What do YOU take away from the events in Boston this week?

It's time to close the door on foreigners who come here wanting to kill us or lop off the southwest to give it back to Mexico, who took it away from the American Indian tribes living here.

Where does the nonsense end? The Ice Age? :rolleyes:

Most of that is conspiracy theory. Most immigrants want to make a life for themselves and their families that was better than it was in their homeland.
Five years ago, I saw a televised speech given at a La Raza rally. They were talking about overpopulating California, taking over the government posts, and passing laws to become part of Mexico. They were speaking before all Latinos and getting huzzas.

That got my attention. What is it about informed Americans do you consider to be conspiratorial when it comes to knowing how the cow ate the cabbage, ma'am?

We have a large immigrant population...I have never heard any of my friends talking like that.

A televised speech at a La Raza rally may not be representative any more than David Duke.

I consider myself an informed American :)
Most of that is conspiracy theory. Most immigrants want to make a life for themselves and their families that was better than it was in their homeland.
Five years ago, I saw a televised speech given at a La Raza rally. They were talking about overpopulating California, taking over the government posts, and passing laws to become part of Mexico. They were speaking before all Latinos and getting huzzas.

That got my attention. What is it about informed Americans do you consider to be conspiratorial when it comes to knowing how the cow ate the cabbage, ma'am?

We have a large immigrant population...I have never heard any of my friends talking like that.

A televised speech at a La Raza rally may not be representative any more than David Duke.

I consider myself an informed American :)
I guess I was overwhelmed by the 70,000 Latinos cheering the idea of overthrowing whitey.

Just stop the world and I'll get off.
Try to refrain from arguing right off the bat and just express what if anything this week has ment to you.

Myself it proves that the Govt can't protect it's own people because it's incapable of connecting the dots.

It's also shown me that the Patriot Act was a pointless overreach when compared to the results it's netted.

One last observation. Our gov't has gotten so big it is incapable of functioning properly for the good of the people.

The biggest thing I've taken away....

I think the last week has highlighted a major problem with the 24-hour News cycle and the Partisan Entertainment Complex. The amount of completely incorrect information that was released by various news sources was staggering - as was the amount of politically based "speculation" fed by that incorrect information.
Yep..CNN and the NY post really screwed the pooch.
Unfortunately news outlets have eschewed being accurate. Being first to report is the rule.
How many times have we heard the term "exclusive" when a story breaks.
The other issue is news is presented more of an editorial than a set of facts.
I find it disgusting that reporters, correspondents and anchors believe it necessary to tell viewers/listeners their opinion of events on which they report.
Years ago when journalism was an art form and people in that business took pride an reporting the who what when where how and why. That managers were 100% intolerant of any reporter who told the audience what they thought of a news item. Today, it's expected.
What I got out it was.....we bicker and fight and argue with each other but in a pinch..we drop differences and help each other because we are Americans. That is what we do.
Second thing was....take everything reported with a grain of salt.
Third...our LE was on the ball and it made me proud.
Fourth....muslims. They will never stop. It isn't in their so called religion. They live to hate.

What about American Muslims?

Not all American Muslims are terrorists. Not all American Muslims attend their Mosque of choice to be brainwashed by Islamist Imams..Not all American Muslims sympathize with Islamist terrorists.
That's "what about American Muslims"...
What did I take from this?
Deep deep hurt, I have seen this elsewhere, too often, but to see it in the city you love, the city that has become your home, it's different.
I see far left wing radicals praying that it will be a white right wing terror group, though non exist.
I saw the professionals, waving guns at people and illegally evicting them from their homes, I see searches without warrents, professionals locking down entire cities turning the foolish into prisoners whilst achieving nothing.
The lock down lifted, the experts failed.
Within minutes of the experts standing down, the perp was located by a citizen, a citizen the experts locked up for hours under government instruction.

Then I learned this murderer was raised I a liberal city, subjected to an anti American, hate filled education.
He was a liberal terrorist.

I find it sad that one must turn a tragedy into a partisan attack.
What I got out it was.....we bicker and fight and argue with each other but in a pinch..we drop differences and help each other because we are Americans. That is what we do.
Second thing was....take everything reported with a grain of salt.
Third...our LE was on the ball and it made me proud.
Fourth....muslims. They will never stop. It isn't in their so called religion. They live to hate.

What about American Muslims?

Not all American Muslims are terrorists. Not all American Muslims attend their Mosque of choice to be brainwashed by Islamist Imams..Not all American Muslims sympathize with Islamist terrorists.
That's "what about American Muslims"...

They are Americans :)
Shit happens.
Sometimes really bad shit happens.
Either we remain a free society grounded in liberty, or we dont.
Best guess? The state will use this as an excuse to expand their powers yet again and the sheep will applaud.

Like so:

We need background checks for all potential immigrants. Islamic people should not be allowed.


Mebbe we reign in the desire to rule the world and these folks can find some other imperialists else to hate.

Islamists have not limited their terror plots to the USA. Remember that fact.
Did the level of news coverage the Boston Marathon bombing received, including 24 hour/day coverage by CNN, actually serve to INCITE persons to express their frustrations in the way that those two young people did in Boston?

Also, those fellows had firearms, which they used to shoot a policeman. How did they acquire them?
The most glaring information to take away from this incident is how deep the divisions in the country run and how wide the abyss. Liberals were open and vocal about blaming white people, particularly white Christians. What the liberals were trying to do, and desperately trying, is to incite some general uprising against white Christians before anything was found out about the bombers themselves that would interfere with the violence they were trying to incite.
Levels upon levels of feds, cia, navy, army, darpa, marines, coast guard, reserves, air force, navy seals, army rangers, snipers, intelligence, ect.....
Willow, if you sit back and think....we are talking about an exceedingly RARE event.

Should we hate an entire group because of that?

(ps - prior attacks were not Muslim - Newtown, Lougner, Colorado...)

Listen Mack,,, 1.5 billion muslims a good may of those hate us. polls have been taken, they hate us and they cheer when bad things of their making happen to us. say ten percent of 1.5 billion actually hate us and want to war with us.. How many is that?

Polls also show that the majority of Americans hate Congress but I'm not seeing a spate of Congressional murders.

Look at the entire Muslim population.

Look at the tiny increment engaged at violence.

well, you feel free to kiss you some muslim ass for mass murder, I'm not going to do it.
[ame=http://youtu.be/O_RsNea0H0g]Marshal Law Training Proof! - YouTube[/ame]

They did a good job. They trained for it!
The most glaring information to take away from this incident is how deep the divisions in the country run and how wide the abyss. Liberals were open and vocal about blaming white people, particularly white Christians. What the liberals were trying to do, and desperately trying, is to incite some general uprising against white Christians before anything was found out about the bombers themselves that would interfere with the violence they were trying to incite.

Yes! You nailed it! We were just about to throw eggs at your house in the hopes that you would exit in some kind of "wrath-of-god-rage" and leave us no choice but to violently beat you down and imprison you for your white Christian ways!

You fucking looney-tunes.
One more thing to take away. Russia knows more about muslim extremism in the US than we do. Too bad we didn't pay attention to them from the beginning.
The most glaring information to take away from this incident is how deep the divisions in the country run and how wide the abyss. Liberals were open and vocal about blaming white people, particularly white Christians. What the liberals were trying to do, and desperately trying, is to incite some general uprising against white Christians before anything was found out about the bombers themselves that would interfere with the violence they were trying to incite.

Yes! You nailed it! We were just about to throw eggs at your house in the hopes that you would exit in some kind of "wrath-of-god-rage" and leave us no choice but to violently beat you down and imprison you for your white Christian ways!

You fucking looney-tunes.

You really do know better. I give you some credit for having paid attention to the anti white anti Christian propaganda that came from the left from the first bomb onward.
We need to begin using radical profiling like the Israelis. We know who does the terrorist attacks. No reason to pretend we don't.
Two terrorists and a potential small network of people supporting them caught the government napping and a few innocent people were murdered and several had their lives destroyed.

I do think the government acted well to nab the terrorists and it was utterly fascinating to have so much second by second first hand information. The internet knew what was happening sometimes two to three hours before the mainstream media did.

The biggest thing about this is oddly the technological revolution we witnessed and how that's going to impact the future. Despite the government's efforts to shut down internet police scanner feeds, there was 2.1 million people watching when the police napped suspect two. Within minutes of the gunfights happening in Watertown, there was video uploaded of it to the internet. Largely within minutes of any big story breaking there were pictures of it online. Also we were able to follow the story moment by moment not only on the police scanners and internet forums but also on Google Maps and through pirate feeds. At the time of the arrest, I had three TV feeds, four internet message boards and the police scanner feed all going at the same time. The internet's ability to gain information now surpasses any mainstream media outlets. It's unbelievable to think how powerful this is and when something happens we're all anon.

Good observation on the "new" media.

I think that carries allot of negatives with it however.

the positives outweigh the negs
The most glaring information to take away from this incident is how deep the divisions in the country run and how wide the abyss. Liberals were open and vocal about blaming white people, particularly white Christians. What the liberals were trying to do, and desperately trying, is to incite some general uprising against white Christians before anything was found out about the bombers themselves that would interfere with the violence they were trying to incite.

Yes! You nailed it! We were just about to throw eggs at your house in the hopes that you would exit in some kind of "wrath-of-god-rage" and leave us no choice but to violently beat you down and imprison you for your white Christian ways!

You fucking looney-tunes.

You really do know better. I give you some credit for having paid attention to the anti white anti Christian propaganda that came from the left from the first bomb onward.

You have no credit to give, psycho.

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