What do you think of legal Immigration?

We need to shut it down completely and deport about 140 million. Reinstate the quotas in place since 1920 or so., It will take 20 years to build back out infrasturucture, upgrade the education system and restore the culture back to its previous outstanding levels of standards.
When the fuck did that ever happen?
I guess it is OK as long as we keep out the Gypsies
Sounds like a "joke" but in the US it is still widespread to discriminate against roma on the basis of their ethnic background, the US thinks they are liberal, diverse, multicultural but not when it comes to roma, it is 2023 and some large chains still have signs like "no gypsies allowed" "no cigan". My friends from the World Roma Federation complained and they took it down. Actually there should be a outcry on CNN and nationwide in mainstream media or something that this happened, like when someone would discriminate blacks or latinos?

Do you support legal Immigration and If so only from europe or other world regions too?
I fully support legal immigration from anywhere in the world, the only caveat being the immigrants must be able to support themselves and not be a burden on our social safety net. Merit based, not pity based.
Stop staying stoned and stupid like your peers, and you wouldn't have to snivel for people to write you books on message boards.
Society has always been mandated by a peer pressure society and I am sure you used the correct hand to write with because that also is a social phenomenon which was wrong in those golden societies.

Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”–James Russell Lowell.

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