What do you think about a possible alliance between China and Russia? Are you willing to fight or send your sons to fight in a potential World War?

What do you think about an alliance between China and Russia? And a potential world war?

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May 12, 2022
Here was a very informative podcast I posted in another thread. This will be about if you are willing to go fight yourself or send your sons to possibly die in The very real possibility of World War III in a fight against China and Russia potentially allied with each other. ?

Would you be willing to risk a nuclear Armageddon or even just one or two nuclear weapons being used in our world? and if something like that happens it would collapse the global economy it would lead to all sorts of issues the world has never seen.

Right away the way to prevent this is for a strong American leader to force a peace between Ukraine and Russia that very well could include Russia being guaranteed Crimea and the Russian speaking parts of Ukraine.

The discussion is about Russia, China, the Ukraine Russian war and the possibility of World War III.

The discussion on Russia Ukraine and its potential global ramifications.. start sometime around the 35 or 40 minute mark it goes on for quite some time and it is very informative.

A potential alliance between Russia and China would lead to the reshuffling of the global world as the video above shows us.
In such a scenario the US dollar could be very weak …. what is certain is that in such a scenario where Russia and China are major allies with each other Trade routes would be very difficult to go around now that the largest population in the world which is China and the largest landmass in the world Russia…. is allied with each other in such a scenario.

My position is to never forget about World War II …to learn from history, from the legacy of the vision of the allies of World War II which envisioned a world where the major powers would work together to prevent another global war. We have for sometime it seems like since the United States has gone radical left A few years ago …. we have gotten “woke” we have gotten away from this global vision of major powers working together in favor of something so deranged that we can’t even really comprehend it. But if we stay positive … we get the right people in power we can avoid World War III.

Thank you so much folks I hope you all have a wonderful night. God bless!
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China is not stupid. Start shit with the West is a death sentence for all they've accomplished in 30 years.
Her was a very informative podcast I posted in another thread. This will be about if you are willing to go fight yourself or send your sons to possibly die in The very real possibility of World War III in a fight against China and Russia potentially allied with each other. ?

Would you be willing to risk a nuclear Armageddon or even just one or two nuclear weapons being used in our world? and if something like that happens it would collapse the global economy it would lead to all sorts of issues the world has never seen.

Right away the way to prevent this is for a strong American leader to force a peace between Ukraine and Russia that very well could include Russia being guaranteed Crimea and the Russian speaking parts of Ukraine.

The discussion is about Russia, China, the Ukraine Russian war and the possibility of World War III.

The discussion on Russia Ukraine and its potential global ramifications.. start sometime around the 35 or 40 minute mark it goes on for quite some time and it is very informative.

A potential alliance between Russia and China would lead to the reshuffling of the global world as the video above shows us.
In such a scenario the US dollar could be very weak …. what is certain is that in such a scenario where Russia and China are major allies with each other Trade routes would be very difficult to go around now that the largest population in the world which is China and the largest landmass in the world Russia…. is allied with each other in such a scenario.

My position is to never forget about World War II …to learn from history, from the legacy of the vision of the allies of World War II which envisioned a world where the major powers would work together to prevent another global war. We have for sometime it seems like since the United States has gone radical left A few years ago …. we have gotten “woke” we have gotten away from this global vision of major powers working together in favor of something so deranged that we can’t even really comprehend it. But if we stay positive … we get the right people in power we can avoid World War III.

Thank you so much folks I hope you all have a wonderful night. God bless!

Tucker is for fools and liars.
Her was a very informative podcast I posted in another thread. This will be about if you are willing to go fight yourself or send your sons to possibly die in The very real possibility of World War III in a fight against China and Russia potentially allied with each other. ?

Would you be willing to risk a nuclear Armageddon or even just one or two nuclear weapons being used in our world? and if something like that happens it would collapse the global economy it would lead to all sorts of issues the world has never seen.

Right away the way to prevent this is for a strong American leader to force a peace between Ukraine and Russia that very well could include Russia being guaranteed Crimea and the Russian speaking parts of Ukraine.

The discussion is about Russia, China, the Ukraine Russian war and the possibility of World War III.

The discussion on Russia Ukraine and its potential global ramifications.. start sometime around the 35 or 40 minute mark it goes on for quite some time and it is very informative.

A potential alliance between Russia and China would lead to the reshuffling of the global world as the video above shows us.
In such a scenario the US dollar could be very weak …. what is certain is that in such a scenario where Russia and China are major allies with each other Trade routes would be very difficult to go around now that the largest population in the world which is China and the largest landmass in the world Russia…. is allied with each other in such a scenario.

My position is to never forget about World War II …to learn from history, from the legacy of the vision of the allies of World War II which envisioned a world where the major powers would work together to prevent another global war. We have for sometime it seems like since the United States has gone radical left A few years ago …. we have gotten “woke” we have gotten away from this global vision of major powers working together in favor of something so deranged that we can’t even really comprehend it. But if we stay positive … we get the right people in power we can avoid World War III.

Thank you so much folks I hope you all have a wonderful night. God bless!

the majority of dems polled said they would run if America were invaded ... that should answer your questions .


Thank you for the response.

During the war in Iraq in December 2003 tucker Carlson had to be trained with an AK 47 as other journalists were. He is a hunter that’s what he says in the full send podcast so he has experience with guns but he is not a fighter he says this is a journalist… anyway in December 2003 He was in a house that came under fire from Iraqi insurgence. He was surrounded by contractors and he had his rifle with him he said he didn’t have to shoot it but the fire fight lasted a few minutes during the night time. Hell of a situation wow.

Tucker wrote about this. He said that it changed his outlook on US foreign-policy …. before he went to Iraq he thought that the situation was very much “under control” but then when he got there he said it was not under control and Iraq has been left all the worse since the removal of Saddam Hussain at his government from Iraq in 2003. I agree with this assessment Saddam had his issues but clearly the people who took power after Saddam were much much worse.

So I think you should read up a little bit more on Tucker he’s got perhaps some things that you might like or be interested in. Whatever your opinion is on the man.

Anyway if you are wrong about China getting closer to Russia. Would you be willing to your self go and fight in World War III and potentially die in World War III or have your sons or relatives or friends go fight at World War III.

Or do you think for example that the United States should use its power to force a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine preventing another global war.? This is what I am for and this is what we need a strong leader for. Donald Trump could get this done. Or maybe somebody else could I don’t know if it’s Joe Biden.

Because right now very soon next week apparently the leader of China he’s going to meet with the leader of Russia. And if this war in Ukraine keep raging on ….. It has the potential to create World War III. And that could be catastrophic for a number of reasons.
Sending our sons and daughters may not be the issue. We've been lucky through most wars, in that we've gotten to conduct them in other countries. America has been weakened to the point that we're already experiencing an invasion across our southern border, so how do we know whatever Axis arises won't try to fight us on our own soil?

Thank you for the response.

During the war in Iraq in December 2003 tucker Carlson had to be trained with an AK 47 as other journalists were. He is a hunter that’s what he says in the full send podcast so he has experience with guns but he is not a fighter he says this is a journalist… anyway in December 2003 He was in a house that came under fire from Iraqi insurgence. He was surrounded by contractors and he had his rifle with him he said he didn’t have to shoot it but the fire fight lasted a few minutes during the night time. Hell of a situation wow.

Tucker wrote about this. He said that it changed his outlook on US foreign-policy …. before he went to Iraq he thought that the situation was very much “under control” but then when he got there he said it was not under control and Iraq has been left all the worse since the removal of Saddam Hussain at his government from Iraq in 2003. I agree with this assessment Saddam had his issues but clearly the people who took power after Saddam were much much worse.

So I think you should read up a little bit more on Tucker he’s got perhaps some things that you might like or be interested in. Whatever your opinion is on the man.

Anyway if you are wrong about China getting closer to Russia. Would you be willing to your self go and fight in World War III and potentially die in World War III or have your sons or relatives or friends go fight at World War III.

Or do you think for example that the United States should use its power to force a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine preventing another global war.? This is what I am for and this is what we need a strong leader for. Donald Trump could get this done. Or maybe somebody else could I don’t know if it’s Joe Biden.

Because right now very soon next week apparently the leader of China he’s going to meet with the leader of Russia. And if this war in Ukraine keep raging on ….. It has the potential to create World War III. And that could be catastrophic for a number of reasons.
Tucker shot an AK. BFD.
China would lose economically. End of story.
It seems that China would be more of a military threat compared to Russia. They have a much much larger country population wise. Could be wrong about that one but that seems to be the case.

The Chinese are tough remember it was them that took on the brunt of fighting against the empire of Japan during ww2 … then one of the most ferocious forces to ever fight in world history.
There will be a draft... so you young libs had better start doing push ups.... lol

And such a draft how would the far left react. You think that many of them would fly to Canada as the other poster seemingly suggested. What about the LGBT folks? Where will they stand and how would they fight. Because in the draft situation you need the whole country.

as I understand though even right now in the United States military combat roles are only relegated to men? . So there is that.
And such a draft how would the far left react. You think that many of them would fly to Canada as the other poster seemingly suggested. What about the LGBT folks? Where will they stand and how were they fight. Because in the draft situation you need the whole country.

as I understand though even right now in the United States military combat roles are only relegated to men? . So there is that.
Canada would have a draft too... this isn't some little country in Indonesia this would be WW3 it would be on... the bomb shelter nuts don't seem so nuts now....
Canada would have a draft too... this isn't some little country in Indonesia this would be WW3 it would be on... the bomb shelter nuts don't seem so nuts now....
Right the Canadians fought bravely in World War II. They fought in the Iraq war as well.

How would the far left react to this. The types of people who are woke and who support BLM for example I really truly wonder if BLM leaders would go and fight in this potential war.

I would ask you is do you think it’s at all possible that President Biden has the ability or even the desire to force a peace between Russia and Ukraine and to avoid further bloodshed? , and to of course avoid a potential World War III.

What do you think about the possibility of a nuclear Armageddon or at least one or two nuclear weapons including battlefield nukes being used in a potential World War III ….or even the possibility of a nuclear weapon being used during the Russian Ukraine war? And what it would lead to.
What has to wonder where India a country of over a billion people would stand in World War III ….would they actually be neutral or who’s side would they be on?
I believe what we need is for the United States, Russia and China to get together and work something out. Just like we did during World War II in some capacity. Obviously not to fight another country but just to work together and have the major powers of the world get along with each other and avoid an unnecessary World War III scenario.

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