What do YOU take away from the events in Boston this week?

We need to begin using radical profiling like the Israelis. We know who does the terrorist attacks. No reason to pretend we don't.

Yes, and until we do that, we will continue to suffer these attacks. Welcome to the new normal.

An exceedingly rare event - which this is, is not a new "normal".
Five years ago, I saw a televised speech given at a La Raza rally. They were talking about overpopulating California, taking over the government posts, and passing laws to become part of Mexico. They were speaking before all Latinos and getting huzzas.

That got my attention. What is it about informed Americans do you consider to be conspiratorial when it comes to knowing how the cow ate the cabbage, ma'am?

We have a large immigrant population...I have never heard any of my friends talking like that.

A televised speech at a La Raza rally may not be representative any more than David Duke.

I consider myself an informed American :)
"A televised speech at a La Raza rally may not be representative any more than David Duke."..
Maybe not...La Raza is a radical anti Anglo anti US organization.
"your friends"..Look, even though the Sicilian Mafia had non-Sicilians as associate members, for one thing they could never be "made men"..Second the Sicilians would never share certain issues regarding business with these 'outsiders'...
Read between the lines.

A lot of the hype around La Raza is conspiracy theory - I'd like to see solid proof of widespread support for a "take over America" scenario before buying into it. Most studies and polls of immigrant citizens show that they define themselves as Americans first.
What about American Muslims?

American muslims still see all Americans as infidels if they are not muslim. So therefore, they hate as well. Death to infidels. That is their motto. They have done NOTHING to prove otherwise. NOTHING.

What you will notice the longer you are here is how vehemently the left defends muslims. Now, they all claim to be athiests, or agnostics, or some such. Nevertheless, they are the eternal and ultimate American apologists and defenders of all things islam - even islamic hate of the western world. Just look at how they rationalize and justify islamic violence toward us. This forum is full of their justificaitons for islamic violence toward Americans. They cannot seem to grasp that to islam they are just as bad as Christians, perhaps even worse, because Christ IS at least a prophet of God in the Quran.

It follows the lib philosophy of "If it's foreign,it's got to be good!"
They are Americans :)

Perhaps by definition. but I have questions as to their allegiance.
Is it to the USA or Islam?

According to a Pew poll....Muslim Americans: No Signs of Growth in Alienation or Support for Extremism | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press


Considering that there Christians poll at almost the same rate - should we also question their loyalty?

This kind of reminds me of the old anti-Catholic bigotry that questioned Catholic's loyalty to the Pope.

Another interesting poll: Muslims Americans more likely than other faith groups to reject attacks on civilians


I am discussing what it in the hearts of American Muslims.
Given the silence, I must remain skeptical.
People lie to pollsters all the time.
Polls cannot be trusted because most pollsters are commissioned by groups who have a particular agenda.
When I see poll results, I ask questions. Who is doing the asking. What were the questions. How were those questions worded. Were any responses thrown out because they did not fit a particular template. What was the sampling. What was the representation of the sampling.
People are too eager to believe in polls.
In fact the roles of polls and the events have been reversed. At one time polls were taken to get the reaction of people regarding the events of the day. Now polls ARE the news.
That is CRAP.
Too many Americans rely on polls to form their opinions. That's lazy. The sad part is pollsters and the main stream media count on that laziness.
Let this be the last time you post poll results in a discussion with me. I discuss hard facts.
Perhaps by definition. but I have questions as to their allegiance.
Is it to the USA or Islam?

According to a Pew poll....Muslim Americans: No Signs of Growth in Alienation or Support for Extremism | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press


Considering that there Christians poll at almost the same rate - should we also question their loyalty?

This kind of reminds me of the old anti-Catholic bigotry that questioned Catholic's loyalty to the Pope.

Another interesting poll: Muslims Americans more likely than other faith groups to reject attacks on civilians


I am discussing what it in the hearts of American Muslims.
Given the silence, I must remain skeptical.
People lie to pollsters all the time.
Polls cannot be trusted because most pollsters are commissioned by groups who have a particular agenda.
When I see poll results, I ask questions. Who is doing the asking. What were the questions. How were those questions worded. Were any responses thrown out because they did not fit a particular template. What was the sampling. What was the representation of the sampling.
People are too eager to believe in polls.
In fact the roles of polls and the events have been reversed. At one time polls were taken to get the reaction of people regarding the events of the day. Now polls ARE the news.
That is CRAP.
Too many Americans rely on polls to form their opinions. That's lazy. The sad part is pollsters and the main stream media count on that laziness.
Let this be the last time you post poll results in a discussion with me. I discuss hard facts.

You don't have any.
We have a large immigrant population...I have never heard any of my friends talking like that.

A televised speech at a La Raza rally may not be representative any more than David Duke.

I consider myself an informed American :)
"A televised speech at a La Raza rally may not be representative any more than David Duke."..
Maybe not...La Raza is a radical anti Anglo anti US organization.
"your friends"..Look, even though the Sicilian Mafia had non-Sicilians as associate members, for one thing they could never be "made men"..Second the Sicilians would never share certain issues regarding business with these 'outsiders'...
Read between the lines.

A lot of the hype around La Raza is conspiracy theory - I'd like to see solid proof of widespread support for a "take over America" scenario before buying into it. Most studies and polls of immigrant citizens show that they define themselves as Americans first.
The best way to find out is to find someone of Latino origin but friendly to the US to ask around of their fellow Latinos what they REALLY think. A white guy will never get an honest answer.
"A televised speech at a La Raza rally may not be representative any more than David Duke."..
Maybe not...La Raza is a radical anti Anglo anti US organization.
"your friends"..Look, even though the Sicilian Mafia had non-Sicilians as associate members, for one thing they could never be "made men"..Second the Sicilians would never share certain issues regarding business with these 'outsiders'...
Read between the lines.

A lot of the hype around La Raza is conspiracy theory - I'd like to see solid proof of widespread support for a "take over America" scenario before buying into it. Most studies and polls of immigrant citizens show that they define themselves as Americans first.
The best way to find out is to find someone of Latino origin but friendly to the US to ask around of their fellow Latinos what they REALLY think. A white guy will never get an honest answer.
Again, I'd like to see some solid facts in support of your claims, not just your suppositions and polls supply best approximation so far.
According to a Pew poll....Muslim Americans: No Signs of Growth in Alienation or Support for Extremism | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press


Considering that there Christians poll at almost the same rate - should we also question their loyalty?

This kind of reminds me of the old anti-Catholic bigotry that questioned Catholic's loyalty to the Pope.

Another interesting poll: Muslims Americans more likely than other faith groups to reject attacks on civilians


I am discussing what it in the hearts of American Muslims.
Given the silence, I must remain skeptical.
People lie to pollsters all the time.
Polls cannot be trusted because most pollsters are commissioned by groups who have a particular agenda.
When I see poll results, I ask questions. Who is doing the asking. What were the questions. How were those questions worded. Were any responses thrown out because they did not fit a particular template. What was the sampling. What was the representation of the sampling.
People are too eager to believe in polls.
In fact the roles of polls and the events have been reversed. At one time polls were taken to get the reaction of people regarding the events of the day. Now polls ARE the news.
That is CRAP.
Too many Americans rely on polls to form their opinions. That's lazy. The sad part is pollsters and the main stream media count on that laziness.
Let this be the last time you post poll results in a discussion with me. I discuss hard facts.

You don't have any.

Gee. A brilliant comeback.
Polls are facts, huh?..It figures.
My post really hit a nerve..Good.
A lot of the hype around La Raza is conspiracy theory - I'd like to see solid proof of widespread support for a "take over America" scenario before buying into it. Most studies and polls of immigrant citizens show that they define themselves as Americans first.
The best way to find out is to find someone of Latino origin but friendly to the US to ask around of their fellow Latinos what they REALLY think. A white guy will never get an honest answer.
Again, I'd like to see some solid facts in support of your claims, not just your suppositions and polls supply best approximation so far.

Please..Stop obfuscating.
What facts are you asking for?
Links? To what?...You are evading the truth. The truth is Latinos most likely will not reveal their true thoughts on this issue. Not to a white guy. It would not be in their best interest.
Look, if one or a group of people is planning something they know is unpopular, do you really think they would reveal their plan to an outsider?..
The best way to find out is to find someone of Latino origin but friendly to the US to ask around of their fellow Latinos what they REALLY think. A white guy will never get an honest answer.
Again, I'd like to see some solid facts in support of your claims, not just your suppositions and polls supply best approximation so far.

Please..Stop obfuscating.
What facts are you asking for?
Links? To what?...You are evading the truth. The truth is Latinos most likely will not reveal their true thoughts on this issue. Not to a white guy. It would not be in their best interest.
Look, if one or a group of people is planning something they know is unpopular, do you really think they would reveal their plan to an outsider?..

Now you are creating a conspiracy theory.

If you claim that the most Latinos support re-conquoring parts of America for Mexico - show some "hard facts".
I hate to think that this country will start to look like an armed camp. We have so may vulnerable events. I dread the thought of armored vehicles and soldiers lining the roads any time an event where a crowd gathers.

Sad, but it may be reality now.

It's not necessary to be an armed camp. The bombers were caught because of private citizens. The double amputee in the hospital gave the FBI information to identify the two...the woman who owned the boat reported that she suspected the 19 year old was hiding in it.

Citizens being aware and taking responsibility for their own safety and that of their neighborhoods (and no, this does not mean vigilantism ) will help the police by being eyes and ears. Law enforcement cannot be everywhere.
I am discussing what it in the hearts of American Muslims.
Given the silence, I must remain skeptical.
People lie to pollsters all the time.
Polls cannot be trusted because most pollsters are commissioned by groups who have a particular agenda.
When I see poll results, I ask questions. Who is doing the asking. What were the questions. How were those questions worded. Were any responses thrown out because they did not fit a particular template. What was the sampling. What was the representation of the sampling.
People are too eager to believe in polls.
In fact the roles of polls and the events have been reversed. At one time polls were taken to get the reaction of people regarding the events of the day. Now polls ARE the news.
That is CRAP.
Too many Americans rely on polls to form their opinions. That's lazy. The sad part is pollsters and the main stream media count on that laziness.
Let this be the last time you post poll results in a discussion with me. I discuss hard facts.

You don't have any.

Gee. A brilliant comeback.
Polls are facts, huh?..It figures.
My post really hit a nerve..Good.


It's just amusing.

You claim: I am discussing what it in the hearts of American Muslims.

Where are the facts to substantiate that you have an inkling of what is "in the hearts" of American Muslims?

You stated: I discuss hard facts

Provide them :)
What do YOU take away from the events in Boston this week?

There are some evil people in the world intent to do harm.
My thought on the bombings:

1. We need to secure our boarders and not allow "refugees" from radicalized Islamic countries easy access to the U.S. (as well as support on welfare programs etc.).

2. We need to stop the politically correct bullshit that Muslim is a religion of peace. Until the peaceful Muslim community (yes it exists) effectively repudiates and isolates the Jihadist one, they are passive enablers of a violent philosophy.

3. We need to stop spending tax money on insane crap and pork and get government back to a proper, limited role of ensuring rule of law and national defense. Nanny statism regarding one size fits all health care plans, limits on magazine clips, limits on soda sizes, bans on plastic bags...we can't afford them. And worse, the overwhelmimg amount of this interference distracts much of the public from the real threat we face from global terrorism.

Agree with all of that, but your post would have been much stronger if you had just stopped at number 2.

#3 is necessary. We waste resources when the TSA body searches wheelchair bound grandmothers and government annoys generally law-abiding citizens with micro-managing nonsense. For all the money we spend, the Federal government is doing very poorly at regarding its key constitutional responsibilities. Stop the social engineering.
We need to begin using radical profiling like the Israelis. We know who does the terrorist attacks. No reason to pretend we don't.

Yes, and until we do that, we will continue to suffer these attacks. Welcome to the new normal.

An exceedingly rare event - which this is, is not a new "normal".
Come on. Stop with the adverbs.
These things are not rare. List..Check 2009..Several attacks or attempted attacks. on either US soil or against a US airline.
Terrorist Attacks in the U.S. or Against Americans | Infoplease.com
Rare? Is that your way of implying we should do nothing? To not remain vigilant? To not place more scrutiny of individuals hailing from certain parts of the world?...To ignore the religious and ethnic make up of the majority of terrorist actors?
Ok...Fine. Lets all join hands and sing "we are the world" with our heads buried in the sand.
Yes, and until we do that, we will continue to suffer these attacks. Welcome to the new normal.

An exceedingly rare event - which this is, is not a new "normal".
Come on. Stop with the adverbs.


I like my adverbs.

These things are not rare. List..Check 2009..Several attacks or attempted attacks. on either US soil or against a US airline.

2009. Ok - we have 4 incidents on your list, two of which occurred in a country we are at war in (since the targets were military, it was part of the war). So - two incidents.

Here's a better list:
Terrorism in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2009 - six terrorist incidents listed. Two were Islamist.

Those are very rare events. Not a "new normal" other than we are no longer exempt from terrorism by isolating distances.

Terrorist Attacks in the U.S. or Against Americans | Infoplease.com
Rare? Is that your way of implying we should do nothing? To not remain vigilant?

Of course not.

To not place more scrutiny of individuals hailing from certain parts of the world?...To ignore the religious and ethnic make up of the majority of terrorist actors?

We've been doing that already and should continue to do so.

Ok...Fine. Lets all join hands and sing "we are the world" with our heads buried in the sand.

You can if you wish, my preference is not to suspend civil rights for people who have done nothing wrong based entirely on people's fear that they are closet terrorists for no other reason than their religion.
An exceedingly rare event - which this is, is not a new "normal".
Come on. Stop with the adverbs.


I like my adverbs.

2009. Ok - we have 4 incidents on your list, two of which occurred in a country we are at war in (since the targets were military, it was part of the war). So - two incidents.

Here's a better list:
Terrorism in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2009 - six terrorist incidents listed. Two were Islamist.

Those are very rare events. Not a "new normal" other than we are no longer exempt from terrorism by isolating distances.

Of course not.

To not place more scrutiny of individuals hailing from certain parts of the world?...To ignore the religious and ethnic make up of the majority of terrorist actors?

We've been doing that already and should continue to do so.

Ok...Fine. Lets all join hands and sing "we are the world" with our heads buried in the sand.

You can if you wish, my preference is not to suspend civil rights for people who have done nothing wrong based entirely on people's fear that they are closet terrorists for no other reason than their religion.
Point taken. However we must get over our PC fear of profiling the people who resemble those who seek our destruction.
Locking the barn door after the horses have run off is stupid.

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