are some who are beginning to get the picture.

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The libs were desperate to convince the world that this was a right wing, white supremacist, tea party, NRA conspiracy funded by Mitt Romney and ordered by sarah palin, that I became very suspicious that they were trying to cover something up.
Looking at the perps, raised and educated in the people's republic of Cambridge, indoctrinated at the Cambridge syringe and Latin terrorist training facility, I now see why.

It was a liberal terror attack.

Given the succor they have given muslims on the forums, I'd say it is fair to call all the islamic attacks liberal terror attacks!
My thought on the bombings:

1. We need to secure our boarders and not allow "refugees" from radicalized Islamic countries easy access to the U.S. (as well as support on welfare programs etc.).

2. We need to stop the politically correct bullshit that Muslim is a religion of peace. Until the peaceful Muslim community (yes it exists) effectively repudiates and isolates the Jihadist one, they are passive enablers of a violent philosophy.

3. We need to stop spending tax money on insane crap and pork and get government back to a proper, limited role of ensuring rule of law and national defense. Nanny statism regarding one size fits all health care plans, limits on magazine clips, limits on soda sizes, bans on plastic bags...we can't afford them. And worse, the overwhelmimg amount of this interference distracts much of the public from the real threat we face from global terrorism.
I hate to think that this country will start to look like an armed camp. We have so may vulnerable events. I dread the thought of armored vehicles and soldiers lining the roads any time an event where a crowd gathers.

Sad, but it may be reality now.
I don't Willow, because the majority of them don't reside in our country.

I don't condone hatred and intolerance from anyone. Do you?

the last two or three attacks have come from muslims we''ve given citizenship to, opportunities to and yes,, quashed our fear and our loathing of their philosophy and each time we do we pay a heavy price.

Willow, if you sit back and think....we are talking about an exceedingly RARE event.

Should we hate an entire group because of that?

(ps - prior attacks were not Muslim - Newtown, Lougner, Colorado...)

We have a problem here. In general most Muslim 'man on the street' interviews as well as statements from prominent Muslims in the US state a general objection to Islamist based terror. However, in every instance that objection invariably is accompanied by conditions.
"We reject the attacks, BUT"..
Not once since 9/11 has a high ranking Muslim Cleric or Imam unconditionally condemned the 9/11 attacks nor any other act of violence upon innocents perpetrated in the name of Allah..
Now that tells me the small minority of Muslims involved in terror either have control of the entire Faith or the everyday Muslim empathizes with the acts.
Either way the situation is the Muslim community either is unable or unwilling to get it's house in order. In other words 3 billion Muslims should be quite capable of silencing 3 million. So where are the American Muslims on this. Why do they not stand up and be counted as wholly opposed?
Two terrorists and a potential small network of people supporting them caught the government napping and a few innocent people were murdered and several had their lives destroyed.

I do think the government acted well to nab the terrorists and it was utterly fascinating to have so much second by second first hand information. The internet knew what was happening sometimes two to three hours before the mainstream media did.

The biggest thing about this is oddly the technological revolution we witnessed and how that's going to impact the future. Despite the government's efforts to shut down internet police scanner feeds, there was 2.1 million people watching when the police napped suspect two. Within minutes of the gunfights happening in Watertown, there was video uploaded of it to the internet. Largely within minutes of any big story breaking there were pictures of it online. Also we were able to follow the story moment by moment not only on the police scanners and internet forums but also on Google Maps and through pirate feeds. At the time of the arrest, I had three TV feeds, four internet message boards and the police scanner feed all going at the same time. The internet's ability to gain information now surpasses any mainstream media outlets. It's unbelievable to think how powerful this is and when something happens we're all anon.

Good observation on the "new" media.

I think that carries alot of negatives with it however.

The big picture is much more important than bits of information. FYI: During the scanner chatter, they found what turned out to be a vagrant sleeping in the bushes outside of a building where motion detectors were going off.

About 75 tweets pronounced that he was being captured--the 2nd suspect-- and they dispatched a K-9 crew.

Meanwhile, he was blocks away more or less. Information is great. Analysis is much better
the last two or three attacks have come from muslims we''ve given citizenship to, opportunities to and yes,, quashed our fear and our loathing of their philosophy and each time we do we pay a heavy price.

Willow, if you sit back and think....we are talking about an exceedingly RARE event.

Should we hate an entire group because of that?

(ps - prior attacks were not Muslim - Newtown, Lougner, Colorado...)

We have a problem here. In general most Muslim 'man on the street' interviews as well as statements from prominent Muslims in the US state a general objection to Islamist based terror. However, in every instance that objection invariably is accompanied by conditions.
"We reject the attacks, BUT"..
Not once since 9/11 has a high ranking Muslim Cleric or Imam unconditionally condemned the 9/11 attacks nor any other act of violence upon innocents perpetrated in the name of Allah..
Now that tells me the small minority of Muslims involved in terror either have control of the entire Faith or the everyday Muslim empathizes with the acts.
Either way the situation is the Muslim community either is unable or unwilling to get it's house in order. In other words 3 billion Muslims should be quite capable of silencing 3 million. So where are the American Muslims on this. Why do they not stand up and be counted as wholly opposed?

Your numbers are a bit off. There are about 1 billion muslims, with roughly 7% of them radicals. That would be 70 million radicals. A prety high number wanting to kill us. So, unless Americans take steps to secure ourselves and our homeland, the carnage will continue.
My thought on the bombings:

1. We need to secure our boarders and not allow "refugees" from radicalized Islamic countries easy access to the U.S. (as well as support on welfare programs etc.).

2. We need to stop the politically correct bullshit that Muslim is a religion of peace. Until the peaceful Muslim community (yes it exists) effectively repudiates and isolates the Jihadist one, they are passive enablers of a violent philosophy.

3. We need to stop spending tax money on insane crap and pork and get government back to a proper, limited role of ensuring rule of law and national defense. Nanny statism regarding one size fits all health care plans, limits on magazine clips, limits on soda sizes, bans on plastic bags...we can't afford them. And worse, the overwhelmimg amount of this interference distracts much of the public from the real threat we face from global terrorism.

Agree with all of that, but your post would have been much stronger if you had just stopped at number 2.
Most of that is conspiracy theory. Most immigrants want to make a life for themselves and their families that was better than it was in their homeland.
Five years ago, I saw a televised speech given at a La Raza rally. They were talking about overpopulating California, taking over the government posts, and passing laws to become part of Mexico. They were speaking before all Latinos and getting huzzas.

That got my attention. What is it about informed Americans do you consider to be conspiratorial when it comes to knowing how the cow ate the cabbage, ma'am?

We have a large immigrant population...I have never heard any of my friends talking like that.

A televised speech at a La Raza rally may not be representative any more than David Duke.

I consider myself an informed American :)
"A televised speech at a La Raza rally may not be representative any more than David Duke."..
Maybe not...La Raza is a radical anti Anglo anti US organization.
"your friends"..Look, even though the Sicilian Mafia had non-Sicilians as associate members, for one thing they could never be "made men"..Second the Sicilians would never share certain issues regarding business with these 'outsiders'...
Read between the lines.

Here are some pictures of Chechen people. If I passed them on the street I would say they were white. Wouldn't you? (By the way, I'm not the one who cares whether they were white, black, asian or whatever.)

The funniest thing about this conversation is that Chechens are quite literally "Caucasians" - Chechnya being right in the middle of the Caucasus region.

It's not that funny. They are named for the region they come from. Are you trying to make some point because you are failing.
Try to refrain from arguing right off the bat and just express what if anything this week has ment to you.

Myself it proves that the Govt can't protect it's own people because it's incapable of connecting the dots.

It's also shown me that the Patriot Act was a pointless overreach when compared to the results it's netted.

One last observation. Our gov't has gotten so big it is incapable of functioning properly for the good of the people.

It reenforced my knowledge that government, or it's citizens, can't stop or find every threat regardless of how open or restrictive said government is. It also reenforced the reality that the more open a society/government is the more likely things like this are going to continue to slip through the cracks. Such is one of the prices of freedom. The choice is, are we willing to pay that price even if it directly affects us personally or not. I am.
Willow, if you sit back and think....we are talking about an exceedingly RARE event.

Should we hate an entire group because of that?

(ps - prior attacks were not Muslim - Newtown, Lougner, Colorado...)

We have a problem here. In general most Muslim 'man on the street' interviews as well as statements from prominent Muslims in the US state a general objection to Islamist based terror. However, in every instance that objection invariably is accompanied by conditions.
"We reject the attacks, BUT"..
Not once since 9/11 has a high ranking Muslim Cleric or Imam unconditionally condemned the 9/11 attacks nor any other act of violence upon innocents perpetrated in the name of Allah..
Now that tells me the small minority of Muslims involved in terror either have control of the entire Faith or the everyday Muslim empathizes with the acts.
Either way the situation is the Muslim community either is unable or unwilling to get it's house in order. In other words 3 billion Muslims should be quite capable of silencing 3 million. So where are the American Muslims on this. Why do they not stand up and be counted as wholly opposed?

Your numbers are a bit off. There are about 1 billion muslims, with roughly 7% of them radicals. That would be 70 million radicals. A prety high number wanting to kill us. So, unless Americans take steps to secure ourselves and our homeland, the carnage will continue.
Point taken though, correct?
My thought on the bombings:

1. We need to secure our boarders and not allow "refugees" from radicalized Islamic countries easy access to the U.S. (as well as support on welfare programs etc.).

2. We need to stop the politically correct bullshit that Muslim is a religion of peace. Until the peaceful Muslim community (yes it exists) effectively repudiates and isolates the Jihadist one, they are passive enablers of a violent philosophy.

3. We need to stop spending tax money on insane crap and pork and get government back to a proper, limited role of ensuring rule of law and national defense. Nanny statism regarding one size fits all health care plans, limits on magazine clips, limits on soda sizes, bans on plastic bags...we can't afford them. And worse, the overwhelmimg amount of this interference distracts much of the public from the real threat we face from global terrorism.

Not all American Muslims are terrorists. Not all American Muslims attend their Mosque of choice to be brainwashed by Islamist Imams..Not all American Muslims sympathize with Islamist terrorists.
That's "what about American Muslims"...

They are Americans :)

Perhaps by definition. but I have questions as to their allegiance.
Is it to the USA or Islam?

According to a Pew poll....Muslim Americans: No Signs of Growth in Alienation or Support for Extremism | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press


Considering that there Christians poll at almost the same rate - should we also question their loyalty?

This kind of reminds me of the old anti-Catholic bigotry that questioned Catholic's loyalty to the Pope.

Another interesting poll: Muslims Americans more likely than other faith groups to reject attacks on civilians

Oh please, they are no more Americans than Mahmood Achmadinejad. They have succeeded in obtaining an American label slapped on their asses. No one could tell me that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was an American. He couldn't make it past 7 months of having citizenship before the bombed the marathon. We need a separate classification for those who obtain citizenship under false pretenses. Then start revoking that citizenship and start prosecuting them as foreign nationals.

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