What do YOU take away from the events in Boston this week?

Answer the question. Why should Islam as a whole have to apologize for the actions of extremists?

Name any other religion that has been required to do so.

Speaking of "condoning" is merely a deflection.

It is quite obvious we are talking about Islamists who are part of the religious and political aspects of Islam who are also responsible for terrorist attacks!

There is no sensible question to answer .... as this discussion in view of the current event is getting indecent.

No. It is not.

When you are asking for Islam as a whole to "apologize" - when you are asking for ordinary everyday Americans to apologize for the extremists who steal their religion to justify murder - you are not atlking about Islamists. You are talking about all Muslims who are expected to "apologize" in a manner not demanded of ANY other religion.

As explained to you we are quite obviously talking about Islamists who commit terrorist acts... so why are you trying to confuse the issue unnecessarily.

A discussion about Islam itself is not the topic of this post and if you wish to pursue this further why don't you open up a separate thread.

In view that it is a day of National mourning in the US why don't you show some compassion and try not to drive your misguided opinions down people's throats.
I learned that giving kindness, asylum, opportunity to immigrants won't make them necessarily loyal citizens. Some of them will spit right on you and say fuck you for your kindness. Some of them will even blow off your legs.
What else I have learned since the bombings.....

That I can be a bigot. Am a bigot. Could be a bigot. Closed minded. Yet...if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck..it's usually a duck. Meaning=I do not trust muslims. Any of them. Is that wrong? Yes. Can I fix myself? I don't know if I want to. I can't tell the good ones from the bad ones any more than I can tell the good christians/buddhists/pagans/etc from the bad ones.
Try to refrain from arguing right off the bat and just express what if anything this week has ment to you.

Myself it proves that the Govt can't protect it's own people because it's incapable of connecting the dots.

It's also shown me that the Patriot Act was a pointless overreach when compared to the results it's netted.

One last observation. Our gov't has gotten so big it is incapable of functioning properly for the good of the people.

It has shown me the best and the worst of people.

It has made me so proud of our government agencies and law enforcement people who worked tirelessly and risked their lives to track down the perpetrators and capture them.

The sad part, is that it has once more brought anti-muslim hatred to the forefront and I have seen the vilest things said and printed about that religion when it should be targeted at the suspects who did the deed, regardless of faith. People used the tragedy to justify their bigotry :(

funny isn't it that you never mention the bigotry of fanatical muslim terrorists who maim, torture and murder innocents.
Try to refrain from arguing right off the bat and just express what if anything this week has ment to you.

Myself it proves that the Govt can't protect it's own people because it's incapable of connecting the dots.

It's also shown me that the Patriot Act was a pointless overreach when compared to the results it's netted.

One last observation. Our gov't has gotten so big it is incapable of functioning properly for the good of the people.

It has shown me the best and the worst of people.

It has made me so proud of our government agencies and law enforcement people who worked tirelessly and risked their lives to track down the perpetrators and capture them.

The sad part, is that it has once more brought anti-muslim hatred to the forefront and I have seen the vilest things said and printed about that religion when it should be targeted at the suspects who did the deed, regardless of faith. People used the tragedy to justify their bigotry :(

funny isn't it that you never mention the bigotry of fanatical muslim terrorists who maim, torture and murder innocents.

I don't Willow, because the majority of them don't reside in our country.

I don't condone hatred and intolerance from anyone. Do you?
What else I have learned since the bombings.....

That I can be a bigot. Am a bigot. Could be a bigot. Closed minded. Yet...if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck..it's usually a duck. Meaning=I do not trust muslims. Any of them. Is that wrong? Yes. Can I fix myself? I don't know if I want to. I can't tell the good ones from the bad ones any more than I can tell the good christians/buddhists/pagans/etc from the bad ones.

Muslims have a PR problem of their own making, don't ever let a liberal make you feel bad about something you most definitely DID NOT create.
It has shown me the best and the worst of people.

It has made me so proud of our government agencies and law enforcement people who worked tirelessly and risked their lives to track down the perpetrators and capture them.

The sad part, is that it has once more brought anti-muslim hatred to the forefront and I have seen the vilest things said and printed about that religion when it should be targeted at the suspects who did the deed, regardless of faith. People used the tragedy to justify their bigotry :(

funny isn't it that you never mention the bigotry of fanatical muslim terrorists who maim, torture and murder innocents.

I don't Willow, because the majority of them don't reside in our country.

I don't condone hatred and intolerance from anyone. Do you?

the last two or three attacks have come from muslims we''ve given citizenship to, opportunities to and yes,, quashed our fear and our loathing of their philosophy and each time we do we pay a heavy price.
What else I have learned since the bombings.....

That I can be a bigot. Am a bigot. Could be a bigot. Closed minded. Yet...if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck..it's usually a duck. Meaning=I do not trust muslims. Any of them. Is that wrong? Yes. Can I fix myself? I don't know if I want to. I can't tell the good ones from the bad ones any more than I can tell the good christians/buddhists/pagans/etc from the bad ones.

The "fix" is a matter of exposure and empathy. All that you need is to want to.
What else I have learned since the bombings.....

That I can be a bigot. Am a bigot. Could be a bigot. Closed minded. Yet...if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck..it's usually a duck. Meaning=I do not trust muslims. Any of them. Is that wrong? Yes. Can I fix myself? I don't know if I want to. I can't tell the good ones from the bad ones any more than I can tell the good christians/buddhists/pagans/etc from the bad ones.

This may be simplistic because I am often pulled in opposing directions at wanting to avoid people and at the same time loving them.

It's how you chose to live your life.

Everyone is an individual. All you can do is treat them as individuals. It's hardwired in us to categorize - therin lies safety for a social animal that can become prey.

But we choose how to live our lives. Will we live it afraid of every person we meet - might be a "bad one"? Or do we assume the best until proven otherwise?

I know what my choice is - but it is uncolored by trauma.
funny isn't it that you never mention the bigotry of fanatical muslim terrorists who maim, torture and murder innocents.

I don't Willow, because the majority of them don't reside in our country.

I don't condone hatred and intolerance from anyone. Do you?

the last two or three attacks have come from muslims we''ve given citizenship to, opportunities to and yes,, quashed our fear and our loathing of their philosophy and each time we do we pay a heavy price.

Willow, if you sit back and think....we are talking about an exceedingly RARE event.

Should we hate an entire group because of that?

(ps - prior attacks were not Muslim - Newtown, Lougner, Colorado...)
I don't Willow, because the majority of them don't reside in our country.

I don't condone hatred and intolerance from anyone. Do you?

the last two or three attacks have come from muslims we''ve given citizenship to, opportunities to and yes,, quashed our fear and our loathing of their philosophy and each time we do we pay a heavy price.

Willow, if you sit back and think....we are talking about an exceedingly RARE event.

Should we hate an entire group because of that?

(ps - prior attacks were not Muslim - Newtown, Lougner, Colorado...)

Listen Mack,,, 1.5 billion muslims a good may of those hate us. polls have been taken, they hate us and they cheer when bad things of their making happen to us. say ten percent of 1.5 billion actually hate us and want to war with us.. How many is that?
Many things in this thread I agree with. The technology ... wow, too true. Orson Wells is turning over in his grave!

What sticks with me? The absolute total and complete lack of empathy and feeling that these bastards have for human life. None, zero. The one bomber looked directly into the eyes of the guy who lost both legs, as he placed the bomb next to him and an eight year old little boy. The other bomber who carried on the next day, going to school, laughing with friends as if nothing had happened. The absolute gall and arrogance they showed by showing their faces, essentially flipping us all off and laughing in our faces as they killed and maimed.

I cannot fathom this thinking, not even in the deepest part of me.
I don't Willow, because the majority of them don't reside in our country.

I don't condone hatred and intolerance from anyone. Do you?

the last two or three attacks have come from muslims we''ve given citizenship to, opportunities to and yes,, quashed our fear and our loathing of their philosophy and each time we do we pay a heavy price.

Willow, if you sit back and think....we are talking about an exceedingly RARE event.

Should we hate an entire group because of that?

(ps - prior attacks were not Muslim - Newtown, Lougner, Colorado...)

I'm speaking of the truck bomber in NYC, the dude who tried to blow up an airplane of Chicago? etc etc.
the last two or three attacks have come from muslims we''ve given citizenship to, opportunities to and yes,, quashed our fear and our loathing of their philosophy and each time we do we pay a heavy price.

Willow, if you sit back and think....we are talking about an exceedingly RARE event.

Should we hate an entire group because of that?

(ps - prior attacks were not Muslim - Newtown, Lougner, Colorado...)

Listen Mack,,, 1.5 billion muslims a good may of those hate us. polls have been taken, they hate us and they cheer when bad things of their making happen to us. say ten percent of 1.5 billion actually hate us and want to war with us.. How many is that?

Polls also show that the majority of Americans hate Congress but I'm not seeing a spate of Congressional murders.

Look at the entire Muslim population.

Look at the tiny increment engaged at violence.
Many things in this thread I agree with. The technology ... wow, too true. Orson Wells is turning over in his grave!

What sticks with me? The absolute total and complete lack of empathy and feeling that these bastards have for human life. None, zero. The one bomber looked directly into the eyes of the guy who lost both legs, as he placed the bomb next to him and an eight year old little boy. The other bomber who carried on the next day, going to school, laughing with friends as if nothing had happened. The absolute gall and arrogance they showed by showing their faces, essentially flipping us all off and laughing in our faces as they killed and maimed.

I cannot fathom this thinking, not even in the deepest part of me

I agree. I cannot understand a person who deliberately sets of a device designed to create horrific injury and suffering - not just death - but maiming and suffering.

It's beyond comprehension.
What I took away from this event:

As a people we must remain vigilant in protecting our way of life. There will always be those who wish to take away our freedom of movement , thought and behavior. We pride ourselves on being free people who wish to celebrate those events that make us happy, worship as we choose and be who we are. Such freedoms do not come easy and the courage to stand tall in the face of possible terrorist attack can never be taken for granted.

As I drove down through Boston this week the area was littered with police I felt a deep sense of pride for being in this town. The route I took to go to NYC was also populated by police and while they are all heroes, it is the average person who is not intimidated by these people who wish to kill our spirit, take our freedoms away or scare our children this all just made me very proud to be an American.
Something else is that perhaps our interdiction efforts are likely working. It's impossible to tell since the successes are in secret but lets look at it; they are using pressure cookers and backpacks. Not to be totally crass about it since "only" 3 deaths is 3 too many but the body count was a typical morning in Chicago that we do to ourselves as Americans.
Mostly I felt proud to be an American, and also inspired by so many who willingly walk into danger to help others...as an aside, and not a revelation, there are some on the left who express about the same amount of contempt and disdain for people on the right as the terrorists do. One rises above any sort of differences, and the other wallows in them.
Try to refrain from arguing right off the bat and just express what if anything this week has ment to you.

Myself it proves that the Govt can't protect it's own people because it's incapable of connecting the dots.

It's also shown me that the Patriot Act was a pointless overreach when compared to the results it's netted.

One last observation. Our gov't has gotten so big it is incapable of functioning properly for the good of the people.

It's time to close the door on foreigners who come here wanting to kill us or lop off the southwest to give it back to Mexico, who took it away from the American Indian tribes living here.

Where does the nonsense end? The Ice Age? :rolleyes:

Most of that is conspiracy theory. Most immigrants want to make a life for themselves and their families that was better than it was in their homeland.
Five years ago, I saw a televised speech given at a La Raza rally. They were talking about overpopulating California, taking over the government posts, and passing laws to become part of Mexico. They were speaking before all Latinos and getting huzzas.

That got my attention. What is it about informed Americans do you consider to be conspiratorial when it comes to knowing how the cow ate the cabbage, ma'am?

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