"What Do You Want Me To Say About Slavery"? Bye Nikki

That's a nice metaphor. Now try a rational argument.

And? Does it matter that slavers don't find slavery immoral or that thieves don't find thievery immoral or that rapists don't find rape immoral or that murderers don't find murder immoral? I wouldn't expect slavers to see slavery as immoral. That argument doesn't prove time has anything to do with morality other than charting its rate of change.
1. That you didn't put up any rational argument means I win. Thanks for playing.

2. We're not discussing "slavers" or "thieves" or "rapists", we're discussing societal norms and religious teachings related to the acceptance or rejection of slavery. Time has everything to do with morality, as I proved with the recent changes regarding homosexuality.
The founders didn't want to deal with slavery at the time, but it would have to be dealt with eventually. Anyone with half a brain knew that. The south thought they had an 'easement by virtue of use'.
That is as irrational an argument as the one that suggests morality is subjective to time when it's a creation of human beings. The Founders absolutely wanted to deal in slavery. The Founders in fact dealt in slavery. 41 out the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence owned slaves as did 17 of 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention.

I'm looking for rational arguments gentlemen. Can any of you produce one?
1. That you didn't put up any rational argument means I win. Thanks for playing.
That wasn't my argument, that was me questioning yours.
2. We're not discussing "slavers" or "thieves" or "rapists", we're discussing societal norms and religious teachings related to the acceptance or rejection of slavery. Time has everything to do with morality, as I proved with the recent changes regarding homosexuality.
That's not proof. What changed were laws. There are plenty of people who found homosexuality to be immoral before the change in law who still find it immoral now.

My argument is that there are as many moral views in any point in time as there are people because morality is something each of us subjectively decide for ourselves. Our morals may be influenced by religion and culture and education but they are our own.
It was more than that. Slavery being one issue among issues
But the inferiority of the Black man was the cornerstone on which the new government of the Confederacy was built. I mean, they even made speeches about it...
Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery — subordination to the superior race — is his natural and normal condition. [Applause.] This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth. This truth has been slow in the process of its development, like all other truths in the various departments of science. It has been so even amongst us. Many who hear me, perhaps, can recollect well, that this truth was not generally admitted, even within their day. The errors of the past generation still clung to many as late as twenty years ago. Those at the North, who still cling to these errors, with a zeal above knowledge, we justly denominate fanatics.
Did the southern States determine that they had such a collective, racist hatred of Blacks that they wanted to keep them enslaved? OR, was the Southern agrarian more dependent on slave labor whereas the Northern economy was shifting to a more industrial economy?
Did the southern States determine that they had such a collective, racist hatred of Blacks that they wanted to keep them enslaved? OR, was the Southern agrarian more dependent on slave labor whereas the Northern economy was shifting to a more industrial economy?
You have the benefit of hindsight. After slavery that same region gave us Jim Crow and the lynching of thousands of black people and the fleeing of thousands more northward. And then they fought against integration and civil rights. So given all that history, you tell me what their deplorable fucking culture was about.
Rothschild funded both sides of the War. Plan was for the British to invade USA from Canada and take the top half of the USA while the Bottom Half of the USA would be taken over by the French forces in Mexico that was propping up European Mexican emperor Maximilian .

The civil war was supposed to weaken the USA so the US could not resist invasion.
Nikki Haley on Wednesday was asked about the cause of the Civil War, and her reply went viral in the worst way.

Hey Nikki, repeat after me: It - Was - About - Slavery

Great question. It should be asked over and over again to all of the candidates, so the country can watch them cringe as they answer ir it wrong.
Slavery is not the simple answer that guilt-ridden white libs think it is
Nikki Haley on Wednesday was asked about the cause of the Civil War, and her reply went viral in the worst way.

Hey Nikki, repeat after me: It - Was - About - Slavery

Great question. It should be asked over and over again to all of the candidates, so the country can watch them cringe as they answer ir it wrong.

Nimarata really screwed that up!
Really, can you name any?
Google is the liberals friend

Tell that to the VP of the Confederacy while he's making Cornerstone speeches.
Slavery was an important issue

Maybe even the straw that broke the camel’s back

But certainly not the only issue

The southern states were never as passionate for revolution as the northern states

There were as many royalists in SC as seperatists

There were monetary and trade divisions between the north and south also
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Every State that left the Union cited slavery as a reason in their statements on why they left.

Full disclosure. I am proud to be a born a bred Southerner. Here is a synopsis of what I was taught from elementary school all the way through college regarding the reason for the Civil War. There are some semantics in play here on both sides.

The first state to secede was SC, so will quote from their Declaration of Secession. They refer to “slaveholding“ states to delineate them from others, however, the primary reason they cite for their secession, first and foremost was states rights. Many like to selectively quote sections regarding slavery from these declarations but conveniently omit the verbiage that lays the foundation for those statements.

Thus were established the two great principles asserted by the Colonies, namely: the right of a State to govern itself; and the right of a people to abolish a Government when it becomes destructive of the ends for which it was instituted. And concurrent with the establishment of these principles, was the fact, that each Colony became and was recognized by the mother Country a FREE, SOVEREIGN AND INDEPENDENT STATE.

The primary right they were defending, in addition to taxation, was slavery, but the reason they seceded was that fact they they didn’t feel they have the ability to govern itself and that the federal government had overstepped its authority. They seceeded due to what they felt was a breach of contract regarding states rights. One of those rights was most certainly the institution of slavery.

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