What do you think is the strongest draw toward Socialism in our country lately?

“What do you think is the strongest draw toward Socialism in our country lately?”

Great question. I believe there are several answers.

Ironically, my intended reply was ignorance.

It's Atlas Shrugged. If you read the book, there is a guy who says openly how he believed that taking money from the more wealthy, would filter down into him getting more. And then in a sad depressed voice, says he just didn't realize there were hundreds of people below him, who thought the same thing about him.

When he realized his money was to be stolen by those who earned less than him, he quit. Then realized that's exactly what the people above him also did. And everyone ended up with nothing, because no one worked.

Atlas Shrugged had terrible personal morals, but was likely the greatest of all stories about how economics works.

But that's why socialism has any pull with anyone. It's the universal mythology that "someone else will pay for it".

All you have to do is look at Europe, where the lower and middle class lose half their income in taxes.... and you realize that if "someone else will pay for it" actually worked, then why has that not happened in Europe?

It's all mythology. That's why the ideals of socialism still exist.
The people who believe in socialism, in large parts imported from other countries.
That's because every modern country in the world define socialist as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Except GOP brainwashed Cold War America. It's because that is the definition educated intelligent people know, while communism is dictatorship owning all business and industry. And Reagan GOP republicanism is stealing from the poor and middle-class to give to the rich. Only your garbage propaganda machine makes it possible. And no there is no equivalent on the Democratic side. That is called journalism a quest for the truth. Although the punditocracy is a disgrace.

No one but a moron defines socialism as something it is not.

If you want true socialism, move to Venezuela, the place would fit you far better.
Venezuela is the third world country ruined by sanctions and covert action by the GOP. And Obama somewhat. now they can't even sell their oil and you blame it on socialism. Ridiculous. Which is also still popular in Venezuela. Socialism in the modern world in every country but us. And we are very close -we need health care. Only propaganda stops us from being a fair Society like Canada Australia New Zealand France Scandinavia etc etc. We are also the only country without a living wage five week vacations cheap college and training and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Thanks scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.

All those socialist nations, and yet, you are here and whine every day. Would it not be simpler to move than whine?

Of course Venezuela is a third world country. That's what socialism does, it is the purpose and goal of socialism, to support the dumb zombie horde consisting of people like you.
The left’s enthusiasm for Third World immigrants isn’t only because they vote 8-2 for the Democrats. It’s that Latin American peasants seem uniquely amenable to idiotic socialist schemes
Every other modern country is socialist but we're stuck with your GOP give away to the rich and screw everybody else, for 35 years now. Democrats are civilized and want there to be an ID card to end illegal immigration and work along with amnesty it is true. 94% of illegal males work 65% pay taxes 35% own homes. They've been here a long time thanks to the GOP oh, super duper. Do you know the difference between socialism and communism in the modern world? socialism is fair Democratic capitalism and communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry no one is for LOL....

This is a country founded on freedom not on free gibs. It's not a country for you, that much is obvious.
F*** you and the horse you rode in on, brainwashed functional moron functional a******.
The left’s enthusiasm for Third World immigrants isn’t only because they vote 8-2 for the Democrats. It’s that Latin American peasants seem uniquely amenable to idiotic socialist schemes
Every other modern country is socialist but we're stuck with your GOP give away to the rich and screw everybody else, for 35 years now. Democrats are civilized and want there to be an ID card to end illegal immigration and work along with amnesty it is true. 94% of illegal males work 65% pay taxes 35% own homes. They've been here a long time thanks to the GOP oh, super duper. Do you know the difference between socialism and communism in the modern world? socialism is fair Democratic capitalism and communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry no one is for LOL....

This is a country founded on freedom not on free gibs. It's not a country for you, that much is obvious.
F*** you and the horse you rode in on, brainwashed functional moron functional a******.

So what now, are you going to cry?

I am so sorry for speaking the truth. It's ok, I am sure we can crowd fund you a ticket to get to your Venezuelan utopia. You will be fine in no time.
The people who believe in socialism, in large parts imported from other countries.
That's because every modern country in the world define socialist as always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Except GOP brainwashed Cold War America. It's because that is the definition educated intelligent people know, while communism is dictatorship owning all business and industry. And Reagan GOP republicanism is stealing from the poor and middle-class to give to the rich. Only your garbage propaganda machine makes it possible. And no there is no equivalent on the Democratic side. That is called journalism a quest for the truth. Although the punditocracy is a disgrace.

No one but a moron defines socialism as something it is not.

If you want true socialism, move to Venezuela, the place would fit you far better.

We are Venezuela without the ability to just print money. That's not going to last forever.
Venezuela was so rich with oil that it took some time for socialism to completely destroy its once vibrant

even to this day Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world, even greater than Saudi Arabia

they just cant get it out of the ground because socialism destroyed the pricing system and endless hyperinflation and debt that destroyed its currency.

some blame Maduro. some blame Chavez. i blame socialism. no one man can take a country so rich and make it so poor. Venezuela used to be the 4th richest country in the world. they used to have a military capitalist government system
Venezuela was so rich with oil that it took some time for socialism to completely destroy its once vibrant

even to this day Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world, even greater than Saudi Arabia

they just cant get it out of the ground because socialism destroyed the pricing system and endless hyperinflation and debt that destroyed its currency.

some blame Maduro. some blame Chavez. i blame socialism. no one man can take a country so rich and make it so poor. Venezuela used to be the 4th richest country in the world. they used to have a military capitalist government system
With all that money from oil I'm sure some Republican or conservative capitalists saw fit to help the Venezuela government make some wise investments in various capitalist endeavors. There is a history there and it may not be socialism but capitalism.
People spending money they don't have on stuff they don't need to impress people they don't like.

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