What do you think of the concept of bodyshaming?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Gentleman's Club
I saw a video on Youtube a morbidly obese woman speaks about her experience. In short the video portrays it as harmful to her and as discriminatory.

Of course it happened to me always, in school and later, but i never thought about it being discriminatory or had a concept for it like "bodyshaming" or knew even the term "bodyshaming". I just wanted to lose weight, and thought the others are mean though, i wouldnt have placed it on a political agenda because that is what it is it is liberal and feminist to be against "bodyshaming". Though.

Any opinions?
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I saw a video on Youtube a morbidly obese women speaks about her experience. In short the video portrays it as harmful to her and as discriminatory.

Of course it happened to me always, in school and later, but i never thought about it being discriminatory or had a concept for it like "bodyshaming" or knew even the term "bodyshaming". I just wanted to lose weight, and thought the others are mean though, i wouldnt have placed it on a political agenda because that is what it is it is liberal and feminist to be against "bodyshaming". Though.

Any opinions?
There is no reason to be fat, other than what and how much you put into the oral orifice. Every reason in the world is now being used to be a victim of said obesity, yet it is still FAT.

If people arent ashamed of their weight, then they have a very dangerous lifestyle and soon will die from it.

Also it looks a lot better to be healthy than an obese slob.

I`m okay with a little bit of fat shaming but I don`t know a single person who calls a man a woman. Who cares?
There is no reason to be fat, other than what and how much you put into the oral orifice. Every reason in the world is now being used to be a victim of said obesity, yet it is still FAT.

If people arent ashamed of their weight, then they have a very dangerous lifestyle and soon will die from it.

Also it looks a lot better to be healthy than an obese slob.

good lord! :eek:
seems some 'dietshaming' should be in order!
I saw a video on Youtube a morbidly obese woman speaks about her experience. In short the video portrays it as harmful to her and as discriminatory.

Of course it happened to me always, in school and later, but i never thought about it being discriminatory or had a concept for it like "bodyshaming" or knew even the term "bodyshaming". I just wanted to lose weight, and thought the others are mean though, i wouldnt have placed it on a political agenda because that is what it is it is liberal and feminist to be against "bodyshaming". Though.

Any opinions?
All of these words to tell us that you hate liberals and women? :rolleyes:
First off I am trim...been trim my whole life even though I eat an unhealthy diet...and can "over eat" often.

Others can exercise and work out and eat next to nothing and end up obese....

It's called "genetics" and DNA.

Obesity is a result of either mental health issues or from a person's DNA....no different than male pattern baldness.

We don't body shame men for being bald...not having a beard...or always having a 5'O'clock shadow.

However the current trend is to body shame people for being what is described as being overweight.... Not that long ago it WAS fashionable for people to have a belly and big buttocks.

Sure, today we can have weight loss surgery...but almost all those who have the surgery due to being overweight their whole lives have severe mental health and physical health problems afterwards.
70% of those who have the surgery get divorced if they are married. (And never remarry)
High incidence of gall bladder removal after having the surgery.
Calcium deficiencies, malnutrition, and dehydration are common complications requiring hospitalization.
Mental health issues abound from the aftermath too including "imposter syndrome" because the image in the mirror does not reflect the person in front of it...and there is no possibility of going back.

Weight loss surgery is popular....but it has a LOT of mental health issues and physical issues stemming from it.
I have no idea who he or she is nor do I care. I think you need a hobby or something. Do you read books, by any chance? How about golf? Fishing is nice too.
Of course a Marxists would have no idea about a woman swimmer who was cheated out of winning, by a man pretending to be a woman.

First off I am trim...been trim my whole life even though I eat an unhealthy diet...and can "over eat" often.

Others can exercise and work out and eat next to nothing and end up obese....

It's called "genetics" and DNA.

Obesity is a result of either mental health issues or from a person's DNA.
And sometimes obesity is caused by a debilitating injury that severely limits physical activity, such as chronic lower back injury.

But most of the time obesity is the result of good ol' fashioned SLOTH and GLUTTONY.
And sometimes obesity is caused by a debilitating injury that severely limits physical activity, such as chronic lower back injury.

But most of the time obesity is the result of good ol' fashioned SLOTH and GLUTTONY.
It can be....but researchers have discovered that this is not always the case.

Some is from mental health issues stemming from trauma or some other mental health disorder.

Some is caused by genetic disposition. (Like feeling starved even after eating a large meal) or slow metabolism. (All calories are utilized and often turned into fat instead of excreted...often diabetics)
I have no idea who he or she is nor do I care. I think you need a hobby or something. Do you read books, by any chance? How about golf? Fishing is nice too.
So why are you on this chat site .if you are subject clueless ? A subject which has been running for some time .
Mort. You’re fat. It is rude to say it to you, in some ways. But that doesn’t change the fact that you’re seriously endangering your health and life expectancy.

I can acknowledge up to a point that Lizzo has some musical talents. But I decline to enable her seriously misguided complaints about body shaming. She is clearly and morbidly obese. It’s not attractive. But worse, it is likely to be the cause of her premature death.


Not healthy at all.
Mort. You’re fat. It is rude to say it to you, in some ways. But that doesn’t change the fact that you’re seriously endangering your health and life expectancy.

I can acknowledge up to a point that Lizzo has some musical talents. But I decline to enable her seriously misguided complaints about body shaming. She is clearly and morbidly obese. It’s not attractive. But worse, it is likely to be the cause of her premature death.

View attachment 798519
Not healthy at all.
Worse than not healthy. She`s disgusting.

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