"What Do You Want Me To Say About Slavery"? Bye Nikki

The primary right they were defending, in addition to taxation, was slavery, but the reason they seceded was that fact they they didn’t feel they have the ability to govern itself and that the federal government had overstepped its authority. They seceeded due to what they felt was a breach of contract regarding states rights. One of those rights was most certainly the institution of slavery.
The Cornerstone of the new Confederate government according to its VP.
That is as irrational an argument as the one that suggests morality is subjective to time when it's a creation of human beings. The Founders absolutely wanted to deal in slavery. The Founders in fact dealt in slavery. 41 out the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence owned slaves as did 17 of 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention.

I'm looking for rational arguments gentlemen. Can any of you produce one?
I said "with", not "in".
Nikki Haley on Wednesday was asked about the cause of the Civil War, and her reply went viral in the worst way.

Hey Nikki, repeat after me: It - Was - About - Slavery

Great question. It should be asked over and over again to all of the candidates, so the country can watch them cringe as they answer ir it wrong.
Haha, "what do you want me to say?".....? Really?

When people are abnormal, they have a hard time finding and recognizing normal behavior.
I said "with", not "in".
What's the distinction you're trying to make? A rhetorical one? If you can be honest enough to acknowledge that many of them dealt "in" slaves then it should be clear why they had little interest in dealing "with" slavery. Your original argument appeared to suggest the Founders put off dealing with slavery because it was too difficult an issue rather than because many of them were profiting off of it themselves.
You're a proud slaver lover are you? You don't do the weak ass States Rights pretend bullshit?

If it were up to me no black slave would have ever set foot on American soil or the entire New World

But dont confuse me with a guilt-ridden white lib

Because I am driven entirely by self interest

Without slavery there would be very few black people in America today and race riots would be unknown

If it were up to me no black slave would have ever set foot on American soil or the entire New World

But dont confuse me with a guilt-ridden white lib

Because I am driven entirely by self interest

Without slavery there would be very few black people in America today and race riots would be unknown
Without slavery you very well may not have a country today. :dunno:
Nikki Haley on Wednesday was asked about the cause of the Civil War, and her reply went viral in the worst way.

Hey Nikki, repeat after me: It - Was - About - Slavery

Great question. It should be asked over and over again to all of the candidates, so the country can watch them cringe as they answer ir it wrong.
Not a Nikki Haley fan but this one thing she has right.
the Civil War was about state's rights not slavery. Still would not vote for her
Yes, she was remiss when she failed to simply say, "The Civil War was about the South wanting to keep its 'peculiar institution' " (as one modern author has called it).

And no Democrat or Republican has the guts to admit that all Americans in 2023 are being punished by the consequences of what started in that fateful year of 1619. (Darn those colonists!!!)
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what was "wrong" about the answer? Anyone who imagines that slavery was the only reason for the Civil War is wrong
Anyone who imagines that slavery was not the major part of the reason for the Civil War is fooling only themself.

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